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The World Between Worlds

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 3:58 pm
by Lord Shakar
Since I know some of you here believe in the World Between Worlds. I was wondering how many actually know of it and use it for whatever purpose. I don't need to know what purposes you use it for. Just a mild curiousity as to how many actually know of the Place and use it. And to what extent the knowledge of it is.

At the present, this is all I’m willing to divulge . . .

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:03 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
I’m . . . familiar with the astral plane. And I know enough to understand it can be dangerous, safe, beautiful, and terrifying.

The sea has nothing on the astral plane. But at the present, that’s all I’m willing to divulge.

Re: The World Between Worlds

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 4:07 pm
by Lord Shakar
I quite agree with you Ms. Solstice The depths of the ocean only hold Finite wonders. Where as the Realm holds infinite wonders. As well as Infinite Dangers. Good that you unlike some that I have crossed paths with realize that its as dangerous as it is beautiful.

Re: The World Between Worlds

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 2:23 am
by Cybermancer
I use it for data storage, mostly.

Re: The World Between Worlds

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 4:12 am
by Shadowstalker
I have walked the paths between worlds.

Re: The World Between Worlds

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:49 am
by alpha wolf
Anyone I've known that has access to the astral realm brings up the ocean analogy when refering to it. Most recently a woman I met, that can astrally project, told me she feels like she is swimming on the surface of an infinitely vast ocean when she projects. She said she instinctively feels that she is skimming the surface of a mysterious wilderness. She told me she has to focus on the material world when there or else she would become lost in the swirling mists. Raven has told me stories of finding portals to different astral domains. Some are the lairs of mad men and women that use these places to satisfy their sadistic urges. Some are fairytale realms that good people have created to fufill their longings for a paradise. It seems that the astral lords can make their dreams solid in the astral plane. Lord Shakar I'm sooo curious about what your domain is like. Walking through it would be like viewing the inside of your mind.

Re: The World Between Worlds

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 1:39 pm
by Lord Shakar
Cybermancer wrote:I use it for data storage, mostly.

I have encountered a few realms that were set up for such things recently.

alpha wolf wrote:Anyone I've known that has access to the astral realm brings up the ocean analogy when refering to it. Most recently a woman I met, that can astrally project, told me she feels like she is swimming on the surface of an infinitely vast ocean when she projects. She said she instinctively feels that she is skimming the surface of a mysterious wilderness. She told me she has to focus on the material world when there or else she would become lost in the swirling mists. Raven has told me stories of finding portals to different astral domains. Some are the lairs of mad men and women that use these places to satisfy their sadistic urges. Some are fairytale realms that good people have cereated to fufill their longings for a paradise. It seems that the astral lords can make their dreams solid in the astral plane. Lord Shakar I'm sooo curious about what your domain is like. Walking through it would be like veiwing the inside of your mind.

It all depends on the purpose that someone has set up their realm for. But I don't allow guests in my realm very often at all.

Re: The World Between Worlds

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:17 am
by InTheDark
The funny thing is, I have started believing our "reality" is simply another astral projection. In fact, switching between realities, or toward a new one, in everyday life has become increasingly easier for me. I will admit to being a novice, so much of what I experience lacks some understanding on my part, but from what I have done and do know I have a lot of untapped potential. Anyone willing to help with training?

Re: The World Between Worlds

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 5:46 pm
by Willie Long
AdamaGeist was an expert on astral projection. He or Lord Shakar are the two you should ask. I'm pretty sure Shadowstalker is another old hand at it as well.

Re: The World Between Worlds

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 8:56 pm
by Lord Shakar
The World between Worlds or the Astral Plane, however one wishes to call it. Connects to all worlds and realities.