Herd Mentality

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Herd Mentality

Post by GhostSpider »

Even though this information was posted in response to America's current financial crisis, I found that it also might explain why many people choose not to believe in the supernatural.
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Re: Herd Mentality

Post by DarKnyht »

You see the Herd Mentality every time the weather men up north call for a bad snow. Nothing will strip the grocery stores of Milk, Eggs, and Bread quicker.

I've never figured out what French Toast has to do with snow though...
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Chen Lung
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Re: Herd Mentality

Post by Chen Lung »

"Herd Mentality" is a misnomer. We are not herd animals, we are pack animals -- family animals. We desire to be accepted; we desire to be loved. We desire not to be outcast. The outcast is eaten by wolves. When we are outcast from one group, we quickly seek out a new group of which to belong. There is safety in numbers. Humans will follow any idea that seems to lead to acceptance by our chosen group. We will only question the pack leaders when we think that their directions are leading us to our deaths and even then we may find it hard to get out of the old habits and belief systems.
The Earth quakes and the Heavens rattle; the beasts of nature flock together and the nations of men flock apart; Volcanoes usher up heat while elsewhere water becomes ice and melts; and then on other days it just rains. Indeed do many things come to pass.
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Re: Herd Mentality

Post by biggie »

i tried to follow your link,but it must be down...

i did read something about some chick that talks about solving our economies problems...

but i guess thats not the point...

if you have anyother links to that page can you re-post them?
if you make brownies with white chocolate...
does that make them whities?
Jackie Berry
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Re: Herd Mentality

Post by Jackie Berry »

I tried to look at the original article but its gone.
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