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The so called "Cult of Night"

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 8:10 pm
by Lucas Priest
I am running into alot of leads on these guys recently. Anyone out there have any references on them. I found only a few related to an ancient sumerian or babylonian order from some historical texts in the Vatican historical references. I am looking because I was forced to kill a good friend because he was apparently manipulated by a member, a Francios Jessup. Any information would be appreciated.

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 9:09 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I hate cults.

Sorry about your friend, sorry I can't help you more. Some of the guys on here mentioned some stuff about the Cult of Night. Usually associated with something called a Ba'al. Read some old posts.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 9:06 am
by Brother Hotep
ah cults of night, I know them Well.. real or not, they're all bad news. typically headed by attractive Satanists or some other "priest of some pagan Religion, in the real world they've been based on Celtic gods, and even in persian lands.

in most cases, they're just evil rich people who want to strike a better deal in the afterlife or this life..

in others they actually serve some real Ancient Evil and their leaders are witches, with real power, and real magic... This kind is the one you want to just kill all involved.. the other one.. the law can deal with..

I've been into some realms where the Ancient Gods these people worshipped were "made flesh" .. one hell hole you don't want to visit in the real world.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 11:09 pm
by Lucas Priest
Ba'al huh, I found the obvious references to the sumerian demon/god Baal. I am more concerned right now with it's current members. Many of which seem to have occult connections. As I have been researching this (on my way up to vancouver to check on the eagle issue) I have found a great deal of prominent buisnessmen and political figures are members, or have been supported by members of the society. The "preserver" party that tried a run for office earlier was one such group, but they couldn't garner enough popular support to win. If anyone has identified any members, and their locations, I would love to share information. But my flight is landing, so I hafta go. Good luck out there gents.

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 12:52 am
by Brother Hotep
if you can't Assasinate the ones you do know of, best off doing nothing now that their pet minion didn't win. You don't want to run into the supernatural things they CAN bring forth.
there is no hiding from them if they wanted to get you.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 12:51 am
by Joseph Darkhold
ah. the Ba'al-ze-Neckt. I have had encounters with their minions, the Cult of Night, but, fortunatly, they remain sealed from our world. For now, at least.
I have at my disposal fragments of an ancient book from which I have gained some small information about the these creatures. From what I have been able to gleen from my translations, the Ba'al existed on Earth, some thousands of years ago, ruling as Sorcerer Kings, wise and just. Chief among them was a being called Molek, who became corrupted by his lust for power and somehow came in contact with some being(s) of great power, and he became the beast, Moloch. His followers also became like him, and they were a scourge unto the land...but other powers were arrayed against them, and a great war broke out between these powers. When it was over the Ba'al were defeated and driven into a dimension called the Nightlands, where they remain to this day, striving to return and conquer once more...this and the fact that some of the old powers still oppose them is all that I know.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 7:12 pm
by Brother Hotep
I wouldn't go blindly speaking their names, if they were onto him, they'd find him and we'd never hear from him again.

I'm pretty sure you know that The historical Moloch was a Giant Pedophilic monster of a Ur deity..

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 6:38 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Like I said,

I hate cults. Only 2 types of people are cultists - evil ones and dumb ones.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2005 11:59 pm
by Lucas Priest
I am guessing these would fall into the "evil" category. They cover their tracks well, and have influence in several major companies and governments world-wide. I have found evidence suggesting that the indeed did try to create an event in Y2K, something that involved a "ritual of alignment". Normally this would suggest some astronomical event, but the vatican texts I read suggest more of an alignment of worlds, or realms. Thankfully, it seems they got nowhere with the ritual( we all would have noticed the "day of darkness" I think), but it would seem that they have an interest in several incoming elections. The last time there was major involvment of a mystical society in politics, the Society of Thule assisted in Hitler's rise to power......

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 6:42 pm
by Ron Caliburn
And what do they think they will do with all this power when they get it? And what do you think the bill will be when the big bad decides accounts are due?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:14 am
by Lucas Priest
Hard to say. I am actively looking into these various connections, but my posting was to get more eyes and ears out there as well. I am known in some circles in relation to the church, and some avenues on inquiry are rapidly closing as I go forward. I hope others will spot their hand and force it when possible. I will make myself available as needed. I definately do not like the idea of any influence in any office. Too many issues in society hinge on decisions made at that level, it could lead to riots, legal loopholes, you name it. We have enough problems operating under current circumstances. I do not want to see what authorities exist turned against humanity. I would suggest keeping an eye out and using this forum to trade information to work against their plans. I plan on meeting with a contact who will hopefully give me some more insight on the situation in two days. Keep an eye out for my posts: if they stop, assume the worst.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 1:02 am
by Lucas Priest
I posted the results of my recent inquiries into the Preserver Party in the War Stories forum. Please continue to post new information here to forward my studies and thanks to you all.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 11:41 pm
by Ammendment2
These induviduals are VERY dangerous. We have determined they are trying to affect or actively direct supernatural events. The abnormal amount of sightings are indicative of a greater plan. What that plan is, we are still working on.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 4:06 am
by Ellie
Ammendment2 wrote:These induviduals are VERY dangerous. We have determined they are trying to affect or actively direct supernatural events. The abnormal amount of sightings are indicative of a greater plan. What that plan is, we are still working on.

I agree. I had to help my sister with a few of these guys up in Oregon last year. Not very nice folks.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:08 pm
by Sidious
It is curious that the word Ba'al means Lord. In fact if I remember correctly Hercules was titled a Ba'al once upon a time. Among other things, it is a word that should not be bantered about at whim as in itself it holds power (a sin i, myself, am guilty of).

As to the Cult of Night, i must urge you caution. far to many have fallen under the mirrors sway and do not reveal themselves.

I must also caution you that should you ever have the... misfortune/oppertunity to follow alice through the looking glass do not expect a tea party on the other side. I cannot stress this enough...... leave the other side alone and smash the thrice damned thing. It is not for the minds of men.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 6:18 am
by Heretic
Cult of Night? I've lost count how many cults have had that name in the course of history. As if some of our jobs weren't hard enough without trying to keep track of "who's who" in backwater religions...

Right. 'Nuff said. I can pass on some contact information for an associate of mine that gets his jollies harassing those types.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:28 pm
by Ammendment2
The fact that you see the Cult of Night as a "backwater" religion, means they have already won....

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 5:31 am
by Heretic
Ammendment2 wrote:The fact that you see the Cult of Night as a "backwater" religion, means they have already won....

I say backwater, because I live in the backwater.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 10:09 pm
by The Traveler King
Kentucky, the Carolinas, and Virginia have all been home to some of the more esoteric fringe groups out there. Of course, you have your share of harmless Wiccans and other pagan groups, but there are some truly dangerous types that move among them. A contact of mine that works for Emergency Medical Services in one of the counties in NC has passed along some unpleasant tales and coroner photos to me.

If I'm not mistaken, Debunker's folks got copies of those photos about the same time I did several years ago. Whether one believes in the supernatural or not, there was no denying the very real brutality the cult in question can inflict.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 10:41 pm
by Ammendment2
Has anyone seen or heard from Lucas Priest? He was of late investigating a Mr. Jackson Bishop, a highly placed member of this Cult of Night. Priest's postings stopped a few month ago, and he seems to have dropped off the radar- so to speak. If anyone has come across any information, my orginization would like to know.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 11:06 pm
by Heretic
Thanks for clarifying, Traveller.

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:51 pm
by Sean Ryan
Cults happens to be a particular specialty of mine (and the reason I was hired on to the Bureau) and Cults that relate to Ba'al are very extensive. Historically they have ranged the world over, though as I understand were particularly prevalent in Europe in the middle ages and Renaissance. I personally ran into a group of them in Rome about two years ago while investigating with InterPol. They were an odd offshoot JudeoChristian sect that was worshipping Ba'al after they had found connections between early Babylonian names for Ba'al and the JudeoChristian reference to El or Elohim which derived from the common spelling of Ba'al that was just Al. I have a whole file on that cult and the related ones I have found if anyone needs some info.