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Outdoors, fun, dybuks and firearms

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:43 pm
by Hudson69
This is my third post to but my second in war stories. These posts are not in chronological order though I might go back and collect them in such a way. They aren't warnings or bragging or anything else (and might be a little embelished but hopefully kept to minimum; i.e. all really embarrassing parts have been removed to protect the innocent; i.e. Mike) :)

This was an excursion into the woods, the Pike National Forest, north of the City of Woodland Park in Teller County off of Hwy 67.

At this point my friends and I have been operating as a vigilante group called the Black 4.

We, the four of us, are up here on a "fishing" trip so those of us with wives and girlfriends can get away for a weekend. I am the only one who actually plans on actually fishing this trip and I was not denied. In reality though there began a series of attacks on campers with two disappearing. This was not something that would have pinged off of my radar but Mike was getting into the whole "monsters & demons" phase of his self initiated research and caught this on a forum/chat room. Around the disappearances, according to rumor was a bunch of tilled up earch and a few tunnels. He thought it was a dybuk.

The attacks were around a specific location and with Mike going strong, I have no idea what data-bases he uses, found a ley line in the vicinity so that is where we went.

Luckily the attacks in the area were not on top of the ley line's location but surrounding it so we figured that we could cut right to the chase and stir up some activity by camping on top of it, we were not to be disappointed.

Of course gun-bunny Chris had his 1911 with a bunch mags but he also brought an AR-15 (we were in the mountains away from everything so what the heck), Stan and Mike both brought their 9mm handguns though Stan supplemented his with a wakizashi he kept in his tent, under his cot (dumb @$$ ninja) while I stuck to what I always did when I went camping I brought the .22 rifle I got when my dad passed away and my trusty .44 mag revolver.

That .44 was protection against monster, lions, tigers and bears (oh-my). It was something I bought off of an older brother and was probably as old as I was but the Ruger was well kept (I had Chris look it over, when he wanted to buy it I knew it was fine). I know it was single action but I had a heavy leather belt lined with cartridges so I felt okay.

Anyway the first night we had a small fire and ate Taco-Bell from town and we swapped out watch, two at a time. Chris and Stan went first and they kept me away practicing ninjutsu for the first hour before I could tune them out (Chris was a brown belt at this time and Stan was something like a 4th or 5th degree black). Both watches were uneventful.

The next day Chris went on a hike to scout the area and Mike went along, Stan stayed with the vehicles and tents and decided to read. I went fishing, all day long.

Occaisionally I would hear Chris's rifle and a pistol or two so I know those two were shooting and I caught a fish after fish (mostly small or too good looking to keep) I used a fly pole at first but as the sun started to set I switched to fishing off of the bottom with some powerbait.

This is when and where it got interesting; before with I was fly fishing I was hitting a stream north of a small lake but when I switched I went to the lake. While it was still light but sun was hidden behind some mountains I saw a couple coming around the edge of the lake that must have been from a stand of aspen along a trail. They were dressed as hikers so I didn't think anything of it. It was when they got upwind of me that I realized that they smelled like some old road kill. They were coming toward me so I undid the thumb break of my holster to free up my gun, just in case.

Since they were walking right toward me I didn't wait and stood up and said "howdy?" They looked really rough and their smell only got worse. They didn't say anything so when they were about ten yards out I started to back away. As soon as I did that they started running toward me, I didn't wait to see if they were there to give me a hug, I bolted.

Like a dumbass I ran around the lake not back toward the camp, like a dumbass I left the walkie talkie in my tackle box, at a quarter of a mile away from camp my yelling wasn't going to be heard either. Luckily they couldn't run very well and I was able to put some distancy between the three of us.

When I stopped to catch my breath I turned to see that they had split up and one, the guy was coming around the other side with the woman was coming my way; that is when I really wished I had looked up the photos of the two missing campers because I was sure I was looking at them.

I did pull my gun and fire a round off in the air and yelled for them to get back, I even pulled my badge wallet out and told them I was a cop, they just kept coming.

Coming up to a careful aim now I finally fired again striking the woman in the left knee. She went down like someone had hit her with a sledge hammer but instead of howling in pain and grabbing the joint she popped right back up and started toward me again in a weird gait. After the doggy from hell incident two years back I didn't mess around and decided to "defend myself."

Four more rounds hit her in the chest, all were hits because she went down with each one; she kept getting back up. The guy simply sped up trying to come around and intercept me. Holstering the gun I swung wide of her and started sprinting back toward the camp. By now the guy was almost around to where I used to be and the woman's destroyed knee kept them from getting to me and back to my tackle box long enough to grab my walkie talkie and put six more rounds in my revolver (which was mental relief itself).

I thought I was in a zombie movie and probably sounded like a big girl on the radio but eventually Stan and Chris both answered. In the time it took for me to tell them what was going on the two of them disappeared into the darkness of the aspens.

Five minutes later all three were piling out of Chris's liberty with Chris holding his AR and the other two had their handguns. Safety in numbers meant searching for the two "people."

Inside the Aspen, in a small clearing we found some upturned earth and a blood trail leading into the soil. This was about 300 yards from the water.

If it was tunnellers we decided to move back to the vehicle and not relive an episode of tremors. Back at camp we began to break it down while we still had some light left. With the tents down we were just getting ready to finish stowing everything when it happened, Mike was right, it was dybuks.

Stan fell down a hole that wasn't there a moment ago and MIke almost did a repeat performance but he dove and rolled and kept moving. I didn't remember doing it but I hopped in the back of my truck. Chris was on a big rock.

That was when the ugliest thing I had seen so far in my life came out of that hole, holding stan with two hands while another, third hand held a 4" claw to his throat.

The thing looked like a slightly melted bald gorilla and spoke with a voice that sounded like two rocks rubbing together "Drop your weapons intruders!"

The fact it spoke english kind of helped relieve the horror of the moment. Mike spoke first aiming his gun at the thing and saying "Let him go and we'll talk!"

"We don't talk with food!" was its reply and your tiny fire-barker barely hurts us. I felt good when it flinched when I pointed my .44 at it, my not so tiny fire-barker. It just moved Stan so I didn't have a shot. We were kind of at a stale-mate so Chris simply broke it before either it could kill Stan or the other one showed up.

When it moved to put Stan in my way it opened up Chris's shot. He had military green tip, armor piercing rounds. So intent on me the creature gave Chris plenty of time to aim. The shot didn't startle any of us, even the dybuk who just had her brains air conditioned.

The round was a through and through right through her brain case she didn't even know she was dead as she slumped down and Stan wriggled free.

It wasn't over yet because the male suddenly burst out of the ground behind Chris and back handed him hard enough to make him go flying. He was pissed and continued to charge him. Chris was dazed and I moved and began to open up firing as fast as I could for aim and working the single action.

I know I saw at least one of my hits land in his side but he was set on Chris and I couldn't get to him fast enough. Thank god for Stan and his ninja "tools" (we have to call them that now, after this).

The beast picked up a dizzy Chris and said "This is for my mate!" and reared back both of his smaller arms in a way that he could stab into Chris's body but before he could a small blade flew out and struck it in the face causing it to flinch momentarily.

Before it could recover Stan was on top of it. The first slash took its left small arm off, the next went to where its left kidney might be, the the achilles was cut, also on the left side.

The pain caused it to drop Chris and anger caused it to turn on Stan. It struck out but Stan wasn't there any more and now its other smaller arm was laying on the ground. Little flashes were all we could make out as Mike pulled Chris back and I reloaded.

Finally it managed to tag Stan a grazing blow tripping him up. As it reared up ready to crush him with his huge primary arms a now ready Chris, Mike and myself let go with a volley of murderous fire. We all aimed for the head and we all struck home, by .44 blew off part of its face as little wisps of gore marked the exit wounds of the AP rounds coming out of Chris's rifle, none of Mike's rounds made it out of the brutes skull but they were penetraing brain case all was fatal fire.

In a matter of 20 minutes or so the thing was gone, disentegrated leaving nothing to mark either or their existence save for the holes they dug.

No bodies would ever be recovered (as of now anyway) for the two hikers but we know they are in some dybuk tunnel somewhere around the area.

After this there were no more attacks and Stan began practicing ever harder, finally training with Chris (especially in the area of handguns) and we had another round of choir practice. None of us really drink but after these events we always have at least one or two rounds.

About the Black 4:
The Black 4; I dont think anyone besides ourselves call us this because we are really selective in our operations and for the most part initiate investigations and if it looks like something that can be turned over to law enforcement we gather intel and turn it over to the police. We keep our activities to areas law enforcement cannot or will not be able to touch; we are would be considered criminals if caught but our hearts are in the right place.

The four of us are:
Chris the real warrior among us, he is Army and has truly devoted himself to the way of the warrior. He has black belts in two martial arts, American Kenpo and Tae Kwon Do and is working on a third in Budo Taijutsu/Ninjutsu. He shoots competively and recreationally, runs 3-5 miles every day, constantly lifts weights and exercising and only has a dog and fish for companionship on a 3 acre spread east of Colorado Springs. He is the man to go to in a pinch and will always watch your six. On top of that he is very quiet and rarely has anything to say unless asked or he can be constructive. He is my best friend and my wife actually likes him; I just have to get her to stop trying to get him married off to one of her single friends. He is a Reserve member of a local law enforcement agency as well thanks to my goading (I told him he could carry his guns around concealed more places and he was in :D )

Stan is Stan, he is British so his humor sometimes escapes me, he has a pony-tail and works for a local univeristy as a counselor. In his evening hours he runs a school of ninjutsu/Budo Taijutsu (not the one Chris goes to, Stan asked him to leave after he threatened to cut his hair) and has a girl friend of 6 years that he refuses to marry or even to allow into his condo to live with. He says he will never have kids but seems to like the ones of his girlfriend (they all attend his classes at night). He is very anti-government and the first one to know about any conspiracy theories. Of all the group I think Stan would be the first to bail and say "its every man for himself." so I am unsure as to why he keeps working with us, maybe its boredom. He is probably the smartest member of our little group but is so calculating that if we hit the ground running he sticks close to Chris or I because we are the ones who can "run and gun" adjusting to the various changes and facets of a ground operation. He also has a thing for his "ninja" weapons and besides a suppressed 9mm with lots of mags he carries swords, stars and more. I have to admit that he can work his ninja skills when he needs to though but he does go to Japan about every two years to get schooled from the main man himself; Chris has gone once with him and his girlfriend has gone twice (kids one of those times)).

Mike is our resident geek but I say that in only the kindest way. He is a font of information and very computer savy. For someone with a military background he really didn't know much about tactics until we all got together. He joined because of a brother's trouble and his being Stan's friend from way back. He is now a contractor for a military supplier on a nearby post but runs a computer business on the side. A big guy he is close to being a power lifter but he is such a nice guy he isn't that intimidating once you get to know him. He is also very religious and always goes to church unless it is an emergency. Like Chris he has no ego and when he decided he really wanted to join the Black 3 (prior to the 4) he did what Chris asked him; buy a gun he likes, practice with it (with Chris and I which meant all kinds of training) and at the same time start up a martial art. The second thing worked out well for him because he wanted something he and his youngest son could do together and so they both signed up for Universal Kempo (against Chris's advisements). Mike is also the guy who is studying everything he can on the supernatural and after some trial and error is beginning to locate the solid stuff from the make believe (which Chris has been reading as well........weird).

Me, Jack, I am a narcotics detective in Southern Colorado, I like to shoot, fish, camp, backpack and anything else to do with the outdoors. I also believe in the supernatural. I like the martial arts for the exercise and the punching and kicking and getting punched and kicked but I am no where near Chris's level of devotion but I think that this is because I am happily married with children and they take up most of my time which I love to give, they are my all. Chris and Stan think I have a dry sense of humor and Mike thinks I am too suspicious.

Re: Outdoors, fun, dybuks and firearms

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:39 pm
by Ethan Skinner
Huh. Dybukks seem to be the monster of choice around here. Personally, I've never met one. Hope I never do. Rest assured, Hudson. Unless you're purposely being misleading, I doubt you're too suspicious after a bio like that.

Glad ya made it out okay. Have you explored the tunnels?

Re: Outdoors, fun, dybuks and firearms

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 8:02 pm
by Shang Li
Well done, most people do not fare so well against dybbuk in close quarters.

I am definately interested in meeting your "ninja" friend, and discovering which family's secrets made the basis for his art - call it a very long running proffesional interest.