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Reason for my long absence

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 3:55 am
by Chen Lung
Recently, my Order was given information that a previously unreported magical "flare" had been sensed by a local medicine man in Vietnam. He said the energy felt like it was being used in the village next to his, but when he cast a spell to find it he seemed to feel as though it was much farther away. As his village is built over a Dragon Line, he assumed it was connected to that.

I took six of my best agents to Vietnam to begin our investigation. We followed the Dragon Lines for a week, sensing the increasing magcal energies as we moved. Our investigations were sidelined by supernatural beasts constantly and several times we were forced to return to Bangkok to replensih our supplies and heal our wounds.

However, last Thursday evening, somewhere in the jungles of Myanmar, we exited the jungle into a ruin that was not in any journal or archeological report. In the ruins we discovered a cult that had been casting a ritual. Many of their members were exhausted and asleep (or dead) against one of the walls, while many others continued the chanting.

Being experienced at cult-breaking, we engaged them. Combat was long. The cult, it seemed had been attempting to breach the veil between the realm of demons and our Earth. They were able to call several beasts to aid them against us. My brothers performed beautifully and we were mostly successful (although I have lost two good, long-time friends in this).

The reason I am posting this is to inform the Society that there is every likelihood this cult was not simply a local threat to the world and this sort of ritual may be happening near any of you. Should this be the case, contact me; the Order of the Hidden Eye has faced these degenerates and knows their weaknesses. The ritual seems to take a lot of time to complete -- this is our biggest advantage. If this sort of thing is happening all over the Earth, many others will be required to act as decisively as they can.