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An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 3:12 pm
by Grace

Allow me to introduce myself. You may call me Nemesis.

Now, I know what many of you must be thinking by this point (and not because of any psychic ability on my part), "Oh great, someone here to be my enemy/opponent/etc." Due, no doubt to the usage of the word Nemesis to mean 'arch enemy'. While that may be the case in the times to come it is not the meaning of the word that I intend. Think of me rather, as an agent of retribution and just vengence.

For a price.

After all, if justice is expensive, it is only because it is worth it.

Think what you will of my morals or lack there of, but never doubt my skill. Those wishing to contract my services, may PM me.

Now, as for those who are wondering why I would even come to a site such as this, it is simple. I was on what I thought to be a routine job when I encountered something that was rather out of the ordinary. It required a little bit of finesse and research to complete my assignment. During that research I came across this site. That was when I realized that there was this potentially huge market that I wasn't tapping.

So for better or for worse, here I am.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 6:14 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Words to the wise and unwise.

Never trust a mercenary.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 7:06 pm
by Grace
As the Byzantines might tell you,

Trust a Crusader even less.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:16 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I'd agree with them, the crusaders were a collection of evil men claiming to be righteous.

I just do what I can to make sure people can sleep at night.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:20 pm
by Grace
Some people don't beleive they're in danger, so they sleep easy.

Some people beleive the police will protect them, so they sleep easy.

Some people work with Neighborhood watches, so they can sleep easy.

Some people like to pay for protection, so they can sleep easy.

And some people will never sleep easy.

But to each, their own.

All I know is that my livelihood depends on me honoring my contracts. I like my livelihood and that is what makes me trustworthy. I state my position and terms openly and then I live (and will eventually die) by them.

And mercenary is such a vulgar and misleading word. I prefer to think of myself as a proffesional problem solver. In that it is my proffession to solve other peoples problems.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:24 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I just solve problems because the probem needs solving, not because someone hands me a sack of silver pieces.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:34 pm
by Grace
Ah well, Mr. Caliburn, that's what makes you the other side of the same coin. I'm a proffesional because I accept payment and you're an ametuer because you don't.

Do please note that the terms 'proffesional' and 'amatuer' are not used here to denote skill but rather refers to the acceptance of compensation. I only say this because I'm sure it'll rankle some feathers. Rest assured, I have nothing but respect for Mr. Caliburn's skills.

But where we divide is why we do what we do. I can't imagine changing and I'm sure you, Mr. Caliburn, don't plan to change.

So I suppose what we can take away from this is that you don't like me because I get paid to do what you think should just be done (at least that is what I've gathered from your response). As for me, I don't care as long as I get paid and my reputation doesn't take a hit. Why? Because caring is too high a currency in my books.

P.S. I liked the Judas reference.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:17 pm
by Ethan Skinner
Do you believe that people will come to you and pay you exorbitant amounts of money when there are people willing to do it for free? I haven't been on here long enough to make an accurate guess, but if I had to venture one, I'd have to say, those people who could use your services probably can't afford you. And those people who can afford you, probably don't need your services.

It sounds very uneconomical to me.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:27 pm
by skeptic
Mercenaries don't last long here.
It's not just the economics. It's the way of life.
Just like Natasha pointed out.
Nemesis will change or will go away.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 8:06 pm
by Grace
Ethan Skinner wrote:

Do you believe that people will come to you and pay you exorbitant amounts of money when there are people willing to do it for free?

Yes. It's already happened, it's in the process of happening and it will happen again.

I'd have to say, those people who could use your services probably can't afford you. And those people who can afford you, probably don't need your services.

The rich have as many (if not more) pest problems as the poor. And they'll pay for my discreation and services.

skeptic wrote:

Nemesis will change or will go away.

Unlikely on both accounts.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:58 am
by Doctor Boggs
Well, now, let's just think this through folks before we all get too worked up over Mr Nemesis. Sure, he's a paid killer, now that's bad... but on the upside, since he's busy helping out rich folks with more money than sense I'm freed up to help out some less fortunate souls.

If it weren't for the talk of killing people I'd say more power to him... as is, well... I just hope ya see the light and focus on the monsters of the world before it's too late.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:54 am
by Grace
Thank you, Dr. Boggs.

First of all, you didn't greet me with the usual, "Boo, hiss! A mercenary!" Because, you know, heaven forbid that someone with no corporate support, no government support, no agency support, no gun shop, no large inheritance and no independent wealth try to support themselves with the only skills they have. Please forgive the rant. Some say that money is the root of all evil but I think it's people.

Thank you also for trying to put a positive spin on my presence here.

You know, of everyone I've conversed with here so far, only you've really reminded me of the man that wrote "Worlds within Worlds".

Well, some of the kids have been alright too.

And in a round about way, you've brought to light something else that can be seen as a positive from your perspective. While I'm being paid to hunt the sort of pests that you folk seem to think are your sole domain, I'm not being paid to hunt other sorts of pests. Think about it.

As for seeing the light? Well, not the way things have been going, so I think I'll just focus on getting paid for now. I've certainly seen lots of darkness doing that, so maybe the opposites out there too.

Now I don't like leaving debts unpaid, so I'll give you this, Dr. Boggs. I don't normally call myself Mr.

Have a nice day.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:22 am
by Doctor Boggs
Well I learned a while back you don't have to approve of something to try and understand it, or find some kinda appreciation for it. Every cloud has a silver (if slightly tarnished) lining and all that.

Anyway, I've sure as hell never killed anybody, but I used to take paying jobs clearing haunted houses when I was younger. A guy .. sorry, person.. has to pay the bills after all. Don't excuse anything, killing or even deliberately hurting people is plain wrong, but one day at a time.

And I'll drop that Mr. :wink:

Sometimes a disguise is necessary . . .

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:46 am
by Clarity
_____Hi Mister . . . oh, wait, does that mean I shouldn’t call you Mr. Nemesis? Are you a girl? Golly, I’m sorry. Were you in disguise? I heard of a girl that pretended to be a man. She had to do that for some reason. Maybe because she was in danger or had to find something out. I don’t know.
_____Oh, I hope I don’t remind you of Victor Lazlo. That would be awkward. You see, because he was a man, and I’m a girl, and he was old when he ran away, and I’m not sure how old I am, but I know I’m young, and I don’t want to run away like he did.
_____Anyway, I hope you don’t get hurt . . . if I shouldn’t call you Mr. Nemesis, what should I call you?

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:55 am
by Logan
Don't see what the problem with his job is. A SWAT team member gets paid for killing people and it's acceptable. A soldier gets paid to kill people and that is acceptable. I never understood why civilians think killing for money is wrong, when they hire and even create killers every day.

As I said in my first post here, as long as it is kept back in the shadows, out of the public eye, I am not overly concerned about it. Go public and I may have to hunt for you.

Nice work on the senator's pet by the way Nemesis. Send me your contract protocal, some of the nasties I go after are untouchable due to having a high profile, important persona as their human disguise. My team may get called off when the mark turns out to be associated with important someones, something that causes me to occasionally seek the servecies of someone outside the chain of command to eliminate a threat.

What would you do . . .

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:57 am
by Eilonwy Solstice
Those who say money is the root of all evil need to read their Bibles closer . . . it says the love of money is the root of all evil. Now stepping aside from Christian beliefs, as it’s a tangent that doesn’t add anything to the conversation, maybe I can explain some of the feelings, at least my own, Nemesis.

The last “mercenary” to speak on these boards was a man who called himself Devilnuts. At the time, I felt as though he were making like of a subject that shouldn’t be mocked. But under his joke, he meant what he said. I don’t know if it’s jealousy or conscience, Nemesis, when people on these boards look down on a mercenary. On the one hand, they could be jealous because you make a career out of doing what they can only do part time. But on the other, it could be conscience and disdain because to them, it’s like you’re bottling air and water and trying to make a profit of it, which would indicate a conman taking advantage of those people that don’t know any better.

I hope I’ve welcomed you satisfactorily. But for my own thoughts on your chosen profession, I guess they could be summed up with an answer to a question I have for you. “If you were on the sidewalk alone, save for a little girl walking ahead of you, what would you do if you were witness to some creature from an alleyway grabbing the girl and fleeing into the dark?”

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:19 pm
by Natasha
Logan wrote:Don't see what the problem with his job is. A SWAT team member gets paid for killing people and it's acceptable. A soldier gets paid to kill people and that is acceptable.
Except that they don't do it for the money.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:41 pm
by Doctor Boggs
Logan wrote:Don't see what the problem with his job is. A SWAT team member gets paid for killing people and it's acceptable. A soldier gets paid to kill people and that is acceptable. I never understood why civilians think killing for money is wrong, when they hire and even create killers every day.

Hello Logan, how are you today?

I'm touched you decided to comment on what I said and while I don't personally see policemen and soldiers as the same kinda thing as a paid killer who'll shoot anything if the price is right I think I see where you're coming from. I suppose from your side of the fence things blur a little from pretty semantic definitions of right and wrong?

But I wasn't condemning Nemesis in my post, I was trying to say we can look past that and accept there's a valuable service being provided so why not make the most of things. Hope that clears up that we're on the same side here, however much we may disagree on details. :wink:

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:01 pm
by Grace
Clarity Grace,

You should call me Nemesis. Actually, you prolly shouldn't be talking to me at all. I, and others like me, are definitely the bad people that your parents must have warned you about. And you most definitely should not ask me too many questions about myself. As for disguise, my alias here is just that. As such, it is genderless. However, calling someone 'mister' suggests a veneer of civility that I don't possess.

And my comparison between you and Victor Lazlo was based purely on the wide eyed innocence you both possess.

You should prolly stop reading this post, heck this thread, now. Go play with your friends or something.

Mr. Logan, I will be PM'ing you my protocols later in the day. Don't worry, I won't be showing up on your radars. I've gotten this far by avoiding being the hunted.

Miss Solstice,

Well, I ain't the first person to bottle water. Won't be the last. As for kids. Damn, that's a tough one to answer without sounding like some sort of apologetic hypocrite. So let me say this. I'm a monster. I make no bones nor apologies about that. But there are rules, you know? Like I don't take contracts on kids. I don't complete contracts in front of kids. And while I don't do charity work, if anyone, man or monster grabbed a kid in front of me, I would do some impromtu target practice. And I would take that kid home and that kids parents would know without a doubt that they 'owed me one'.

And no, I'm not going to go around killing pests because 'they might' hurt a child. If I don't see it, it ain't going ta bother me. I may be a monster, but I am an honest one.

You’ve told me all I need to know . . .

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:59 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Fair enough, sir. You’ve told me all I need to know.

Again, welcome to the Lazlo Society. May all your targets be worth the effort and foes of humanity as well.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 5:21 pm
by Natasha
Nemesis wrote:And while I don't do charity work, if anyone, man or monster grabbed a kid in front of me, I would do some impromtu target practice. And I would take that kid home and that kids parents would know without a doubt that they 'owed me one'.

I guess the best they have to hope for is that they have nothing you want. Ever.

But at least you're honest :roll:

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:06 pm
by Grace
That's the thing, Natasha, favors are a commodity that can be traded.

"What, you need into that building after hours? I know a janitor there that owes me one. I'll make sure the back door is left open for you. This clears me for that one time, though."

So anyone, potentially, could have something I want.

It's really better for all concerned if people just don't let their kids go off by themselves.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:14 pm
by Natasha
Nemesis wrote:That's the thing, Natasha, favors are a commodity that can be traded.

"What, you need into that building after hours? I know a janitor there that owes me one. I'll make sure the back door is left open for you. This clears me for that one time, though."
You've selected a scenario likely to be innocuous. But that's not guaranteed.

Nemesis wrote:It's really better for all concerned if people just don't let their kids go off by themselves.
Sure blame the parents. There's any number of possible scenarios in which they aren't to blame.

Maybe you're not so honest after all?

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:32 pm
by Grace

The scenerio I choose only seems innoculous. But even that, carried to it's logical conclusion shows that it's really not. The open door could lead to theft, industrial espionage or even murder. But hey, if thinking that all they did was leave a door open helps the janitor sleep at night, who am I to take away their delusions?

As for parents, sure there are scenerios where they might not be to blame but as a default, a parent is responisble for their child.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:45 pm
by Natasha
Doesn't justify extortion.

What happens when the janitor refuses to pay back by leaving the door open?

We're back to them hoping they have nothing you want.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:47 pm
by Grace
I'm not about justifying what I do.

As for what happens next... there's kids on this forum, ya know? Mebbe it's best we don't discuss that quite so openly.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:54 pm
by Natasha
Then you are a threat to innocent life.

And don't belong here.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:59 pm
by Grace
You may not think so, and you're welcome to your opinion.

But I've seen lotsa threats to innocent life post here.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 7:03 pm
by Natasha
No threat to innocent life belongs here.


It's anathema to Lazlo's vision and message.

Re: An Angel with Black Wings.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 7:05 pm
by Grace
As you say.

I'm just not seeing it a whole lot.