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He's Here!!

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:20 pm
by Hannah
Someone, anyone, I'm home alone and He's outside.

He's not supposed to be here.

He's not supposed to be real.

Dad and Wie aren't answering their cells.

Please help me!

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:57 pm
by Bearshaman
Who's there Hannah? Is it the other Ron?
Hold on, will see if can Summon some aid for you. but you are so far away, not sure if I reach that far.

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:25 pm
by Michael T
Pm me I am getting ready now.

Guys, I’m here with her . . .

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:37 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Guys, I’m here with her . . . he’s gone. Ron should be home, soon . . . Rob will stay with us until he does. We’re safe now.

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 1:12 am
by GhostSpider
What the hell's going on?

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 1:31 am
by Bearshaman
Be careful, the most I was able to do was ask for Whippowil to try and alert you if he comes to near. So listen for a weird bird call.

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 5:11 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Well whatever it is stayed outside the place and was gone before any of us got there.

According to Hannah it's something she thought was only a dream.

No, it's not my body double, before you ask, this is something else.

Something that speaks, it was trying to lure her outside.

Something that looks like a man, but has horns and goat legs.

Hannah's still pretty upset, if she knows more about him, shes not able to put it into words.

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 12:14 am
by KonThaak
That sounds like an old-style satyr... An old faerie legend. Some of them were good, most...not so much. It's not that they're ill-intentioned... For most of the Seelie, they forget that humans are more fragile than they are.

Hannah, if he comes back, assert to him that you don't want to go with him. Be polite, but be firm. Usually, they'll leave you alone after that.

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 7:00 pm
by John Doe
Sounds like the little lady got into daddy's medicine cabinet and starting seeing " The Devil " coming to get her. Standard trip case for those religious cult wack jobs.

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 7:56 pm
by Hannah
Hello everyone,

I’d like to thank everyone who offered to help me on Friday night.

Dad’s already explained what I saw outside of the house, but I guess there’s more explanation needed.

I thought what I’m going to tell you next was a dream that I had back when I was younger, but now, after He showed up at my house, I’m not so sure.

As usual, my adventure starts off with me doing something my father said I wasn’t allowed to do.

Not my Dad, the one you guys know as Ron Caliburn, but my mother’s husband who thought he was my dad. Of course I thought he was my dad to, so did everyone else in the compound.

Well except my mother, but she didn’t tell me.

Did I confuse anyone yet? Trust me, if it happened to you it’d make perfect sense.

Sine you are probably saying to yourself “I wish she’d get on with the story” I think I will.

Anyway, I was about 12 at the time and my father (don’t let me get started on that again) had told me that I couldn’t go camping overnight with the boys.

It was somewhat of a tradition that every year, the boys 10 to 14 would go camping in the creepy woods on the compound. The woods were thick and creepy, old growth stuff that never had been cleared back to when the family first settled on the land. Every year the boys would go out and try to spend a couple nights out there without any grown ups, it was a kind of test of courage of sorts, to see who could stay the entire time without running home to their mothers.

“No daughter of mine is going camping with a bunch of boys.” My father said.

“Well fine, how about if I go alone then?” My father hated it when I stepped up like that. Sometimes he’d give me a good smack across the jaw for it . . . but not when we were in public like this.

Zach interjected “Hannah, ain’t nobody done spent the night in the forest by themselves since . . .”

Everyone suddenly got real quiet and looked at their shoes, so I knew they were talking about my older brother.

I hated it when they did that.

“Well what’s the harm in it? I’m as good at sports as the boys and as good a shot as the boys and I’m better with the horses than any of the boys, so why can’t I go camping like the boys?” I knew I was gonna loose the argument, but sometimes I had to give them a fight once in a while, otherwise they’d forget I existed. So I gave in one more dig. “Would it make them ashamed that they weren’t as brave as a girl?”

My father rounded on me, his eyes flashing, fist clenched. “You little . . .”

But he remembered he was in front of the others

“You my darling little girl are not built for the things they are. You need to tend to your chores rather than learn to fight, for when God calls the righteous into battle; it will be your task to feed and clothe them and tend to their wounds. So you are not going to go camping with the boys and you are not going to go camping alone.”

I looked at my shoes. “Yes father.” I intoned.

As usual, mom waited until we were doing the dishes before she spoke to me about it. “Don’t worry about it Hannah, the boys are just going to end up cold, dirty, wet and scared. It’s not like it’s some kind of grand adventure.”

“Mordecai must have had an adventure; they wouldn’t have brought him up otherwise.”

She clucked her tongue at me to remind me to check if people were listening before I spoke his name.


She smiled at me, like she always did. “Be more careful next time sweetie.” She looked around before continuing. “Your brother never told anyone what happened after everyone else ran out of the forest, but I don’t think he enjoyed his time there very much either.”

“But did people think he was brave and tough after he went into the forest?”

My mother stopped scrubbing for a moment and looked out the window. She often looked off at nothing when we talked about my brother. “They thought he was before he stayed in the forest after the others ran, but after that they knew he was.”

“I want to go out there too, to show I’m every bit as brave and tough as he was.”

My mother smiled even more at me. “You heard your father. You can’t go with the boys and you can’t go alone.” She gave me a little wink.

She liked giving me that wink. She gave it to me anytime I had a dilemma to solve and she was giving me a hint to the answer.

I gave her a wink back and we went back to work on the dishes.

By sunrise, I’d sorted out my plan.

Sorry, but I have school tomorrow so I have to go. I'll write more later, promise.


PS: KT, I think if I'd said anything he'd have come in for me. He was talking about how I was promised to him.

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:23 pm
by Ron Caliburn
John Doe wrote:Sounds like the little lady got into daddy's medicine cabinet and starting seeing " The Devil " coming to get her. Standard trip case for those religious cult wack jobs.

Let's correct you on a few things here.

1) No such "medicine" is kept in my house.

2) She didn't say it was the devil.

3) My daughter is saner than you or I.

Now I suggest you watch your tone when speaking of my daughter because unlike the others here, I don't claim to rely on what you might think is any sort of imaginary trickery, just my Blade and my Piece, both of which are very real.

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 8:50 pm
by John Doe
Ron Caliburn wrote:
John Doe wrote:Sounds like the little lady got into daddy's medicine cabinet and starting seeing " The Devil " coming to get her. Standard trip case for those religious cult wack jobs.

Let's correct you on a few things here.

1) No such "medicine" is kept in my house.
*) If you say so man.

2) She didn't say it was the devil.
*) Horns, hooves, hum? Either the Devil or George Bush your choice.

3) My daughter is saner than you or I.
*) Most of the free world is saner than I am. :P

Now I suggest you watch your tone when speaking of my daughter because unlike the others here, I don't claim to rely on what you might think is any sort of imaginary trickery, just my Blade and my Piece, both of which are very real.

OOOOOooooooooo..................quaking man. Seriously your scaring the shit out of me. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 9:09 pm
by Grace
You know, if all I had were some silver plated knuckle dusters and a 2X4 to face off against Mr. Caliburn and his arsenal, I think I would be quaking in my boots.

But maybe you, Mr. Doe, don't believe you'll ever have to face that possibility.

In any case, so long as there are people like you, Mr. Doe, people like me won't have any trouble finding employment.

But before I allow a Troll to derail this thread, as clearly is his only real motivation, I'll comment on the subject.

This does sound like something out of greek mythology. Hard to tell until Hanna relates the rest of her tale. But, just to play the 'Devil's advocate' here, are you all sure it ain't some sort of disguise or get up? Lots of ways to get to a person using them psychological methods. Just saying is all.

Looking forward to hearing the rest of the story.

Not to mention Mr. Caliburn meeting Mr. Doe. Are tickets going to be sold or will it be invitation only?

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 2:14 am
by GhostSpider
I'd buy tickets to it. :wink:

How were you promised to goat-man Hannah?

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 7:33 am
by KonThaak
I imagine she'll either get to that in her story, or she doesn't know.

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:10 am
by GhostSpider
Gee Hannah, you seem to be suffering from multiple personalities. :roll:

We don’t blame you, Eilonwy . . .

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 10:04 pm
by Clarity
_____No she isn’t, GhostSpider! She just had a scary evening.
_____We don’t blame you, Eilonwy.

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:08 am
by Willie Long
John Doe wrote:Sounds like the little lady got into daddy's medicine cabinet and starting seeing " The Devil " coming to get her. Standard trip case for those religious cult wack jobs.

Why insult a frightened child?

Something I’ve been wondering myself . . .

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:01 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Something I’ve been wondering myself, Sifu. But she’s doing better . . . if he was trying to mock her, it fell on deaf ears. Hannah is too shrewd to let that get to her.

Maybe he likes being mean?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:10 pm
by Clarity
_____Maybe he likes being mean, Mr. Long?

Re: Maybe he likes being mean?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:42 pm
by Willie Long
Eilonwy Solstice wrote:Hannah is too shrewd to let that get to her.

She's been under a lot of stress, so I'm glad to hear it, but I was actually concerned about him.

Clarity Grace wrote:_____Maybe he likes being mean, Mr. Long?

Maybe, Ms. Grace, but people have reasons for being the way they are, and I want to know what his is.

Oh, I agree, Sifu . . . I am concerned about him, too . . .

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:45 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Oh, I agree, Sifu . . . he needs help. But it’s a situation that will have to be handled delicately.

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 8:09 pm
by Hannah
Hi Everyone

Sorry for not continuing my story yet, I've had a lot of important things to deal with, especially getting ready for exams next week. Leaves me too busy to worry about someone who didn't get enough hugs as a child.

I don't know how I got promised to him exactly, I hope the story explains a bit, but I really don't know for sure.


PS: ANother thing slowing me down is I thought the story I was telling was all a bunch of dreams, so it's kinda hard to be sure I'm accurate when I'm writing it down.

I hope you get good grades . . .

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 11:38 pm
by Clarity
_____Hi, Hannah,
_____Ethan says school is our most important endeavor at our age right now. He’s glad you’re doing all the stuff you missed.
_____P.S. I hope you get good grades, Hannah.

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 3:59 pm
by Hannah
Hi Clarity,

I hope I get good grades too. We only have a couple of more days of classes and then the Exams and done in time for the 4th.

Here's some more of the story, I'm sorry it isn't finished.

On the day the boys were to go camping I got out of bed as early as I could wake myself and started on my chores. I wanted them done early enough in the day so I’d still have some usable light when I headed into the forest.

It was just before dinner when I finished, later than I wanted but because the boys were all going camping, they’d been excused from chores that day and I ended up with more than usual.

As soon as I could slip away I went to the spot I’d hid the supplies I’d carefully put together over the week since my talk with my mom. I carefully pulled away the loose board in the barn floor and pulled out my pack . . .

And found it twice as full as it was when I’d left it there.

I did a quick inventory and found all the stuff I’d collected had been replaced and added too. I now had proper camping tools including a hatchet and a knife; I had some pots and pans for cooking, a sleeping bag, a small pillow, a tent, extra warm clothes and enough food to last me almost a week out there.

I never did talk to my mom about how the stuff got there, but I knew she did it. I’d like to think she knew how grateful I was too.

I hurriedly repacked it and slipped it on my back. It was heavy, but mom always talked about how strong I was for a girl of my age. I think I got her muscles because even though my father (the compound one) was much bigger than her, she could always stand up to him when he tried to push her around.

Anyway, back to my plan. My father had said I couldn’t go with the boys and I couldn’t go alone. So I was going to bring Suzie with me.

Suzie was an eight year old collie who often played with the younger children while the grown ups were doing chores. She was the friendliest dog I’ve ever met and as smart and loyal as they come and better company than most people . . . I miss her very much.

So together, we headed off into the woods to find the boys.

Neither Suzie nor I had problems finding the boy’s trail. It looked like one of the boys had packed a load too big to carry and so he’d drug it along behind him. Suzie and I followed along; pausing long enough to munch on a bit of the food my mom had packed. I really don’t know how she figured out to pack a small baggie of doggie treats, but I’m sure Suzie would have thanked her.

I was caught by surprise at how quickly it got dark in the forest. One moment the late afternoon sun was filtering through the branches, the next my world was all black and grey shadows.

For some reason I’d expected the woods to be quieter at night, but instead they were filled with noise, the rustling of leaves, the creaking of branches, the scurrying of animals, the calls of birds . . . all of it came together to remind me that I was going to spend the night alone for the first time.

Suzie nuzzled my hand to remind me I was not alone. I scratched her between the ears and realizing she was unafraid, I resolved not to be either, and continued deeper into the woods.

It was quite late when I saw the boy’s campfire between the trees and heard their voices on the wind. The older boys were telling stories to scare the younger boys, and the younger boys believed them.

So I decided that I should give them all a scare.

I told Suzie to be quiet and we crept close to the boys’ camp. Staying just outside of the ring of their firelight, I carefully slipped out of my pack and wishing I had a pair of trousers instead, climbed a great oak tree that overlooked the boys’ camp.

As I edged my way out the branch that hung over the boy’s tents I could barely make out Suzie pacing nervously at the base of the tree. She was such a good dog and wanted to keep me safe. I know it was kinda mean of me to go where she couldn’t follow me, but I was going to be back right after I had done what I set out to do . . . and what I was going to do was put on a bit of a show.

It was so much fun, shaking the branches and making strange noises up in the tree. I even threw a few acorns at them just to get them going.

Soon they had grabbed everything they could carry and ran back down the trail they’d made into the forest, leaving me laughing up in the oak, barely able to hang on to the branches.

I kept laughing until I heard Suzie start to growl.

Got to go, Pa's taking us out to dinner tonight!


PS: I promise the rest of the story will come soon.

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 4:18 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I hope you all see why it's so hard to keep her from going out and doing what she wants.

I loved her mother very much, but that girl got me into more trouble growing up . . .

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 9:34 pm
by Hannah
Hi Everyone,

Don't feel too bad for my dad, I do listen to what he says. I just make up my own mind after I hear it.

Back to the story:

I got up and ran back along the branches towards the trunk of the giant oak, hoping to see what the matter with Suzie was. Her growling got louder and was punctuated by several loud barks and I ran faster, paying no mind to the 40 foot drop below me.

But when I got to the trunk I found myself unable to see anything but blackness below – I’d spent too long looking into the firelight of the boys’ camp.

“Suzie girl, go to the fire!” I yelled down to where I thought she was.

A sudden rustle in the bushes below and Suzie’s growling turned into a startled yip

Then silence.



“Suzie girl?”

I realized that the forest had gone totally quiet. Now wind, no birds, no animal sounds.

Only the pounding of my heart.

I was alone, in the dark, and nobody knew to come find me.

I pressed myself against the trunk and pulled my knees up to my chest. The forest somehow seemed colder and darker than it had a moment before.

A log popped in the fire sending a shower of parks skyward and almost making me fall from the tree.

That was it, the fire. Warmth and light. I had to get to it.

But that would mean I had to climb down the tree.

I hesitated for a few moments before I finally decided I had no other choice.

I turned to begin my climb down and came face to face with two great yellow eyes the size of baseballs.

I screamed and jumped backwards.

I realized almost immediately that I had made a big mistake . . . since there was nothing to land on but the ground, 40 feet below.

I fell into darkness.

Okay, time for bed, more story soon.


PS: I promise to finish as soon as I can.

Hearing this again makes me wonder anew . . .

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:17 am
by Eilonwy Solstice
As I told you when you asked earlier this evening, Hannah . . . you’re writing very well. And I’m glad you’re posting all this . . . to hear it again makes me wonder anew . . .

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 5:29 pm
by Hannah
Hi Everyone,

Here's the next part. Sorry it's taking so long, but I don't want to miss any details that might help.

The sweet scent of fragrant herbs and flowers caressed me back into awareness.

It was light again and there was a roof woven branches over my head and I lay on a bed of thyme and pussywillows. Cautiously I turned aside a blanket made of corn husks and stood up.

The ceiling was low, if I’d been a grown up, I would have had to hunch over, but as it was my head just barely brushed against the branches above. On a diminutive chair next to the bed was my dress, nicely cleaned, neatly folded and with the tatters and tears from climbing the tree so expertly mended it looked as if the dress had never been damaged in the first place.

I dressed quickly and stepped through a curtain of acorns strung with corn silk into the strangest dwelling I’d ever been in.

Much like the bedroom, everything was made of plants, most of them still living. There was no sign of nails or screws or even of tying things together. Everything had obviously been shaped with great skill and care, but none of it by human hand. Stranger still, everything was made for someone much smaller than me, about half my size.

A voice that sounded older than dust and kinder than spring sunshine interrupted my exploring. “Awake you be, good that is.”

I spun around and saw in the doorway a strange little old woman, so gnarled and shrunken she seemed closer to 900 than to 90. Despite the ugliness of her features her eyes shone gently. Her dress was green cornhusks and golden corn silks. In her hand she held a shepherd’s crook.

I don’t know why I curtsied, but it seemed the polite thing to do at the time. “Thank you for your hospitality ma’am.”

Her ancient face split into the biggest, sweetest smile I have ever seen. “Polite and kind to an old woman you be. Come, step out into the warm sun, my bones are cold.” She stepped to the side with surprising ease for her arthritic frame, and gestured for me to pass through the doorway.

The sun was indeed warm and bright. I was no longer in the forest, but instead at the edge of a great field. A herd of cows grazed lazily in the heat. They were fine animals, easily the best in show at any contest they were entered in.

“My herd, you like it.” She hobbled up onto a root beside me.

I nodded. “They are beautiful. Do you take care of them all by yourself?”

“Too old and frail do you think I?” She didn’t seem cross.

I looked at the herd again. “I’d say that here’s proof that you are the most capable Herdswoman I’ve ever met.”

Again I was rewarded with that great sweet smile. “Said the same, did your mother. Sarah’s daughter you are.”

“How do you know who my mother is?”

“As beautiful and kind as she are you.” She eased herself into a sitting position. “Came to visit me many times when she was young she did. Stopped coming did she. All stop coming to visit.” Her smile vanished and her great eyes brimmed with tears.

“Don’t cry. If you show me how to get home, I can come back here to visit all the time.” Again the smile was my reward.

“So much like your mother you are. She is missed. Chased away the Buachailleen she did. My cows she made them stop bothering. Come back did they never.”

I always liked to hear stories about my mother. “How did she do that?”

The old woman’s eyes twinkled as she told the story. “At their own game she beat them. Throwing rocks at my cows she found them. Threw rocks at them she did.” She tapped the bridge of her bulbous nose with a crooked finger. “Hit them here she did. Ran away, they did.”

I laughed. “My mother says my arm is almost as good as hers when she was my age. If those Buachailleen things show up again, I’ll try to hit them in the nose too.”

The old woman laughed with me. “Hit them you shall, no doubt have I. What call you should I?”

“My name is Hannah.”

“Hannah, daughter of Sarah, who is your father?”

“James Grant, head of the compound over yonder.” I replied.

A great sadness overcame the face that a moment ago was laughing. “Is something wrong?” I asked.

“No. People need to be told you are here. Cows you must watch until back I come.”

So she was going to call to get me taken home I thought. “I’ll be happy too.”

She nodded grimly and started hobbling across the field. “Soon will I be back.”

I waved as he walked away, then picked up a good fist sized rock and started my look out for the Buachailleen.


I really couldn’t say how long it took for the old woman to return, but when she did she was accompanied by a man, just as small as she was. He was clad in green and driving a cart pulled by the most magnificent pair of horses I’ve ever seen.

“This bonnie lass must be Hannah.” He smiled as he pulled the cart to a stop beside me.

“That I am good sir.” Again I curtsied since it seemed the right thing to do.

I assisted the old woman in climbing down from the cart. “Take you to where you need to go will Seamus.” She told me.

“Thank you.”

She shook her head, her face still sad. “Wary you must be. Drink no drink and eat no food. Never step from the path. Truth you must tell and your words you must guard. Make no promise without thought. Safely there Seamus will take you. Back you must get on your own.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Understand you must.” She all but lifted me up into the cart. “Fear do not or lost will you be.”

Seamus flicked the reins and the cart lurched forward, forcing me to hang on or loose my balance.

“I don’t even know your name.” I called back after the rapidly diminishing shape.

“Gruagach you may call me.”

That was the last I saw of her.

More to come,


PS: Thanks Wie!

Re: He's Here!!

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 10:45 am
by A. Pendragon
Old woman talks like Yoda from Star Wars.