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Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 10:49 am
by Anon243
Okay so Im back. Didja miss me? :mrgreen: I thought I was gonna just tell all you guys about Legacy and bugger off so you guys can do your supernatural hopscotch or whatever but somethings come up now.

So liek, there's these three chicks in my biology class that started totally freaking out. One of em is this cute chick who i'll call Rachael 'cuz I don't like using real names and Rachael's a cute name and she's cute. :) Yeah been hitting on her for a while but I dunno if Im bein too subtle or if she just like doesn't dig me and is to nice to say it. :lol: So I ask Rachael why she and her friends are freaking out all of a sudden.

Turns out one of her friends, this girl I'll call Cat, she has this buddy who introduces these girls to a guy I'll call James. Buddy's involvement in the story is done now, so I'm not gonna worry about a name for him. :P So liek this guy James says he knows magic. Rachael and co say they wanna learn and stuff.

This James guy, I swear he's a big ol fake. He gives these girls a book cuz they wanna learn magic, and he warns them not to try anything outta the book. Well Rachael says they tried something. Said it was a love spell, but she didn't wanna go into detail. She said that some thing started following them after that. She says it wont leave em alone even if they split up but it leaves em alone if they're in a big group of people. So they don't liek to go home alone or nothin now.

Well they went back to this James guy right? And he tells the girls its a demon following them. :? Chya, whatever. Anywho he tries using this protective magic on them only it doesn't work. I know, big surprise, right? He says the girls don't believe it'll work, so the girls don't get protected from it. I think even if the demon WERE real he's just too much of a pussy to deal with it.

But I liek, I hung out with them after classes yesterday and Thursday. We went to the pizza place. We drove out on a more deserted road. That made em nervous. They said they felt it watching them, or something. I didn't feel anything. Not even that little weird feeling you get when someones watching you in a crowded room whitch is what they said it was like.

So like I don't think theres a demon but I don't wanna be rude and say, hey, you guys are all crazy. That would kinda kill my chances with Rachael, yeah? :lol: So like, how can I make them realize there's no demon? Or better yet, how can I make them think I chased it away and I'm some kinda superhero or something? :mrgreen: :lol:

Please don’t discount their feelings . . .

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 11:08 am
by Eilonwy Solstice
Please don’t discount their feelings, Karl. I can’t speak for other women, but I’d rather have someone willing to just listen to me and try to comfort me, rather than tell me I’m imagining things. Those kinds of feelings are not easily set aside.

Re: Demon?

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 11:55 am
by kalle
She not digs you, I can say you that with the guarantee. But if to become the hero for her you must begin to take her seriously. You not tell us something helpful at all. Bring her here and/or give us more of the details. What book? What spell? We cannot help you if you not help us first.

Re: Demon?

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 5:14 pm
by Anon243
Hey Im not puttin em down or nothin. I mean i really wish there was some kinda demon there I could beat up. I just dont feel it liek they do or somethin. I wanna help em. All three of em not just RAchael but Rachael's really awesome.

I spent the past two weeks hangin out with Rachael just talking and stuff. She's really nice. And pretty. :D I wanna help her out man. I just think this James dude got em all spooked over nothin just to freak em out. I think hes an asshole who gets off on spooking folks thatre easily spooked an stuff.

So like I tried to get Rachael to tell me thoes details yous guys wanted...but seh aint talking. She says they dumped the book and wont tell me what it was called or who wrote it or nothin. They said it wasn't one o those lewelen books or however its spelt that you can buy at Borders or wherever. She wont tell me what kinda spell it was. She said before it was a love spell but when I try to get her tell to tell me any details she gets upset and tells me to drop it. :( Yanno what'd be cool? If she were casting it on me and I had a chance with her. :lol: That'd kikc so much ass.

So yeah liek...I asked her to come here to talk to yous guys an she said it wasn't none of your business. :( Sorry.

Shes really cool though wish I had a chance.

Can somone help me out here?????

Re: Demon?

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:19 am
by skeptic
A psychologist.

Re: Demon?

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 12:05 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Anon243 wrote:So yeah liek...I asked her to come here to talk to yous guys an she said it wasn't none of your business. :( Sorry.

Shes really cool though wish I had a chance.

Can somone help me out here?????

How do you want us to help? I find it peculiar that she believes in spells (at some level, at least), and yet she refuses our aid, especially when we have people that could help her. In every sense of the word.

Re: Demon?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:36 pm
by skeptic
She's blowing you off, dude.
Just like kalle said.
Find another girl to court.

Re: Demon?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:54 pm
by Natasha
I agree with skeptic on this one. And Katja.

Re: Demon?

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:42 pm
by skeptic
It's not like I'm unreasonable or anything.

Re: Demon?

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 2:09 pm
by Anon243
Okay now I'm really scared I dunno what to do.

Rachael said she tried to come here for help when it first started happening but she said everyone was bickering so she thought yous guys weren't the real thing and she said she didn twant me getting my hopes up thinking yous guys could help. But now Cat's dead. And I dun care whant RAchael thinks of you.

I dunno whuts goign on but their saying Cat committed suicide but she was on the phone with Rachael. She was talking about beating the demon by ignoring it and then RAchael said there was this horrible hsriek and the phone disconnected and Cat didn' tanswer when Rachael called bacl. When seh got to Cat's house Cat was hanging by a noose form her dads balcony.

So now theres just Rachael and their friend June. And that guy James? He just got this almighty attitude like they shoulda believed in his magic more and listened when he told them not to cast anything from that book. Im thinkin of givign this guy a piece o f my mind. I mean their friend just fucking DIED!!! Srsly, who's that fucking heartless?!?

I dun care whether I hook up with Rachael nemore. I just dun wanna see her upset nemore. I dunno if tihs demon is actully there or if taht James bastard is fucking wiht evryone but if hes that fucked in teh head, I'm gunan screw himu p big time I tink.

If yous guys waana come help with that grate. Otherwise maybe Rachael was right about you...

Re: Demon?

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 3:16 pm
by Doctor Boggs
If this character is half as messed up as you make him sound you'd best think twice about confronting him, it's possible he killed that poor girl himself.

I was on my way home to do some recuperating but I can could make a short detour I suppose, if things are that desperate. I'll contact you for details, just don't do anything crazy in the meantime.

Re: Demon?

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:00 pm
by Michael T
PM me me Anon, I'll be happy to talk magic with this Jame. Maybe he'll teach me something new or get schooled himself.

Michael T.

Re: Demon?

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:10 pm
by Doctor Boggs
I've found a spot to stay in town Anon and I'll keep my computer handy so we can stay in touch. We can meet tomorrow to talk things over in detail, definitely something fishy going on around here.

Re: Demon?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 4:24 pm
by Grace
Well kid,

You prolly couldn't afford my services but I'll give ya my opinion for free. Everyones already got one of those anyway.

That kid that died? Most likely she was onto something about ignoring this problem. Only it didn't work out so good for her. So it might just be a red herring.

Mebbe this James guy needs a 'tude adjustment, either way. Lets play some word association here.

Tire ----
Baseball ---
Shot ---
Hockey -----
Chain ---
Sledge ------
Bear -----
Cattle ----

Get the picture?

That's my two cents worth. Take it for what it's worth. Two cents.

Re: Demon?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 11:24 pm
by Doctor Boggs
Well, I do appreciate your erm... enthusiasm there Nemesis, but I'm hoping the situation can be resolved without pummeling children.

Re: Demon?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 11:33 pm
by Grace
Sure, sure.

Try it your way first, there Doc.

Just don't forget there's options.

Re: Demon?

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 11:43 pm
by Doctor Boggs
Oh I'm pragmatic enough to be aware of that fact, thank you.

For anyone else following this I thought I should mention, those girls really did summon up something or other. Dunno if it killed that girl or just drove her to it, just not sure what it is yet. I'll try and get a hold of that book they got from this James character before anyone else gets hurt.

Re: Demon?

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 2:03 am
by Grace
Something tells me that reading the book is bad idea. :/

I’m sorry she felt that way, Karl. We’re doing the best we

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:20 am
by Eilonwy Solstice
I’m sorry she felt that way, Karl. We’re doing the best we can.