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Into the mouth of the abyss

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 9:22 am
by arkaine
It has been near 3 long years since I have graced this website. Alot of things has changed since last I have spoken to you all.

The following forum link will bring you all up to speed:


I'm hear to tell you all about the other side of the coin. It all started (and ended) on a late October night. Samhein.

I was hot on the trail of the one Amondrakar and the hunt had led me to an old abandoned victorian style church in Marion county. The front cover of the Viscara text rippled with holy energy as I pulled open the doors of the monastery. Black elongated shapes of shades began diving in my direction. There mouths snarling open with savage mawls of power. My situation had appeared to become dire.

White hot light like molten lava erupted from the Viscara text and dispatched the shades in an unholy pop of spent energy. I sighed deeply but what happened next quickly took the wind from my sails. A voice like nails on a chalk board called out to me.

"Ahh my dear sweet Arkaine. Still having those suicidal instincts I see."

I spun in many directions, the Viscara tome held tight in a death embrace. My right hand coveting the pommel of Malik, the silver holy sword I had been given by the Nanock priests of West Minster Isles.

Finally I caught site of him. His languish form sat haphazardly on a make shift altar at the rear of the church. His crimson red eyes shone brightly against the tatered walls and windows of the holy place. His mouth twisted upwards in a snarling smile. Ivory white teeth of a predator held my attention before he spoke again.

"You know that your efforts are futile mortal?"

"The only thing futile in this unholy place Drakar is your resillence with undeath. It is now time for you to cross over to your master. I have came to show you your demise."

I spoke this words true and it felt right yet somewhere deep inside my psyche I knew that something was wrong. Something terrible was about to happen. I shrugged off these negative thoughts and pressed forward towards the altar sword outstretched. He just waited and glared as if he knew it was time and fight nor flight would help him.

As I reached the altar I suddenly felt the energy inside me leave. The holy light of the Viscara text dulled to a shallow glow and the muscles inside my arm spasmed as the silver sword dropped from my hand.

Dark eratic energy pulsed around me and thats when I saw them. Alien symbols of power written in a circular formation. A victim of a protection spell twisted by darkness. I was trapped and at the mercy of a merciless creature.

His gaunt form rose from his pulpit and he gracefully strode to my side. Whispering evil things in my ear as he ran his icy cold fingers up my chest and wrapped them around my neck. He drew me into his embrace as I felt his steely teeth find home.

I was sired that night. Made to be a childe of the dark. All the years I've fought callously to destroy there kind I find myself one of there ilk. I fought my urges for many years and had succumed to all manners of horrific things that only a demon could enjoy.

Luckily for me the power of the Viscara text was not affected by the spell of protection at my feet that night. As Drakar fed hungrily at my kneck he failed to notice the strange glowing light moving up my body. Just when it reached the pinnacle of it's path his eyes shot open but he was too late. The light poured from my body and destroyed his corporeal being sending the demon into the pits of hades.

I felt my own skin begin to burn from my bones. Flesh giving way to underflesh, vessels ripping free of bones, bones becoming dust. I fell into darkness.

I awoke many days later the book still in my hands. My body was whole and complete. The only thing signifying the truth of my memorys a scorch mark burned into the palm of my left hand. A reminder to me of the power of the tome.

I stood finding new poise and movement that I have never felt before. The old age that had sat into my bones now no longer present. I surveyed my surroundings and saw things I had never seen before. Every crack and creavace of this building was suddenly alive with wonder. I heard a sound behind me of nails scratching pavement. I spun around but no one was there. The sound became grinding and I found it's source. A tiny wood spider inched it's way across the pavement. My eyes telescopically embraced every micron of it's body. It's thoughts envaded my own. Hunger.

I admit I was scared at this point. I ran to the door and through it open. The light of day hit my face and for a brief moment I was happy to know it's familiarity. That was until my flesh began to burn. I shrieked and fell backwards throwing the door closed. I let my back rest against the door as I fell to my knees sobbing like a school girl.

It was in this moment that I had understood what I had become. Vampyr. All these years fighting to rid the world of there kind and I end up as such...nothing more than a mocked version of my once holy self.

I write to you all now years after that night as I have found my purpose. After many years of sulking and feeding on rats in the sewers I have came to understand the reason I was created. I have once again taken up the cause of nobility and I'm working diligiantly to overcome my dark natures for the forces of good.

I ask you all former friends of Lazlo Society please look past my now changed visage and take me into your folds. I hold invaluable knowledge on the arcane and greater new information on the proceedings of our foes. Having dined with the enemies I now know how they think...tick...and move about the underworlds.

I will write to you again when I have more pertenent information to deliver.

Yours Truely

Nicholas Arkaine
"The Black Priest"

Re: Into the mouth of the abyss

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 10:29 am
by Ron Caliburn
One of my deepest fears is that I will somehow be transformed into something unnatural during one of my battles with these beasts.

I even have gone so far as to construct a cage where I sleep on the full moons if I have had a recent Werewolf encounter.

I think most on the boards here know my views as to what should happen if I turn into some kind of creature, but I'll restate it - don't give me the time or oppourtunity to mull my options. Deal with me immediately and finally, to prevent any risk of me harming an innocent.

Arkaine, if you are as dedicated to the light as you claim, keep us appraised of your situation and location frequently. We need to monitor you closely to make sure your claims are accurate, otherwise we may have the sad task of putting the man you were to final rest.

I've had to destroy "good" vampires before, so don't think I'll hesitate if it comes to that . . . but I'll give you enough room to proove that we don't have to.

Keep in touch.

Welcome back, Arkaine.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 11:23 am
by Eilonwy Solstice
I’m . . . conflicted about your return, Arkaine. On the one hand, I’m glad to hear you post again and glad, for once, that Josh was proven wrong. But on the other, I’m sickened and horrified to hear of your condition; it’s one I know of well. Please call if there is ever anything we can do to help you.

Re: Into the mouth of the abyss

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 6:45 pm
by GhostSpider
A wooden stake and decapitation are all the help you'll get from me.

Re: Into the mouth of the abyss

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 7:15 pm
by Ethan Skinner
GhostSpider wrote:A wooden stake and decapitation are all the help you'll get from me.
Quite the turnabout, GhostSpider. That sounds odd, coming from you.

Re: Into the mouth of the abyss

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:18 pm
by GhostSpider
Sorry, kind of irrational when it comes to undead vampires. I hate them, and the funny thing is, I have no idea why.

Belladrox . . .?

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:24 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
GhostSpider wrote:Sorry, kind of irrational when it comes to undead vampires. I hate them, and the funny thing is, I have no idea why.

Belladrox, perhaps?

Re: Into the mouth of the abyss

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 5:15 pm
by arkaine
GhostSpider wrote:Sorry, kind of irrational when it comes to undead vampires. I hate them, and the funny thing is, I have no idea why.

I share your hatred for my kind GhostSpider. Trust me when I say it has taken more than you can imagine to crawl my way up from the depths of the sewers of this dark city. I can't help but feel the pain of those tortured by evil and hear there screams echoing in my head.

I have sat teetering on the edge of madness, stake in hand, point to chest wanting to take my life. Unfortunately the Viscara text did more than protect me that night. It has imbued my body with natural defenses that our still alien to me this day. If suicide was the answer I would have been dancing with the devil long ago.

No. The answer is vengence. Yes, it is true, I'm an abomination to mankind now. It is also true that I am part demon. However, my soul remains least fragments of it, and it's a daily struggle piecing it back together.

When I was just a mortal man I devoted my life to ridding the four corners of the earth from demons. I took a vow before god and man to protect those less fortunate....those innocent of this war. God has seemed to have turned his back on me but I REFUSE to turn my back on YOU.

I commited many attrocities in the name of what I thought was god. I had become a very callous man on my voyage towards destroying the evil that was Drakar...I spit on his name. Such an insidious creature that made me even question my own beliefs. How could such a vile thing exist in this world. Once again Edens grace was tainted by Nods wicked venom.

I can go on for days about the struggles I faced but the truth of the matter is who cares? It doesn't matter what I did as a man. It doesn't matter how much blood I've bled, how much pain I've endured or how much hardships I have wallowed through. All that matters at this point is survival. No. I don't mean my survival...*chuckle*

Humanity's survival is dependant on us. The children of Lazlo. No matter who we are, what we've become or where we've been or are going. We are humanitys last chance for the demonic world is no longer pulling punches. No longer waiting till night fall to strike. It's attrition people......and I REFUSE to stand by idol and let it happen.

One Love for One Blood

Arkaine the Black Priest

Please Arkaine, trust me on this . . . vengeance is not the

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 5:30 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Please Arkaine, trust me on this . . . vengeance is not the answer. If you go through struggles now to piece together your soul, vengeance will only make it that much harder. The road may first seem sweet, but its sweetness sours as the night pass . . . it will never make you human again. Defend humanity, but don’t hurt just because you’ve been hurt. That is a pit that spirals forever downward.

Don’t give up hope, Mr. Arkaine

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 9:10 pm
by Clarity
_____I hope you get better soon, Mr. Arkaine.

Re: Into the mouth of the abyss

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 9:20 pm
by Ron Caliburn
The last vampire I knew of that got better had to be destroyed first.

Re: Into the mouth of the abyss

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 5:17 am
by GhostSpider
To rise, one must first fall.

You actually see that alot in many different shades throughout the world. The phoenix being the most well known example.

Re: Into the mouth of the abyss

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 12:06 pm
by kalle
The vampire needs the assistance?

It wants the stake or the river? I have plenty from both.

Re: Into the mouth of the abyss

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 2:03 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I've been a part of the destruction of a couple of our "friendly" vampires already. If I were in Arkaine's shoes I'd get some comfort from knowing there are those who are willing to put him out of comission should he step out of line.

Arkaine, I think the onus is on you at this time to demonstrate you are still on the side of the angels, before we move to make sure you aren't going to cause any future problems.

Re: Into the mouth of the abyss

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 2:43 pm
by GhostSpider
I've had the same problem Arkaine. Proving my "good" intentions that is.

Re: Into the mouth of the abyss

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 2:46 pm
by Ron Caliburn
and your still under watch incase your assimilated components decide to turn you from protector to predator.

Nothing personal of course, I'd hope someone took me down if I did become a danger to innocents.

Re: Into the mouth of the abyss

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 4:42 pm
by arkaine
Good sirs if I become askewed by the darkness I welcome the embrace of death..until than those whispers in the dark of fear are the murmurs of evil knowing I bring there end. I wont rest until I've destroyed and pushed back the heathen abominations to the nine hells and back.

Know this though and heed advice. I came before you to let you know my intentions so they were crystal clear....I will not be stopped from my duties. I've taken a blood oath to the grave and beyond and nothing can deter the coming of my wrath. Stand beside me, stand behind me but please do not stand before me.....

Know that you now have friends in the dark watching those who are watching you.

Truely Yours


Re: Into the mouth of the abyss

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 5:08 pm
by kalle
Cannot ever trust the vampire.

Re: Into the mouth of the abyss

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 10:31 pm
by Michael T
It took me down ( by surprise )
i'm on the ground ( paralyzed )
Tryin' not to breathe
'cause I know I'll be found

Pray the Lord ( my soul to keep )
'Till I'm sore ( like a hammer )
It's pounding me until I'm driven in

I would be damned if I
Ever fell but could I tell
I would be damned if I do
I'm damned if I don't
This time I'll go for the kill

Monster, monster
I can't take this hell no more
Beast be gone
Something's gotta give
Monster, monster
Gonna throw you out of the door
One will die and the other shall live

You taught me ( everything that I )
Shouldn't say ( everything that I )
Shouldn't do and now I'm defyin' you

Human voice ( Paralizing )
Natures choice ( Hypnotizing )
The hunter shall become the hunted

I would be damned if I
Ever fell but could I tell
I would be damned if I do
I'm damned if I don't
This time I'll go for the kill

Monster, monster
I can't take this hell no more
Beast be gone
Something's gotta give
Monster, monster
Gonna throw you out of the door
One will die and the other shall live

Monster, monster
I can't take this hell no more
Beast be gone
Something's got to give

Monster, monster
I can't take this hell no more
Beast be gone
Something's gotta give
Monster, monster
Gonna throw you out of the door
One will die and the other shall live

Monster, monster
I can't take this hell no more
Beast be gone
Something's gotta give
Monster, monster
Gonna throw you out of the door
One will die and the other shall

Re: Into the mouth of the abyss

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 10:41 pm
by GhostSpider
Whats up with these songs?

Anyone checking to see if there is some hidden meaning behind them?

That’s very brave of you.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2008 11:45 am
by Clarity
_____That’s very brave of you, Mr. Arkaine. How can you tell when you’ve been askewed by the darkness?

Re: Into the mouth of the abyss

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:50 pm
by Shang Li
Mr. Arkaine, should you decide it is time to stop hunting, when the weight of time becomes too heavy a burden upon your shoulders, remember that cases like Ms. Darkens, although rare, are not entirely unheard of. There are those who will gladly help you by means other than a merciful death.