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Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 12:03 am
by Gabriel
Dreaming... I' a constant state of nightmare...

Am I dead...dreaming I am alive...? Or am I alive...dreaming that I am dead?

Re: Where...?

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 12:07 am
by KonThaak
...THE HELL?!?

I've been sitting here, multi-tasking, checking on several forums at once before I crash... I come back and check on Lazlo, and I find this!

Seriously, what the fuck? >_<

Re: Where...?

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 12:09 am
by Holister
Um....looks like Gabby's back.

Re: Where...?

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 12:10 am
by GhostSpider
Think that this could be related to the same person who is posting as Celeste?

Re: Where...?

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 12:12 am
by Holister
Makes sense to me. Maybe we have a hacker on the boards?

Re: Where...?

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 12:13 am
by GhostSpider
One with a sick sense of humor.

Re: Where...?

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 1:13 am
by Shadowstalker
Maybe, but then again maybe not.

Re: Where...?

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 11:47 am
by Holister
There has to be some way to catch this guy?

Re: Where...?

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 5:52 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Who's next, Shang Li?

Re: Where...?

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 6:57 pm
by Holister
Ron Caliburn wrote:Who's next, Shang Li?

If he does, man I am so throwing away my computer and gettin' a typewriter.

Re: Where...?

Posted: Thu May 01, 2008 11:29 pm
by GhostSpider
Someone is dishonoring the memories of our dead.

We need to stop them, now.

Re: Where...?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 12:17 am
by Shadowstalker
I hope you are right GS, and it is just Someone out to yank our collective Chains. But I have a feeling it is something more sinister.

Re: Where...?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 12:49 am
by Gabriel
I was here...before...long before... hurt far less then... I got...I got used to being free from pain...

This...this must be my penance...for everyone who my hand...and because of me...

Re: Where...?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 12:56 am
by GhostSpider
I don't know guys, this kind of sounds like Gabe.

I can’t sense anything but pain in his posts . . .

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 12:00 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
I can’t sense anything but pain in his posts. Each time I try, these horrid cramps seize up my limbs and belly and I can barely move. My blood feels constipated in my veins, like a bowling ball is being forced down my . . . and it’s not just physical pain, either. I’m reminded of all the anguish as . . . when I . . . each time I try to ignore the hurt and sense as much as I can, more waves of pain come, until finally my defenses kick in and lift me free back into myself.

Re: Where...?

Posted: Fri May 02, 2008 3:58 pm
by concrete_Angel
It sounds like this one is different from the Celeste post, then. The other one's most likely trying to just rile people up.

Re: Where...?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 4:49 am
by Shadowstalker
Unfortunatly you maybe wrong Angel. When I first read the post from Celeste, I tried to get a impression from it. I can at times get a impression from just a posting, but this was much more than a simple impression that I got.

I felt a Cold Malice, to a degree that it felt as if My Blood was trying to Freeze in my veins, and the breath in my lungs also felt intensely Cold as well. I was able to resist the effect, but I don't normally get impressions that strong from only Posts. It was very disconcerting.

Re: Where...?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 5:48 pm
by Hannah
Hi Gabe,

I hope you're feeling better than the last time I saw you.


PS: You should really tell KT before you do that.

Re: Where...?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 6:55 am
by concrete_Angel
Shadowstalker wrote:Unfortunatly you maybe wrong Angel. When I first read the post from Celeste, I tried to get a impression from it. I can at times get a impression from just a posting, but this was much more than a simple impression that I got.

I felt a Cold Malice, to a degree that it felt as if My Blood was trying to Freeze in my veins, and the breath in my lungs also felt intensely Cold as well. I was able to resist the effect, but I don't normally get impressions that strong from only Posts. It was very disconcerting.

OK, well, then doesn't that actually mean I'm RIGHT, then? If evil, cold malice=Celeste post, and sadness and pain=Gabe post, then conclusion=different.

Re: Where...?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 10:05 am
by KonThaak
I don't really know what Shadow was trying to say about you being wrong or right...but Celeste was known for being eternally cold. Physically, cold... She complained of it when it first happened (not in the whining sense, just talked about it a lot), about constantly being cold... So maybe what Shadow's trying to say is, maybe both Gabriel and Celeste are somehow back...and therefore, the two posts aren't completely "different"...?

I know, that's not what you were trying to say by "different"... You meant that it wasn't one person posting as each of them, just to rile folks up.

Either which way... I don't know. Gabriel died within me, I felt it. I felt his memories re-align into my own. I felt his will...stop. It just...stopped, as he expended the last of himself.

When I realized what I'd felt, that, with his memories pouring into my mind, nearly drove me mad... I convinced myself that nothing was real, until I could deal with it all.

So I don't know if Gabriel's back, or if he is, how...

I'm terrified to ask Pendragon to trace these posts.

Re: Where...?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 1:15 pm
by GhostSpider
Remember, I never actually "felt" anything when Belladrox posted on here. He could even do it when I was asleep.

Re: Where...?

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 4:16 pm
by Logan
I don't suppose, Ghostspider, you would be willing to volunteer for testing, so that falks like myself can get a better grip on what can hurt your "guest would you? Most of the time such a thing happens, the result is not nearly as managable as your case appears to be.

Re: Where...?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 3:23 pm
by Malakai
Hello brother.
I hope your rest has done you well. It is time to start the culling soon. Demons like you are always good at killing. You know how good at killing you are dont you? You just have to look at the blood stains all over you hands to see. :twisted:

Re: Where...?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 7:43 pm
by KonThaak
Malakai, shut the hell up! Can someone PLEASE shut him the hell up? ANYONE? Pendragon?

Re: Where...?

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 11:32 pm
by Malakai
KonThaak wrote:Malakai, shut the hell up! Can someone PLEASE shut him the hell up? ANYONE? Pendragon?

What's wrong druid? Your dollies not putting out to you anymore?

Re: Where...?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 12:10 am
by Holister
Magpie is it...I just can't seem to get his name right. Listen....go away please. We just got over a ton of worthless BS around and we just don't want any more.

Please....just go...

Re: Where...?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:46 am
by Malakai
Holister wrote:Magpie is it...I just can't seem to get his name right. Listen....go away please. We just got over a ton of worthless BS around and we just don't want any more.

Please....just go...
Maybe you should be doing something useful and keep an eye on Hannah so she doesnt get taken again!

Re: Where...?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 10:48 pm
by KonThaak
Hey, Mally-boy... C'mon over here. I'll give you a nice, warm welcome. Give you the finest Sicilian necktie you ever did see.

Re: Where...?

Posted: Thu May 08, 2008 11:15 pm
by Holister
Gggrrrrrr.... :x KT! Heal boy! I said down KT...bad KT. Don't accknowledge the bad man. No more infighting or insults on my watch. :D

Re: Where...?

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 12:21 am
by KonThaak
Infighting requires the person I'm fighting to be a bona fide member of the group. This asshole is not only trolling for the sake of trolling, antagonizing the whole of the Society in the process, he is openly an enemy of the society, and has harassed, threatened, or harassed and then threatened multiple members without real cause.

What's wrong, Mally-boy? Pink neckties not your thing? I could serve you a nice cement mixer...made with real cement.