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Greetings from a new member.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:02 am
by Sir Typhis Black
Due to simple fact that I am new here, I do believe introductions are supposed to be in order. You may call me Typhis Black. An ally of sorts in this hidden war against "The Things That Go Bump In The Night."

You see I have heard of the deciples of Victor Lazlo, but I must be honest, I have been wary about contacting you here directly. I have heard, and seen, the ruckass some of the members here have caused. Not that is a bad thing, sometimes it can not be helped, and its good to see the blighters getting "bumped" back.

Now however, I must speak plainly. The forces of the occult and the supernatural are on the rise. You must all know this obvious fact by now. Strange creatures and alliances not heard of before are starting to emerge from out of the shadows. Attacks on the innocent are happening more and more frequently, even in the more populated areas and some even in broad daylight. I would like to think that the buggers are getting bolder, instead of us loosing ground.

This is why I have sought you out. The time has come to seek out allies that can be trusted. Allies that can stand toe to toe with these monstrocities and not waver. I am myself quite skilled with both the blade and the gun, I have an occult background {one to say I am not all too proud of}, and I am willing to help whoever and where ever I can. I may not be as experienced as some of you, but I can hold my own well enough in a scuffle.

As for my gifts, let me just say it is the only thing my father ever gave me that I was grateful for.

I am staying stateside for awhile in an attempt to learn more about hunters and arcanists on this side of The Pond. So if I can help anyone, or if anyone could use a hand for awhile, I will be available.

Now if you will please excuse me, I have a Hell Hound stalking Old Williamsburg that needs to be "fixed".

G'Night to You All.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 6:43 am
by KonThaak
Typhis: Welcome aboard. I'm glad you made contact.

Heather: Depends on which "good old days" you're referring to... The oldest "good old days" involved many legends and stories of people using their wits and mind and--getting killed and eaten by the legions of the paranormal. The far east still has stories of seemingly invulnerable monsters and demons that no mortal could ever stand up to...and yet, here we are, doing it on a daily basis.

Both of you: Is the militant course of action necessary? For some, maybe not. Maybe some of us can combat the paranormal on more pacifistic, intelligent terms. Many of us, however, lack the capability of defeating a vampire at his own game, or tricking a meat-starved werewolf into devouring itself, and even if we survived while trying to do just that, innocents would die in the process.

Each of us does what we have to, to protect who we can.

Again, welcome to the Society.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 1:29 pm
by Sir Typhis Black
Thank you for your warm welcome; both of you. I too remember "the good ol' days" as you refer to them, but for me, they were not so good.

I have myself bested a few creatures using wit alone. Knowledge is always the best weapon one has against the occult and the supernatural, but a steady hand, sharp sword, and quick wits are quite useful tools to have in one's arsenal as well.

As for that Hell Hound, you will be happy to know it has been vanquished without any further loss of life or collateral damage as the term goes. I managed to impale it on an old piece of the churchyard gate. Iron I find works very well when battling denizens of The Underworld.

I will remain here for a few days to make sure there is no further danger. I believe that these devil dogs travel in packs, so the fact of there only being one hunting in the area has stoked my curiosity a tad.

I do hope that one day I may have the honor and privilage of meeting both of you. You sound like interesting folks. There is proably alot we can learn from each other.

Oh, one further question if I may. Does anyone know where I may be able to purchase a new USSCOM .45 automatic pistol with a silencer. I may need specialized ammo as well. You see, conventional gunsmiths ask alot of questions when I ask for hollowpoint silver bullets or ten gauge shot made of silver and rosewood.

Occupational incoveniance I suppose.

Well, G'day to you all.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 4:15 pm
by Ethan Skinner
I'm still new and not a part of this society, either. But it's a good place to meet like-minded individuals and compare notes, if your into that. But welcome anyway. It's good to know we have more faces coming around here.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 6:15 pm
by kalle

Speak with Caliburn about the weapon and the ammo.

Welcome to Lazlo, Typhis . . .

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:28 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Yes, Ron is splendid with guns. He’s even taught me some things.

Oh, and welcome, Typhis Black.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 1:11 am
by Sir Typhis Black
With such warm welcomes, I am sure that I have found my new warren amongst The Downs.

If someone could help put me in contact with this Mr. Caliburn it would be greatly appreciated. The sooner the better for I am affraid the Hell Hound I slew may have been the watchdog for a far more sinister presence. I do not yet know what it might be, but I can feel its evil baring down on me even now.

The inclimate weather has kept me in this evening, so I will begin my investigation anew tomorrow. I do hope that I will find some answers.

G'Night to you all.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:51 am
by Hannah
Hello Mr. Black.

I'm sure my father would be happy to help you with all your requests for guns and ammo, probably at cost to him as well.

He'll probably contact you soon, he's jsut been a little busy the last couple of days.


PS: Welcome to the board.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:42 pm
by Sir Typhis Black
You have my upmost gratitude little girl, or am I incorrect with a name like Hannah. My grandmother's name was Hannah. The kindest soul a person would ever have the privalage of knowing. My grandfather on the other hand was British SAS during WWII. He was a tough as rail spikes. I learned alot from them both.

However, I find myself digressing again. Your generous offer is most welcome. It would be a small order, but a specific one though. If he is able and willing to acept my business, then I will insist on paying him promptyly and fully. He is afterall a man of business and one one with a fine young lady to raise.

One of these days I must speak of my past. It haunts me so, but I will not bother the rest of you with my woes when a more pressing matter is at hand. I believe now that the Hell Hound I put to death was the guardian of a vampire, or vampires. I did some investigative research and discovered that nearly two dozen persons have gone missing in the area, mainly college students, ravers, and the occaisonal vagrant.

From what I know of vampires, all the signs point in that direction. Last night a young college girl was attacked outside of a night club. She was taken to the local hospital with strange wounds on her neck and a deffinite loss of blood. This afternoon she vanished from the hospital without a trace.

The number missing tell me that they may be a few, no more than three or four vampires operating in the precinity, with one master. I believe the girl's attack was a message sent due the death of their guard dog.

Does anyone have any advise about how I should go about this, other than the obvious. I am only one person, and do not fathom going up against a small nest of nosfarateu ill prepared.

I know any advise you can give me will be sage.

G'Day, and thanks to you all.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 8:42 pm
by concrete_Angel
It sounds like we've got at least a couple things in common. As for your problem, there's a few around your area that might help, but we'd need to cut the welcome wagon a little short. :lol:

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:39 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Well Sir Black, I can do that order, it will give me something fairly uncomplicated inbetween sessions with modifying the Saiga .410 I am working on.

My usual rate applies, Lazlo members are served at cost.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:24 pm
by Sir Typhis Black
Thank you Mr. Caliburn. I will contact you tomorrow with my order via a PM.

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 11:31 pm
by KonThaak
Black: I wish I was up to my old standards... I could've offered you a few charms and paranormal toys to help protect you. I may still be able to help you in some small ways, so drop me a line if you're interested.

As always, my advice is: Proceed with utmost caution, and be aware that things are not always as they seem. Ron Caliburn once tangoed with a vampire he'd been led to believe was a werewolf; I don't imagine it would be terribly impossible for the reverse to happen...or to find that they're demons masquerading as vampires to catch would-be hunters off their guard. Be prepared for the worst, expect the unexpected, and where possible, don't hunt alone.

Good luck in your hunt. Again, contact me if you're interested in some personal paranormal advice.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:47 pm
by Sir Typhis Black
It was a long night last evening. I did not get back to my motel room until 4 AM. My conclusions were partialy right. The Hell Hound did in fact belong to vampires. My estimation of their numbers was off. There were five; the girl from the other night turned.

I was regretfully left with no other choice but to stake her when two of them attacked me while I was out on patrol. After I killed her, the other fled into the night. I could not give chase for I had to properly dispose of the first one. Trust me when I say this, it does not get any easier. When I must stand there and stare into their lifeless faces when the monster is gone and only the victim remains.

By the time I finished and was able to give persuit, I had lost its trail. I did however find another come 3 AM. It must have been returning from hunting when I ran into it. It recognized me immediately though I do not recall encountering this particular vampire before.

After a scuffle, I managed to blind it with holy water then decapitate it with my sword. Yet another body for me to dispose of. Two in one night. That was the most I was ever able to slay in one evening.

I only awoke an hour ago. I figured I should let you know my progress here and remain in contact for in case I fail some other hunter may pick up where I left off here. Fortunately there are only three now.

I read your post Mr. Kon Thaak. Your name sounds familiar. Were you a practicing white mage? Anyway, thank you for your sage advise. I will do my best to follow it. I may be in contact with you.

I must go for now. The rest of you have a good day.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:42 pm
by GhostSpider
A belated welcome to you Typhis, and welcome to the Society.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:22 pm
by Sir Typhis Black
Why thank you for the warm welcome Mr. Spider. I do assume that this can not possibly be a real name and are aliases. It is understood so nothing more need be said on the matter. I accept your gracious greetings with gratitude.

Now on to more pressing matters. I have not yet been able to track down the lair of these vampires I am having a pickle of a time with. Last night I encountered three. Today I have yet to even pick up their trail. Hopefully I will be have better luck this evening.

At least there are only three nosfarateu left. I have taken stock in the usual weapons; stakes, holy water, silver bullets {though I must admit I am running dangerously low}, and my trusted cross. Tonight I will be prepared.

Well then all I need is a little luck and some suppot from the good lord above.

I will continue to keep the rest of you informed, if I am able. Oh I did receive your reply Mr. Caliburn. I will fax you copies of the paperwork first thing tomorrow if I am again able.

Well then, G'Night to you all.

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:46 pm
by KonThaak
Sir Typhis Black wrote:I read your post Mr. Kon Thaak. Your name sounds familiar. Were you a practicing white mage? Anyway, thank you for your sage advise. I will do my best to follow it. I may be in contact with you.

Close... I was a practicing druid. My mentor's name was Kon-Thaak, a spirit of some capability, existing in astral space... I believe his name translated out to something like "Thorn in the Side" or something like that, for he was just that to those he didn't like, and who didn't like him.

Perhaps our cyber-paths have crossed elsewhere on the Internet...

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:48 am
by kalle
Are you sure?

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 1:17 pm
by GhostSpider
:lol: :lol:

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:35 pm
by Sir Typhis Black
Deacon Ash-Shaytan wrote:Glad to see you're being wary about this place, Mr. Black.

Just be careful while you're here. Disagree once, and they'll quickly label you a "troll" a "dick" a "prick" an "ass" and anything else they care to toss at you, just for saying, "Are you sure?"

I do wonder if you may be exaggerating your own personal experiences while dealing with the fellows here within the society. They have all seemd to me to offer sound advice and well wishes. Assuredly there must be times when disagreeances arise. After all it is only human nature. But to think it would ever digress to such immature and childish behavior, I must truly doubt that.

I am quite sure that my decision to join the society was the right thing to do, for better or for worse. Besides, I find their individual styles and personal flare as something enjoyable. So I say that they should only keep up the slendid job that they are doing.

Once again, I have wandered off center a tad there. I believe I was about to report in about those pesky nosferateu I am having a devil of a time with.

I did encounter one again last eveing. Actually, it seemed that it was in fact looking for me. The blasted thing took me by surprise as I was not expecting it to be a female.

After a bit of a scrape and some cuts and brusie of my behalf {plus a dislocated shoulder}, I did manage to plant a tracking becon on the thing.
The only reason that I am still alive is an old charm that my mentor taught to me to ward off the undead. Fortunately for me it worked or I would not be here writing these words.

It got away virtually unscathed though but I now know where there lair is. I have doubts about going in alone but I must do what I must do to prevent any further innocent lives from being claimed by these monsters.

You need not worry about my physical condition. I did find a nice free clinic near the college that didn't ask to many questions. My shoulder hurts like the dickens, but its back in place. I also needed a few stiches in my leg and head, but all for all I am ready to go again.

Well I have probably boared you folks enough about my problems, I hope to post again before I head out this evening. With all good hopes, this little endevour will be rectified by day break tomorrow.

Well then, G'day to you all.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:54 pm
by kalle
Few things more rewarding than taking the group.

Just be careful because you will get it from all sides.

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 8:31 pm
by KonThaak
Sir Black: Good luck. I wish I could send you more than that, because you'll probably need it.


Deacon Ash-Shaytan wrote:Glad to see you're being wary about this place, Mr. Black.

Just be careful while you're here. Disagree once, and they'll quickly label you a "troll" a "dick" a "prick" an "ass" and anything else they care to toss at you, just for saying, "Are you sure?"

I resent that remark on quite a few levels. For starters, I'm the only one who has made any such remarks against you. To attack and slander the whole of the Society because *I* have a temper is disgusting, and further proof that you are worthy of the nasty things I said to you.

Secondly, you didn't just ask "are you sure". You attacked the overview report of a situation given by a man I know and--to at least a limited extent--trust. You belittled him. You mocked him. And when asked who you were, you adopted a self-righteous tone and informed us that you were here to "help" us. I pointed out that this kind of help, we don't want or need. You did *far* more than ask "are you sure", Deacon.

Next time you want to feel indignant, carry a gun into gang-infested territory, wave it around, insult their mothers, and get indignant that they're not showering you with butterflies, happiness, and kittens who puke rainbows.

Sir Black, out of deference to you, if this part of the conversation needs further attention from either the Deacon or myself, I will gladly move it to a more appropriate thread.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 1:06 am
by Sir Typhis Black
Remind me never to get on your bad side Mr. Kon Thaak. Nether the less, all is taken in stride my good man.

Well tonight is the night. Wish me luck.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 4:49 pm
by kalle
Salt is the very useful crystal :!:

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:25 pm
by Shadowstalker
Yes it is kalle, very useful indeed. :D

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 10:39 pm
by concrete_Angel
Especially for *some* people to try to rub into open wounds. I just wish everyone on this site didn't just automatically expect to fight EVERYONE ELSE ON THIS SITE!!!!! Try using that pent-up aggression towards the REAL enemies, and not as a big dick contest.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:33 pm
by Logan
Good Luck to you, Black.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:53 pm
by Sir Typhis Black
I am affraid I have let you all down. The master vampire whose name I did not manage to learn managed to escape the other evening, quite unscathed I am affraid. Its two minions however were not so fortunate. I did manage to end their wretched unlives, but by the time I had finished with them the master had fled.

I myself was wounded in the battle and made it out of there before the fire consumed the building. An old abanddoned tenement outside of town if you could believe that. I am glad no innocents were hurt. I however am now nursing some bruised ribs as well as a bruised ego, some cuts and bruises, and a minor concussion. The doctor says I should be up and about in a few days. I figure I will use this time to catch up on my arcane studies then.

In the mean time, this may give me the chance opportunity to get to know all of you a bit better. So I may start a new thread elsewhere just for that purpose. I know that I am delighted at the chance to speak to Mr. Kon Thaak. Mr. Caliburn has been truly helpful as well. So I am looking forward to meeting each and everyone of you.

Until then, have a G'Day.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:33 pm
by GhostSpider
You'll get him eventually Black.

Just be glad you're still alive.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:39 pm
by Sir Typhis Black
Why thank you Mr Spider. I do so appreciate your support. I do hope that one day that I cross that nosferateu's path again. With any luck, he will not walk be walking away then.


So that is what those faces are for.

Rather amuzing if I must say so.