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Is/was this man involved with Lazlo Society?

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 8:24 pm
by Jimu113
I have an uncle who worked in Chicago in the mid-70's, who used to tell me about a reporter that worked there during that time. I think he said the last name was something like colchak (sp?). The reporter worked for the Independent News Service (INS, no relation to the government agency). This guy tended to have run-ins with several of the enemy, including vampires, lycanthropes and worse. My uncle last heard of this fellow about late '75, before INS was bought out by AP. Later checks by my uncle and myself have come up with zip. Of course, in my case, it could be improper spelling of his name.

Has anyone else met/heard of this person?

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 8:58 am
by Brother Hotep
I think I know what you're talking about. I don't think he works with lazlo agency, i Do think he still writes for various underground papers... maybe he founded that I mentioned earlier..

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 9:30 am
by Debunker
If I had a dollar for every crackpot reporter who claimed to have confronted or dealt with the paranormal and creatures of the night that my family either interviewed for their files or employed occasionally, my vast financial assets would have doubled by now. Its not a matter of who this clown worked for or what he did, a better question is why did he waste his career on pointless rabble for a newspaper, he'd have been better off writing fictional horror books. But as this site seems to prove and constantly reiterate, there are lots of people willing to let their lives rot away in their foolish pursuits of the paranormal.


Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 6:23 pm
by Jimu113
And people who get their jollies getting on forums, just to talk down to others.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 10:39 am
by Debunker
That’s a very inaccurate and harsh statement sir. As I've stated several times in my previous posts, I am here not to talk down to anyone, but to request that many of the readers on this site get help. I have nothing against anyone’s choice of beliefs, but when I read about how many of them pack weaponry and go on hunts for what are imaginary creatures, they are effectively time bombs waiting to go off! I dont want anyone to hurt themselves or others and I only want them to seek the help before that happens. I am a man of psychology and science, and if there is something I can see a mile away its a loose cannon just waiting to go off, and as a Doctor I dont want to see that happen. Sure, I make sarcastic remarks on occasion, but it doesnt mean I dont care about who I'm responding to or think any less of them. There are some very intelligent people on this forum, but their talents and potential are going to waste on such trivial and fictional subjects like the supernatural. As far as im concerned you owe me an apology for accusing me of such actions.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 11:00 pm
by Contact_21
Well, you might think that nothing supernatural happens. We're wasting our time. All I can say is there is real evil out there. A lot of people have seen strange things.

I admit, sometimes nothing supernatural is going on. I've been on cases where it turned out people were hearing voices but what they needed was a hospital, not a Ghost Hunter.

Speaking for myself, I have a simple motto: to protect and to serve.

Lazlo Agent