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Clay Jars in Nippur

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:04 am
by 1LT_Donald
My platoon was investigating some caves the locals told us about last week (supposed Arms cache) when we found some kind of rough-carved chamber. There were a bunch of clay pots and other stuff that's common for the area, but we also found seven clay jars (Each was maybe big enough to hold a basket ball).

While we were poking through the chamber looking for arms, one of the PFCs knocked over one of the jars, it broke. I think it must have had some sort of chemical in it because we all kinda passed out for an hour or so. We woke up when another platoon came to check on us (lost radio contact).

They've already shipped the other jars back stateside and aren't telling us anything. The PFC that broke the jar has been very sick since that day and the docs are at a loss. I may be crazy but I think I can see his skin moving every now and then, like there's something moving inside him.

Anyway, I know you folks deal with stuff like this a lot, so I'm wondering if you know of any ancient chemicals used in the area that make people see things?

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 2:47 am
by Lightning Plant
I'm a detective, not a chemist, but I would say to be very careful if they let your PFC rejoin the unit. I've never heard of anything like this, so watch out.

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 9:50 am
by Kolya
Once again, outside my field of work.

But perhaps I can make a suggestion or two.

Your Private might have been cursed. Does he feel anything crawling around under his skin, too?

How good is your base Chaplain in matters such as this?

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 5:39 pm
by Ron Caliburn
My best advice to you is to not trust anybody who was exposed to the chemical, especially the PFC. DOn't forget to include the extraction team, anybody who handled the jars when they were taken stateside or yourself.

Keep a loaded weapon with you at all times, don't be afraid to use it if one of your mates suddenly acts strage.

Don't be afraid to taste a little lead yourself if you start going through really strange stuff yourself.

I hope one of these eggheads can come up with something for you soon

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 3:44 pm
by Dennis Haverstand
I think Mr. Caliburn's advice might be a little extreme. Seeing the date on his post, I hope you haven't taken any extreme action. These sort of things require a great deal of investigation. To suggest murdering a fellow human being merely for act strange is a horrifing suggestion. Please, explore all other avenues of recourse first.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 4:57 pm
by Debunker
In Ron's defense, he's an over exaggerator if not a bit sarcastic. Anyone who keeps such a bizarre cat as Mr. Fluffers for a pet can't be that serious. But your right Dennis, he should find other less hazzardous alternatives.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 2:16 pm
by Dr.JamesRasmusson
Sorry for the attitudes of my counterparts. However your story is alarming to say the least.

I cannot say what your problem is for certain, it may be a number of things.
One possibility that was said earlier is possesion, however that is a little much for this case.
Another is a real disease. Some (such as anthrax) form spores when a host is not available. They lie dormant for years, until a suitable host is encountered and they return to the replication cycles.
Another possibility is that these pots contained some form or parasite which live within a mammalian host.
Yet another possibility is the presence of chemicals with halucinatory properties. Which can attribute the feelings and visuals you are experiencing.
Question your doctors and see if they are preforming all the required tests.

Keep in touch and let us know a little more about your treatments as well as your signs and symptoms.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 5:45 pm
by Ron Caliburn
And never let your gun out of arms reach