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Back Again....Yet Again....Damn Internet.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:14 am
by Holister
Well Greetings from Maine;

Once Again :wink:

Been offline for awhile due to technical difficulties. I am back though, though for how long I do not know. The weather up here has been brutal, at least I had a white Christmas. :D

Lets see, oh I got that 6MM PSW I've been wanting. Yippie.

Oh, The Annex is up and running finally. Even got Doc Coltraine to help with the emergency clinic. So we are about as stocked and ready as we are going to be.

So if anone needs anything, drop us a line up here and I'll personally see that it happens.

Oh, and by the way, a small side note....Molly is back.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:51 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
YAY! Molly is back! ^__________^ Be sure to give her that much belated birthday gift I had for her :mrgreen:

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 2:05 pm
by A. Pendragon
So now that you are back do you still want me to come visit the Cove?
I just need a bit more time to find Ghostspider and kill him, then I can come on by.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 1:35 am
by Holister
Well as long as you remain available Pendragon, we could always use the help. I can even get you your own cabin up here by the lake.

Good luck killin' GS, wait.....what did I miss.....?

Never mind, good luck anyway. :D

Oh, Benjamin, that is so wonderful!

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 1:04 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Oh, Benjamin, that is so wonderful!

The oddest things happened while you were away, Ben. I’m not sure where to start. First there was . . . no, that came after. Was it . . .? No, you were here for that. Well, I guess the only thing I can think of to tell you is I tried meditating on you to get a bead on where you were. But each time I tried, my mind started wandering, and I found myself thinking of other thing when I tried worrying about you. And when I tried calling Josh to read his runes for you, I . . . spaced out. And so much started happening while he was living with us . . . I didn’t have time to worry about you.

Is that strange?

But how is Molly? How are you? Is the Annex working out? Are they treating you well?

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:39 pm
by GhostSpider
Good luck killin' GS, wait.....what did I miss.....?


Never mind, good luck anyway.

:shock: :shock:


Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:35 am
by Holister
:D Whoa there Eionwy....seems like you should be cuttin down on the caffine there a wee bit. :lol:

Molly is fine, though she doesn't quite remember much bout where she was, or that she was even missin. Go figure that one out?

The annex is up and runnin'. Carter just finished the library Thursday. Ol' Derik has the new computer system up and runnin' pretty well. Though al we seem to do with it is hit for the free games. :)

Duke is doing well too, though he has been actin' lil strange round me when the Society comes up. Crazy dog...

As for me, Im happy to have my life back in shape, or some semblance there for of....though I am still foggy on a bunch of stuff, guess it doesn't matter much. My aim is still good... :wink: the way. Carter has discovered several new spels he's been researchin' from some old spell book he acquired in Romania. I'll keep ya'll posted when I can.

Well...looks like I gotta run...another day at the office so to speak.

Try to enjoy the daylight folks.... :P

It will come with time, Ben.

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 12:00 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Holister wrote::D Whoa there Eionwy....seems like you should be cuttin down on the caffine there a wee bit. :lol:

Perhaps I should . . . I tried some coffee for the first time again in years . . . I think my body was just as surprised as I was. I don’t think coffee and excitement should be used in the same breath.

Holister wrote:Molly is fine, though she doesn't quite remember much bout where she was, or that she was even missin. Go figure that one out?

Is that . . . ordinary? I mean, where has she been? What does she remember?
Holister wrote:The annex is up and runnin'. Carter just finished the library Thursday. Ol' Derik has the new computer system up and runnin' pretty well. Though al we seem to do with it is hit for the free games. :)

And that’s . . . good? While I encourage breaks and a bit of humor, I can’t help but feel it’s been getting in the way of the Society, lately . . . .

Holister wrote:Duke is doing well too, though he has been actin' lil strange round me when the Society comes up. Crazy dog...

Duke is . . . more than just an ordinary dog, Ben. He saved our lives when those huge . . . batthings attacked us in the Cove. Do you mean he acts strangely when the Society is mentioned verbally? Are there Society members down there at the Cove, now?

Holister wrote:As for me, Im happy to have my life back in shape, or some semblance there for of....though I am still foggy on a bunch of stuff, guess it doesn't matter much. My aim is still good... :wink:

It will come with time, Ben. Be patient. And I’m glad you’re happy.

Holister the way. Carter has discovered several new spels he's been researchin' from some old spell book he acquired in Romania. I'll keep ya'll posted when I can.

Ben, be careful. When it comes to magic . . . I don’t know. It’s not science. It’s . . . well, it’s magic. Would you please tell Carter to be extra cautious and to not take any risks with it?

Holister wrote:Well...looks like I gotta run...another day at the office so to speak.

Try to enjoy the daylight folks.... :P

I always do.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 5:06 pm
by GhostSpider
And that’s . . . good? While I encourage breaks and a bit of humor, I can’t help but feel it’s been getting in the way of the Society, lately . . .

When someone feels that humor is getting in the way of things, than that person needs to sit down and stop taking those things so seriously. We need humor, some of us for reasons you wouldn't expect.

Ben, be careful. When it comes to magic . . . I don’t know. It’s not science. It’s . . . well, it’s magic. Would you please tell Carter to be extra cautious and to not take any risks with it?

He doesn't have to be a rocket Scientist to figure that one out Ellie :P . He'll be careful (though this is Ben we're talking about here...).

That may be true, Konrad, but . . .

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:59 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
GhostSpider wrote:When someone feels that humor is getting in the way of things, than that person needs to sit down and stop taking those things so seriously. We need humor, some of us for reasons you wouldn't expect.

That may be true, Konrad, but when employees start joking on the job for seven of the eight hours on workdays, they get fired.

And in Lazlo’s line of work, we ordinarily can’t get another job once being fired. Because our task is a 24 hour event, and when 23 of those hours are spent joking, more often than not, they get killed through negligence on their part.


I’m sorry, Konrad. Two people that I care about very much are scouring the Blight in search of a team of paranormal investigators, those missing from Legacy. And I’m feeling tense and frightened because of it. And your bipolarity is . . .?

Troubling, to say the least.

Well, back on topic; Ron is right about pointing fingers, and I’m sorry if I sounded accusatory there.

Please keep us informed of the happenings at Cypress, Ben. And please tell us how Molly is doing.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:06 pm
by Malakai
Legacy brats are missing? Hmmm interesting. I am so hungry. Perhaps I should look for them. Go for round 3... that is unless I already went that 3rd round and there is nothing left to find of them ;)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:36 pm
by GhostSpider
Malakai, don't you have anything better to do?

Ellie, I'm all seriousness on the job. Well, most of the time anyways. Its only here that I act like a goof.


Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:39 pm
by Holister
Greetings from Maine

Well..Happy New Year to ya'll.

Good luck in finding those Legacies guys....they are good folks and pretty damn good investigators.

Next up...who the Hell is Malakai? are either bi-polar...or the labotomy took effect. :wink:

As for Carter...he translated three spells thus far, and has two of them working. The last one....well....he has yet to work the bugs out of it.

Molly says hi to everyone, and wonders how everyone is doing.

She also wants to thank you for the belated gift Bert. She really likes it.

She misses Celeste/Eilonwy and wonders when she'll come back for a visit.

All she remembers about where she was was nice people who took care of her. Who, where, or why is still a mystery.

Oh, Duke says.."WOOF!"

Still gets extremely edgey when The Society gets mentioned. He even went as far as to take Derik's Society hard dive and bury it out in the woods.

Go figure... :?

Anyway, took care of what I believe was a ghoul the other night. I never knew any ghoul however to be able to cast spells of its own. Good thing Carter was there to help me out.

We have also been experiencing some sort of dark spirit that has been appearing and disappearing at random. It hasn't done anything...yet. So
we just wait and watch for now.

I got that 6.08MM PSW finally. Took awhile to clear through the proper channels. Got to test it out the other day. Ron should take stock in these. Those familiar with the M-16 or M-4 would really like this weapon, except that it has alot better stopping power and lesser kickback. Plus it is easily compacted for quick exit and entrance into tight spaces. I have another two on back order; one for Ron and one for Bert. They should get here about March though.

Well, I have some time off coming to me when ever I choose to take it. So if anyone needs help with anything, drop me a line, and I will arrange my schedule.

Oh, one last dragons really exist? is all. 8)

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 5:23 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I think you mean a KAC 6mm PDW.

It does have less recoil, but it actually won't be as lethal as a 5.56 mm NATO chambered M-16, especially past he first hundred yards or so. The FN-P90 and HK MP-7 work around similar concepts. The only action I heard about the FN-P90 in (embassy seige in Peru) there was about a 50% failure to stop. HK MP-5s (9mm) used in the same operation had a closer to an 80% one shot stop rate. Under the same situation an M-4 would probably have had about a 95% one shot stop rate.

Still, the 6mm at least fires a reasonably heavy bullet for a PDW, so it will probably have a little more on target effect than the smaller cartridges the P-90 fires.

Still, I'd probably keep using shotguns . . . at least when I think I might only get one shot at the baddie before I have to worry about swords.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 12:10 am
by KonThaak
Hey, man. Thought I'd said "welcome back" earlier, but apparently, the Internet ate my message. x.x;; 'Cuz I don't see it up there, now.

So...welcome back! A few days late, but it's still welcome back, right? Happy New Year to you, too (even though mine's technically not for a while)!

Holister wrote:Oh, one last dragons really exist? is all. 8)

Define "exist". Do dragons have physical manifestations in our world, such as the large, steel-scaled, bat-winged creatures out of mythology and role-playing games? No. However, there are entities which, when they have form, strongly resemble those creatures...but they exist purely on the astral.

There are usually two dragons living in my home, one living in a statue of a copper-colored dragon, the other, a younger dragon who resides in a blade...Cubrious and Claw, respectively.

Unfortunately, Khavik took Claw not long before Halloween... I still haven't found Khavik, so I haven't gotten Claw back...but I think I'm getting closer.

Gabriel says hello.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 3:45 pm
by GhostSpider are either bi-polar...or the labotomy took effect.

I'd take offense at that, if I weren't glad to see some of the old "you" back. Glad you got Molly back, and I hope you guys had a great New Years.

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 1:02 pm
by Holister
Its good to see you back to normal GS....or at least as normal as you can get... :D

The only reason I asked about the dragons is because after out last "nexus flare up" on the Solstice, we kind of found an egg, and by we, I mean Derik, who only told us about it a few days ago. :x

When we asked us, he said, and I quote; "It might be like that movie, you know, The Waterhorse."

I then proceeded to hit him hard in the shoulder as Carter smacked him upside the head.

We now have a mystery egg about the size of a watermelon in the lab, unfortunately no one here is a qualified biologist to tell us what it is.

I hoping its just a big chicken....

Molly touched it once yesterday when we weren't looking. Says she heard singing coming from it. We did some EVP work after that..and well, there is some erie singing in the background. Very Strange....

Maybe its a talented chicken?

Well.....thanks for the correction on that info Ron. I got the assault rifle and sub-machineguns mixed up. As usual. My memory is for shit lately. Maybe I should start using Master Li's tea set he gave me.

I miss him...he was a great man. I wish him peace where ever he is.

Lets see, oh, Carter is still working on that third spell....he did actually get it to work....sort of. I don't want to see it again though anytime soon, not until he gets the kinks worked out of it.

The name according to his translations goes something like "Dimension Tide". I did not ask for an explantion beyond that. :roll:

He did perfect his protection amulet ritual and made some protection amulets for each of us...its a basic protection from evil, so no more unwanted possessions for anyone here. Yippie!!! :D

He made ten (a lengthy process to do), and there are only seven of us currently here, since Az is off in Europe somewhere. He could call in once in awhile. :roll: So now we have two extra. I figured we hold on to one as a spare and offer the last one to whoever needs it, but if anyone needs both we would be happy to ship them to our society bretheren.

We did get our own resident psychic I forgot to mention last post. That sort of rounds things out a bit up here. We believe he is a sensitive, or at least a real focused latent. Its not like we can test him him to determine which.

So our roster for Lazlo Society Anex @ Cypress Cove stands as follows:

Ben Holister {hunter}
Randoplh Carter {arcanist}
Rourke Utah {hunter}
Ayden Cross {psychic}
Derik Kincaid {techie}
Azrael {feelance hunter}
Tony {P/T researcher}

Honorary Members:

Molly Holister {morale booster :wink: }
Duke {K-9 unit/mascot}
Kelly Carlisle {SupNat Liason :wink: }
Merideth Chase {forensics}

Wow...seeing it in black & white, I never knew we had that many people. :D

In your face TAPS.... :lol:

Anyway. Its been nice chatting with you again. If there is anythng we can do, just drop us a line.

PS: Has anyone seen or heard from FATE lately. His cabin has been deserted for months now and I am getting worried.

Well See Ya'll.

Azrael is still alive?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 4:30 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Azrael is still alive? I’m glad to hear that, Ben.

As for Fate . . . I cannot say. Your guess is as good as ours.

Thanks for keeping us informed.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:39 pm
by concrete_Angel
Actually, about the dragons: I remember seeing one when I was really small. I was walking by a construction site, and a small grey-ish brown one crawled out of some rubble, looked really confused, and dug itself back into the pile, only deeper.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:58 pm
by Holister
Well...I do not know for certain it is a dragon might be something else. Carter wants to incubat the darn thing. Derik wants to adopt it. And I want to scramble it. Gut instinct I guess, but Molly says "Im jumping the gun again Uncle Ben."

From the mouths of babes.

Guess its a matter of wait and see.

Oh, Carter finally figured out the one spell. Let us hope we don't have to use it against an actual foe. Lets just say, Carter discovered a new way to make hamburger. From a live cow.


Anyway. I will keep ya'll posted.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:32 pm
by KonThaak
Angel: Are you sure it was a physical dragon? When we're very young, oftentimes we have the power to see spirits and auras... Then we grow up and convince ourselves we don't, and that we never did. You might've seen an astral dragon, slipping through the area...

Holister: I'm having nightmares enough as it is right now... Could we lay off the mental imagery, please?

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:40 pm
by GhostSpider


{A dramatic reenactment}

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 4:14 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Mmmm..... Hamburger.... *Drools*

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 11:42 pm
by concrete_Angel
KonThaak wrote:Angel: Are you sure it was a physical dragon? When we're very young, oftentimes we have the power to see spirits and auras... Then we grow up and convince ourselves we don't, and that we never did. You might've seen an astral dragon, slipping through the area...

From what I remember, it was pretty dirty looking, and not really all that happy. I don't know if astral dragons are used to being covered in cement, but it was pretty odd to me.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 10:37 am
by Hannah
Hi Ben,

Someone else sent Pa one of those guns you're talkin' 'bout - but I really liked firin' it, if you wanted maybe ya could send yours too so Pa and I could shoot them together on Father-Daughter Tactical Excercise day at the range.


PS: I've been reading, it looks like you were right about the egg.