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Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:39 am
by Malakai
I have only mentioned one job that i performed.

I think the reason you are so mad is that deep down inside yourselves, you all realize that we really are the same.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:57 am
by Razor
Except I don't think there's a single person here that is a braggart, Malakai.

Question: About the contract... Alive, dead, or was it either/or?

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:57 am
by GhostSpider

You're stupidity never ceases to amuse me assgoblin.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 1:36 pm
by Malakai
My contract to bring in Pendragon?
It was for Alive preferrably. Dead is ok. Fear not though, I did bring him in alive. Whether those who have him keep him that way is a different story.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 2:30 pm
by Kei Nakamura
Malakai, since you used to be SAS, I suppose appealing to your partriotism would be pointless.

I myself am a freelance person in the intelligence field, and your employers seem to have stepped into it big. I am offering a contract to have a meeting, so that you can give me what information on your employer you can, lets just say that all of humanity has a vested intrest in those people losing what power they have in this world.

Oh and Malakai, how did you make it out of Afganistan? I had lost tabs on you when your team went KIA.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 2:39 pm
by KonThaak

That's...unsettling. Gabe's hardly ever wrong, and when he told me about this guy (before he went to Windner), he swore up and down this guy wasn't human.

He said something about this guy being Ba'al, an Avatar... Maybe working with Windner's got his radar all screwed up.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 3:27 pm
by Malakai
Kei Nakamura wrote:Malakai, since you used to be SAS, I suppose appealing to your partriotism would be pointless.

I myself am a freelance person in the intelligence field, and your employers seem to have stepped into it big. I am offering a contract to have a meeting, so that you can give me what information on your employer you can, lets just say that all of humanity has a vested intrest in those people losing what power they have in this world.

Oh and Malakai, how did you make it out of Afganistan? I had lost tabs on you when your team went KIA.
You are not in the intelligence field, you are a scientist attempting a scientific way of understanding the unknown. Although your offer is enticing. Give me some time to consider it.

As for how I got out of Afghanistan, ask your saint, Pendragon how he got out alive when the majority of his team was killed or captured.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 3:35 pm
by Malakai
KonThaak wrote:...?!?

That's...unsettling. Gabe's hardly ever wrong, and when he told me about this guy (before he went to Windner), he swore up and down this guy wasn't human.

He said something about this guy being Ba'al, an Avatar... Maybe working with Windner's got his radar all screwed up.
And when your better half met me it was in a realm where the senses could more easily be fooled. But keep this in mind, the first Ba'al were just as mortal as you.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 3:39 pm
by KonThaak
Malakai wrote:And when your better half met me it was in a realm where the senses could more easily be fooled. But keep this in mind, the first Ba'al were just as mortal as you.

Sorry, bud. My "better half" is in the room with me, sitting on her computer right now, and has never met you.

Gabe's my alter-ego. Get it right. =P

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 5:28 pm
by Razor
At least people are starting to think clearly again. Finally.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 6:32 pm
by Cyanide
Malakai wrote:I am a "douchebag"? Yet I succeeded in what I was paid to do. That was bring in Pendragon for a bounty. I hunted a target and brought it down. Is it any different then what you or the others here do? You find something to hunt for whatever reason (you dont like them, they called you a bad name, they hurt someone, etc...) and you hunt it/them until you catch them. I did the same thing. What is so wrong with that?


Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 6:49 pm
by Malakai
Cyanide wrote:
Malakai wrote:I am a "douchebag"? Yet I succeeded in what I was paid to do. That was bring in Pendragon for a bounty. I hunted a target and brought it down. Is it any different then what you or the others here do? You find something to hunt for whatever reason (you dont like them, they called you a bad name, they hurt someone, etc...) and you hunt it/them until you catch them. I did the same thing. What is so wrong with that?

Oh no! I was called a brat by a little kid. Whatever shall I do? Like I said before, go choke on your namesake. I can even get you free samples. Remember even a ghost can be killed.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 7:15 pm
by Cyanide
So um... Instead of bothering with this mickey mouse punk, shouldn't someone be looking for Pendragon? And oh yeah, Mal, I've already stated in here before that I am called Cyanide for a reason... Plus I never said I was a full ghost did I skippy? Alright then... On to more important issues. Like packing my things.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 8:26 pm
by Malakai
Cyanide wrote:So um... Instead of bothering with this mickey mouse punk, shouldn't someone be looking for Pendragon? And oh yeah, Mal, I've already stated in here before that I am called Cyanide for a reason... Plus I never said I was a full ghost did I skippy? Alright then... On to more important issues. Like packing my things.
Sorry for confusing you little child. I thought you would be smart enough to understand that I was referring to your "Psi-Ghost" when I just said ghost. Guess I misjudged you. You are indeed proving me wrong. You are dumber then you look.

Perhaps you should stop acting like a child and actually look for this Pendragon if you care for him as much as your ego pretends. But since none of you other then Kei, Gabriel (a joke if you ask me) and the timid druid are doing anything, then I guess Pendragon will be remaining right where he is. I wonder how long he can hold out against his captors?

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 8:33 pm
by Razor
Well, Pendragon and I were never all that close, so I wouldn't have any idea where to look for him. So, until I get word, I'm doing what I can, where I can. Course, if someone who knew him pretty well were to help me out, like say.. giving me CRV numbers, I might be able to locate him. Depending on if his captors are counting on psychics coming for him or not.

And Cyanide... stop acting like a third grader. Please?

Re: One Hunter Down

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:44 pm
by That Guy
Malakai wrote:
That Guy wrote:
Malakai wrote:
That Guy wrote:Ah Britian, umm you wouldn't happen to reconsider on that now would you? Just to the south there's France, much more devastation can be caused there, you'd split Europe up for starters and it's still a member of the G8 so not like your giving anything up as its still a rather influencial country. Less for some reason you would much rather see Stonehenge destroyed over the Eiffel Tower...
Not too bright are you? It is not me who has plans for Britain. It is those who wanted Pendragon. Come on, you should know be now Pendragons biggest obsession. Who has he been hunting all this time?
So I'm not to bright for not paying attention to a place and person I didn't know of till recently?

I feel insulted its bad enough I may lose my place of business and got hit in a special place whilst trying to rescue Dante, but to call me stupid for not caring to look up something that I didn't know of to begin with bah.
If you are interested in some money in order to save your business, I could help you with that. How much do you need? And who hit you? I could take care of them....for a price!
Not to bright are you or you just not paying attention? Either way not a good trait for a hunter that. The one who hit me is dead, he's only a memory now and I'm not going to be paying anyone to be dealing harm to my best friend either, even if he is only a memory now who hit me.

Though Like I need your money to start a new place, do you think I'm that poor that I would need handouts to rebuild what I have just now? You think I didn't consider that this could happen at some point? I have alot of money waiting to be used and don't require handouts thank you very much its just I happen to like where I work right now and would rather not lose it.

I'm interested though, what do you get out of taking this Pendragon down apart from a big pay day. Surely you didn't take someone down who was protecting an entire country just for money, as I find that hard to believe, even Dogs of War have some morals and intelligence and wouldn't just damn an entire country so easily just for money.

Re: One Hunter Down

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:30 pm
by Malakai
That Guy wrote:I'm interested though, what do you get out of taking this Pendragon down apart from a big pay day. Surely you didn't take someone down who was protecting an entire country just for money, as I find that hard to believe, even Dogs of War have some morals and intelligence and wouldn't just damn an entire country so easily just for money.
Pendragon deserted his fellow warriors. Warriors who would have never deserted him. Payback. He isnt dead the last I saw of him and his captors. The same country that Pendragon fought to protect is the same country that refused a rescue mission for those men who died protecting its interests. So why would I give a "damn" what happened to it. It isnt my country. My realm, my place I call home isnt affected by the normal politics that surround the lot of you.

The money doesnt hurt either.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 10:33 pm
by Malakai
Razor wrote:Well, Pendragon and I were never all that close, so I wouldn't have any idea where to look for him. So, until I get word, I'm doing what I can, where I can. Course, if someone who knew him pretty well were to help me out, like say.. giving me CRV numbers, I might be able to locate him. Depending on if his captors are counting on psychics coming for him or not.

And Cyanide... stop acting like a third grader. Please?
Third grader? I think you give him too much credit.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 12:52 am
by Sophoroto
maladork, why don't you come to Waadah Island and try and find me we will see who is the one crying when it is done?

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 12:56 am
by concrete_Angel
Could the testosterone levels around here be ANY higher?? Pendragon's alive-find him! Don't waste time screaming at some blowhard who's coming off like Boba Fett from hell. If you're not going to look for Pendragon- WHY ARE YOU BOTHERING????

Cyanide, James: Give it a freaking rest!

Malaki: Can you cut the drama long enough to give a few more details, if *some* people will allow it?

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:04 am
by GhostSpider
I'd rather he gave us his location. I'd much rather "question" him for the answer in person.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:06 am
by concrete_Angel
Um, yeah, you're not really helping either, GS.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:07 am
by GhostSpider
Help wasn't what I was aiming for.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:09 am
by concrete_Angel
Well, you seem to be helping Malaki out. After all, the guy's trying to get a reaction, and he's got it in spades

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:12 am
by Malakai
Sophoroto wrote:maladork, why don't you come to Waadah Island and try and find me we will see who is the one crying when it is done?
Why dont you come to me Soph. See if you are as tough as you are claiming. Maybe if you can survive the trip and journey to me, then you might even be able to "glimpse" where Pendragon is and who has him. If you are tough enough.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:14 am
by Malakai
Kei Nakamura wrote:Malakai, since you used to be SAS, I suppose appealing to your partriotism would be pointless.

I myself am a freelance person in the intelligence field, and your employers seem to have stepped into it big. I am offering a contract to have a meeting, so that you can give me what information on your employer you can, lets just say that all of humanity has a vested intrest in those people losing what power they have in this world.

Oh and Malakai, how did you make it out of Afganistan? I had lost tabs on you when your team went KIA.
What are you offering in exchange for the info I have that I am able to give out? How much is what I might tell you worth to you?

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:16 am
by GhostSpider
How much do you think your soul is worth?

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:16 am
by Malakai
concrete_Angel wrote:Malaki: Can you cut the drama long enough to give a few more details, if *some* people will allow it?
All you have to do is ask the right questions. Of course, for each answer I give you, you will have to give me something in return :twisted:

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:19 am
by concrete_Angel
I've had worse deals, trust me.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:20 am
by Malakai
GhostSpider wrote:How much do you think your soul is worth?
More then yours. Oh wait, you dont have one anymore do you?