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Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:36 am
by Ron Caliburn
This is our world. Last I checked there was no other species with 6 billion or more sentients on this planet.

We have both the duty and the privelage to control this world. We need to tend it well and keep it good and healthy. We need to make sure that the predators and parasites are cleared out.

So lets get to it.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:48 am
by Holister
Ron Caliburn wrote:This is our world. Last I checked there was no other species with 6 billion or more sentients on this planet.

Um...what about ants. Oh and Bees. And spiders. If they were the size of housecats we'ld be finished. Oh, and bats, rodents, reptiles.

Just ecause we can count to ten and have opposible thumbs Ron, don't forget those words, " And The Beasts Shall Inherit The Earth. " Says it right there in The Bible, right there in the red words.

This isn't our planet Ron, we just live here.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:50 am
by KonThaak
Predators and parasites are one thing, and I agree. My point, though, and the point of several others, is that you can't judge all paranormals equally just because they aren't originally from here. Not all of them are predators, parasites, and (as DarKnyght would have us think) warmongers.

By the way, DarKnyght, I didn't really twist your words or your message at all. Your point: Because travelers from other places come here and ruin our environment, they don't belong here. My point: We have traveled from and to all corners of the earth, and are ruining the environments that we come to. Your solution: Get rid of all "invaders". ... You don't think of it that way because you're so caught up in dealing with the paranormals that you've forgotten we do pretty much the same damned thing.

Only the paranormals I'm arguing in favor of do far less (if any) lasting damage to our environment than we do. Another difference between us is instead of hopping continents (which we need artificial means to do), they hop dimensions (which they need less artificial means to do).

Keep in mind, this "stupid shaman" has no powers without the otherworldly spirits he works with, and this "stupid shaman" just basically headed the rescue of Ron's half-sister...and the "stupid shaman" couldn't have done it without the help of two spirits that should've, by all rights, moved on, but instead chose to help me of their own free will.

What do they have to gain by helping? Satisfaction, and a few lingering moments in this world. You'd call it "unnatural"; I call it a more-than-fair trade.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:59 am
by Ron Caliburn
Holister wrote:Just ecause we can count to ten and have opposible thumbs Ron, don't forget those words, " And The Beasts Shall Inherit The Earth. " Says it right there in The Bible, right there in the red words.

This isn't our planet Ron, we just live here.

And God blessed them: and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. - Genesis 1:28

Sounds like we're in charge to me.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:04 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Not according to DarKnyht, because apparently God is some otherworldly influence bent upon destroying us all and trashing our world, or something. Its all kind of running together now, if that gives any indication of the quality of his argument.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:34 am
by Holister
Ron Caliburn wrote:
Holister wrote:
Sounds like we're in charge to me.

You keep thinking that Ronny boy, you keep thinking that.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 8:14 am
by DarKnyht
KT, I wasn't referring to you specifically when I was talking about shamans. The point was things we claim are good frequently end up actually being very bad to anyone outside their chosen group. The tribal shaman is very good for his tribe, but generally anyone outside of his tribe receives his temper and fury. But then, it is the shaman's job to protect his tribe. I just wanted you to step back and see that everything that we are claiming as good is not necessarily absolute good.

Now for the religion being brought into this. I have come to the conclusion that the creator wound up the world and then put us in charge of it. I think he has had very little interaction with us over the years. That is because he gave humans something called free will. If he was still here interacting with us and manipulating us we wouldn't really have free will now would we? At the end, we will be held accountable for how well we took care of what we were in charge of. Even the gods that you speak of put humans into their wars, read up on Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythology if you need any examples.

As for the creatures that come so harmlessly. Do you not think that there is creatures that are not so harmless that pursue them? Do you think that if the creatures can get here that their predators or enemies can't follow them? I say it is better to remove them from the planet and not run that risk (and that is not necessarily killing them although killing seems to be the only way to remove them in most cases).

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:16 am
by Greydawn
DarKnyht wrote:KT, I wasn't referring to you specifically when I was talking about shamans. The point was things we claim are good frequently end up actually being very bad to anyone outside their chosen group. The tribal shaman is very good for his tribe, but generally anyone outside of his tribe receives his temper and fury. But then, it is the shaman's job to protect his tribe. I just wanted you to step back and see that everything that we are claiming as good is not necessarily absolute good.

Now for the religion being brought into this. I have come to the conclusion that the creator wound up the world and then put us in charge of it. I think he has had very little interaction with us over the years. That is because he gave humans something called free will. If he was still here interacting with us and manipulating us we wouldn't really have free will now would we? At the end, we will be held accountable for how well we took care of what we were in charge of. Even the gods that you speak of put humans into their wars, read up on Greek, Norse, and Egyptian mythology if you need any examples.

As for the creatures that come so harmlessly. Do you not think that there is creatures that are not so harmless that pursue them? Do you think that if the creatures can get here that their predators or enemies can't follow them? I say it is better to remove them from the planet and not run that risk (and that is not necessarily killing them although killing seems to be the only way to remove them in most cases).

There is no such thing as absolute good. Primarily becuase it is a point of view that deffers from on individual to the next, and one society to the next. Take for example, the terrorist that attack the United States, to the US they are evil men and need to be put down, but in their homes they are heros in a holy war and saviors to their way of life which they believe the US is trying to destroy.

Don't get me wrong I am not defending the terrorist just pointing out the mind set they have, and no I don't agree with them and think that they should be stopped.

Are we to become the terrorist against the paranormals that are not causing any harm? Sould we become so callous that we turn are backs on those in need of help, who may be weaker than ourselves? Is it not our duty to help those in need?

In my oppinion we fight those that would harm the innocent and help the innocent lest we become what we fight.