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Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 10:31 am
by Holister
I would HAVE to agree with option B myself. Option A is unplausible, and option C would keep from me sleepin' ever again.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:31 am
by AdamaGeist
It is B.

They killed them then, killed the victims, and then buried the truth.

That would have been horrible enough, but acceptable. The land would have been tainted by the deaths, but it could have been clensed.

But then they hid it. They hid it all away. Buried the ruins, the remains, tried to hide the truth away forever. The corruption stagnated, grew worse.

Their decendants lived on, some ignorant, some hiding the truth. But it was a moot point, a near forgotten memory, until recently.

They wanted to expand, so they dug into the ruins and graveyards, unearthing the dead and the past... And when the truth was remembered, they did everything they could to keep hiding it. And those weakest, the young and the innocent, started being taken in revenge.

Those who are the deepest in this are in charge of the town. They have means to protect themselves from the curse that lingers there. But Billy got afraid, and looked for help. And when the doctors found out that help had come, come to uncover the truth, they killed him...

I cannot go there. I can't. If I do, I will kill every living thing in that town, turn the entire city into a sea of molten rock and living fire.

For all the darkness in that town, I can forgive it more than those that fuel the hate. Do not call me there.

Find them. Find the seals, the things they use to hide themselves from the curse. Destroy them, so the curse can move it's way out.

Release the dead from their pain. Pass their suffering to the guilty.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:47 am
by Shang Li
I will do my best. I hope that what we fight is "the reaper" himself but i doubt it.

1. When it appeared to me it was male. (I have met death before - she is kindly, if somewhat harried by her schedule)

2. It came in form that reeked of darkness, and hate. (death herself is attatched to neither darkness, or light)

3. Death does not need to resort to scare tactics or warning )all come within her grasp in due time)

I do hope it is death herself in a more localized incarnation however, as I am not due to meet her for a while yet. (my situation is....odd in that regards, our final meeting has been postponed for a bit)

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:07 pm
by Razor
So thanatos passed the torch again?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:09 pm
by Ashikaga Hideoshi
Death, by her nature normally appears in whatever form is most appropriate to the viewer (I was with a Jesuit missionary last time I saw her in person, and we saw completely different things)

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:11 pm
by Razor

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:58 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I'm in agreement with Adam on this. There are people who are in the wrong here and it is them that need to be exposed to justice before this will go away.

Until that can happen, you need to protect the innocent from whatever monsters this curse has summoned.

Last night I woke up and my room was ice cold. I thought I'd left my window open but when I looked it was still closed. Somethign was up, I grabbed the piece out from under my pillow and checked the clock. The clock was still. I reached for the lamp ... It did not turn on.

Time to get to the armoury.

When I started to move I felt the blade at my throat. It's voice came from behind me.

"Stay away who's name is Mordecai. . .

"Stay away from the dark places where the dead dwell, for those are my domain. Stay away from the those who are dead, but can not find rest those are my childer. Stay away from the dead place, where the guilty must suffer. Now is not your time hunter...."

It released me and I spun around. It was gone . . . save for the smell of fresh earth and burned wood.

Mr. Fluffers got up and stretched like nothing had happened.

That settles it, I need to get a dog.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:42 pm
by Holister
May I suggest a German Shepard...Ill be havin' pups in about a month or so. Good boy Duke (Long distance WOOF! is heard throughout the boards).

Anyway, I have yet to meet Mr. reaper, and I ain't lookin' foward to it. Listen anyhow we found some stuff at the hospital other than the body, we should be headin' back to the motel to group up on this one guys, pull what we all know and decide a plan of action accordingly

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 2:46 pm
by Razor
Hey Ben... think I might be able to get a pup? My three favorite types of dogs are Australian Shepherd, German Shepherd, and either Rottie, or Lab.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 4:25 pm
by Shadowstalker
Ok as Holister has already said we found Billy's body and that he did not die of issues with his Cancer. HE WAS MURDERED! Smothered to be exact by his own Doctor and at least 4 to 5 other people Ben and I found enough evidence to get things rolling on a legal front if we want. I don't know if the whole town is involved or not but I am really likeing Adamas Ideas at the moment, But I am more inclined to seek a legal solution instead of revenge, I just hope that exposeing the crimes and the Criminals is enough to let the spirits find their proper rest? More to look into deeper to dig before we are done.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 4:38 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
You know, when I mentioned helping out at hospitals and such I was hoping I'd be playing boardgames with sick kids; not giving them Self-Defense instruction.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 5:32 pm
by Holister
Somebody has to say it...THIS TOWN IS FUCKED UP!

Shadow didn't mention the AIDs patient that they killed just because they didn't want their propertity values to go down.

That ain't the only other one either. We found several files, plus the M.E. is in on this.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 5:36 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Ben, we need to bring some more mundane help in on this one. Think the State Police are trustworthy or do we need to bring in Federal Support?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 5:37 pm
by Gothicfox
Shadow, Adama, build a bridge and get over it. Legal option is the only option least you become the monsters you fight.

Thats my advice for the day.

Everything about the spirit is pretty much the same with me. The orbs keep appearing at the construction site and it happen again last night. Thats where they must buried the plague victims and burned where they bodies were stored or something. Yeah, Mr. Reaper was there too spouting off the same bullshit as before.

More then likely he's about to do something really stupid. I'm at a lost where to push this further. I might go to the construction site with a shovel or go visit the hospital and see whose who on covering this up. I think hospital cause I don't think Mr. Reaper is going to be incline to welcome me a third time with hostilities erupting.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 6:21 pm
by Shadowstalker
Gothic I agree with you on the bit about takeing a legal route and was already moveing towards that end. My concern however is that even if that all goes off without a hitch and the guilty parties find themselves going to jail or worse, that it may not be enough to apease the spirits of of those that were unjustly killed? I doubt that the whole town was involved or aware of what has been happening, and innocent people are paying for a crime that they did not commit.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:30 pm
by BraveSirRobin
Somewhere between eight hours of working the drive-through window minus feeling in my fingers (funny how that happens when there's a blizzard blowing in the window at me) and the usual walking to and from bus stops, I was very, very tired when I got home yesterday... So once I got to my futon, I skipped the usual idle reading and did my best to head directly into La-La-Land.

In my haste, I also forgot to make any weapons handy...

Before long, I woke up to find my room even colder than usual. For a brief moment, still all too groggy, I groped for my glasses. Not that they would have helped that much anyway, since the streetlight outside had apparently gone out. And somehow the darkness seemed to be... shifting...

It's vibes should have jolted me fully awake; it's blade at my throat sure as Hell did. It had gotten the drop on me and there was nothing I could do that would be fast enough. I'm not entirely sure how I managed to avoid ruining my sheets as it whispered it's vague warning in my ear...

"Stay away from the places of the dead; for that is where I dwell. Stay away from the restless dead; for they are my province. Stay away from the dead living in the damned place; for the guilty must suffer.
Heed my warning, or the next accident will be much, much worse."

The fact that I had no idea what it meant by that last part, no clue there had been any kind of first accident, really only made things worse.

And then, just like that, it was gone, leaving only a small pile of dirt and ashes in its wake.

All this, as I've said, almost literally scared the piss out of me... but if you stop to think about it, this tells us something important, especially when you factor in that it went after Ron too: I think this thing is either reading the boards or working for someone who is. How else could it know?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:38 pm
by Natasha
Maybe Nightmare Ron has friends?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:58 pm
by BraveSirRobin
Now there's an idea I'd rather not think about.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 9:02 pm
by Shadowstalker
Now there is a nasty thought. Fact is I was just reviewing what had already been posted to check some thing and it brings up an odd question for me. :?: Basicly I noticed that so far at least for myself and maybe Ben and Bert this thing is dropping warnnings all over the place but hasn't done more than a short Show for Gothic here. If I am wrong please tell me, but for me it has not made an apperance. I find that a little odd to say the least from what KT said I have no illusion that it is afraid of me, so what is keeping it away, or is it a unrelated threat? I wonder?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 9:08 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
It hasn't appeared to me yet.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 9:13 pm
by Shadowstalker
I thought that was the case, so again I ask aloud what is up?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 9:15 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Maybe its trying to keep people out of the conflict but doesn't care about those allready in it.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 10:13 pm
by AdamaGeist
Rather than send insults at those who cling to foolish ideas, I'll get right to the point...

The town is corrupt, and evil. The spirits are attempting to get revenge, and are being deflected to other targets instead. Do you understand this? The truth is not enough for the dead, if the truth was enough then our presence would be drawn in, rather than pushed back.

The killings will not stop till the spirits are avenged. Look to the ME's house, the roof of the Hospital. The park, inside a statue. The Mayor's Back Yard.

Bones of the dead, sealed in concrete. Find them, destroy the seals.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 11:39 pm
by KonThaak
Adama's right. And Li-san could tell you that, too. As ones who've worked with troubled spirits, they are damned hard to bring under control and to purify... Damned hard when they're by themselves. In this number, impossible.

It isn't Nightmare Ron. I'm pretty certain something's keeping him from reading the boards. He knows about them; I know that much...but if he could keep up with them, he wouldn't've gone after Bloodbane to get to me, and I would be dead by now.

Likewise, I would think our Reaper friend would have killed me if it was working for/with someone who was keeping up with the forums, seeing as how I'm basically powerless at the moment.

On the other hand, if they're not monitoring the forums, I'm not entirely sure how they'd be tracking us all down...

I dunno. I'll try and give it some more thought. Been having trouble with that, lately, since I've been fighting a seasonal illness for the past several days...

If I figure something out, I'll letch'all know. I just get the feeling it isn't the forums.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 12:42 am
by Shang Li
I have to leave this place. NOW!!! I am not certain I can keep a cool head on this one which has its own implications....

I will be back, I just have to reach a place where I can escape the whispers, the sobbing, the apologies, the screams. They were children by the gods.


no i wont let that happen again........

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 12:55 am
by Holister
Master Li, are you alright? You don't sound so good. Look, you've done all you can, go home and get some rest. We can take it from here. Please.

Can someone please take Master li back home?

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:29 am
by KonThaak
Death came to me. He asked me to summon him fully into our world, so the dead can claim the blood they're owed.

Problems: 1) Despite Li-san's and Adama's great willingness to have something exactly like that happen, I'm not sure I could bring myself to let that many people die. One person in power commits atrocities, and doesn't care. That many people...they had to believe, at the time, they were doing the right thing. They had to believe that what they were doing was more merciful than the alternative.

But then I think of Billy...and...dammit, I just don't know. I'm not there, though... Maybe that's why I don't know... I want to think that they're scared, they know now that they fucked up, but that they believed they were doing the right thing at the time... Despite the anger of the spirits, that doesn't justify killing all of those people.

They're still innocents, by the gods... They're innocents who dabbled, and messed up, but they're innocents, nonetheless.

2) The ritual Death "suggested" I use to summon him is one he claimed had origins amongst my ancestors-in-faith. Problem is, there was a strain of druids who dealt with death, and the dead... They were also high-strung for revenge against certain political and social groups, over what those groups had done to the druids.

I'm talking about the necromantic druids that Elliot Windner fancied himself after.

3) Even if I could overcome my moral qualms with #'s 1 and 2, there's still the issue of my missing chunk of soul. I have just a little more energy right now than the average guy on the street.


There's Windner's amplifier spell... It doesn't have to be drawn up in blood...




Dammit, I don't know... I'm sick, I'm fighting insomnia, I'm overstressed at work, and I just don't know right now.

...My wife called me on the cell phone today, and I just started screaming at her. I didn't even know what I was saying. I just started screaming. The day was that bad. It was bad, even for a full moon...

Dammit, I really wanted to sit this one out...

Guess I've got some research to do...

I just want everyone to know that this whole damned situation sucks ass, and the local druid isn't happy.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:34 am
by Shadowstalker
Some of my people are with me they can get him out of here. I will try to deal with the seals then we will take what Ben ,Bert and I have found to the State Police and the Feds and let them finish cleaning things out.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:41 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
KT, when he, err, It comes back, direct it to come talk to me, or Shadow if he's willing to talk to it.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:42 am
by KonThaak
Going to the authorities won't fix a damned thing... The spirits want revenge, not justice--or at least, not typical American justice. They want the guilty, they want them bad, and they want them all to suffer. They're going so far as to manifest an embodiment of Death to get it.

We're dealing with some majorly pissed-off spirits, folks... They want gratification, and they want it yesterday.

Even at full power, it would take me a long time to get them all calmed down... From what Adama was saying, it might not even be worth it to try to get them all calmed down.

Or maybe it is, I don't know. I just know that I have great doubt that I could do it, right now.

So who's been withholding information? Death asked...dammit, what was it... I'm not as good as some of you in remembering exact wordings for everything... He was something like...he was seeking the "five four"...? "The five four, and no one more"... I don't know. I don't get "five four", and "no one more" makes no sense...

It could've been "the five for", but then, the five for what?

He seemed to think I would understand...which probably means that someone's withholding information they didn't realize would be vital...

Can someone who knows what I'm talking about please inform me?