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Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:19 am
by Ron Caliburn
Hard to tell friend from foe when the foe is a shape shifting monster and the friend looks like a monster.

I hope you didn't get hurt there Adama. It was not intentional. I just really don't know in my dreams anymore.

Heck, I don't know if I am dreaming or awake half the time now.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:24 am
Dreams are so fun.... arent they Ronnie?????

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:26 am
by Ron Caliburn
Most fun I've had since I got out of the institution. . .

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:36 am
Horses. I love to make them scream. Do you hear them scream anymore Ronnie. Do the horses scream for help. Shadowmares are my favorite steed.

Tell me ronnie,

Will you scream when you see me in your next nightmare????


It’s a Dilemma we all Face

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:45 am
by Celeste Darken
Ron Caliburn wrote:Hard to tell friend from foe when the foe is a shape shifting monster and the friend looks like a monster.

Sounds like the Nightmare is getting to you, Ron. It’s wearing you down pretty thoroughly; that much is plain to see. Might I make a few suggestions? You are so used to hunting the monster, not having the monster hunt you. It may become a game of fox and hound. And if that is the case, do not be the hound. You are tired and unfit to pursue this enemy. It might be time for evasion. Note, I did not say run; evade. This thing is obviously stronger and faster than you, so the only other alternative is to outwit it. But in your case, that might not be such a good idea; a fatigued mind is liable to make mistakes. Perhaps a shift and dodge tactic must be adopted.

As much as I hate to say it, this may get to a point where you cannot trust anybody, because as a shapeshifter will become anybody, and outsmarting it will be even harder if you haven’t had any sleep. So: do not trust anybody. It may sound harsh, but it may keep you alive. I would not come to your aid; you would shoot me anyway, so that is taken care of. But do not trust anyone else that offers their aid. Nor go to the aid of anyone that asks you for help. If people truly need help, others from Lazlo can pick up the slack. Isolation may grant you your life, or it may kill you. But such is the way of life, isn’t it? But that would be my suggestion.

My final suggestion is a little more mundane: seek medical help. Tell a doctor you cannot sleep, you have terrible dreams that will not allow it. Medication may put you completely out, but it may also give you the chance for some much needed rest.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 11:54 am
by Ron Caliburn
If I start to medicate . . . well I already know what happens when I start to depend on a chemical.

I just need to find a way to focus and sort out the fact and the fantasy. Once I know what's real and what's not, I can ignore the unreality and change the reality.

I'll beat this thing.

Though it is definitely best if y'all make sure I know you're real before you cross my path the next little while. It doesn't seem to touch what's here, so PM me in detail about where and when I will see you and how to recognize you.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 2:26 pm
by Holister
Ron, you do need help. This thing has you worn to the bone. It wants to see you crack before you die. I worried that this thing won't be the one to kill you though. Maybe laying low ain't such a bad idea.
This thing can't be as tough as it makes itself out to be. All that we need t do is lure it out into the open, and attck it in such a way that it just up and leave. Some way to rip it of its power....a way to....I have an idead that may help but it depends on how far you are willin' to go stop this thing, PM me with a responese, read to the first line of Gabby's b-day card and Ill know its you.

Stick in there Ron, we're wit' ya'.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 2:43 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Lay low, great idea. So if I don't go to sleep it can't find me. I like it.

Now how the heck do we pull that off?

Yeah, we can't.

I need to strike back at this thing when it comes after me. I need to chase it back to where it lives. I need to destroy it.

But how? It's just a figment of my little sister's imagination, isn't it?

A figment of the mind. A fragment of a dream. Deadliest thing I've never seen.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:40 pm
by AdamaGeist
Only because it plays mind-games.

Seriously, it's unable to do anything BUT distract and play with one's head. That's it. It can't even force anyone to do anything more than fall asleep.

Nightmares and sleep, that's it. All it can do. It's NOT a threat, except in how we react to it's illusions.

But Ron, I'm going to try somthing new... I'll try to install some wards around your house. And no, I'm not going to show up physicaly. Preferably, they'll either keep it away from you, but if it's willing to dare risk sticking around while I'm setting them up, it'll trap it where you are. And as long as you're awake, it HAS to be somewhere near you to mess with you.

So I can grab it there and then.


Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:17 pm
by Celeste Darken
Ron Caliburn wrote:Lay low, great idea. So if I don't go to sleep it can't find me. I like it.

Now how the heck do we pull that off?

Yeah, we can't.

I need to strike back at this thing when it comes after me. I need to chase it back to where it lives. I need to destroy it.

But how? It's just a figment of my little sister's imagination, isn't it?

A figment of the mind. A fragment of a dream. Deadliest thing I've never seen.

Sarcasm aside, you might have touched a vein, Ron. If Rhonda created it, can she destroy it?

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:22 pm
by AdamaGeist
Celeste, you're brilliant! We've forgotten that fact over the past few weeks... If we can return it to Rhonda's Dreamstream, it'll become harmless again!

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 6:38 pm
Guess what time it is.......

Rons falling asleep.

Oh look at him, nodding out.....ever so softly.

Hello Ronnie, its me. Don't be afraid. It's me little bobby from down the street. Can you play catch with me? It's okay. Really I'm okay. The last time we played catch, you threw the ball out in the road. You didn't mean to Ronnie, I know. I'm okay now. The truck hit me, but I'm okay. Ronnie can't we play catch? Pleasse Ronnie


Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:11 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Dude, Red Dorf, I never knew that supernaturals could suffer from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:44 pm
by Shadowstalker
NAIN ROUGE if you seek to play I along with a few others are more than willing to play, and we play rough. Adama you will see me and others soon do not worry over them or I.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:02 am
by Holister

See, this is what happens when they take Michael Jackson off his meds. 8-)

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:46 am
by KonThaak
Nain Rouge...

Rit Hloe Zuru.

If you bring harm on my friend, this spell shall go off. I have made offer for you to come after me in his stead. This curse may not kill you, but I know for certain that no matter what you are, it won't be comfortable.

If you are as powerful as you say you are, you need not attack a weakened person. Come after me, instead.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:49 am
by Holister
KT, the guy doesn't need a curse, the guy needs a straightjacket and an extended stay in a padded room.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:01 am
by KonThaak

By the time you read this, you should have already felt the effects. My runes said you were in trouble, but still alive.

I sent a couple of spells your way, one to shield your soul, and one to boost your energy levels. For tonight, at least, you should be able to defend yourself in your dreams.

It's rather draining, so I can't do it every night...but I will do it when I can spare the energy.

Just wanted you to know why you suddenly felt invigorated when things might've been looking bleak...or, if you were awake by that point, why you might've suddenly felt rested when you were zonked a minute ago.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:40 am
by Shang Li
Mr Caliburn. It was brought to my attention thaat you may be in need. Okkikan is a loyal and true friend. He will stand by your side till this is done. (at the very least he can identify your impostor and or this new bokokoru that wishes an end to his time)

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:42 am
by Ron Caliburn
yeah, I'm wider awake now than I've been in days.

Especially since apparently if we take it back to my sister we can off it.

But, that brings her into the line of fire, which I really don't want.

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 4:11 am
by Michael T
Ron please check the PM inbox, I may be able to come up with a few suprises for your nightmares. Hopefully we can end this soon with out any fatalities.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:24 am
by Shadowstalker
Oh by the way I went and checked on Rhonda, apperantly she has learned to project into the Dream Stream. She was trying to get in touch with Ron but Mr.Asshat was there at the same time and looking to cause trouble. Rhonda was shook up by the situation but is a little better now, I am now helping Rhonda deal with the issue that sent her lookiing for Ron. I'll give more details later.

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:56 am
by Ron Caliburn
Apologize on my behalf if I hurt or frightened her.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 11:12 am
by Ron Caliburn
Shadow helped me figure this out. Any of you that see me should keep it in mind.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 9:35 pm
by BraveSirRobin
Sorry for my extended psuedo-absence... that big ice storm that just hit, oh, the entire continental US, pretty well shut down the entire city of Springfield, MO, with the partial exception of my place of employment, so my internet time has been next to nill...

Most everything's up and running now though, and I believe I owe you guys a bit of a tale, as giving me the mother of all headaches was apparently not the extent of Mr. Asshole's plans for me.

It started that night, after the ambush, when I thought I was safe at home... before long I was having all the usual nightmares: Stinky getting his claws on everyone I know; back in the shed with the Tentacle Beast with no sign of Ron; my father, telling me how worthless I am as he sent me to the Home; hell, there was even a disturbingly vivid scene of my childhood fear of being eaten by Gyaos, oddly enough one of the few dreams I've ever been able to clearly remember, memorexed from when I first had it a couple years ago...

and then I'm in my room, in my dad's basement, on New Year's Eve a few years back. It's one of those amazingly rare and special times when Father seems to actually like me, and has pulled me out of the Home for a week, even giving me a brand new laptop out of nowhere. A laptop I had immediately put to what I considered good use, heading to all my usual online hangouts and finally, after almost a week of waiting, running into her: my best girl, the one I've been talking with now for a good eight years--which outlasts every other non-blood relationship I've had by a good half a decade--the girl whose name and state of residence I will never mention on this website for fear of bringing bad juju down on her head from any unseemly lurkers. She played coy, pretending she'd finally gone and gotten herself a local boyfriend... but somewhere between saying she'd leave her webcam on and let me watch her sleep and mentioning that she was alone in the house and that meant she would be sleeping naked, I saw through her little ploy. Needless to say, she gave me quite a show, a cherished memory that I now count as one of the high points of my pathetic existence...

It was around the time she slipped her bra out from under her shirt and told me she was alone in the house that Mr. Asshole decided to ruin everything. Out of nowhere, he pops up behind her, a bowie knife in his hand, and starts... well... gutting isn't really the right word... the guts are lower down. Filleted might a bit better description... or open heart surgery without a license. And then Ron's voice, all around me. "Stay out of it, godless coward, or I will find your little whore." He makes a Pez dispenser out of her neck for emphasis...

And I wake up screaming, somehow managing to break half the lightbulbs in the house in my terror and rage.

A day later I'm talking with her online and find out she's perfectly fine: she swears I showed up at her place and told her to keep one of her swords handy and make sure she always shares her bed with one of her many cats... and then I just disappeared while her back was turned, before she could arrange a more proper welcome.

Kudos, it would seem, are in order... for my doppelganger...
Believe me when I say that's a VERY odd feeling.

Also believe me when I say that I will be all to happy to see this Asshole dead for daring to threaten her.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 9:53 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
That's absolutely horrible! Talk about nightmares. That's certainly an interesting warning you sent her.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 7:27 am
by KonThaak
Damn, man... You have my sympathies.

Anything I can do to help, just give the word. I can send you some charms and wards to send to her for some added protection, if you want.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:11 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Maybe if I wasn't around this thing might stop going after you folks and those you love.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:22 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
I seriously doubt that Ron.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:33 pm
by AdamaGeist
Well, let's be honest... It's probably going after Ron's friends to get at Ron, because hurting Ron hurts Ron's sister.

So maybe, MAYBE, it would leave us alone if Ron was gone, but more likely it would switch it's target point to Shadow, because Rhonda knows him, and keep torturing the rest of us. And if he didn't go after us, that'd only be because he changed the pointof his focus from people Rhonda knows through Ron, to people Rhonda knows directly... You know, the people she lives with at the compound, who because of their beliefs would be even LESS able to defend themselves or deal with it.

So isntead of fighting people who can strike back, it'd be convincing the people Rhonda lives with to kill eachother around her.

Stick around, Ron.