A new member is born

General discussions of issues of the paranormal affecting our community. A place where you can ask questions, and others will offer answers.
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Re: A new member is born

Post by KonThaak »


Two new pics, for anyone interested... ^^
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Re: A new member is born

Post by A. Pendragon »

It felt good to hold such a small child in my arms then an assault rifle.
Thank you for that honor KT and Lex.
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Re: A new member is born

Post by Hannah »

Hi KT,

That's 2 little cuties, must be in the genes.


PS: I'm glad you weren't trying to hold both at the same time Mr. Pendragon.
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Re: A new member is born

Post by KonThaak »

I need to upload more pictures to my account... I haven't, for a while, now. Anywho... I just wanted to post a quick update, let everyone know how we're doing.

For the curious, the negation is still working like a charm. I haven't had a single paranormal activity since I last posted about one here. I'm going to continue relying on it until it fails me, and I still have a few secret tricks up my sleeve.

Lex just started back to work this week. Kind of a bummer, that. It was nice having her home all the time... She just started a new schedule, too. 4PM to midnight, Wednesday to Sunday, so if I was ever griping about not seeing her much before, now we *really* won't see each other... >.<

Julian and Valerie are doing mostly well. One of the peds at the office we take Julian to freaked out at some point back in June and insisted that Julian was so far behind, he needed to see therapists to catch him up... This pediatrician was even so "kind" as to enroll us in therapy sessions without notice. I was hopping mad at the time, but Julian absolutely adores the two therapists that come by on Tuesdays and Thursdays to work with him, and he has made amazing leaps and bounds in the past six months, so I'm not complaining anymore.

Valerie was born with a blocked tear duct. The doctors assured us at the time that it was normal, that many children were born with one, and that it should clear up on its own in the next few days. At first, it looked like it was going to. The bulge near her eye continuously shrunk, and her eye was in a constant state of clearing up. Then, after we'd had her home about two days, it rather abruptly turned red, swelled shut, and started oozing a sickly-colored mucous. So Valerie, just like Julian, was rushed back to the hospital less than a week after she was released...

The clog had gotten infected, but the infection hadn't spread at all. To this day, her right eye is still a little misshapen from the clogged duct, and we have to drain it manually several times a day. There is a non-invasive surgery that can be performed, but because she has to be put under general anesthetics, they have to wait until she's 6 months old--so the procedure can't be done until late January. Until then, we just have to put up with it and keep draining her tear duct.

Julian's talking. It almost feels like he's learning a new word every day, lately. Fortunately, "no" hasn't been one of those words...yet. The therapists say he's still a little behind, because he refuses to use more than one word at a time, but in a handful of respects, he's way ahead of his age range... For one thing, he can make the "qu-" sound, whereas most kids are between 32 and 36 months before they can. For another, he understands concepts like "in" and "on", which sets him about 4 months ahead of a lot of other kids. Not bad for someone whose second birthday is two days away...

Just writing to let everyone know I'm still alive, and my family and I are doing well. If anyone needs me, my e-mail is still [email protected]

Take care, everyone, and good luck with the continued fight. If anyone needs any help with anything, feel free to e-mail me, and I'll see what I can do.
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Re: A new member is born

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Great to hear from you KT. Glad to know eveyrhtign is alright, I'm sure Hannah will post a short missive when she gets back from visiting Wie.
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Re: A new member is born

Post by Hannah »

Hi KT!!!

Wow so much has happeed since you've been around. I have so much I want to tell you about!

I'm really glad you and the kids and L are doing okay. I'm sure the tear duct thing will clear up just fine.

I wanted to ask you, 'cause you know so much about naure and magic and stuff, do you know anything about this guy who's been chasing me. I've heard him called the Lord of Greenwood and Robin Goodfellow. He talked to me about some kind of Oak King too. He almost had me last time and if you have any clues on how to stop him I'd really appreciate it.


PS: Wie was asking about you so I read her your post.
I will be who I chose to be.
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