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Re: Offering my services

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 4:05 pm
by Hannah
Reckoner wrote:Yes, you PM'ed me, but I can't seem to get into any of the investigations, hunts or anything else going on here. I try, but it's like I don't know the secret handshake here or anything. I want to help, I want to participate, but no one here seems to let me in. I've tried getting here on and off for months, then when I do get here, I'm not allowed to help? I can't join in? I wish someone would tell me what's going on or to leave, at least then I'd know if I'm welcome.

The secret handshake can be found here. Skip to the end of the thread to find out the current code.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 7:52 pm
by Reckoner
Good to know, thanks.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:53 pm
by Gabriel
Reckoner, I thank you for the offer of help, and to everyone, I apologize for "spamming" the boards with this, but I think it's...just a tad bit important.


Re: Offering my services

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:24 pm
by Reckoner
Tell me where to meet and I'll get there ASAP.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:35 pm
by Grace
Sorry if I'm jumping in here, Gabriel.

Go to Chicago, Reckoner. Maybe arrange to meet up with Brutal and Technocrat when you get there. Hopefully more information will be shortly be forthcoming.

If you require a fee or travelling expenses, contact Technocrat. He has an operating budget for this sort of thing.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:38 pm
by Gabriel
Nemesis: Have Technocrat and Brutal contact me. I can give...passable directions to the druid's home.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:44 pm
by Reckoner
In the Streamwood area now, have them give me a call, PM'ing you my number now.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:45 pm
by Logan
Shit. With this many of you going, I best go to make sure this stays in the shadows. Might not have valid ID and credentials anymore, but I think a few of the precincts in the area owe me for helping smooth over some odd cases. I'll do what I can to keep the local law enforcement out of your hair, along with any zelots from my former line of work. Remember, the less disturbance you make the easier and more helpfull that will be. I can only keep them off your back till they run my ID's numbers, find my employment was terminated, and arrest me for impersonating a federal agent.

Keep tight, keep quiet, and watch your asses out there, I'll see you when I get out.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:49 pm
by Technocrat
Will do, Mr. Logan.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:50 pm
by Reckoner
Gotcha, low profile. Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on your people.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:22 am
by Logan
Don't worry about my people, in fact if you think they are my people, stay clear of them, you are just as high on their target list to keep this in the shadows as any of the nasties that may be running around.

You see, they aren't "my people" anymore. I can tell you how they operate, how they are trained, what equipment they use to go after "hard perps" as opposed to "soft perps", and try to slow down their arrival, but once my former co-workers are on the case as a tactical response unit they will nutralize any and all parties involved in the paranormal disturbance as well as silence or discredit all witnesses of said paranormal disturbance through whatever means are most expedient and cost effective.

That being said, if you see SWAT vans with federal plates, you may want to go to ground - I can't really do more than make sure that their tactical assats are at teh wrong place at the wrong time.

Nemesis, if you remember the retainer I paid a few months back - it's cleared as soon as you are boots on the ground, the matching amount should clear in a few hours. Make their crime scenes are as clear of hard evidence as you do on your fully covert contracts.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:25 am
by Grace
I'm afraid I'm indisposed as Hannah's protection at the moment and I'm in no position to make it to Chicago myself in any case.

But I did send Brutal and Technocrat there so I won't say no to your money.


Re: Offering my services

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:30 am
by Reckoner
All right Logan, I'll keep an eye out and gather more intel, but I'm getting some unusual pings. I'll be happy to bring any LS up to speed and cover them if need be. This is your field and ballgame, I'm just pinch hitting if called for.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 2:07 am
by Logan
Hell, kid - it ain't my ballgame or my feild. I wish it still was.

Just letting you know you got to watch out for my former peers. (I believe I may have fallen in with a better, although much less covert group after my retirement.)

I also cannot believe I am saying this, but if you run into a tactical response team, kill them - swiftly. If you hesitate, they wont, and although prisoners and specimins get you a pat on the back when you get home, it's up to each team leader to determine if capture is appropriate, or the targets should be dealt with more expediently.

If they show up on site, they will look like swat members with an extra pair of radio antenna on their helmets, arriving in swat vans with too many antenna bristleing out of it. Their goggles are a nifty combination of thermal optics, nightvision, and has a patch through to allow them to see their weapon sight through the right eyepeice. They will be wearing sound amplification headsets with a pulse filtration threshhold of 80.5 decibles. Although the flash filter in the gogles and the noise limiters work against flashbangs, they are not perfect. A white light strobe set to flash at 7 htz will cause the goggles to blank out, and repeated 79.5 decible sound impulses will bypass their sound filtration.

I won't compromise their communications fequencies, but if you are familiar with the US army's radio communications denial vehicle, it shuts down our coms as well since we don't use the army's blueforce comunnication system.

Go do what you got to do in Chicago, I'll keep the "good guys" off your backs as long as I can.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:36 am
by Grace

...along those lines.

If you see any shady sorts, maybe with Italian or Irish accents. Shoot them in the face.

Ironically, unlike the feds they won't try to kill you... right away. They're going to want to ask you some questions. Especially Brutal and Technocrat. Odds are good however, that they don't know you're there.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:20 am
by Reckoner
Got it. I don't like having to kill anything human, but I'll keep it in mind. Ways to disable or disarm are well appreciated, thanks.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:08 pm
by Gabriel
Updates, please? I need to know what's happening out there.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:25 pm
by Reckoner
Continuing to watch, and I may be adding Shang Li to our party. Here's a profile I compiled. I'm a sensitive, so I try combining going with my gut and actual investigative work. I also studied psychology, so I may not be a perfect profiler, but it's better than nothing. I've been checking out the house doing recon, the first night I arrived I was getting some interesting pings. There was something dark, not in physical appearance, but something not good coming from the roof area, but then it seemed to cloak itself from my sensing it. As for KT, the guy's aura is...interesting. I've encountered people like him before, but something feels like it's...I dunno, fluctuating. If I had to guess, have you ever had that feeling like something was wrong but couldn't put your finger on it, so you fret and worry yourself sick trying to find out what's wrong? If I had to wager a guess, it's like that for the guy, at least on a subconscious level. I also felt something positive in the home, like pure positivity and well wishes, like something or someone in his house might have been blessed. I know nothing about this guy's background or history with the LS, so I can't make any detailed guess what it could be.

If I had to profile the thing I sensed at the house that reeked of bad vibes, I'd say it's intelligent, stealthy, capable of hiding itself from some specific probes if it feels threatened, so its senses may be sharper than average as well. If it was on the roof, that means we may be dealing with something agile, acrobatic, or possibly even a flier. Hell, I could be wrong and it might have even been in the attic of the house!

There's not enough information to warrant what the ants might be. If it's small threats or minions, something seems to want to peck away at KT. If I had to guess, the guy's happy to have a normal family life, so the family may be the target of whatever this attack is. I don't know if whatever I sensed is is an ant or a hawk, but if something small on the totem pole like an 'ant' has the stealth and ability to block probes, then whatever it is pulling its strings must really be conniving and nothing to joke about. From my experience though, it takes a lot out of something trying to maintain that kind of stealth, so the longer it has to to it while in the area, the more likely we can wear it down, then face it under more conventional terms. This may be a marathon, not a sprint.

All this is conjecture without more info or background on KT. If you don't want to share with me for need to know, that's fine, but get someone here who knows this guy's past, you may know something more about what it is that the threat is here. Intelligent, stealthy, manipulative with long term goals and who's targeting this guy, possibly his family as well. If this clicks with anyone, please fill the rest of us in.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:14 pm
by Shang Li
The entire house was blessed, along with every living being and every item of importance within it when he chose to turn his attention away from the hunt and toward his family and children, it was the least that we could do since it was helping people here that made a threat to his newborn child.

What about the dark druid who used to work with Khavik?

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:31 pm
by Logan
Hey Nemesis, tell me how this sounds to you...... Whattaya say we drag your Italian-Amaerican and Irish American buddies right into the path of the local law enforcement, and my former co-workers? I think they might even make enough of a distraction for eachother to keep the heat off you guys for a while.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 5:39 pm
by Grace
Well, considering that Sebastian and I dropped Hannah off some days ago and are currently hiding out in an abandoned building in Chicago's lower east end, I don't think it will be much longer now...

...Sorry I dragged you into this, Sebastian.


Re: Offering my services

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 6:03 pm
by Reckoner
Sounds like you all know the history behind KT's adventures and family. Based on Gen's vision, what could possibly wear down that kind of blessing to make them more vulnerable? Doing bad acts, dropping f-bombs, taking gods' names in vain, what?

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:33 pm
by Logan
Seems someone pissed in the CPD's Organised crime division cheif''s cheerios this morning. Don't think I've heard Cheif Paulie swear like that since the one time he called my boss to validate my credentials back in '90.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:34 pm
by Reckoner
Rendezvous with Shang Li successful, returning to the location now.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:18 pm
by Reckoner
Shang Li are near the site, preparing to engage this thing. See, I TOLD you that something makes really big bats!

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:38 pm
by Gabriel
Big bats? Paul, what the HELL is going on?

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:39 pm
by Reckoner
Not the best time right now...

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:39 pm
by Gabriel

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 1:20 am
by Reckoner
Speech & Type Text App Active. Bat-head monster approaching Druid family home. Technocrat, others evacuating family. Engaging with Shang Li, Brutal and guardians against beast. Update later. End Message.

Re: Offering my services

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 12:09 pm
by Gabriel
As both Brutal and Shang have posted around the time of your last post, I am assuming that this post was delayed for whatever reason. NOW can we get a status update?