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Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:21 am
by Shadowstalker

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:26 am
by Ron Caliburn
After giving his wife a call, I went back to KT's room in the hopes of talking him to his senses.

When I got there, there was a woman, elbow deep in his chest cavity.

Seeing as it was a hopsital, I only had my Piece handy, but I drew and told her to get her hands off of him.

She turned and smiled at me . . . the smile . . . the wings . . . the . . .

"You don't need that here, friend... This is a house of healing..." She yanked on KT's chest and out came this black . . oily . . . slimy . . . lump of . . . something.

I was pretty dumbstruck, I tried to ask how and why and who and what all at the same time.

She crushed the thing.
"I am a resident angel from St. Alexius... We owed him a thanks for everything he did for us there. I wish I could give him more than just a fighting chance, but we all have our oaths..."

I recovered my breath and, somehwat embarresed slid my Piece back into it's hiding spot. "Uh . . . thanks. I hate to ask, but there's a little girl in the room down the hall, KT is like this from trying to do a good deed for her. . . is it possible you can make sure things go okay for her . . . no matter what happens next with KT, I'd like to think it was in vain."

The light and her wings began to fade from view.
"The child is already on the road to recovery... There is nothing more she needs from the likes of me."

"That is good to hear, sorry to keep you. Besides I think I should go call his wife back."

She nodded gracefully . . . I never knew anyone could nod gracefully, but she did.
"She will still want to come... I've given him a fighting chance, that is all I can do. He still has a difficult path ahead of him... Some of the taint from that corruption is still within him; it will be difficult to heal him... He will appreciate hearing the sounds of your voices..."

"Of course she will, but any improvement is welcome news for her . . . and us. This hasn't been the best of weeks. As soon as I talk to his wife, I'll give him as much of my voice as he can stand."

And she was gone.

By the time I got back to the room the vitals were all out of the red and inching thier way from yellow into what I hope will be green. The docs say it's still to early to tell though.

I've gooten the newbies to come up here and check on the little girl in shifts. One of us will be talking to KT and one of us will be near the little girl's room all night.

No sign of parents yet.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:30 am
by Ron Caliburn
Shadowstalker wrote:DONE!

Done what?

I think whoever is sitll in the building needs to get out. We got the girl, we got KT, we need to get Hollister, but as long as we don't leave anybody behind, we can patch ourselves up and hit the building again in strength.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:58 am
by Shang Li
Hideoshi, I need your aid again. All I need is for you to have the man I am training bring me my armor.

Great Kami, bear my words to their target, a messages to the darkness. "

Khavik, the time for your self aggrandisement has ended. Long enough have you skulked and hidden at the fringes of society. Now you have made your evil appearant, unignorable. You have now forced us to notice you. There is no escape Khavik, we will see your ashes, and I will see it through no matter how long it takes. I must thank you though Khavik, you have given me a reason to live again, a goal to strive for just as I was becoming wearied of this world and preparing to move on. Unfortunately, this good work I now persue with mind, body, and soul is your destruction. I come Khavik, and this hunter has just as much time to see this through as you do."

I will start by going looking for Mr. Holister. Nothing in that place came after me last time (because I drew no weapons?)

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:22 am
by Legacy
Hey, all. Amy again.

The doctors were baffled all through the night, but they feel pretty self-assured that they must've been right about the whole "will to live" thing, and that he's just found it again. Personally, I don't care what they think; his vitals are stabilizing, that's all I care about.

Shade says there's still some corruption in him, blocking her attempts to heal him, but the worst of it is gone, and he's recovering naturally.

I'd tell you guys how he came by it, but "Mrs. KT" just came in. She looks like she wants to be furious, but--

Alright, we're gonna pull out and leave them alone for the time being.

Sorry. Time for stories later.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:40 am
by Holister
Come to the building, we'll be inside waiting. No more smoke and mirrors. Come tonight, or this cop "joins the fold".

Yes, this is the one with the crush on the turn coat, ah the irony that soon he will just be another one of her future targets.

Tonight, and don't be late.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 8:47 am
by Kolya
Ron Caliburn wrote:
Shadowstalker wrote:DONE!

Done what?

I think whoever is sitll in the building needs to get out. We got the girl, we got KT, we need to get Hollister, but as long as we don't leave anybody behind, we can patch ourselves up and hit the building again in strength.
I was thinking the same thing. Did not have time to post anything.

Good job getting girl out.

Good luck with everything else.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 10:06 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
After spending the night letting myself be interrogated by Feds, they determined I had done nothing wrong. (Or they got tired of being treated for bloody noses. Yes, I am violently anti-authority.)

I'm gonna go check in on KT and the girl then get some sleep then see about rescuing Holister.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:25 am
by Ron Caliburn
Might want to wait on that visit for a few, Mrs. KT is monopolizing Mr. KT.

The girl's parents are still no shows. Either they haven't reported her missing yet, or something happened to them.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:29 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Ok, sleep first visit later.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:34 am
by Kolya
Ron Caliburn wrote:Might want to wait on that visit for a few, Mrs. KT is monopolizing Mr. KT.

The girl's parents are still no shows. Either they haven't reported her missing yet, or something happened to them.
Perhaps they abandoned her?

Can psionics figure any of this out?

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:35 am
by Ron Caliburn
Perhaps, but that will have to wait at the momment. She's still in coma . . . they are trying to get her stable enough to re-attach the hand.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:37 am
by fate
Can I offer my help? I can have one of my psi’s attempt a psychic awaking.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:42 am
by Kolya
Ron Caliburn wrote:Perhaps, but that will have to wait at the momment. She's still in coma . . . they are trying to get her stable enough to re-attach the hand.
oh crap.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:45 am
by Ron Caliburn
fate wrote:Can I offer my help? I can have one of my psi’s attempt a psychic awaking.

I don't think that's such a good idea yet . . . best let her brain and body heal before hand.

I'm sure if I was in her condition I'd rather be unaware.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:50 am
by Natasha
Oh the poor little girl.

Doctors said prognosis or it just unknown and in the coma?

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:53 am
by Shang Li
Darkness, nothing to see but darkness. As I chant the Nembutsu for those I must face, I push onward. A glowing face pokes out of the wall, as my foot makes a hole in the wall where it just was I hear a familiar voice. "You are not as calm as you think you are silly, the one you seek is this way, big nasties on the way there - they cant see me I thinks." After chiding my self for allowing myself to be startled, and pulling my foot out of the wall, I thank Okkikan for his help. (mental note, say an extra round of prayers in thanks to Inari when you get home)

As I approach the doorway Okkikan pointed out I hear footsteps and whispers from the other side. "Boss, you sure he is coming this way?" one asks. "Master says the watchers say they are both headed this way, now shaddup."

The voices are about right for Oni, as is the height off of the ground, assuming the floor is at the same level as in the hallway. The odd thing is that an Oni would have seen Okkikan, and would have scared him far, far away. I hate not knowing what I am about to face.

I prepare myself for combat. "an eternity in the falling of a single cherry blosom. Only one ready to die can truly live. Hachiman, give me strength and guidance in the upcoming battle."

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:56 am
by Ron Caliburn
Welll, obviously she has lost a lot of blood and her hand. She was at the very edge of death when the guys got to her. She's coded twice since she got to the hospital.

But they seem to have gotten her past the most dangerous spots . . . but they aren't sure if she will be well enough to reattach the hand before they have to toss the hand for fear of gangrene.

Then there's the mental aspect. . .

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:57 am
by Natasha
makes me sad ...

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:58 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
So long as she is alive any problems and damage can be corrected later.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:59 am
by Natasha
Da, but Ron makes the good point - the mental trauma will be hardest to heal.

Seems there exists psionic help for coma victims. We can do at least it.. ?

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:06 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Perhaps so, but one step at a time. She needs out of danger first.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:17 pm
by Holister
I am waiting old man. First I will have the pleasure of killing the cop, then I will have the pleasure of killing you, that is if you survive long enough to actually reach me.

What is that now..4 pints of blood out of 8. Your officer is not looking too well.

Perhaps I should just turn him and once I kill you old man, send your hand as a message to that traitor Darken.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:20 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Shang, if you have some sort of mystic chi mumbo jumbo you can pull outta your rectum to smite this guy with, I suggest you don't waste time lubing up and start reaching.

I think that's the way Ben would say it.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 12:26 pm
by Shang Li
"What was that? I think I heard something." Shut up you dolt i can't hear anything over your WHAT THE??? KILL IT!!" Is what I hear as I open the door, I can only hope that the sight of an oak door that size flying across the room is enough of a distraction.

I roll up into a ball as I dive into the room, springing up and to the right just barely fast enough to avoid the foot that breaks a five foot hole in the floor right infront of the doorway. One large huminoid, about 15 feet tall standing next to the doorway. Hitting the ground I leap backward just in time to avoid being stuck by a large leathery wing followed by a clawed foot. Circling above is a larger, winged version of the one that tried to stomp me. The hate in their eyes and their reptilian sneers tell me that I will have to fight, as I had feared. Springing off the wall as I hit it I narrowly avoid being turned into paste by a fist almost the same size as me. I draw my blades just in time to block a tail sweep by the flier, even though my block holds, I strike the ground with enough force to knock the air from my lungs. I flip to my feet just in time to watch another scaled tail sweep across the floor through my former position.

As I land, almost in the center of the room, I see the chi that preceeds an attack flow through my chest. Twisting myself so as not to inturupt it's movement I slide under the claw that cleaves the air above my back, thankfull that these opponents, although large and strong, are untrained. As my wakazashi arcs out at waist level, I bring the katana down verticly across my back, spinning to face my foe. I am surprised to hear a grunt rather than squeals of pain as both blades strike home, whatever I just hit is almost as unyeilding as the Stone of Fujiyama.

As I draw out the chi stored in one of my prayer beads (one hundred and six left) I realize that I might not have enough energy to stop them both in a straight fight.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:02 pm
by Shang Li
Dashing between the smaller creatures legs, both blades glitter hungily as they flash in the darkness. A spray of dark ichor, and a scream verify what I already knew - both blades struck true and cut cleanly. As the smaller one falls, I dive off to the side, just in time to see it's chest crushed by the diving kick of the flier. :shock:

Seeing the degree of carnage produced by that kick I decide that being struck by this one is to be avoided at all costs.

Both blades glitter and spark in rapid close in arcs, as I backpeddle the things flurry of claw and kick attacks. (mental note, from now on take the fliers first) "So you are nimble little man, at least now I wont have to share when I eat your intestines like spaghetti, serenaded by your screams"

I leap through the air at it, only to get batted into one of the walls. I am pleased to hear the satisfied chuckle turn to a loud crash as the thing falls to the floor. "Surr..render now or I will be forced to" I say as we both struggle to our feet. I am satisfied to see that one wing dangles limply behind it as it rises - they have nerves just like the rest of us.

"Stupid human, you can barely breath, and you warn me? How many ribs just broke, I want to know if I need to make more toothpicks" It says as it advances.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:17 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I wish we could figure out what was goign on with this little girl . . the docs would liek to attach her hand real soon, but it's a risky procedure still and they need a legal guardian to sign waivers. They've sent the hospital's atorney to a judge to get a court order allowing them to.

In the eman time they seem to think they need to do a cat scan or soemthing because they can't figure out why she's still comatose.

At least that's what I think is going on, they won't let me be any closer than earshot.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:46 pm
by Shang Li
As soon as the thing sees me begin to move it's eyes narrow and it begins to circle me - cautiously. (mental note; these thins are not dumb, ask the others about them when this is finished.)

Drawing the energy from another bead (one hundred and five left), I stop and draw a circle around me with the tip of my katana and close my eyes. As I achive full focus for the first time in decades I become aware of my surroundings, seeing even the chi of inanimate objects all around me. The Oni has slowed, it's movements like honey on a winter morning. As I slowly sidestep a peice of debris entering my circle I realize the truth of Master Tendai's poem "an eternity in the falling of a single cherry blossom" The thing is moving through the air in a diving attack like a swimmer through the ocean, already following the piece of floor that just passed my area of awareness. Stepping forward I lightly jab the outstretched hand right where it meets the wrist with my wakazashi, watching as the blow strikes true, drawing just a drop of ichor. Ducking and stepping out from below the moster, I turn. "That is two Oni, you are running out of warnings, surrender or be destroyed."

As the moment of satori fades the beast crashes into the wall, dislodging chips of plaster and ceiling tile that fall like rain around us. Noting that the things right arm now lies limp at it's side, I begin to circle left as it aproaches, much more cautious than before.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:47 pm
by Kolya
Go Master Li!

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:46 pm
by Shang Li
The thing circles with me, keeping me from being able to get all the way over to it's right side. Knowing that the battle can still swing to it's favor I slowly and cautiosly use it's circling to guide it to the doorway from which I entered. It's foot stepping half way into the hole that it's ally had so gratiously provided just moments ago, it's eyes widen, Drawing the chi from yet another bead (one hundred and four left, starting to notice the diminishing returns) I take a step back, letting the beast regain it's footing, also noting with no small satisfaction that any sudden movement will have to be forward - it's wings are in the doorway. Circling to the left again, I begin to close the distance. Noting the fear in it's eyes as it realizes it's predicament I speak. "It is not yet too late, turn away from the darkness. My friends and I will find a way to send you...." The thing interupts me with a sudden lunge accompanied by an unpleasant surprise, throwing it's self down on it's face it strikes me with its good wing, too fast for me to dodge, my sword already going for the nerve cluster at the base of the wing. I feel the blade tip strike as fire explodes across my chest, the world exploding in a shower of white flashes as I crash into the wall, my barriers already shattered. I cannot tell which is louder, the sound of the monster falling immobile to the floor, or the sound of my labored breathing. As I lay against the wall, taking stock of my injuries I look over at my foe. The disruption in teh flow of it's chi tells me all I need to know, it is paralyzed, the pathways of energy disrupted so badly that the limbs no longer heed the mind's instructions.