Visiting Ron OR Strange Coincidences and Stranger Facts

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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Guys, it's been way too long for the girl, we are now at least 12 hours past the 72 hour window. Unless you are sure it is still last night in there, be ready to stake the girl. If you think she's okay, get her out into the sunlight as soon as possible to find out for sure.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

I'm pretty sure she's ok. When we found her she was still missing an arm so it means she didn't regenerate anything.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

You have her? Can you get her outside so we can fix her?
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

She should be at the hospital by now. Her arm was looking green and we couldn't do much to help mid-battle.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

If you know which hospital well get her hand to her.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Kolya »

Someone at the hospital?
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Post by Holister »

Cake walk my ass.....these frickin things are everywhere
and guess what else I just happened to find...more ghouls.....yeah :D

I should of brought more ammo.

Can't se the flechette yet, must save that for really big and bads, damn I wish I rememberd to bring that LAW with me rather that put it back in my trunk.

At least Im getting plenty of exercise and combat traini' in

...oh crap....
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Holister »

Ok....I cleared a path to the 8th floor. Where the hell were these hiding all this time.

Maybe he wanted us to exhaust ourselves, waste our resources on smoke & mirrors before throwing the SupNats at us.

I don't know. Well I did just discover that Hell Hounds are flashbang intolerant, especially when they swallow them. :D

This place is startin' to look like a meat market, dead gholus all over the place; 12 maybe 15, plus another 5 or 6 hell hounds, I hate it when they vanish like that.

Anyhow, Im goin'down to the 8th floor. I see someone, big, mst be Bert...That you Bert, wait a minute...the beacon isn't sayin' .. that ...its him.

Oh shit....Dybbuk!
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Once I defeated the guy with all (or most) of Ron's Stolen Equipment it was a cakewalk most of the way. One of the Newbies was there too trying to help.

So, I pull my badge and order him to identify himself and then I notice that he's armed with all the crap Ron is missing. I dive back under cover and swap out the ammunition in my M16A1 for FMJs and stick a HEAT round in the grenade launcher (HEAT= High Explosive Anti-Tank). Now, sneaking around isnt really an option 'cause of all the mirror shards scattered around. But I manage to get into a position that I can hit the fucker with the HEAT Grenade without endangering the Newbie who was taking cover elsewhere, trying to get a bead on the guy with his own weapon. I catch him in the chest with it, which sends fragments of everything out his back and into a wall shattering more mirrors. Now, that's my bad, I was anticipating a War level threat when he was more like, uhh, Skirmish. So, I strip the body of all the equipment and bundle it up for Ron and sweep up all the fragments and all so he can tell what was destroyed/recovered and what is still out there.

Ok, so when I tell it the fight sounds pretty boring, but he was shooting at me and such. The couple times he got lucky he never penetrated my armor. Thankfully his focus was 90% on me or the newbie prolly would've been well ventilated.
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Post by Kolya »

Good work Bert.

Good thing he didn't penetrate your armour! :o
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Yeah, tell me about it. Thankfully I was anticipating more armed goons and fewer SupNats and I had all the trauma plates and such in.
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Post by Holister »


Good thing I brough mt med kit HAH! I always come prepared,
just under informed.

I had to use 1000 rounds of Flechette fire to puree the dybbuk. Quite literally, I pureed him all over the room.

Lil' bits & pieces everywhere before they turned into beetles and scurried off. That may explain the large numbers of killer bugs that invaded Ron's that night. I stepped on a few for god measure.

There were a few more ghouls,
lackeys of the dybbuk I imagine. I didn't switch weapons so I unloaded another 1000 rounds trough the room(s)
and, yea, I would rather not discuss the carnage that insued.

Im just gonna unshoulder that and reshoulder my shotgun at this point. Kinda makes me wish I could find Khavik, one full burst with that and he'ld be Khavik kibble & bits all all over the place. Perferably a head shot would be nice. I could see the Warstory headline "Decapitation with flechette" has a nice ring.

Damn, I feel so energized again, like yesterday. Feeels good to be back in the hunt.
You are missing out Ron, but I suppose its good to know that we have you to watch our backs when we need it.

Well, 7th floor...
Housewares, hardware, and ....more Hell Hounds. Shit!
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by KonThaak »

...found...girl? Good...

Some...cker's messing...time...

I think...

...others. I'll try...

I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by Kolya »

uh oh
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Post by Shadowstalker »

KT whats up? I found and hooked up with Celeste and my people,Their radios were trashed during an encounter with some Hell Hounds. I am not even sure what floor I am on right now? Still playing Hide and seek with that Skeletal looking thing.
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Post by Holister »

The lousy SOBs blocked the stairwell to the 6th floor with debris. Its gonna take me awhile to clear this.

Any idea where the Hell these things are comin' from. I hear "pop" and then they come at me from every direction.

I first though I was loosin' it, but these bastards are real enough for me.

Maybe they got some magic user with them. I know the gholus would be takin' orders from Khavik, but the Hell Hounds and Dybbuk too.

Well at least I have cleared out the 7th, 8th, 9th, & 10th floors. I keep hearin' like
thee's footsteps upstairs, but i know its all meat market up there. If there is someone up their, God bless their sorry asses cause I have a nasty surprise in the stairwell between the 7th and 8th.

I got a radio message from someone named Malcom? Any one know that name? Probably one of KTs probee's.

And that would be more evil things comin' to eat me now...
give me a minute as I kil....
whoa...your big.

Talk Later Guys....
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Kolya »

So what is going on with the girl?
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Post by KonThaak »

hey guys. mitch here. took mw long enough to figure kts password out. never heard of this malcom guy tho.

so like I know that shade hooked up with mr turtle and stuff but has anyone seen amy or lily. they went in a while ago.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Does anyone have an update on KT's condition? Last I saw he was rushed to the hospital.

At the time I was giving the bundle to the courier to send to Ron, KT and two of the newbie girls came falling out of the building, down several stories, and landed on the hood of their van. (Checking later, the hole was on the 6th floor.)

KT managed to cushion their fall with his body, but his body was wrecked. He was rushed off to the hospital shortly thereafter.

Although I didn't see it personally, the courier said he saw something fall out behind them and vaporize after a barrage of bullets from one of the falling women shredded it.

Damnit, Mrs. KT is gonna kill us if he dies or something.
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Post by Kolya »

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Post by Legacy »

Dammit, Mitch, when were going to tell me you were sitting on the account activation notification e-mail?

Nevermind, just get your butt to the hospital, ASAP.

Everyone, this is Amy, one of the four people who came here from Chicago with the man you know as KT. We're at the same hospital the girl you guys rescued is being treated at. She's doing fine; I checked on her earlier, and Shade helped her healing processes along.

As for KT... I'll be blunt. We're losing him, and we don't know why. The surgeons have been working almost nonstop since he came in. He sustained several fractured ribs (some of them fractured in multiple places), two complete fractures and a number of hairline fractures in his right arm, another crack in his left arm, four broken vertebrae (one of which severed his spinal cord, but it's far enough down the cord it shouldn't cause any permanent impairment), and both legs had multiple fractures. On top of that, he was bleeding internally in his chest cavity, and he was suffering from a concussion.

By all rights, they should have him stabilized. They've stopped the bleeding, fixed and straightened the bones where it was needed, but it apparently isn't enough. They have him life support now, and his vitals are slowly dropping. The doctors are saying he's lost the will to live, and that'll be the cause of death they write up for him.

We think it's more than that. When Shade tried to heal him, something inside him absorbed the healing energies, and wouldn't let him heal. She tried to diagnose as to why, using her abilities, but was unable to figure it out. She's convinced there's some kind of psychic leech inside him, draining his life force and feeding on healing energies that are used on him.

We need help, everyone...
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Try a Psychic Exorcism.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Damn it we are out of that freaking building finally. I can have some people at the Hospital in short order, who havea few extra tricks up their sleeves. I'll get there myself and see if I can do anything.
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Post by Holister » dark.....
batteries dying.....
need... backup.....

it was here.....
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Holister get your but out of that building. Damn it I may have to go in after him?
To find the darkness you have walk in the shadows.
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Post by Holister »

...still useable...Yes I do believe that they can hear me now quite clear.

The good sheriff is unable to come to the phone right now, but perhaps some last words before I spill his insides.

One little Indian to go...we could not kill the druid, we will have to settle for the cop. Why do pigs, bleed like...pigs?
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

FUCK!!! Someone or something is going to die!
To find the darkness you have walk in the shadows.
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Post by Holister »

Come and get him then. I'll have a nice reception waiting in your honor.

So much blood. What is the limit, 16oz that the human body holds. How much can we drain before he dies.

Be seeing you real soon.
"Too serve and protect", somethin' bout that gets a lil' blurred when dealin' with the supernatural.
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I've been at the hospital for a while. I've been bouncing back and forth between making sure the little girl gets her hand back and trying to convince KT that it's time to rise and shine.

KT is still out of it, the doctorshave no real hope at the momment.

I called his wife to let her know what's happening. She needs to be here - one way or the other.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

I'm kinda busy dealing with the Federalis right now and in a bad way. Someone is gonna have to step up though.
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