MISSING: Duke "The Runt" Holister

A place to seek help, or to offer services, dealing with the paranormal.
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Post by Azrael »

It would appear that your opinion is the minority Mr. Caliburn, though it is the only one based in fact. Yours is a true belief seen with clear eyes and a hunter's instinct. I stand by your side young one.

Though immortal myself, I am no parasite that must prey upon the living. I am cursed to do so until I have lived to see the monster that slayed my family dead at my feet, and those like him. Ms. Darken is one such creature of the night who is much a threat to humanity as a loaded gun in the hands of child. Soon it will go off, and soon some one innocent will die because of it.

Mr. Caliburn. Never falter from your path. Your convictions are strong, maybe even stronger han my own.

I hear your words and feel your determination. If I may Mr. Caliburn, you may be the one I seek. Though my immortality is my curse to bare alone, my knowledge, my arsenal, and my legacy need a new master. You may be that chosen one.

The others mean well, and I admire their loyalty to their friend. But it is a misplaced loyalty that will turn on them like a rabid dog. Yours is the path of truth.

Contact me soon, so that me may speak in person. I do not have much more time left.
"By my hand, they shall know death."
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Post by DarKnyht »

Ron, speaking as someone who just realized I have been duped by supernatural forces (I will post more on this later in War Stories) don't do it. No matter what you might think the payoff is, the price is too steep.

If you bargain with the devil, no matter how well you think you have him outwitted know that you feel that way only because he wants you to.
“Whoever starts out toward the unknown must consent to venture alone.” - Andre Gide
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Post by Kolya »

Do not do what?

What did I miss?
С волками жить, по-волчьи выть.
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Location: Caleb's Point, Western Virginia

Post by DarKnyht »

I think our Azreal is wanting to pass on his legacy to Ron.

I don't think it would be a good move.
“Whoever starts out toward the unknown must consent to venture alone.” - Andre Gide
Posts: 4847
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Location: Russia

Post by Kolya »

oh, I see.

С волками жить, по-волчьи выть.
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