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Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:05 am
by Razor
Of course I got issues, Ben! I had to raise myself while being open to all kinds of crap out there. I had to make my own mental/moral/social filter! :D

However, I turned out alright, so I'm not complaining.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:07 am
by Holister
Define "alright". :D

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:08 am
by Razor
As in 'able to operate among society, and exist within it's bounds and definitions of 'normal' or 'acceptable'.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:11 am
by Holister
You forget - " and not to suddenly snap and go apeshit, smootherng the dumbass SOB on a cell phone standing behind you on line at Wal-Mart with a bologna sandwhich only to wash it down with a can of Fix-a-Flat. " :D

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:13 am
by Razor
LMFAO! Omg Ben, that's friggin priceless! I love it!

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:08 pm
by Kolya
So far Razor sounds much more well adjusted that Holister...

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:16 pm
by Razor
Yeah, kinda. You got a point there Cola. :)

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:27 pm
by Holister
Hey, I just have some anger management issues. :evil:

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:20 am
by Shadowstalker
Oh I would say it goes much deeper than Anger Management Issues.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:59 am
by Azrael
Holister wrote:There is nothing wrong wih unwindin' after a hard day huntin' SupNat's thatn an ice cold Black Rabbit down at The Brick with a couple of buddies. Are you saying I drink too much, I don't now you from beans, If Ron or Bert said that, maybe I'ld consider it, but I am no alcoholic. I do not drink on the job, cept for old coffee, I do not drink before the job, and I sure as shit do not drink while huntin' some SupNat badass.

Sides their fella how many years you've been huntin' to tell me a damn thing!

417 years this March good sir.

As for you being an alcoholic, that is for you to judge your self on, no me.

Do you drink to excess? I have read your posts. Look at yourself in a mirror and answer that question with open eyes.

I am also a slayer Mr. Holister, not a mear hunter as the term is used so often. I did not one day decide to pick up a gun and shoot the neighborhood boogey-man.

I know my pray, I have studied it in depth, mastered the ways of several sytles of combat, mastered a dozen different weapons, traveled the world in search of greater knowledge, better training, and to rid the world of these evils.

I have face vampyres, witches, werewolves, ghouls, gargoyles, warlocks, demons, and even a dragon good sir. Have you.

This is not some choice, it is my destiny, my life, my curse.

You are perhaps a good man, I see that in your posts. But you must be able to ask yourself, can I be better?

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:16 am
by Shadowstalker
He may have a few points there Ben, I just won't say which ones. :twisted:
Azrael huh well I guess I should offer youa belated welcome, to our little Club here. You call youself a Slayer instead of a hunter, Ok thats fine but I should tell you there are others here that could also be called that. You say you have been doing this for a long time, Ok until I meet you in the flesh I will hold any commentary on that. Alot of people here hunt without benifit of powers and they still do the job, this earns them more than a little mesure of respect, please remeber that. As for myself I leave that for when we meet for you to decide tho I do ask that you return the favor I do you of not judgeing before hand.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:48 am
by Azrael
The years have hardened my resolve, and my caution. I do not freely give respect until I feel it has been earned. If I come off as disrespectful, I can live with that, for I have been called worse.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:15 am
by Ron Caliburn
Unfortunately Azreal, the term Slayer doesn't fly so well in the modern day . . . unless you are a blonde cheerleader.

I am a Hunter and I proudly wear that designation. I hunt through the city looking for those that hunt us. I haven't faced off with a dragon yet but in my 30 years I've hit everything else on your list and a few things you didn't mention.

I make it a point to know myself, my arms and my prey to the best of my abilities. I don't always succeed, but I do save lives, and saving lives is what I do this for.

I don't go out on any sort of revenge kick - though I will admit to satisfaction when I can dispatch one who has made the battle with me personal - I do it to protect innocent lives.

So excuse me while I grab my shotgun and go after the boogeyman, I have lives to save.

Questions . . . and Answers

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:28 am
by Celeste Darken
Azrael wrote:This is not some choice

Nor is this a contest, Azrael. We are not here to boast of our accomplishments; we are here to help Humanity. And whether you have 417 or 1,000 years of experience, it does not matter. You can still learn and you can still teach. Please remember, our success depends upon our ability to work together.

You freely admit Ben could be a good person, whom I can vouch for, so I will withhold judgment or comment on your other observations. But one cannot give advice without being able to receive it. There is a saying I have often remembered in trying to recover my past: wise men don’t need advice; only fools scorn it. So look at yourself in the mirror, and what do you see? Are you someone who fights for the right reasons? It may be your curse to fight Evil, it may be your destiny . . . fine. It is mine as well. But I have learned a great deal from those I protect. Do not presume you can do any better than us because of the simple fact of your seniority in age.

So slayer, ask yourself the same question, as I will also: can I be better?

I know I can. That is why I am here.

And welcome.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:55 am
by Holister
Thanks alot Cee, that means alot to me. I knew you had a soft spot for me :wink:

As for this new guy; he sounds a little pompous for my taste.
Arrogant f**k s**t tellin' me I have problems, I don't need some wanna be quack tellin' me my business.

Got get eaten by a dragon then Sir Slayer!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:59 am
by Ron Caliburn
Azrael wrote: I do not freely give respect until I feel it has been earned.

Don't expect any different treatment from us.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:13 am
by Holister
I don't know you, and I don't like you The whole not gettin' any respect thing, no an issue with me. Have a nice day ..!..

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:38 pm
by Kolya
Ron Caliburn wrote:
Azrael wrote: I do not freely give respect until I feel it has been earned.

Don't expect any different treatment from us.
Some of us have worked and fought together. We have a pretty good idea of who is who. Still, all of us... we have all had to earn our keep here.

Ron's right. We welcome you, but everyone earns his keep.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:45 pm
by Razor
*nods* I can agree with that. Nobody here is quick to jump into the 'Hey lets trust the new guy cuz he says he's cool' pool. Personally, I may joke around a lot on the boards, but when it gets thick, even 1,000 miles away, I have proved useful. *grins*

Too bad I'm in Japan right now helping Hideyoshi, as much as some members don't like him. I'm not really doing it for him, but for me, and Japan.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:13 pm
by Shadowstalker
I don't like or dislike Hideyoshi-san but he has my respect as a man of his word and Honor.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:42 pm
by Razor
Hai, dozo. He also has my respect, but only because he has honor, and he has been providing a helping hand as much as he can afford to with the Society.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:03 pm
by Kolya
He has enough good traits to put the bad traits to the side.

But I do not see us ever sitting down together.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 8:28 pm
by Gothicfox
I wouldn't sweat Holli, Azreal, he's gone from respectable sheriff to board loon with a hero complex.

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:16 pm
by Kolya

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:58 pm
by Holister
Gothicfox wrote:I wouldn't sweat Holli, Azreal, he's gone from respectable sheriff to board loon with a hero complex.

Don't you have a cult meetin' to go you lil piece of rat shit. Stop buggin' the professionals and go back to your mom's basement where ya' belong.

Re: Questions . . . and Answers

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:15 am
by Azrael
Celeste Darken wrote:
Nor is this a contest, Azrael. We are not here to boast of our accomplishments; we are here to help Humanity. And whether you have 417 or 1,000 years of experience, it does not matter. You can still learn and you can still teach. Please remember, our success depends upon our ability to work together.

You freely admit Ben could be a good person, whom I can vouch for, so I will withhold judgment or comment on your other observations. But one cannot give advice without being able to receive it. There is a saying I have often remembered in trying to recover my past: wise men don’t need advice; only fools scorn it. So look at yourself in the mirror, and what do you see? Are you someone who fights for the right reasons? It may be your curse to fight Evil, it may be your destiny . . . fine. It is mine as well. But I have learned a great deal from those I protect. Do not presume you can do any better than us because of the simple fact of your seniority in age.

So slayer, ask yourself the same question, as I will also: can I be better?

I know I can. That is why I am here.

And welcome.

You unholy abomination. YOU DARE! I have hunted your vile kind for ages, and you have the audasity to even address me. Pray to whatever dark god spawned you that we nevercross paths Miss Darken.

I have read up on you upon these forums. A "vampire with a soul" There is no such thing. You claim to aid humanity, you are only protecting your food supply. Your miserable kind destrpyed my family, my home, MY LIFE!

And now because your master was slain by Mr. Caliburn you actually believe you are no longer a beast. You are a monster, I will never let you forget that!

As for Mr. Caliburn's claim of me "selling my soul for revenge". I will admit, in the beginning it was for revenge. I cared not for anyone other than myself. But as time passed, I realized that my gifts were meant for greater and better things. I soon found myself saving those innocent souls who could not save themselves. I batted on each night, each day, and for every life I saved, it was worth it. Do not question my morals or conviction again.

As for acceptance, I am not petitioning for entrance into a country club. I am here to offer aid to who ever needs it, while I hunt Menekhir's only surviving blood child.

If I have come off as abrasive toward some of you, you have my appoligies. My years have eft me rough when dealing with others. As for anyone else, if you are a God fearing human being, you have nothing to fear from me. If you are a monster that preys upon the innocent, your death will come at my hands.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:40 am
by Shadowstalker
Azrael I ask politely do not threaten those I call friend, that includes Miss Darken. I know what she is better than most here, and I trust her. I also warn you threaten any here that seek to only protect the innocent, and you will find yourself under threat. Just a friendly word of warning, do not leap to judgement of others and they will not leap to judgement of you. That is all I ask.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:46 am
by Ron Caliburn
Since it's too hard to track in here anymore, watch my sig for the current sign.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:50 am
by Shadowstalker
Thanks Ron, Understood.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:53 am
by Ron Caliburn
I do agree with Azreal about Celeste . . . she is a threat.

But there are much greater and imminent dangers than a vampire who wants to play human.