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Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:25 am
by Shadowstalker
Dwarf if you are behind this I will flay you.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:30 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
If that fucking bastard is behind this I'll do worse to him than that. And forget about just killing him or banishing him, I'll find a way to stick his ass in some miserable prison for eternity so he never gets the chance to do it again, or find a way to destroy him on a spiritual level, and if I can't do it I'll learn how or find soemone that can.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 2:09 am
by Stephen

Even if ROUGE is behind this, it doesn't change the fact that you havea rogue operative who has gotten his wires crossd and has gne completely ballistic. Though I do appreciate the help in dealing with Mr. Savarius a weeks prior. I do value my neck remaining attached to my shoulders. This is why I have dispatched a "clean up" regiment to dispatch Mr. Holister. Topeka I believe he said it was. See, there is no need for any of your play group to sacrafice themselves. Consider this a favor.

My men will be arriving in Topeka early tomorrow morning. By this time tomorrow you will be resting easy and going about your lives again. Deal with your nightmares and dwarves, and vampires, and what ever else you do to pass the time.
Leave the messy work to the professionals.


Re: Hellbent on Death?

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 2:20 am
Celeste Darken wrote:Am I the only one that feels Mr. Holister is not speaking as he normally would? Is this the effects of “The Brick” talking, or are you feeling hell-bent on the sudden extermination of all thing not human?

Remember, Ben: I am not a “brother.” I am one of the “beasties.” Does this mean I will also be under your line of fire?

And there amongst you wh called me broken. If you dare to attack the nocturnal goddess human, then I shall rend you to pieces with my own two hands and stain the ground red with your blood!

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 2:21 am
by Crosshair MT
Stephen I do not think you want to do that, I will make you regret it. Holister is one of us and IS NOT to be hurt by you or yours. I would help you if this was you in the place Ben is, don't push me to do some thing we both will regret. I am not threating you on a level beyond the above statement about Ben's health.

Business is a fickle thing Stephen and I do not want you to think of anyone on this board as a line in a ledger to be eliminated at any time you are not pleased with the way they are acting. We take care of our own, if Ben must be taken down WE WILL BE THE ONES TO DO IT! NOT YOU!

Ignore me if you wish, but you and I both will regret it if you carry through with this plan. A very sincere promise Stephen.

Crosshair MT

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 2:29 am
by Kolya
Crosshair MT wrote:Ignore me if you wish, but you and I both will regret it if you carry through with this plan. A very sincere promise Stephen.
I'm with you Crosshair MT (although I can't say I would regret it).

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 4:10 am
by fate
Mr. Stephen, need I remind you that I am currently in Main, in Ben’s home town. If I even one hair on my neck stands on end, me and the men I have with me will wipe your men from the face of the earth and then I’ll come after you! My agency will go so deep underground no one will find us…we wont make a sound. You won’t even hear the report of the PSG-90 that hollows out your skull. Then if you have family I’ll find them to..if you have a dog I’ll find it! I’ll make every trace of your existence disappear!!! Heaven and Hell won’t even remember your name.

You’ve been warned.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 6:58 am
by A. Pendragon
Bert_the_Turtle wrote:If that fucking bastard is behind this I'll do worse to him than that. And forget about just killing him or banishing him, I'll find a way to stick his ass in some miserable prison for eternity so he never gets the chance to do it again, or find a way to destroy him on a spiritual level, and if I can't do it I'll learn how or find soemone that can.
Oh, I am already looking for the reject from the Hobbit.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 7:00 am
by A. Pendragon
Stephen wrote:Gentlemen.

Even if ROUGE is behind this, it doesn't change the fact that you havea rogue operative who has gotten his wires crossd and has gne completely ballistic. Though I do appreciate the help in dealing with Mr. Savarius a weeks prior. I do value my neck remaining attached to my shoulders. This is why I have dispatched a "clean up" regiment to dispatch Mr. Holister. Topeka I believe he said it was. See, there is no need for any of your play group to sacrafice themselves. Consider this a favor.

My men will be arriving in Topeka early tomorrow morning. By this time tomorrow you will be resting easy and going about your lives again. Deal with your nightmares and dwarves, and vampires, and what ever else you do to pass the time.
Leave the messy work to the professionals.

Although Holister isnt himself right now, if any of your operatives move him, I will personally move on you. You barely know anything about me, except for what I tell people here. You dont want to know more about me or what I can do.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 9:38 am
by AdamaGeist
A note... I will be getting involved with the field team here, and as such I will be unable to do any substantive review of events. I would request that someone checks over all of Hollister's posts as of the past two weeks, looking for hints and clues as to what lead to this situation. I would be doing so myself, but the best I will be able to do is dash back and forth between my body and on-site.

Please, we need more information. FAST.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 9:55 am
by Stephen
Greetings Gentlemen

I'ld so hate to be the one to break this to you, but my assualt force had the pleasure just past 3 AM last night to have engaged Mr. Holister in the fields of Topeka, Kansas. That field is now stained red.

With the blood and bodies of two dozen of my best men and two downed Blackhawk heliopters. The battle was over in less than 30 seconds!
My men never new what hit them!
I would like to blame some of you for any interfearance but our surveillance only reported FOUR men
one of which was you Ben Holister.
Since when does a redneck sheriff now the Dim Mak! He fired only one shot during the whole fray, his men did the rest. My lieutenant was the man he shot, right in the head, directly between the eyes. Ive never in my live seen a man react with reflexes like that!

I pitty your people now Lazlo Society. I've decided it would be in my best interest to let you deal with ...../shepard?/ It is best I leave you handle your fiend. I simply did not want a collegues bllod on your hands. Guilt and all.
Good luck with the mouse hunt.


Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 10:16 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
If you want to run and hide, Stephan, the offer of the use of my bunker is still open.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 5:08 pm
by Razor
Oh great... If Benny boy comes my way, I might very well have a fight on my hands.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 6:38 pm
by KonThaak
I can't get through to this guy... I'm loading up all the information I can onto my phone, and Bert and I are going home tonight. I've still got my family to take care of.

I'm not giving up on this, and I'm leaving protective wards around Ben's home... That dwarf is still out there, and I don't trust him. The wards I'm using should make the place pretty much invisible to him.

As for Ben... Damn, this is so messed up.

I have reason to believe that he's a sleeper-cell, trained and awakened to kill supernatural creatures. Unknown what else he may have been trained to take out. There're three others with him.

So this is a government problem, and probably should've been in "Conspiracy Theories" all along. Whee.

I've got all the info. If anyone's capable of helping, drop me a line.

Anyone notice that Ben hasn't been on in a few days? That's been bugging me. I dropped him a PM last night. He's usually on almost every day.

I don't like this. He's probably hunting one of us. Keep on high alert, everyone.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 9:03 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
We'll time it out so I have the last turn driving so you can get some sleep in the car before work.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 10:57 pm
by fate
A sleeper? Yes, it could be very possible. If that is the case then I can be more help then I thought. We carried on the MK-ULTRA project here at Graybeard for sometime. If we can find Ben and get close to him I may even be able to tell you all who did the programming, all great artists leave there mark some how.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 11:08 pm
by Shang Li
I have arrived. This place is a mess, it looks like someone else tried a physical approach already. I am about to go to the source of the disturbance and see if I can find Mr holister there. (I hope the attack did not drive Mr. Holister so far over the edge he starts taking pot shots at innocents - if that happens stephan I will bring the spirit of each of his victims to visit you everytime you cross over into the realm of dreams and spirits)

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:40 am
by Shadowstalker
KT send your info my way please I may be able to help.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:29 am
by Holister
" In death, what is the sum of a man's life worth. Is it his possessions, his acquaintences, his
money. I beleive it is what mark that person leaves behind. "

Subject: Death....protocols reinstated. Continue with Phase one reset. checking acquisition confirmed. Phase 1 reinitiated.

Vile filth of the shadows, night crawlers, and blaspemers, blood has been spilt. Now it is your turn!
The Four Hosemen come for you all traitors of Lazlo! and the evil you ally yourselves with!

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:04 am
by fate
Ok Ben you want the traitor, I’m the traitor. That’s right its me, I infiltrated the society with ease. The rest of the members had no idea, they were all my unwitting pawns in my grand plan. If you want me, I’ll be at my cabin in Maine, come and get me.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 7:20 am
by KonThaak
Shadow, Fate, I'll forward you the file I found on Ben's comp.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:18 am
by Holister


Master Li...

Reinstating Primary Protocols...

not dead!!!

Protocols reinstated.

Proceed with Phase 2.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 10:39 am
by Kolya

Again, someone please let me know if they need any muscle in getting this situation resolved.

I owe Holister a few drinks at The Brick...

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:08 am
by Holister
Let this be a warning to all who dare oppose our cause. Let all those who side with darkness, who ally themselves with the vile filth that lurks in the shadows, those who prey upon the innocent, the weak, and the powerless. You have been judged! You sentence is DEATH!
We are The Horsemen, we shall be your reckoning We come for you..
prey towhatever dark, hethanistic gods you may hold dear. Soon we will sent you to meet them.

All creatures of the night, all inhuman verimn beware! Your days are numbered. The sensai was foolish enough to side with beasts, and he paid the price for his betrayal......

ERROR..ERROR..Protocol reinitated.

You will all suffer the wrath of The Horsemen those who betray Lazlo and lurk within its darkened halls and shadowed places. Beryal is the ultimate sin, and for that we shall see you burn for what you have done.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 11:26 am
by Stephen
Greeting From Japan Gentlemen

I see my vacation was well planned.
Sorry to hear about Master Li, but then again I suppose he had a death wish. Die a matyr and stay happy.

Anyway, Ill have a cleanup crew in Topeka within two hours to purge the combat site. As far as public record is concerned, a mechanical malfucntion caused two of my company's helicopter t colide with each other, casuing the disaster.

As for your Mr. Holister, I suggest you do something or my Society will and it will not be our mistake to underestimate him and his compainons this time.


Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 2:05 pm
by Crosshair MT
Again Stephen don't cross that line again. I will not be kind to you or any one you send to deal with Ben in a fatal manner. You lost people the first time, don't do some thing that will continue that loss for the rest of one of our lives.

I have no quarrel with you yet, your creation of the virus was a attempt to save many innocents and it was turned to foul use. That is the only reason I have not made you a enemy, I am trying to give you the chance to prove you are trying to help against the paranormal predetors. Continue to harrass or harm Ben in any way besides a clear cut self defense situation and you will see how effective some of us here can be at hurting you where it counts.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:30 pm
by Stephen
Im sorry, I did not know that keeping the world safe fom the likes of ex-Lazlo gun crazed psychos with a thirst for carange required Lazlo Society permission.

If its any consulation, the clean up is under way. And those of you who care, Master Li is alive, in a coma at Topeka General, but alive.
Apparently Mr Holister is a bad shot after all. The round missed all vital organs. He didn't even hit a vital arteries.Lucky for Mr. Li I suppose.

In regards to Savarius. We have finally tracked down his bio-weapons plant to Brownsville Texas. This is where he is, and in all regards, I can not afford to loose any more men. So stay out of their way. We will be raiding the facility tonight.

Hopefully by tomorrow morning, this whole parenovirus nightmare will be over. Good luck in Detroit by the way. That little pest desrves the worts you have to offer.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:33 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Holister didn't miss a killing shot by accident. He's resisting his programming.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:45 pm
by Kolya
Yea, I think we could observe that in his last post, too.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:48 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
He couldn't bring himself to shoot Kelly, the bartender from The Brick, either.