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Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:18 pm
by Dante Andel
The Unnamable wrote:Ah, Ms. Celeste has come out of hiding. All finished draining the blood from another innocent victim perhaps. Oh, no, not you, you preech the righteous like you still have a soul in that corpse you call a body. You are a fool Raven Celeste, to believe
that a parasite who has embraced the darkness can claim to serve The are no Arwyn Britania. You are a beast! How long can you control your urges, and deny your true nature. You know you crave it, the deisre to sink your fangs into the throat of some poor innocent fool. You crave the blood, the tatse, and that of the innocent is so much sweeter. I knew your sire, and his sire before that, and his before that. I am with you in your dreams my dear Celeste. That makes you my deciple no matter what yo claim.

Ya know I was avoiding this because well I have faith that even just one member at this board could take you, heck I could probably take you with all the rubbish going on in my life right now and I'm possibley the weakest one here with hardly any sort of training with weapons and my only power is to see souls, which by the way when I met up with our resident vampire I got to see her's aswell it still exists, which is pretty funny because you said she was soul-less yet all you have to back it up is words while I have my sight..... I think I won on that one as far as proof goes.

Celeste forgive me for not saying that sooner but some things had to be checked on first before I said something stupid and got more of us in trouble or given some of us false hope.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:20 pm
by Shadowstalker
Holister I can be there in less than an hour my team a few hours behind. Unamable like Ron's family mine also knows your kind if you seek to harm them you will fail and I will have your head. I already owe you if any of the team that was helping Holister are harmed.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:38 pm
by Greydawn
fate wrote:Mr. Greydawn it is good to know you are hunting as well. I have shown you all the way to him, now all you must do is follow the path...and be strong.

Mr. Fate I will be here hunting the evil long after others have gone for it has been my calling for many life times of mortal men.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:46 pm
by fate
You'll all have to forgive me, I've just picked myself up off the runway of my organizations airport on my way to Maine. I've've seen myself. I tried to do battle with the Unnamable and what I saw destruction. I saw DC burning, wreathed in darkness. There were beast..ungodly beast covering the land scape, and all the dead...oh god! the dead all at my feet. All those I have killed in the name of ambition and power.I was only following orders..they had to die, there was no other way! They reached up for me and beckoned me to lay with them, to barry myself in my sins. Then I saw it...the light...that light...blinding, yet I was unable to look away. It tore through the darkness. It reached out to me and took my had and told me the light had not forsaken me. That I must seek the others and lead them to the light. That I must denounce what it was I saw and embrace the light and it would aid me. Azo....Azothe...AZOTH! That was it's name I think, yes it was Azoth...who is Azoth?

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:02 pm
by Greydawn
Mr. Fate remain strong you are not alone in this fight.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:07 pm
by fate
Your word's bring me a sense of peace Mr. Greydawn. I must rest now. I'll be in Maine in a few hours. I might find the answers I seek there.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:43 pm
by The Unnamable
An eerie and disheartening silence falls over the radio.
All communications to the small Maine town of Cypress Cove has ceased.

Those who are amongst the first to arrive will find a sight unnerving and sinister.

To those who can sense it, an evil presence greater than that they have ever felt looms over this desolate place. Not one soul can be found. Building after building, empty, deserted. Those who once dwelled in this once quiet town have been taken by a force beyond that of any magic spell or demonic power.

After five or more arrive, more shall be revealed, as a ghostly little girl approachs, ragdoll in her left hand, and tears rolling down her face.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:33 pm
by Greydawn
Mr. Fate I too have had a vision Though i Fear it Not for it is only one of many posibilities that can come to pass. I am on my way as well.

Arrival soon

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:45 pm
by Eric Eland
I am on my way, will be there soon, a few hours, not long. Anyone else there to help? Maybe we should find each other, not safe to be alone, never safe. Let me know who to look for, I will be there soon.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:39 pm
by Shadowstalker
I will already have gotten there I will first find Holister any who get there meet at the Sheriffs Office. I to was sent a dark vision but I will discuss that later, I hope to see others soon Safe Journey.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:38 pm
by Dante Andel
Looks like I have the joy of meeting up with you lot, fun.

Yeah got a vision aswell, always fun to see those, I'll explain it later I should start packing my things and heading out, thankfully I know someone that can get me on a flight to you lot, leaving tonight/early morning tomorrow... well you know if I had the slightest idea where about in Maine Cypress cove is.

Anyways I think I'll pack a few more random things as I doubt "pixie dust" alone is going to cut it here.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 7:20 pm
by Willie Long
The Unnamable wrote:I am surprised only three of you stand up to face me. I thought Victor Lazlo's legacy would have produced more noble crusaders than that.

He has, Jack.

You shouldn'ta come 'round here representin'. Nothing that has has survived the Society.

Holister wrote:They kind of looked like a shaved ape, no neck, two large arms, a pair of smaller arm neath those.
Bastard, one tore Riley's head clean off before could even get a shot. The one hit me an sent me damn near over ten feet.

I've fought those things before. When I hit them, they go a lot farther than ten feet.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 7:24 pm
by Crosshair MT
SO do I need to join in or does the group think they can cover it? I am willing to drop my current problems for a day or three to help. I just don't want to leave the area if I am not needed.

And Willie I hit that last Dybbuk and knocked it a good loop, but the guns work much better for me than fist.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:00 pm
by AdamaGeist
I am going to do a bit of backreading, but this sounds like the manic rambling of my Teacher to me...

To those that don't know, he tried to transform me into a tool, a weapon to kill things in Astral spaces and beyond. To a degree he succeeded, only without understanding that his teachings allowed me to get my freedom from him as well...

I won't say the two are related, even though I know my former Teacher escaped my retribution... What I will say is this. If children have been harmed in this incident, I will release my seals and go after whomever is responsible for this. Those techniques I never use will ensure that whomever is behind this... will never return. There will be nothing left of their soul to return.


Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:34 pm
by The Unnamable
As night decends upon the quiet town, an eerie quiet looms. The presence of evil, though faint, still lingers. Something dire has happened here. Something truly evil in its origins.

Any who search for Holister uncover an abandoned sheriff station. All that remains is a 350 RAI rifle, and a badge with the name HOLISTER upon it.

To whom ever else has arrived this night (now is the time to reveal yourselves to one another if you are not already aquainted).

Back to the spirit of the little girl walking down the street.

To all that can see into the spiritual world, that which approaches is the spirit of a little girl, no more than five. Her skin is a shade of blue, and the temperature around her is far colder than the cold night air. Her sightless eye fix upon the first person to speak to her


Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:53 pm
by Eric Eland
I am here.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:16 pm
by KonThaak
I have heard and seen enough. The monsters that were cowardly sent to attack my family during the day, when they were alone and "defenseless", made a nice snack for the family dragons.

Arawn, I am a druid. There are many here who know that. What they do not know is that I am a druid whose spirit is mainly attuned to the energies of the night.

You speak of the Solstice. Should you make it that long, you will discover the hard way that you are not the only one whose power grows during that time of the year.

Arawn... May your flesh rot before you die, may your eyes boil in their sockets, may maggots feast on your insides as your body decays alive. May you know the true meaning of anguish and torment. That which you have done to others, may you experience it a thousandtimesfold.

Religion replaced man's belief, and science replaced religion, according to you... In me, in Victor Lazlo, and in those of us with similar beliefs, we have come full circle. In science, we will re-discover the truth of the universe. Not only will we re-discover it, but we shall discover even more effective means of protecting ourselves and our loved ones.

Cypress Cove, huh... I can't go there in person, but I'm sending a surprise. To all who are going to be there, look for a lone black-furred wolf with blue eyes. He is my totem, and my representative. Call him by my name, and he will help you.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:27 pm
by The Unnamable
And so te battle begins, I was not aware so many you would show. You have defeated my minions, and slain my allies. Yet I do not fear so easy. You speak to of death, decay and rot. If that were possible, I would be wary. Even in my passing, you would not stop me.
I am eternal. I am forever....

Even now Holister suffers at my hands. The fool wanted to face me, so I allowed him entrance. His will is strong, stronger than I imagined. He however lacks your gifts, your power.
He will be the first to fall.

After I have decimated you, I shall tear Lazlo's dream aprt piece by piece, until all that remains are ashes, blood, and silence.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:33 pm
by KonThaak
And Lazlo himself. He's still alive. My runes have showed me. Where he's ended up, I don't know, but I know he's still doing his work, fighting the good fight.

Even if you succeeded in killing all of us, you still have failed. That you couldn't kill him, that you haven't killed Hollister, tells me that you're incapable.

I have faith in that. I don't underestimate you; I don't believe for a second that you're incapable of harming and hurting our friend.

But I came from a small town, myself. His will is strong, I know.

What you've done will be forgotten along with you once you've been exposed in the light.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:39 pm
by Bloodbane
YOU! You're responsible for Elliot! You're responsible for the attacks on me and KonThaak, and those on my human associates!

Hell with you. It's your fault Elliot will be coming back.

Can't finish a job, can you? Come and get me!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:49 pm
by fate
I have come. I‘ll be at the sheriffs station. You all should meet me there. The only way through this is with the help of Azoth.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 12:47 am
by Holister
Can anybody hear me....I don't know where I am or how I got here. Last thing I remember was going out to investigate some noise outback, then before I knew I Im bein' jumped by ghouls.

I fought my way to the street only to run into some guy in a black cloak that raises his hand and blasts me with some wierd energy bolt.

I woke up in some god forsaken place right out Dante. Before I know it Im being attacked again by another one of of those Dybbuk things. It swun, knocked me for a loop. But I manged to reach my gun and blew all 8 rounds into it.

I can't belive that worked...

I don't know how long Ive been here but some angel or something helped me out, and told me you guys would be listening. She told me where to find my niece, and others? I am on my way there now. Oh Im reaching out to you with this wierd silvery ring thing that looks like a mirror. That angel said it would help me contact you guys.

Listen....this Arawn hasn't killed them yet. I gonna try to rescue them. But he seems to be up to something, this guy has one hell of an army gettin ready to march on someplace. Don't know the details yet, but I sure can use some help,
wherever the hell here is?

Be careful, if your in Cypress Cove stay at the staton house, the angel protected it. And look out for more of those Dybbuk, he sent like 30 of them kill you guys.....

Oh crap...not again....

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 12:55 am
by fate
I see a light in one of the alleyways. I’m going to check it out. If I don’t come back….who ever else is here remember to call to Azoth for help. It sounds strange I know, especially coming out of me but believe me it’s the only way.

First Impressions

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:11 am
by Eric Eland
There is magic here, much magic, don’t know what it does yet, don’t know where, will try to find out. Snake things with little arms slithering about, scary things, hiss and slither, everywhere. The station is protected though, only good place, will stay there tonight probably, there are other society members here I think, need to find them, should not be alone here.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 1:53 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
I pulled into the town around 11pm est. I was bone weary but I decided to do some Recon before alerting anyone to my presence.

I circled the town and saw patrols of nasties hunting around for something. I spiraled out for several klicks (Kilometers) and almost 7 klicks due North of the Station I found a small stream coming out of a rocky outcropping. I'm no Spelunker but I decided to have a look because I wanted to know where these things were coming from.

So I squeeze in and search about for anything unusual. I have both my Headlamp and handheld flashlight going on full intensity and as I search around I saw something highly unusual. There was a sword resting at the place where the water flows from, what I'm guessing is an underground stream or lake into this quasi-cave and then out into the open air.

When I was right on top of it, I went to grasp the handle and got this horrible feeling of dread. It sickened me to the very core of my being.

Anyhow, I thought it might be important so I left a pair of duffle bags with supplies next to the sword in case we need to defend it. I'm cautioning everyone not to go there without me. Not only would you have a difficult time avoiding the creatures but you may have a bit of a difficult time locating the cave itself; although I did mark the entrance but it is dangerous.

Anyhow, after I post this I'm going into the Station and lugging in my weaponry. I hope the residents don't mind .50 Cal holes in their stuff when they get back.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 3:33 am
by Shadowstalker
Still going for the overkill eh Bert not that I am complaining. I too did some recon the town is empty save for the snake things, I know there are Dybbuk here I can feel them and other things as well but sofar they stay clear of me almost as if they were afraid of me. I went back to the station and found Eric there he is fine for now I await Fate and Bert.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:01 am
by fate
Celeste Darken you need to come see me at the station. I have been given something that will save you from what is about to come. I’ll PM you and tell you more. Until then, I think I want to see this sword. Who will come with me?

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:16 am
by Shadowstalker
Wait till Bert gets here is my thought.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:21 am
by fate
We’ll wait, but it can’t be for long. By tonight it will all begin. We have to rescue the gates.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:30 am
by KonThaak
My wolf checked in about 3 this morning. Says there're a lot of "black, nasty things" in town, but he doesn't know his way around, and while he's caught "whiffs" of you guys, it hasn't been enough to find you guys, yet.

That might've changed by now. Anyone seen him, yet?

Just to let y'all know, he's a spirit. He'll be of more help against the monsters than you might think.