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Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 12:02 pm
by The Traveler King
eternaleyes wrote:i don't mean to interrupt any on going conversation, however, it has been shown to that there is a good of people at work in the work who pretend or who are to be goverment agants who travel with a small child. the desription of the child and the agent almost always is different, but it is said that the child seems to be leading the agents or that the agants are using these childern as supernatural detactors of a sorts. they're motive is as of yet unknown, however, from what i have seen not all that they do is for good..
i am also becoming more and more concerned that some of these childern maybe the product of kidnapping....

Yes, I've heard about that, too. However, to convolute matters, any number of entities (corporate, governmental, or otherwise) seem to have an interest in this.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 6:49 pm
by Cybermancer
You know, the great thing about wearing black is that it goes with anything.

Wearing of black is often asscioated with mourning but can also be a sign of respect and peity.

Plus, it can be very forgiving to some figures, especially those in cushy government jobs.

Also very commonly available.

Then of course, there is the "Look Cool Factor" or LCF.

Heck, even I own a black suit and wear sunglasses. Does that make me a MiB? What if I came around your neighborhood, so dressed, conducting my own 'research'?

The point here is that there may be more than one explanation or source for the Men in Black urban legend. To attribute all such encounters to one or even a few sources is perhaps fallacy.

While I believe that there /are/ government agents in black suits running around conducting investigations and being generally intimidating, I wouldn't expect to find one singular source for them all.

Here's a couple of hypothetical situations.

You're an evil entity capable of creating corpereal bodies in the physical plane to do your bidding. Being evil, you want to project the proper image of intimidation. What better than a sterilized, borg-like minion with no emotion and a lot of attitude?

Alternatively, you're an alien overlord bent on conquest/colonization of the planet Earth. Initial studies have shown that humanity shows an almost sheep like obedience to intimidating authority figures. What better to discourage/discredit those who stumble onto your beach head operations than to use human clones animated with nano-technology?

Finally, and my personal favorite. You're in the government, perhaps the Airforce. You run a base that conducts top secret research, developing, among other things, stealth aircraft. One of those projects runs into 'technical difficulties'. During salvage operations, some nosey civies stumble by. Legally, you can't do anything to them, but you can't have them blabbing either. So you send out some of your tough looking troops dressed in suits to encourage the civies to see it your way. On the QT, of course.

Mr. Cold

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:14 pm
by skorzeny
I travel alot and happened to go to Ohio where the mothman phenom occured. People there do not take kindly to strangers especially in a bar in the town where the tragedy happened. I asked somebody if Mr. (Indrid) Cold had been to town lately. Damn near got my ass beat by about 6 guys. I was told to get the hell out of town. I did.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 5:18 pm
by skorzeny
My brother just informaed me that we were in West Viginia, on the Ohio river.

Scary place I tell you.