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Post by Shadowstalker »

Watch your back, getting some other help may be a good idea.
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Post by fate »

Sorry for my absences from the board. I’ve been looking into my own internal problems with in my agency. My most resent findings are quite disturbing. I’m going to assign my must trusted agentints to shadow all of you that took part in the Maine incident. Have no worry’s they will not interfere with any of your daily or nightly routines, they will be there only for observation and protection should it be necessary. They are all very capable psi’s and marksmen. If after a few weeks nothing happens then I will recall them. I might be out of the loop for a few day’s, turns out I was heavily eradiated during the blast and have to be purified. Please have faith in my men and intentions.
aut vincere aut mori=Either to conquer or to die
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Post by Shadowstalker »

I would advise you to have them identify themselves at least basicly so as not to have a problem later. Like being shot or worse.
To find the darkness you have walk in the shadows.
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Post by Kolya »

Shadowstalker wrote:I would advise you to have them identify themselves at least basicly so as not to have a problem later. Like being shot or worse.
Not unreasonable.
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Post by fate »

Your right, it is not unreasonable. They shall introduce them selves to those they are shadowing. They have strict orders not to interfere in any of you affairs not matter what they may be. Unless of course you find yourselves in danger.

I fear there is another shadow lurking just beyond our sight.
aut vincere aut mori=Either to conquer or to die
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Thank you Fate, I think you may be more right than you know.
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Post by AdamaGeist »

The drop went pretty much as planned and prepared... I suppose Shadow will mention later what happened to his truck, and the two men with broken arms...

I also want to thank you for the men still standing guard. Granted, they're not happy I'm not letting them see what I'm doing, but I'm not one to share trade secrets...

As it is, well... This Orb is now in three pieces finaly, and those segments are being further chewed apart by my Mask. The instilation and upgrades will start later tonight. And as for the things that resided in the orb... they are no more.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

My people are fine the tranport that had the item is toast and Adama no worries on anyone trying to get secrest from you my people are there only to add some protection. As for who came after the Orb most were wannabes looking for power, the real threat came from a group calling themselves "The Hand of God" they are the ones that killed the van and injured my people. I'll give the full details later.
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Post by KonThaak »

*groan* Not more cultists...

And Adama, when the hell did your mask get teeth? It gave me the creeping heebie-jeebies as it was; now it's gonna give me nightmares.

'Course, considering all things lately, that may just be something fairly desirable.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Not more cultists! :cry:
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Worse actually they are a rouge order of the Vatican. They think it is their job to destroy all the works of the devil and protect Humanities collective souls, and they decide what is evil or not. I have had some run ins with them before.
To find the darkness you have walk in the shadows.
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