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Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:53 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Really? I don't usually frequent them.

Part of their hunting technique is to appear normal and harmess until the prey is helpless.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:22 pm
by Lightning Plant
NicksMind wrote:yea im sure, singles bars please. I have seen some nasty women there but they didnt have scales, horns or fire breath.

With some of the dates I've had, I wouldn't put that past them.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:14 pm
by Silhouette
NicksMind wrote:I personally dont believe in the devil or god but I believe religion is a good thing it gives people hope and rules to live by, just dont take it to far.

Let me put it to you this way. They both exist. You know they are going to exist simply because of their popularity.

It seems goobers can't seem to resist taking on the mantle of God or The Devil whenever they are up to something. For all intents and purposes a paranormal being who claims to be the devil, acts like it, and assumes all the trappings, for all intents and purposes might as well be the real thing even if there isn't a literal biblical truth behind it.

If you've done much occult digging, you'll find that there is tons of contridictory information. I've researched names like "Azathoth" and found that stories about such demons might go back for thousands of years. However over time dozens of differant versions sprung up, and that they were all true because of various beings who felt it was a conveinent guise to slip into to gain a bit of instant credibility.

In the few years I've been alive, I've personally taken down Thee Satans, Two Lucifers, Nine Nylarthoteps, Six Cthulhus, Four Beezebubs, and a whacked out teeny bopper assisting the peace corps. with out of control latent Psi who had convinced a bunch of Refugees that he was the mortal incarnation of the christian god.

I tend to rate these guys based on their performance. For example there was a transdimensional possessing energy being who shot laser beams out of his host's eyes and created holograms. He was tough, and his powers really fit the whole "Lucifer Morningstar" persona. One "Satan" I ran into was nothing but a fat banker with some ritual magic who was using enchanted contracts to cheat people and foce them into mind bondage. He blew chips, and honestly I felt a little guilty about how totally outclassed he was when he got my attention.

In the overall scope of things I have a hard time taking any religion except Voodoo seriously, an as I've mentioned before, I'm hardly a devout follower.