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Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:56 am
by Shadowstalker
Did you just say Rabbi? As in a Jewish preist Kolya?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:00 am
by Kolya

Saul got a witch with a talisman to summon Samuel to ask him for advice. Of course a big no no.

Samuel just told Saul was going not going to successful.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:00 am
by duamerthrax
GhostSpider wrote:Huh? :?

GS say, you no make sense. :P

i've been thinking the same thing.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:01 am
by Kolya
The spirit hovers near the body for about 12 hours, during which time necromancers can summon it.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:08 am
by GhostSpider
Actually, you can summon a spirit long after it has moved on, as long as you know its True Name.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:10 am
by Shadowstalker
That also works with certain beings of Power.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:14 am
by Ron Caliburn
GhostSpider wrote:Actually, you can summon a spirit long after it has moved on, as long as you know its True Name.

When you say stuff like this . . . it makes some of us concerned.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:20 am
by Kolya
GhostSpider wrote:Actually, you can summon a spirit long after it has moved on, as long as you know its True Name.

I'm just expounding on what the rabbis said, since it confused some people.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:20 am
by Kolya
Ron Caliburn wrote:
GhostSpider wrote:Actually, you can summon a spirit long after it has moved on, as long as you know its True Name.

When you say stuff like this . . . it makes some of us concerned.
That includes me.

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:36 am
by Sophoroto
Why does Mr. GhostSpiders comment concern you when if you think about it Mr. KonThaak deals with spirits that have long left the location of his body and I am sure that those with libraries on the occult or mystic arts could find such information in them as well.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 4:09 am
by duamerthrax
Sophoroto wrote:Why does Mr. GhostSpiders comment concern you when if you think about it Mr. KonThaak deals with spirits that have long left the location of his body and I am sure that those with libraries on the occult or mystic arts could find such information in them as well.

su deals with them too. what are you trying to say, kolya?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 5:03 am
by KonThaak
Kolya wrote:That's what happens when fuckwads deal with the devil.

Yes, Kolya, I am a "fuckwad".

When I first gained my soul, the first thing I did was create a false identity for myself, so I could get a job... I got a job with a temp agency that didn't do much for background checks, and worked, disguised as a human, helping re-model several stores in a toy store chain. Since I didn't need to eat, sleep, pay rent, pay bills, or anything along those lines, I saved up every last penny I earned there, only to spend almost all of it for one of you, at a later time.

A month ago, I bore witness to a girl getting shot in a gang fight. I frightened off the gangbangers, who ran off screaming gibberish about monsters, and used my magic to help the girl... She had other complications, though, and was dying anyway. I rushed her to a clinic, but because she had no insurance, the doctors--who couldn't physically see anything wrong with her, except that she looked weak--decided her problems weren't terribly serious. She flatlined before they got around to helping her, and they weren't able to resuscitate her.

I've seen cops and doctors and other important people get so caught up with how important they are, that they fail to do their jobs. Now I see hunters who are so enthralled with themselves that they become judgmental. The second anyone does anything they even remotely disagree with, they become labeled as "fuckwads".

Excuse me if I want to be human. I don't know why; the more I'm around you people, the less I understand why I want it. Maybe it's just so I am not a stagnant thing, but so that I can grow, and gain more power... Maybe it's something more than that.

But so far, I have seen that this path will get me what I want. If you can't deal with that, then shut up and fuck off. I don't need you self-righteous assholes telling me what's right and wrong, not when I see this ivory tower bullshit here, and when I see absolutely no remorse in the actions of Mr. Murphy in regards to Mr. Sheldon.

As far as I'm concerned, the lot of you can fucking ROT.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 5:13 am
by Logos
Listen, as someone who once strove to "Deal with a devil", I can definitely understand why it would be tempting. Gabe, you know that I was desperate for revenge, willing to lose my life even, after Zack's and my own lives were torn apart by that son of a bitch, Jeremiah Dark. I ended up passing up my opportunity to do the job with my own hands, because we were needed more elsewhere. The job ended up getting done, either way, but I missed out on what I felt was a great opportunity. The big difference, however, is that one, VERY deserving freak would have died if I had have made my deal, at what cost to myself it would have incurred, I don't know. What I DO know is that I don't think I could compare my deal with the holocaust.

Gabe, I'm not sure what living life as something inhuman is like, but is it really so horrible that you're willing to let so many die over it?

I respected you, Gabe, and if you decide to find another way to attain humanity, I may find that respect again, but until I hear you admit that to rush off and do something like THIS is a mistake, I will oppose you.

Thanks for all the help you've given us all over my time here. Change your mind, Gabe, before someone changes it for you...

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 5:17 am
by KonThaak
Logos wrote:Gabe, I'm not sure what living life as something inhuman is like, but is it really so horrible that you're willing to let so many die over it?

In a word...yes.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 11:29 am
by GhostSpider
Gabe, you sound just like the self-righteous assholes you're condemning. Hypocritical much? :roll:

Sheldon was a prick who deserved what he got. We offered him many chances for help, he shrugged them all off.

And remember, what can be given, can also be taken away. :wink:

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:37 pm
by Sophoroto
Mr. Gabe I hope you find what you seek. Just remember if you sacrafice all humanity to gain it then you become a monster in a human shell. I have read about the good deeds you have done in the past and much like Miss Darken YOU are a human trapped in a monster's visage.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 2:29 pm
by concrete_Angel
GhostSpider wrote:Gabe, you sound just like the self-righteous assholes you're condemning. Hypocritical much? :roll:

Sheldon was a prick who deserved what he got. We offered him many chances for help, he shrugged them all off.

And remember, what can be given, can also be taken away. :wink:

Hey, GS, you DO realise you're talking about Sheldon the same way people are talking about YOU, right? So much for hypocritical!

Gabe, or whatever your real name is, not sure, I don't know what these people have against you, but right now, you seem like the only one around here that's making much sense. Right, I know the whole "deal with the devil" thing isn't smart, but you already acknowledged that. I'm sure you don't need people telling you that (again). You're smart, after all. And you admitted you wouldn't have done it if it wasn't DESPERATELY necessary, so stop calling him dumb, people! Also, as far as Sheldon goes, he DID try to give everyone here clues as to how to help him out, but everyone was in such a big damn hurry to kill him and insult his judgement that oh, look, he's dead! How about that??

I think Gabe should at LEAST have as much of a chance as Ei had before, as "Celeste". If he wants to help people, why berate him for it?

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 5:07 pm
by GhostSpider
How can you compare me to Sheldon? We're nothing alike. I have accepted the help offered to me, and i'm not hunting anyone around here for the fun of it.

Oh, have you even read what Gabe has been posting, or are you in such a hurry to take the moral highground, you didn't notice. Of course not. Once again you have looked before you leaped angel. Are you that desperate to join the spirit world? Pathetic. Get your head out of your ass and see the big picture.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 5:14 pm
by concrete_Angel
Oh, you've GOT to be kidding me!

You think he was hunting Burt for the FUN of it? He specifically said it was something he HAD to do, not something he was doing for his own kicks. And as far as the two of you being alike, I would have thought you'd see it yourself, seeing as so many people around here probably want you dead as much as they wanted Sheldon dead. And, by the way, I DID admit that they both were stupid for making any deals in the first place, so if THAT'S the moral highground, then there are PLENTY others that think the same. Should THEY get their heads out of THEIR asses, GS??

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 5:22 pm
by GhostSpider
Why didn't he accept anyones help? We offered it again, and again, and again, but he kept turning it down. Stoic. Please, the deal was an excuse for him to have one last wild hunt. If he had really wanted out, he should have accepted our help, or at lest put a gun to his temple and pulled the trigger.

As for people wanting me dead, once again you head is still stuck in your ass. Your confusing people accepting they might have to kill me, with wanting me dead.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 5:30 pm
by concrete_Angel
From everything I read by him, he didn't accept any help because he COULDN'T, not because he didn't WANT to. But I suppost he was just supposed to suck up all physical torture that was being inflicted on him by his contractors, huh? Not everyone's a hero, maybe he's not as strong as you might have been if you were being tortured like that. But he DID try to gove out as many clues as he could to anyone who might have wanted to help him. But enough people just said, "screw it, you're toast, it's your own fault" that he didn't have much of a chance.

And for every person that said they might HAVE to kill you, GS, there's probably another who's hoping they DO have to. Keep yourself safe, please.

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 11:50 pm
by GhostSpider
Always do Angel. :wink:

Oh, show of hands, who here really wants me dead.

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 2:03 am
by Sophoroto
GhostSpider wrote:Always do Angel. :wink:

Oh, show of hands, who here [i]really wants me dead[/i].

Not me, at least not until I have proof you need to be. :mrgreen:

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 3:52 am
by GhostSpider
:lol: :lol:

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 3:57 am
by concrete_Angel
GS, just one more thing-
I'm not above the idea of killing something that's harming people, or something evil running rampant. I just don't see the point of killing someone that hasn't done anything wrong. And here, in this forum, we need as many people trying to do good as we can get. Let's just try not to kill off the good guys AND the bad guys.

I know, there's a BIG gray area, but that's when you use your mind, not your guns.

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 4:22 am
by GhostSpider
Actually, I can use my mind instead of a gun. There are many interesting ways TK can be used.

And if you are referring to Gabe, remember this, he might not be doing anything wrong now, but he is talking about gates opening and millions dying. More than that, he won't be clear who's side he'll be on when that happens.

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 4:26 am
by concrete_Angel
1. Good for you. I like a smart man. :D

2. As for Gabe, his words aren't pretty, but his intentions are good. Perhaps this is another case of a REASONABLE discussion that needs to take place.

(speaking of which, do I have my head out of my ass yet, GS?)

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 4:42 am
by GhostSpider
Too early for a definite prognosis, but I do detect an improvement. :wink:

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 4:47 am
by concrete_Angel

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 4:51 am
by GhostSpider
:lol: :lol: