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Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 7:45 am
by ShadowsLight
personally i vote everyone ignores nicks mind and debunker. . not real sure why they're here.

Anyway hey if the WW took out a mugger hes good in my book. . just watch them a while and see who they hunt. . if its anyone they find. . sorry gotta kill 'em if they only kill gangers and muggers leave them be. . they clean up our gene pool and we clean up theirs. . sounds like an even trade to me.

as for how to kill them depends on your style, ive used arrows, bullets, my neat silver gloves, an incinerator and an industrial meat grinder once. befor anyone worries i used some of their disinfectant on the grinder befor it got used for food prosessing.

Lore Mayfair

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 3:05 am
by Lore Mayfair
Lore Mayfair and I (Ben owner of Bennu Books in XH) have spent the last year studying a seeming unactive group of were's - a mother and litter, father was killed in an " accident" involving a shotgun.

Things in town were quiet and the family seemed to hunt only the scum of civilization and were relativly social members in the community.

I fear however that we may have been mistaken about the pack as Lore has gone missing some weeks ago .. I have no evidence of any foul play .. no sign at all of any sort. I have only assumed what may have happened and pray that I am wrong.

Anyone with information about her death or disappearance is asked to contact me on this listing or mayor Hill - [email protected]

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 7:07 pm
by The Watcher In Shadows
I must say I disagree with the general consensus here. I have dealt with several were-creatures on friendly terms. Though those were not of the kind found here. I believe it depends on the werewolf, just as it does with humans. Though I would watch what they do. If they kill others in self-defense I would say they are ok, but if they eat their kills or seem to actively hunt I would suggest watching them VERY closely.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 1:03 pm
by Ron Caliburn
The Watcher In Shadows wrote:I must say I disagree with the general consensus here. I have dealt with several were-creatures on friendly terms. Though those were not of the kind found here. I believe it depends on the werewolf, just as it does with humans. Though I would watch what they do. If they kill others in self-defense I would say they are ok, but if they eat their kills or seem to actively hunt I would suggest watching them VERY closely.

I suggest watchign them very closely too - don't want to catch an innocent bystander when you take them down

Re: Werewolf Habits?

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:14 am
by Last Moon
I think the complicating factor here is that there is such a huge variety of therians that it is impossible to come up with an authoritative list of typical behavior traits. While Mr. Caliburn did an accurate assessment of what the more feral members of the type are like, there are others who are either able to resist the feral impulse, channel it into a socially acceptable form of predation or ignore it all together.

Some therians are keyed to the cycles of the moon or other celestial events while others may transform at will. Therians include human like beings that can change into beast and beast like forms or animals that are capable of transformation into humanoid forms.

Re: Werewolf Habits?

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:58 pm
by Hannah
Last Moon,

it sounds like you've done quite a bit of research yourself. Are you interested in sharing?


Re: Werewolf Habits?

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:06 pm
by Last Moon

is it okay that I address you by the familiar?

This format makes it difficult to present large quantities of information regarding the therians and similar creatures I have amassed, however there is still value in disseminating this information as far as possible.

I will take some time and attempt to create a presentation suitable for this format on these creatures.

Thank you for the request Hannah, I look forward to this project.

Re: Werewolf Habits?

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:24 pm
by Hannah
Last Moon,

Hannah is my favorite way to be addressed. I'll also accept Miss Grant, but only for a few more months.

I'm glad I gave you something you're going to like to do. Havign fun with what you do is one of the great keys to happiness.


Re: Werewolf Habits?

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:49 pm
by Last Moon
To the soon to be former Miss Grant,

am I to presume congratulations are in order?

I agree that finding something to do that is also the source of your motivation is a great way to go through life. My research into therianthropes is very much self-sustaining in this fashion.

Re: Werewolf Habits?

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:13 am
by Nemesis
So what got you into this line of research?

Re: Werewolf Habits?

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:52 pm
by Last Moon
It's a long story but it revolves around my first encounter with a true Therian. From then on I've wanted to learn everything I could.

Re: Werewolf Habits?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:36 pm
by Nemesis
Did you encounter false Theran's before encountering a true one?

Re: Werewolf Habits?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:51 pm
by Last Moon
While it is certainly possible I encountered other Therians, both true and false before that meeting, I was unaware that they were either. This event is especially salient primarily because of it's most unequivocal nature. had I a camera with me at the time I could have proved beyond all reasonable doubt that shape-shifters walk among us.

Re: Werewolf Habits?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:54 pm
by Nemesis
As far back as I can remember, things that people call supernatural have been an everyday part of my life. In many ways I have more in common with them than I do most people.

So I am curious about your experience? What happened and what was it like for you?

Re: Werewolf Habits?

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 4:33 pm
by Last Moon
My presence at this site is mostly to further the aims of my research rather than make expositions of my personal life. In that light, I would like to extend a request to speak to you on your experiences if they relate to therianthropes.

However, in the interests of sharing, my first therianthope encounter was not quite as dramatic or violent as many of the events detailed elsewhere on this site. It was sometime after my accident and I was still recuperating in the hospital. I was sitting near the window and enjoying a rather colorful sunset.

A bit of movement caught my eye, and I found myself looking at a young couple walking arm and arm along one of the trails near the hospital. I watched them for a while in bittersweet melancholy before I noticed what I first thought was a very, very large dog following them down the path.

Just before the large dog followed the couple around a bend in the path and out of my sight, it rose to its hind legs and began to walk like a man.

I would later hear that a young couple were attacked by a wolf on the trails near the hospital. Both were seriously injured, but survived.

A couple of years later the very same couple were implicated in a number of brutal serial killings involving victims that had been dismembered as if torn apart by animals. They escaped justice and remain at large to this day.

Re: Werewolf Habits?

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 2:09 am
by Phoenix
Here is a habit that often goes unreported. The tendency to run with their tails between their legs.