Mr. Gentleman

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Prof. Rosecrest
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Post by Prof. Rosecrest »

Everyone please hold your horses, and throttle back the testosterone, ok?
Mr. Sheldon at the moment you are still not someone we are trying to fight, as a matter of point you were hired to deal with a person who seemed to be evil pure and simple. That person did not in fact exist, he was a ruse in fact.
Do you need to kill Bert to as he doesn't really look like the Gentleman, or were you offering an option where you didn't try to kill Bert.
I am trying to get this clear, What was your idea Mr. Sheldon? I do know this if you try to kill Bert you will make enemies of people you don't need to.
There has to be a solution to this that doesn't involve the death of anyone here, as suggested we could perhaps find a corpse that would fit the bill?
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Post by DarKnyht »

Was the part about someone else playing the part of The Gentleman a ruse too? If not, then there may be your solution.
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Post by KonThaak »

I wonder if we could "talk" the Demon Fist into turning over Windner's corpse... >.>

At any rate, Mr. Sheldon, I highly suggest you cease and desist this line of reasoning. If you kill Bert, you're not only not killing the Gentleman, you're killing someone who would gladly take out someone like the Gentleman.

If you have something in mind for the "victims" and need our cooperation, I will cooperate on one condition: You drop your hunt against Bert. It's pointless and counterproductive.

I won't even bother pointing out how dangerous it is to make enemies in this line of work... Instead, I'll point out how useful it is to increase your allies.

It isn't your rep that's tarnished by uncovering the truth... If anything, your rep comes out brighter. It's your employer's rep that's destroyed by sending you out to kill a man who doesn't exist. He should've done more homework first, before reacting on a hair-trigger.

So he owes you for services rendered (uncovering the truth behind the Gentleman), and your reputation goes clean. It's already a win-win.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Thomas, if you kill Bert you have done nothing to the Gentleman for the Gentleman was a ficton from the start.

Your employer was fooled pure and simple - discovering the truth just shows yu are smarter than he.
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Thomas Sheldon
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Post by Thomas Sheldon »

A suitible good corpse would work, but if you killed someone for it, you would deverve a bullet between the eyes.

Main problem is that with the records, and the gentleman's sudden reputation, my client thinks I have just lost my nerve.

And since the primary participant wants to chose this way out, I will grant him his wish. So barring another way out, I 'll be seein if I'm still up to the task.
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Post by DarKnyht »

Your employer should do some extra homework. The gentleman's reputation was built on the fact he killed quite a few members here on the Society. Since they all seem to be alive and posting shouldn't that deflate any reputation he has?

I received most of the few photographs that were sent as "evidence" and they were the only proof offered (outside the cover to Kei's PDA when she was captured). While I would like to know how they managed the effect, I am sure that someone with any skill in forensics could have told me it was a fake. Logos never confirmed that fact (or many others) for me (and now I understand why). I know exactly who I sent copies of those photos to, so unless your employer is one of the people I sent them to he has never in fact seen the 'photographic evidence'.

I would guess that your employer never could have seen the bodies either. I say that because there was no body to be seen and because I doubt he was ever at the mansion. In fact I am fairly sure that KT would have known who was anywhere near the mansion, and he probably can confirm my guess.

So what you are telling us is that your employer is going only off the unconfirmed postings made here by complete strangers. That is unless Bert, posing as The Gentleman, was bragging more than I know. I do not see that being very likely (Bert bragging that is).

I would love to know how your employer got his money to pay for this hit because it definitely did not come from his outstanding intelligence.

(Edited to clean up grammar.)
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Then whomever hired you is either

1) A fool


2) Evil and wants you to off a good man.
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Post by KonThaak »

Unless, of course...hmm... I wonder.

Mr. Sheldon, is it possible that your employer is simply someone with a vested interest in seeing us destroyed? Perhaps he did his homework, and hired you to kill Bert... Now that the jig is up, so to speak, he's still pushing you to get rid of him. In spite of mounting evidence that he is in the wrong, he continues goading you... Doesn't that strike anyone as odd?

If you seek to do the right thing, Mr. Sheldon, look to your employer... You may find that the key to salvaging your rep lies there.

I'm not absolutely sure of this, but the more I think about it, the more sense it makes.
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Thomas Sheldon
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Post by Thomas Sheldon »

We'll see.
I doubt my client will enjoy running into me after the terms of my obligation are completed.
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Post by KonThaak »

There are no terms of obligation for you, Mr. Sheldon... I don't understand how you can think there still are... There is no Gentleman. Anyone who looks deep enough can see that.

How much would it cost to get you to do the right thing? I don't have much, but Bert is a decent soul who does his damnedest to do what needs done... He's been invaluable in times past, and I know he will be again. I can't let you kill him, but I can't fight you...

So what will it cost to make you do the right thing? Tell me, and I swear to you I will get it together somehow... Please.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Mr. Sheldon if your employer is a true man of honer, he will accept that he was mistaken and call off the job. If he insists on you finishing the job in spite of the evidence that he has made an error. I would think that he is the one in breech of contract with you, and not the other way around.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Don't waste your breath or your money Josh. If he was interested he would've tried striking a deal with me personally.
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Post by KonThaak »

I don't care... I'm willing to make any deal with him to make this stop.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

For what it's worth, Hannah asked me to offer up her allowance if it helps.

Mr. Sheldon, since you seem to be so concerned about your reputation, lets talk reptations.

You seem to be a man who wants both a reputation as a skilled professional and someone who wants a reputation as a slayer of evil.

Both of those are currently at risk.

Why? Because, your boss is playing you for a fool and forcing you to do evil's dirty work all because you don't have the gumption to use your apparently signifigant intellegence and put it all together.

At first I wondered if Ben Hollister had been your employer - but seeing as he's dead and you have been able to contact your employer, that isn't the case.

Everyone else who had the resources to hire you and wouldn't call you off that knew about this whole Gentleman prospect are the same evil individuals that the entire Gentleman ruse was set in motion to ensnare.

Which mean bad men and monsters are paying you to do their dirty work for them.

Which means your current course of action makes you a tool for evil - if I've read your personality right, that does not sit very well with you.

Even more frustrating is that it means you will forever have the reputation as a tool of evil.

But it gets better. You know what you are doing is the wrong thing and have admitted it yourself - yet you proceed. This means that not only are you a tool of evil, you're also it's fool - unwilling and unable to take into account the reality of a situation

So now you are gaining a reputation as a fool.

Finally, you are gaining a reputation as a traitor. Why? Because you are a man who seeks to neutralize evil threats - but you are knowingly going after a good man at the behest of a being that you know is evil. You are betraying what you are over some misplaced sense of obligation to a being that is mocking you by the very terms of the contract.

So, you have the choice:

If you continue on your current course of action you will be known as a tool for evil, a fool and a traitor.

If you walk away from the situation you do not loose your reputaion because you found your way out of a trap - because we both know that once you have done what isneeded to be done, your employer is going to take you out.

Then there is door number three . . . you go back and take out your employer, ths preserving your reputaiton as a slayer of evil, thus protecting your reputation as a professional who shouldn't be toyed with and ultimately, doing the right thing.

So what is it going to be, pawn, fool and traitor or a professional slayer who does the right thing?

By the way, you expressed a similar dislike for being that target children. Did you know that Bert is currently the legal guardian of a 5 year old girl? I beleive that if he dies, the only person who has a legal claim on custody for her is her father - who from what Ben told us was an abusive drunkard who will probably do all sorts of horrible things to that cheerful little angel.

Her name is Molly. Her mother died earlier this year. Ben, her uncle, was her legal guardian until his death in Bucharest. That will be three custodial adults dead in as many months for that little girl.

Think things through.
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Post by KonThaak »

Mr. Sheldon, you have a father offering to get you anything you ask for and a little girl offering her allowance... Please tell us what it will take to get you to stop.
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Thomas Sheldon
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Post by Thomas Sheldon »

Some kinds of contracts you just don't break kiddo. As for my client, I can't move against him, nor reccomend such action while I am under contract with him - it's in the contract - ask some of your magician buddies about some types of contracts. Thanks for your concern there kiddo.

I wish it was that easy little one, I really do, and for the record little one, I am sorry and I understand if you grow up hateing me.

KonThaak, I cannot be hired off this contract, nor can I just leave it unfulfilled. So do save your money.

And my client will definately not be happy to see me again after I am paid and the contract satisfied.

And Bert, my boy lets not forget, since you are the gentleman, I have been offering you the chance to find a way out of this ever since I noticed something fishy, mainly that one of the "victims" was still driving a UPS truck and clocking in for work while stuffed and mounted. Or do you have someone else being "the gentleman", that I should be targeting?
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Yeah. That lamp over in the corner is "The Gentleman". We usually just call him Sunny because he's so bright.
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Post by Hannah »

Hi Bert,

Didn't Pa say somethign about you having another person helping out with the Gentleman . . . setting up all the photos and that.


PS: Look to your PMs.
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Post by KonThaak »

Y'know, there's a rather gentlemanly guy, last I heard still in Russia... Goes by the name Dym.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Yes. Dym was the real gentleman. He helped setup the entire thing.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

He fits the bill for Major nasty that is for sure.
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Post by Kolya »

Yea. Bert I have some info for you about htat one guy. Not sure if it will work out, but a plan is in order nonetheless. We'll talk when I arrive in DC.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Mr. Sheldon, 2 questions

Does your contract require you to protect your employer from harm?

Does your contract expire if your employer does?
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Post by GhostSpider »

Very subtle Ron. :wink:
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Just clarifying.
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Delta Sierra
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