A Squirrel's Tail

Accounts of personal experiences, especially from those who hunt the supernatural. We offer this space in hopes that our members can hear about, and learn from, the exploits of others.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

H.S. is quoting Pokemon? This can't be good?
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Once he proves his identity I will return it personally.
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Hit Squirrel
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Post by Hit Squirrel »

The Dark Voice wrote:Stay in the trees rodent. Otherwise you will get run down like the rest of your kin.

You run down innocent squirrels? Oh its ON! You are a bad man. You need to learn some manners Mr Dark Voice.
You like picking on innocent animals and people who are my new friends? Well why don't you try picking on me? I got my team ready to go my friends. Just say the word and this magician's rabbit from the hat lackey is a statue or worse. Maybe we should go after his master? The White Owl could recast the spell and I know exactly where to get the energy. Anyone know where that Eye of Ages thing that Holister took back is? I could use that. He said he was giving it to Ron and Hannah. Hi Hannah. I can come see you when ever you want. I can turn you into a squirrel for a day and I can show my all my friends on my team. Mongo says you sound like a nice human. Do you like gophers? Mongo is a gopher. Anyway I don't like you Dark Voice. You are on warning that The Hit Squirrel and her team of the F.O.A.H. are watching you. You scared of squirrels, well are you. Well you should be. We go for the nuts and don't let go!
Well Bye Bye my friends. I have to read Cleo her bed time story. Say hi to Shadow and Bert for me.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Hello Hit Squirrel! You're gonna come visit in August right?
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Hit Squirrel
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Post by Hit Squirrel »

59thq;ojpgjv mf.vuopfqlmflaflmn,dfjOK;LCFKEGJRLEAGLAMKL.G,/D.K;L,/KLQKLrgwlgvklmgklwkg;bh;h,/.b,;

That was Whiskers trying to say hi to everybody. He's silly. He dosen't know how to use a keyboard. She's still my good friend even though she is a field mouse. Hehe. Where am I going in August Bert? Are you going to be there? Can I bring my team with me? What about that immortal guy who is resting in the room in the west of the tird floor? Are you going to have a salad bar? I like salad. Can Cleo come too? I'll go anywhere you ask me to Bert :oops:. Well the commercial is over I have to get back to my show. Bye Bye.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Hehe. Yes, you can all come in August. I'm throwing a big party for everyone in Atlantic City. :D
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The Dark Voice
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Post by The Dark Voice »


You actually think you could take on my master, rodent? Just like a squirrel, to charge right into the gates of hell.

Tell you what rodent, after I have recouped my energies, how about I go squirrel hunting. I'm sure my master would love a talking squirrel as a pet. Or an appetizer.

The dragon we might also keep, and the owl, if only to rip its secrets from it. But the rest of your woodland friends...well, i'll let you use your imagination.

I can gurantee it won't be pretty.
By the hands of you fools, my Master shall be freed.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Voice you keep talking and all you do is piss everyone off, you are not goint to last long at all.
To find the darkness you have walk in the shadows.
The Dark Voice
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Post by The Dark Voice »

But I so enjoy taunting you, you...why have you stopped the ritual??



By the hands of you fools, my Master shall be freed.
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Post by GhostSpider »

Konrad Andreas is at peace. I am something new.

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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Be sure to grab a trophy guys. I think if we start punishing these villains a little they'll stop coming around.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Requests or Ideas Bert?
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

I already suggested his tongue. But anything you wanna cut off while he can still feel pain is fine.
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Post by Hannah »

Hi Hit Squirrel

You can turn me into a squirrel for a few hours? That would be really neat. I hope you and your friends can come by and visit me soon.


PS: Don't worry about the Dark feller, he says he's scared of me.
I will be who I chose to be.
Hit Squirrel
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Post by Hit Squirrel »


THAT'S NEAT! I can come but and see you whenever you want. My magic amulet lets me POOF!
where ever I want to go when ever I want So I can come see you and your pa when ever you want me to. Just make sure Mr Fluffers is not around. Last time I saw him he licked his lips. I don't like cats. The Hopfather has a cat working for him named Claws. I do not like him at all. Do you want to meet all my friends? They want to meet you. The Great White Owl says you are very special. I quess its because you are so nice. Is that Dark Voice guy still around. I do not like him at all. It he hurt any of my friends even the human ones I will hunt him down and assassinate him and his master Hydrox. Why is his master named after a cookie?
Does he have a creamy middle? Hehe :) Oh I got a lead on a R.A.P. stronghold this morning. The Hopfather is up to his old tricks so I have to go rain on his parade. He wants to turn a city full of people into gerbils with some magic ray thingee. Well I got to go. Don't worry Rodney and Whiskers are coming with me.
Cleo has to stay home though.
She is just too big for a stealthy assassination like this. Ok. Bye Bye
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Post by GhostSpider »



Very good HS, very good. :lol:

Don't worry about the Voice, Koralth, Shadowstalker and Co. sent him fleeing like a whipped rabbit.

Thanks for all the support, by the way. Make sure to send you some premium nuts, the real good stuff. :wink:

And maybe some decaf coffee. :roll:
Konrad Andreas is at peace. I am something new.

The Dark Voice
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Post by The Dark Voice »


Why you ignorant rodent. Just for that I will command my minions to exterminate every squirrel within miles of our establishment.

You will learn the cost of blasphemy rodent.

Perhaps I will find this Hopfather, and offer an alliance with him.
By the hands of you fools, my Master shall be freed.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Voice you just offered to team up with a rabbit? :lol: Just how desperate are you?
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Post by KonThaak »

Apparently, desperate enough to try and team up with a rabbit who's bent on making a live-action Hamtaro movie.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by Hannah »


Mr. Fluffers will be around, but he's a nice kitty cat and won't hurt you. I'll talk to him and make him promise if that makes you feel better. If you are in human form he couldn't hurt you anyway, you'd be so much bigger than him.

I like being special for being nice. That's the best reason for being special I can think off.


PS: You'll have to pardon Pa for not saying much if you come over, his jaw is still wired shut.
I will be who I chose to be.
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Post by KonThaak »

A lot of cats don't like squirrels because the squirrels don't like them... My mom had a cat since she was in her teens, who was the strangest combination of "loving mother" and "tough fighter" I've ever seen in any animal (human or otherwise) since. She would beat up other animals, kill birds and small rodents that were trespassing on our yard (though I never saw her go after anything in anyone else's yard), but she would never intentionally kill anyone who was a parent.

On the rare occasion where she accidentally killed a mole or a bird that had babies, she'd carry the babies to my mother and start crying...and then she'd get mad if my mom couldn't save them.

She was also well-known for protecting parents and babies of any specie. When I was young, she took on a vicious Chow Chow (a kind of dog that's known for being cute but very, very vicious) that had been terrorizing neighborhood kids since my parents had moved into that house... Much later, when we moved to the farm in Kansas, she was known for keeping the other cats out of birds' nests and guarding possum mothers. (We had a fairly thriving possum population out there.) If the other cats harmed parents or babies while she wasn't on watch, she went on fighting sprees, beating up cats she knew to be trouble-makers...

She used to watch out for squirrels, early in her life, but the only thanks she ever got was nuts being thrown at her (with great force and accuracy) by the squirrels she was protecting from the trees. She got tired of that, and over time, gave up caring about squirrels...or blue jays. She always got dive-bombed by blue-jays. But those were the only two creatures she didn't watch out for when they needed watching out for...

So all cats aren't bad. Sometimes they just get tired of getting harassed by others, just like anybody else.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Wow! Strange cat!
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Show me a cat that isn't strange.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
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Post by KonThaak »

That cat lived to be 22 years old, but had to be put down in the end... She'd gone deaf and blind, and wasn't truly living anymore...
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
Hit Squirrel
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Post by Hit Squirrel »


Well e are back from another super secret mission to thwart the evil R.A.P. syndicate but The Hopfather got away again.
He always somehow gets away! I really don't like that bunny!
Never trust trust a bunny my grandsquirrel told me and boy was she right. Everyone is ok but Japser got shot but a cheese gun (again). I am starting to think he just likes the taste of easy cheese. Hehe. :) Oh I am so sorry Sir Robin. We could use a bird of your knightly stature for air support. You could be our air force and drop acorn bombs from above and do ariel spying and stuff. That would be really cool. But I have to warn you though The Hopfather has CROW agents and piegon bombers too. So I hope you are up to date on your aeirial combat skills. Are you really a knight? Did you meet the queen? Wow! Sorry I did not ask you to join Shadowstalker but we only have room for one human member. Its in our team charter and you already have a team. A really really big one too! But we were deciding last night who we should let in and it is a toss up between Hannah because she is so nice and wouldn't mind being a squirrel for a day or Bert because he can make really cool stuff for us. Bert is not really a turtle though. I treid to explain this to Jasper but he was all like "But he syas he is a turtle in his name" and I was like "But he so is not a turtle he is a person" and he was like "No way is this dude a person, he so has to be a turtle" and I was like "He is so a person I met him and we fought together and let me ride on his shoulders" and he was like "No way! You rode on Bert's shoulder, that is like so cool!" It kind of went on like that for awhile. Jasper got into the coffee last night and was like all super buffed up and went crazy on a pack of ratlings. I had to rescue Rodney from CLAWS last night. I so do not like cats especially that one. He has surgically implanted titanium claws and fangs. Plus I think he was also fixed or something maybe that is why he is so mean. Anyway we all got out alive and well. Next time I will get The Hopfather and shut down his evil syndicate once and for all well maybe.
Ok I got to go now. I will be back later. Bye Bye. :)
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

If I can ever help you guys out, you just need to ask. I don't need to join your team. And no, I am not a real turtle. :D
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Kei Nakamura
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Post by Kei Nakamura »


I guess I would have to see this to make any sense of it.
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Post by KonThaak »

Pfft, crows? Pigeons? Let me be your falcon, and I'll take out this guy's air support for you.

Or if you need someone to be sneaky and get inside, I can be your fox.

Give me enough time, and I can be pretty much any kind of animal you need. ^_^

As for humans...maybe you could have several honorary human members? Then you could just call on each one individually as each mission needs it! I'm sure Hannah and Bert would both love to go with you on some of your adventures, but they may not always be available...so having more backup means you'll always have help when you most need it.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
Hit Squirrel
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Post by Hit Squirrel »

Are ye a shapesifter good sir. The only ones I knew that could do that trick was the ancient order of The ceelie Court of ....OF COURSE! You sir are a druid are you not? You were the one! So all this time I have been squandering my magics and patience on this squirrel (though as dedicated and heroric as she is) you werethe one meant to have the amulet.
Well, I supose I am stuck with that Squirrel now. Maybe ou can help these good animals out sir druid. They can mst deffinitely use it.

Thank you Great White Owl. Oh I mean Silverfall The Wise. I have to remember that one. Hehe. :)
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Post by KonThaak »

I shall do my best, Silverfall.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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