
Accounts of personal experiences, especially from those who hunt the supernatural. We offer this space in hopes that our members can hear about, and learn from, the exploits of others.
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Post by Koralth »

Alright, alright, so I was *ahem* mistaken. Cut me some slack, I'm catching shit *ahem* from all angles right now.

Just got back from Finn's, no one else showed up... Some party, eh?

You do some *ahem* serious shit-talking, Evil Ben. I just need to calm down long enough to remember who I'm talking to sometimes. You keep *ahem* Joking to yourself that I'm dying, though, Evil Ben. I'm healthy enough that I think I'll live to see a ripe old age, if my *ahem* lamprey quarries don't get to me first. You'll regret crossing me... Just keep talking, it fuels my perseverance. I can't wait to hear Ben when you're nothing but a shattered memory.
"God, I know you say you love all of your children equally, but you don't, do ya? I'm on to you, big guy." Dr. Percival Cox
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Jeremiah Dark wrote:"You are wasting my time rookie. You can talk tough all you want, it ain't gonna save your ass in the end though. Your a joke and a drone.

I was thinking of saying the same ta you - figment.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

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Post by GhostSpider »

"You are wasting my time rookie. You can talk tough all you want, it ain't gonna save your ass in the end though. Your a joke and a drone. You have nothing else than banter and be Bert's yes man. Come see me when you ready to know real pain son."

You were saying something about trash talk.

Oh, and you forgot, i've got my sword too. :D
Konrad Andreas is at peace. I am something new.

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Post by Koralth »

Yo, Evil Ben! It's Zack! What's going on? I just wanted to say 'thank you' for yet another... cute gift… And the warning! With a little help, I was able to stop the package from making it to it's destination. s/he/it will say 'hi' here.

Hey, Logos here. It's just a handle, 'cause I just saw what happens when you make your own account and use your real name… Real smart, Kor... I don't think I'll make my own account, because I don't want any presents. Anyway, Zack came up to my house yesterday, ringing the doorbell like a madman. He just couldn't stop! Anyway, he told me all about what's going on, because I’m such a great friend... He couldn't stop clearing his throat, either... It was kinda funny, watching him stammer out what he was trying to say... Even though I didn't think the package would really arrive, I couldn't just sit back and watch a good friend go through this kind of stress, you know? So, selflessly, I looked, and I found the package for him, it was really creepy, and now I hate you, too, Jeremiah, but he's back to being his usual... heheh... *ahem* chipper self. Anyway, there seem to be some pretty unusual people around here. I'm not sure if I believe Zack or not, as far as the supernatural is concerned, though some of the photos from his summer camp sure don't hurt his case, any. A golem? That's some crazy stuff, GS. You're a pretty good sculptor. Even if the supernatural isn't real, there are things going on here that need looked into, trivial things like murder and the such. I don't think you've seen the last of me around here, all.

It's Zack again. Gee, thanks for *ahem* making fun of me, Logos. Anyway, wanted to thank you again, Evil Ben. You just got another person involved, who is fully capable of defending him/her/itself and someone we're working very hard on keeping her/him/it's identity and location secret. Don't bother looking, 'cause with the precautions we've taken, it'll be a cold day in hell before you figure out who it is, with the size of our department. Maybe once I have more proof to show it/her/him, s/he/it'll come out of the woodworks and work with me on the deal, but until then, s/he/it's gonna cover it's/her/his ass as much as possible. S/He/It really does hate you, now, Evil Ben, watch your ass, 'cause Logos is scary when s/he/it is mad.
"God, I know you say you love all of your children equally, but you don't, do ya? I'm on to you, big guy." Dr. Percival Cox
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Post by GhostSpider »

A golem? That's some crazy stuff, GS. You're a pretty good sculptor.

Thank you. :D
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Post by Kolya »

Do you name your golems?
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Post by GhostSpider »

Actually Kolya, its not a golem per se, but a construct which can be summoned by Karlash.

I just call it the Stone Man.
Konrad Andreas is at peace. I am something new.

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Post by Kolya »

Stone Man.

Remind never to piss Karlash off.
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