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Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 5:40 am
by Gothicfox
Where you at Ron, I'd like to hook up with you. We can piss off the supernatural during my stint in D.C. Sure would like to meet ya. Think you might find of my abilities useful.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 7:55 am
by KonThaak
*sigh...* Ben, I'm not playing referee. Look at it this way... This is Ron we're talking about. (Ron, sorry to talk about you like you're not there like this...) If he didn't give a shit, he probably wouldn't say anything. But he is, and he has been. You're getting so defensive and jumpy about everything revolving around Celeste and yourself... I mean, you're getting pissed off faster than Gabe used to get.

So it's not terribly unreasonable for a lot of people to stop and say "Whoa... Ben's not acting like himself." But when they try to approach you about it, out of concern, you start saying the most inflammatory things you can, ignore the fact that they're trying to help you, and treat everyone like they're in your way.

I'm not even doing that... I'm just asking you to calm down and stop antagonizing Ron, and you're doing that to me, too. I never said Ron was a perfect guy or a shining example of what all of us should be like... Nobody is. But I did say he's my friend, and a good man, and I said the same of you.

So please, Ben... Look at the way you've been, lately, and try to understand, those of us that have been saying things are worried about you. Ron hasn't said anything to warrant this new string of death-threats... He hates vampires. As loathe as he is to admit it, I'm pretty sure he respects Celeste on at least a couple levels, but that doesn't mean he has to like her or agree with her life choices. Now you're going apeshit over her. He doesn't understand why, and there are a number of logical explanations that don't involve love, and very heavily involve the abilities of a vampire.

He's worried about you, in a lot of ways. He wouldn't care to even try to "knock some sense into you" if he wasn't.

So please, back off... Take the money you put into CD for me, go do something grand with it once this shit in DC is over. Go on vacation in the Bahamas or whatever... Relax for a while, and try to realize that noone here is your enemy.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:11 am
by Ron Caliburn
GFox It's going to take me a few days to get back to DC from Montanna. As much as I want to get back to my city, my travelling companion has never been more than 10 miles from home and I think she deserves a bit of sightseeing on her way.

KT - No offense taken. Though I will correct something, I actually don't think he's a thrall of Celeste's making. Bert and Willie were both around Celeste for extended periods and didn't end up like this. I think this started before Celeste. Something's gone pearshaped in his brain and now Celeste has become the focus of it.

Someone suggested to me he might want to become a vampire, I don't think this is the case. My reasoning was Molly . . . though he ain't talked about her lately - so maybe that isn't holding as much sway as it did. I am becoming worried that he's dangerosuly indifferent to being turned.

I can't escape the conclusion that something has happened to Ben, and he needs help.

Unfortunately I'm not skilled in that kind of help. My abillites lend themselves to a good smack around to get him back to his sesnes.

I suggest that those who can offer . . . some soft skills on this do so, before Ben and I end up brawling in the street.

My Side of the Story.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:31 pm
by Celeste Darken
Might I have a say in this matter? Don’t you all think I know the consequences and the risks of my actions? Don’t you all think I know what might happen if I get close to Ben . . . to any man? Every time I see him . . . every time I see any human . . . I think about what I can do to him or her: I can kill them . . . or I can save them. The choice is so much starker for me than it is you. If you see someone stuck in a pit, your choices generally limit you to simply grabbing them by the hand or leaving them be. I have to worry about pulling them up with just enough force to get the job done . . . without accidentally crushing their hands in my grip.

For nearly three weeks I had subsisted upon naught but the blood of animals. But the night that Ben found me, I . . . had a relapse. He had fed me with his own blood. I had been unconscious during the feeding, but that only disturbs me more than had I drunk it with full purpose. Because my incognizance suggests I had drunk from him by instinct. And if that is the case . . . the scenario truly is not if, but when I drink the blood of an innocent. All I can do is look back on that night, after Azrael had driven off Shadowbuilder, at my conversation with Ben, and wonder at what truths had been touched. I hate to admit it . . . hate it with a passion. But I need it . . . human blood. Not only to think straight and without nausea, but I need it to survive. I had once thought I might be able to abstain from it completely . . . and I could. But the sickness, the lethargy, the hunger . . . it all grows until I had sated my hunger. Animal blood alleviates all the symptoms to a manageable level, but I will never be at my best—physically or emotionally—while I do so.

I cannot say for certain if I love Ben or not . . . as a human, I was too young to understand such things as love, and my time as a vampire has not prepared me any more. All I can think of is Ron being . . . right. I am a time bomb. I can’t be trusted; ever. Not fully, at least. There will always be a chance that I turn or that I go too far and take a life. No matter how slim or remote that chance . . . there is still a chance. All it takes is once.

But am I to ignore the powers I have been given? I do not follow the impossible quest to be human. That will never happen. No matter how hard I try . . . I can’t bring back those I murdered . . . my family. I can only try to keep others from the same fate. I dated Ben once not in the hopes of finding some “soulmate,” but because . . . I wondered what it was like to be human again; and for an evening, I had that chance. But I do not fool myself into thinking it can go any further than that. I no longer belong here; I died years ago. Who am I to seek a new life, when the best I can do is an unlife? I have already said I won’t seek my own death. Why should I? I am already dead. But unlike those millions of people who die each night, deaths that are natural, deaths that cause their spirits move on, mine does not.

But I cannot deny the consequences of any actions I might cause in a moment of weakness. And to refuse death continually risks the chance that I will fail. And for that reason, I cannot get close.

I must therefore be a contradiction in being. I am a predator to Humankind; but I must save them. I must stay near, but never close. I must live as a shadow among the fringe of society . . . even though I have no shadow.

I’m sorry, Ben. I cannot reciprocate your advances. To do so would continually risk your death; yours and Molly’s. And that, I will never do.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:54 pm
by Deathblaster
:lol: :lol:

Ha ha ha! This is better than a soap opera! Drop him like a bomb, Celeste!


Not appreciated

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:58 pm
by Celeste Darken
I do not appreciate your . . . light-hearted attempts at humor, Deathblaster. This was a deeply personal and difficult thing to do for me.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:04 pm
by Greydawn
Deathblaster wrote::lol: :lol:

Ha ha ha! This is better than a soap opera! Drop him like a bomb, Celeste!


Stay out of this deathblaster it is hard enough on them with out the peanut gallery putting their two cents in.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:05 pm
by Deathblaster
Oh, I'm sorry. Image

(Runs home crying to Mommy.)



Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:08 pm
by Greydawn
Would you like to come to India and fight.

I can have a plane pick you up where ever you wish.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:10 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
That was a horribly insensitive thing to say.

Cee and Ben need to both do what they feel is right for them.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:28 pm
by Shang Li
Deathblaster; consider yourself on notice. You are close to realeasing something that I have kept for a VERY long time. The next time you open that mouth of yours before your brain is in gear I will introduce to you the reason that my people are so polite, fear of a superior's wrath. There are things going on you do not understand, try attempting to understand them instead of mocking them or the wrath of each of the victims I carry with me may find itself turned upon you.

I am in haste, so to paraphrase some others on these boards - go sodomize yourself.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:00 pm
by A. Wesker
Okay, kids. Bad situation aside, let's not start fighting with each other.

Old rules apply, don't like what he says, ignore him.

Threats have no place in the society or on this board. So calm down.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:26 pm
by Azrael
With words of wisdom, this "thing", this Shadowbuilder, is not of this world, but I am beginning to belive it so vile that Hell itself would not even embrace this evil of this thing.

I fought with it. Deathkiss craved for it. She drank with each slice, drank, and drank, and drank until even she could drink no more. I delivered wounds upon it that should have cleaved it twenty times over, and yet each wound healed before the wound was even finished.

I stared into its eyes, it showed no fear, no remorse, yet, deep with the depths of those blackened eyes, I saw madness and fury. I saw for a glimpse the rational mind of a sentient being, in balance with the murderous intentions of a man long since driven mad.

I fought with sword, spell, and conviction the likes of which I never fought with before. All the while treating my attacks like a swarm of annoying flies and reciting the sacred words of The Genesis in reverse.

Then, in a brief moment it fed upon me. I could feel its vile darkness violate my soul and draw forth memories and emotions long since buried.

It could have slain me, though not as easily as it would have hoped to. But suddenly it fled back into the receeding night. Dawn had risen and chased it off back into the shadows that spawned it. I fear that the light of day is the only weapon effective against this abomination.

It spoke of the coming of The Magog and the rising of The Necroplois. I fear my feollow hunters. That this is only the beginning.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:43 pm
by Shadowstalker
Lovely just what we needed.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 2:48 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
I have some ideas. If anyone is skilled in working with electricity, please report to D.C. and bring your tools.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:06 pm
by Shadowstalker
Bert I will have my tech guy there soon, and I have a few items that should prove useful.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:06 pm
by Hit Squirrel

Im back to my tree in Highland Park. I had such an adventure. I had to assassinate a vampire in New Orleans. Was there an old Orleans? Then I had to assassinate a werewolf on top of a big statue's head. It was ore like four REALLY REALLY BIG statues in one. Why would someone carve a mountain into a statue? Humans are silly.
Then I had to stop an evil bad mage in San Fransico. I had help with one. A poice dog name Rex helped. He was a good dog. I made a new friend. Do you like dogs? He had a bushy tail like me see. Then I had to New Jersey and stop the minions of R.A.P. from launching an evil plot against humans. They were going to se an evil magic spell that would turn people into cheese! But I stopped them. the Hop Father got away again though. I'll get that bad bunny one day. Never trust a bunny! Now who needs my help? :)

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:11 pm
by Shadowstalker
If you go to D.C. there are some people there who could maybe use your help?
Itchy you are going to have to explain a few things later please?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:13 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Sure, come to D.C. Hit Squirrel. I'll be there tomorrow.

Shadow, that's great. Everyone is gonna get an armor upgrade, 80's style :lol: Weapons too.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:18 pm
by Shadowstalker
80s style? I am afraid to ask?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:18 pm
by Hit Squirrel
Shadowstalker wrote:Itchy you are going to have to explain a few things later please?

AHHHH! Shadowstalker ssshhhsss!!! My name is Hit Squirrel. Thats my ultra secret code name. You can call me Itchy when I come back to visit you again. Humans are so silly. :) Ok I will go to D.C. then. Where is that? I don't know? Is that in Canada?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:20 pm
by Greydawn
A. Wesker wrote:Okay, kids. Bad situation aside, let's not start fighting with each other.

Old rules apply, don't like what he says, ignore him.

Threats have no place in the society or on this board. So calm down.

Mr. Wesker, I was not chalanging him to fight me just that their are things here he could fight and keep him busy, so he could quit stiring the pot so to speak.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:21 pm
by Shadowstalker
Hit Squirrel you have a computer, use Map quest and Ask for Washington D.C. that should point you in the right direction?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:24 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
It is the human capitol of the United States. It'll be listed on most maps of the United States.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:29 pm
by Hit Squirrel
Ok then. I will look up washington dc on my computer. Can I bring bring Cleo with me? She wants to meet all you guys. Ok then. I gotta go. See you in a litle while in washington dc. Yippee! I get to help. I like you Bert. You have my case. I am going to need that back though. It has all my seeds. Becareful not to eat any. Especially the glowy ones. Bye Bye.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:30 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
I haven't even opened it. I know better than to play with things I don't understand. :D

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:42 pm
by Hit Squirrel
HI EVERYBODY! I am in washington dc. I can see a big white house. I can see a big stone man sitting in a chair. I can see a REALLY BIG bubble buidling. Why am I so high up? IM TOP OF OF A REALLY REALLY TALL WHITE ROCK! WOW! No wonder I can see all the little people down there. Hehe. Now Im the human and they're the squirrels. :lol: Where are you guys. I can probably see you from here. Are you there? or over there? Oh oh you must be over there by the that fire?
Im coming to help. Bye Bye.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:45 pm
by Shadowstalker
Fire? :?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:46 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
I won't be there until tomorrow, so, you won't see me. And fire? I wouldn't know anything about that.

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:50 pm
by Shadowstalker
I also will not be there for a few hours at least. What kind of fire?