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Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:13 pm
by Kolya
Ron Caliburn wrote:It isn't an internet debate until someone gets called a Nazi.

It usually takes us longer than the average, too.

I think so anyway.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:16 pm
by DarKnyht
I believe that I myself am classified as a latent psychic. That is not the problem, nor is necessarily being a magic user. In fact my only problem with either group is the same I have with ordinary humans, if you work to bring the supernatural into our world then you should be considered an enemy.

If you don't do that, then I have absolutely no problem with you. My statement was, that those who are gifted and misuse their abilities (summon supernatural menaces into our world) should be tagged and treated like the enemy.

Up until you pointed CrosshairMT out, I was not aware that he even claimed to be from another world. I would leave it at what I said before, once everything else that does not belong in this world is taken care of we can address it. Until then, if he is actively working to reduce the problem he is a low priority.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:17 pm
by Cyanide
Who is anyone to say something is natural or unnatural? I'm not getting ill-tempered over this, it would be useless and a waste of energy. But there are things that were said that make sense. Like what about things that are summoned here against their will? Should we throw them back if they figured out they like the place? Or those that become part of the supernatural by force? They should be instantly staked without regard? If everything in this world was "unsummoned" do you have any idea how warped and twisted the ley lines would get? How disturbed the energy would become? There is always a certain amount of "tainted" energy in this world, and if it were to be completely abolished... Then we would all fall apart.

And of those innocents that are of the supernatual variety, they would be more natural if given a chance, because apparently being natural is based on the amount of patience one person has with another object within this world. And you are showing patience with the ones that the others are worried about, but not enough.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:23 pm
by Kolya
DarKnyht wrote:Up until you pointed CrosshairMT out, I was not aware that he even claimed to be from another world. I would leave it at what I said before, once everything else that does not belong in this world is taken care of we can address it. Until then, if he is actively working to reduce the problem he is a low priority.

I would say a NO priority.

But I am bias. I was created in a lab, basically, though only through genetic manipulation, but one might deem me unnatural nonetheless.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:31 pm
by DarKnyht
My point was that there are bigger fish to fry so to speak.

And Koyla, that explains a lot for me.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:34 pm
by Greydawn
DarKnyht wrote:I believe that I myself am classified as a latent psychic. That is not the problem, nor is necessarily being a magic user. In fact my only problem with either group is the same I have with ordinary humans, if you work to bring the supernatural into our world then you should be considered an enemy.

If you don't do that, then I have absolutely no problem with you. My statement was, that those who are gifted and misuse their abilities (summon supernatural menaces into our world) should be tagged and treated like the enemy.

Up until you pointed CrosshairMT out, I was not aware that he even claimed to be from another world. I would leave it at what I said before, once everything else that does not belong in this world is taken care of we can address it. Until then, if he is actively working to reduce the problem he is a low priority.

I apologize, he says that he comes from an alternate reality, not world as I stated earlier.

What about the preist that preys for help from God, the shaman that asks for natures spirits to help them in the fight against the darkness, or them monk that asks for help from his ancestors? Are they going to be on your hit list in the future, once the more dangerous ones have been delt with?

I am not trying to start a fight just want you to think about what your statement sounds like to those that do not understand your statement for I think that you are a good man and having to deal with the evil that comes into our world can sometimes blind us to the fact that there are good and benevolent beings here to help us.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:49 pm
by Shang Li
I am now on another list (I call Okkikan to aid me from his home elsewhere, so I am a terrorist). My friends prove false, and hatred abounds where once there was light. There is no longer a balance here.

May you all find precisely what you deserve awaiting you. I have tried, I have sacrificed, I am tired.

Ohm, Amida butsu to you all, may the Buddhas watch over you all. (Wait they are now outside of nature and therefore must be sent away)

I turn my back now and continue my business as I have for the majority of a long life - alone.

My Dojo is listed in the directory, I may be found there most times.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:56 pm
by Kolya
DarKnyht wrote:And Koyla, that explains a lot for me.

I get that alot.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:58 pm
by DarKnyht
Is the god that the priest prays to still a good and benign being when it tells the priest to kill every man, woman, in child living in the neighboring city just because they don't worship him? Or how about that shaman when he decides to bring plague upon the tribe because they didn't listen?

But at what point do you draw the line? When it comes to supernatural things, I believe they are all ultimately not good for humanity's future and they should all be removed. When it comes to individuals using supernatural powers, it is more of a person by person issue. If the person abuses or misuses the power, than the person should be dealt with in accordance with the risk they represent.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:01 pm
by Kolya
You are starting to contradict yourself, or at least becoming very irrationally prejudiced against non-humans.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:02 pm
by Cyanide
But what about the part of the human race that can pull off supernatural events without being from another reality or world? What then? They should be dealt with too? If so, then you being one that rids the world of all supernatural would in turn become the supernatural for genocide of any kind is high above natural... So then I will help you carry on your quest then and only then, by getting rid of the only other supernatural left. I, myself, would have to come back from whatever plane you so wish me dreamed to, but it would be worth it.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:11 pm
by Greydawn
Do you not make the same judgment? Just be cause they don’t worship him he destroys them, and just because they are not of this world you would destroy them even if they are not preying on the innocent

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:25 pm
by Michael T
My mentor was from another realm and has never harmed any humans, if not for him my wife and I would have been statistics in the missing childrens reports. He was a good man and fought tooth and nail to protect humans and earth from paranormal threats, I know for a fact he faced a vampiric intelligence in a duiel in the astral realm. He nearly died because of it and never regreted it because he saved a single child from being turned.

The mace I now posses is a rune weapon with a spirit in it, she voulenteered to become the weapon when her life was at its end. My mentor was hunted on his home eorld because of his race, his people were pushed to near destruction, and still are. He still fought to save innocents and to champion good, tell me how a man like that should be banished to a realm that hates him for his race? How canwe as good men and women decided to destroy or banish enities based on thier origins? I agree if I encounter a vampire I would be quick to destroy it, but only because vampires like Celeste are so rare I will probably never encounter another like her.

I have never summoned and released a creature into this world, I have summoned and forced them to do a bidding in their own realms. I never summon anything without insureing that if it escapes my control or wards it can never get free of the summoning area. I have done this twice in my 21 years as a mage, once when I was an apprentice to prove I had mastered that spell with a imp. The second to destroy a demon that dared to claim my child. I have met you and do like the man I talked to that day DarKnyht, But I am far from not supernatural. No one natural can hurl the magics a few of us on the board can, so do I need to be purged as well? Please rethink some of your stance, I ask that you remember nothing is as simple as it seems.

Michael T.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:28 pm
by Kolya
Yes, like Hit Squirrel did, let's focus on the monsters and save the philosophical talk for when it is relevant, which is basically never, since we will never get through all the menaces facing us...

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:29 pm
by Greydawn
Shang Li wrote:I am now on another list (I call Okkikan to aid me from his home elsewhere, so I am a terrorist). My friends prove false, and hatred abounds where once there was light. There is no longer a balance here.

May you all find precisely what you deserve awaiting you. I have tried, I have sacrificed, I am tired.

Ohm, Amida butsu to you all, may the Buddhas watch over you all. (Wait they are now outside of nature and therefore must be sent away)

I turn my back now and continue my business as I have for the majority of a long life - alone.

My Dojo is listed in the directory, I may be found there most times.

Mr. Li, I hope it is not me that causes you turn your back. For I find your wisdom inspiring and hope to see more of it here on the boards.

It seems that you are the one that can usually keep a cool head when things get heated.

Mr. DarKnyht, may I make a suggestion to you?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:34 pm
by DarKnyht
Koyla, you are right. I did contradict myself accidentally. Let me try to clarify my point a little better.

The question I believe was how far will I go with my viewpoint. My response is how good are these things that you claim are good, and why do you call them good? The god of one city is good to the city, but evil to the city that it orders destroyed. The city was destroyed not because the humans decided it, but because of the entity claiming to be their god ordered them too.

I say the entity itself is evil and the people who empower that entity is also evil. I would not blame the poorly educated people who don't know better, but the ones who are aware of what they serve. Those people (the ones aware of what they did) should be arrested, tagged, and tracked. If they go serve another entity in the same way, they should be put down.

Now, lets take that same situation. Only instead of a god ordering them, a leader that is psychic or a mage orders the same thing. The people obey only because of his powers and his misuse of them. That person should also be tagged and tracked. If he misuses his abilities again, kill him.

Now, if you fall into any of those three categories (entity/supernatural creature, serving an entity knowing it is not what it appears, or misusing your gifts) what I said would apply. Otherwise, I will be dealing with those three things and unless you directly oppose me I would not have a problem with you.

Now a question, how does a monk know that he is dealing with his ancestor and not a haunting entity or some similar creature? How does a priest know that it is his "god" talking to him and not a supernatural entity seeking to destroy our planet? How does a shaman know that he is not going to accidentally unleash elemental fury upon the earth? Does any of them stop and think about that when they open themselves to their respective powers/abilities or do they just blindly go for the benefit without thinking about the risk of causing harm?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:41 pm
by Crosshair MT
DarKnyht, I could care less about your opinion of me being a threat because I am from another reality. I am human, any DNA test will prove that, it will cause red flags to pop up in the system because here I am legally dead. And verified so by the goverment because I was a veteren and got full burial here. Do you relize just how much like a racist you sound? I am not a innocent by any means, I have killed men and destroyed property in my life, but never an innocent person. I lost everything that ment anything to me, and the system could not help. I was sent here by a mage who claimed they were sending where I would do good and was needed, since I was going to be killed if they did not.

I just went through watching a vampire that looked like my wife, had alot of her personality and traits be sent to it's end. And I know it was not her but it hurt to face it. So I am not in a good mood, this is why I have been avoiding the forums as a poster. I did not wish to be a powder keg about to go off, a friend pointed this thread to me. I ask everyone who has been on edge to step back as soon as they are able and take a good look at how we have all been acting towards each other.

Then ask yourself how would Victor Lazlo react if he reapeared and started reading this board?

If I offended anyone I apologize, if anyone wants to send me home by the means I got here go ahead. If anyone wants to try and kill me to send me away from your world and reality..... be ready to fight.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:43 pm
by Kolya
I think your position is normalising somewhat - or at least not sounding reactionary.

Fair enough.

As far as how do you know? That is difficult, but I am not sure anyone would say it is easy.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:46 pm
by Greydawn
What about the Christians, Jews, Hindu, Buddhists, and the list goes on do they fall under your definition of what must be destroyed? For they worship and ask for help form their perspective deities every day, are they not empowering supernatural entities, giving them access to our world.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 3:54 pm
by Greydawn
Crosshair MT wrote:DarKnyht, I could care less about your opinion of me being a threat because I am from another reality. I am human, any DNA test will prove that, it will cause red flags to pop up in the system because here I am legally dead. And verified so by the goverment because I was a veteren and got full burial here. Do you relize just how much like a racist you sound? I am not a innocent by any means, I have killed men and destroyed property in my life, but never an innocent person. I lost everything that ment anything to me, and the system could not help. I was sent here by a mage who claimed they were sending where I would do good and was needed, since I was going to be killed if they did not.

I just went through watching a vampire that looked like my wife, had alot of her personality and traits be sent to it's end. And I know it was not her but it hurt to face it. So I am not in a good mood, this is why I have been avoiding the forums as a poster. I did not wish to be a powder keg about to go off, a friend pointed this thread to me. I ask everyone who has been on edge to step back as soon as they are able and take a good look at how we have all been acting towards each other.

Then ask yourself how would Victor Lazlo react if he reapeared and started reading this board?

If I offended anyone I apologize, if anyone wants to send me home by the means I got here go ahead. If anyone wants to try and kill me to send me away from your world and reality..... be ready to fight.

Mr. Crosshair MT I am sorry if I offended you by bringing your name into this but I was trying to get him to see how his blanket statement affected those that are here to fight the evil in this world and figured your circumstances might get him to see that.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:15 pm
by Azrael
DarKnight, I first and foremost agree with your moral standpoint. I too believe such monsters need be eliminated and sent back to the Hell that spawned them.

I too agree that Humans who throw in with their lot should be denounced as the traitors to humanity that they are.

But what madness have I begun.

We must deliver wrath on to the wicked without sweeping up the innocent in our wake. I allowed madness to cloud my reason, to allow rage to blind me to the truth. If it were not for Deathkiss, innocents would have died, including Ms. Darken.

Though their are monsters in this world, both man and beast alike, we must be rational and not rash. We must not bare the wight of the world in our stride, and allow our own personal contempt beguile us to the brink of unyielding madness.

We must decipher that thin line all hunters must walk. Life is balck & white, but the line in which we as hunters must walk is always grey. A lesson I myself have recently learned. Even though evil may create it, even though evil my have left its mark upon, if evil does not govern it, it is an innocent, and is too be left in peace.

Forgive me my lord, and forgive me those here at Lazlo that I have so wrongfully offended. I have strayed from the light, and now, I must make amends.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:22 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle


Welcome to the team Azrael.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:26 pm
by Shadowstalker
Ok!?! :shock: :? Someone has changed their tune, not that I am complaining in the least. Azrael I welcomed you once and asked to speak to you, at a later time I would like to renew that offer. I want to understand what has and did happen?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:27 pm
by Crosshair MT
You did not offend me Greydawn, I belive we sometimes need to have hard choices pushed on us.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:34 pm
by Kolya
No one is innocent, strictly speaking, but let's not split hairs.

I like what I am hearing nonetheless.

I look forward to the day I can trust you.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:36 pm
by Kolya
Shadowstalker wrote:Ok!?! :shock: :? Someone has changed their tune, not that I am complaining in the least. Azrael I welcomed you once and asked to speak to you, at a later time I would like to renew that offer. I want to understand what has and did happen?

That fucking rune weapon, is my guess.

They are just not worth the cost, but I already made myself clear on that so...

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:37 pm
by Shadowstalker
Yeah that much I figured. I was wondering what took so long thou?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:42 pm
by Kolya
I understand.

I am just so happy it is over.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:49 pm
by Azrael
I know I have much to explain, but do not hold Deathkiss in contempt. If it were not for her wisdom and guidence, your Ms. Darken and so many innocents would have perished at my hands.

Deathkiss prevented me from slaying Ms. Darken, twice. The blade refuses to bring harm to an innocent, yet thirsts for the souls of the wicked. I should have listened to her instead of my false angel.

Beware Menekhir, I will have vengenace upon you for you treachery. How dare you use me as a weapon against these people.

No, I allowed myself to be used. I allowed my hatred to cloud my vision. I saw only monsters. I am to blame. I am not worthy of your forgiveness so I do not attempt to ask.

I know I have much to atone for. My God forgive me, and may I one day make ammends with you all.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:54 pm
by Michael T
Azrael I would like to met with you and talk, I have read much on Deathkiss and would be honored to get to see her in person. I have a Rune mace myself, or if you listen to her she is stuck with me till my daughter is of age. I would like to draw the runes on Deathkiss for my studies, and we can see if we can find this false angel with some old fashion scrying spells.