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Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:18 am
by KonThaak
Well if by some chance I don't kick your ass, Cubrious will! He doesn't LIKE being errand boy, you know! He dragged those swords all the way here from--wherever it was you were, and he was waiting for me to get home from work!

Damned right you're in trouble, mister!
-Your wife

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:19 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Ain't she sweet?

Glad you're on the mend buddy.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 4:14 pm
by KonThaak
Heh... I know what she means. And she does mean well.

My home life isn't as scary as all that.

Two hours and counting... Probably more, with pitstops for food and whatnot. She's probably asleep right now, in preparation for work tonight.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 9:58 pm
by KonThaak
Well... I think I have to say she took the sight of me rather well. When the voodoo healing was going on, I was very full of shrapnel, so we couldn't risk closing my wounds.

So I came home in heavy bandages and burns. I think, with all the self-healing and stuff I've done in the past, my wife kinda forgot that I am still mortal, and capable of being seriously hurt.

Incidentally, though I refuse to tell her this openly, the doctors told me it was a miracle I was alive at all... I'm really not sure who pulled the strings to get me released from the hospital when I was, since I seem to recall the doctor saying to someone that I'd be down and out for several weeks.

Anywho, I'm home now, and my wife... Well, she kinda freaked out. About the same way she did when we had to rush our son back to the hospital two days after he was born. Which is to say she kinda froze up at the sight of me, saucer- and teary-eyed.

So yeah, there's to all the smack-talking from before. She uses bravado like that when she's worried...

At any rate, right now, I'm resting. And if she knew I was up on the forums right now, she'd pry get pissed, so I'm gonna get back to bed here real quick, soon as I finish checking the last of the new messages...

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:28 pm
by Michael T
I can be there in the morning if you are up to it, I know you are in Chicago and there are a few places there I will be visiting tomorrow. As was stated in Shang's party invite let me know if you and the wife would like to go. THe spell information talks would be more than ample payment, I always am looking to learn more even if it is only theroy and basics. I also can help set a few of my wards up if you would like we can disscuse that later though.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:33 pm
by KonThaak
Cool. PM's away with my information.

Just a word of warning... It sounds like you're probably a sorceror of some sort. Druids are like shamans and mystics; we learn our magics more intuitively than anything else. I have a much deeper understanding of my magics, so we can still discuss things... Just don't be surprised if what you learn from me is too far different from what you understand to be useful.

Starting to feel faint... Time to lay back down...

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 11:07 pm
by Michael T
Not a problem KT I strive to gain understanding of all mystic's paths to spell casting and thier theroies on how magic is channeled. I have your information and will see you tomorrow around 9am I'll PM to be sure you and the wife are up and ready for company.