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Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 2:17 pm
by Ron Caliburn
What is this thing really? What is it capable of? How can we stop it? How did we let it loose? I really have no experience with this sort of phenomena.

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2007 5:31 pm
by Shang Li
some advanced meditation techniques can be used to take the place of sleep. others can be used to enter or exit the wold of dreams fully aware. myself i cannot do fully without sleep but i can stave off exhaustion through meditation for a few days. i have been "dabbleing" with the 1st idea for a few years and have experienced the latter a few times.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:17 am
by KonThaak
Ron forgive me, for I am going to misquote you and put words in your mouth in this post.

Ron Caliburn wrote:What is this thing really?

It's a living nightmare, but it seems to have evolved beyond most normal nightmares. It's a dream entity that has, one way or another, come into the material plane, and is doing all it can to wreak havoc. Most nightmares do it for the fun of it. This one seems to think it has a greater purpose behind it all, and is doing it with method.

I know there's more to this thing... Shadow mentioned that it could use magic. I note that it has yet to go after your sister, when most nightmares take out the person whose dreams they've come from first, or try to, at least. Most nightmares then usually become fairly erratic, but this one has followed a more-or-less foreseeable path.

Ron Caliburn wrote:How can we stop it?

Kill it. Kill it with fire.

That or put it back into the head from whence it came, but we need your sister for that.

Ron Caliburn wrote:How did we let it loose?

"We" didn't. You didn't, so stop blaming yourself. Next time you blame yourself, I'm driving down there to personally hit you with a squeaky hammer.

Shadow knows all the details of how it got out. I believe he implied that he accidentally let it out, though I would imagine that at least a part of that was based on guilt that the thing got the best of him, and that very little of the blame actually rests on his shoulders.

And finally, the most important question:

Ron Caliburn wrote:Calling it "fake Ron" makes it sound like it has some kind of tie to me, beyond just looking like me. What can we call it that won't make it sound that way, and at the same time will really do a good job of conveying what this thing is?

A very good question, even if you didn't really ask it.

From this moment on, "Fake Ron" shall now be referred to as..."MISTER Asshole."

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 12:51 am
by KonThaak
So I'm sure y'all are wondering... "Why does KT wanna call this thing 'Mr. Asshole' all of a sudden? Did he have another run-in?"

My answer: "As a matter of fact, yes, I did."

My day at work had been going too well. When every day up to today this week had been a miserable hell, I recognized that something bad was going to happen. My luck tends to just run that way. I had spent all day yesterday and today with heightened defenses, just in case...and I had a surprise up my sleeve. Thank all that's holy.

I'd gotten most of my work done, and it had gotten dark out. I was finishing up the last of my deliveries when I started seeing his face in every reflective surface I came across. It was then that I finally figured out the biggest difference between this guy and Ron.

It's the eyes... Ron's eyes convey the weight of the world. They're tired and depressed, but at the same time, doggedly determined.

Mr. Asshole's eyes are so damned self-righteous, they might leave burn-marks on your flesh if you let him look at you too long.

I think he was trying to make me jumpy and nervous. I think that because that's what it was doing to me. Fortunately, when I'm driving while jumpy and nervous, I start slowing down more, putting more distance between me and the next car, and making doubly sure that I have swerving space in case I need it.

On the ride from McHenry (where I was driving today) and my center, a car swerved over in front of me and hit the brakes less than a carlength ahead of my position. I hit the brakes for a moment, slammed my fist on the horn, and swerved into the other lane, narrowly avoiding missing him. I glanced over, and saw the driver rubbing his eyes, like he'd just woken up or something.

I got into the center, clocked out, and was on my way home, and started seeing more of Mr. Asshole in reflections. Those reflections started whispering to me... "Kill them... Kill them..." Reflections of my wife and son started playing over the insides of my windows.

"Get bent, asshole," I said.

"Kill them...or die..."

"Sure, we saw how successful your attempt to kill me was, genius. Got any more good ones?"

His hand suddenly reached through my windshield and grabbed me by the throat. It was all I could do to keep my car on the road as he started to squeeze--and I mean, REALLY squeeze. I didn't have the chance to activate any of my defenses, magics or charms.

A roar shook astral space around us, as Claw's draconic head reached out and clamped onto his arm. He shrieked as Claw's teeth penetrated through his dreamflesh and ground against the bone... To his credit, he had ahold of my throat longer than I thought was possible, with a dragon slowly biting his arm in two.

Finally, I guess the pain got to him. He vanished, arm and all. I gasped for air, and Claw gave me the energy I needed to recover...

I couldn't bring a sword to work, but Claw wanted to come and help protect me he hid himself away inside my amulet.

I don't even know how many times over I owe him my life, now. He insists I shouldn't even worry about keeping track...but I'm one who repays debts, and dammit, someday I'm gonna figure out what he wants and give it to him.

In the meantime, Mr. Asshole is still on the loose, and is more formidable than I gave him credit for...but again, not undefeatable.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 1:39 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Holy Shit. So how did The Asshat manage those tricks?

I'm also going to forewarn you guys now, tempting someone to kill their own family (and I use a broad definition of family) is hard. Hard beyond moving mountains. At first anyway. If you guys start being coerced to commit more and more bits of evil you tell the boards here and get someone to come in and support ya. Once you can get people to start rationalizing their actions it becomes easier and easier to let your humanity slip away and the darkness in.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:45 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I don't know what I can do or what I can say.

Even if Shadow did somehow let this out, he was acting on my orders at the time.

I let this thing know who you folks are.

I am responsible for this thing being loose and hunting you folks down - even if indirectly.

I need to put an end to this thing somehow.

But I don't know how.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:42 pm
by BraveSirRobin
When the question of what to call this thing came up, I thought Freddy would be appropriate, considering this thing's MO... but then, Freddy always comes back, so that would have been jinxing things. Then I thought maybe Craven, as in Wes Craven, the man who thought up Freddy.

After last night, I'm more than willing to go with Mr. Asshole. Or better yet, we can just call it Dead and wait for it to take the hint.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:52 pm
by Shadowstalker
Has it come calling Robin.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 5:51 pm
by BraveSirRobin
Shadowstalker wrote:Has it come calling Robin.

yeah... my first hour of library computer time ran out on me before I could type things up. seems that happens when you're frantically trying to send warning emails in another window.

The whole time I've posted here, there is one person I've always avoided mentioning for fear of who else might be reading these boards. A girl, out East (I still won't narrow it down any more than that, thank you), who I'd given up on ever even seeing in person, because I'd hate for her to have gotten one of Stinky's children up her nose for her troubles. And now this Asshole knows where to find her.

But maybe I'm getting ahead of myself...

It had been a long day at work: eight hour shift, with my break coming just an hour into it... add in getting up three hours early so I could do my laundry and catch the bus, and I was good and ready for a nice long rest. Unfortunately, I stayed just a bit too late after my shift, checking my email in the office and munching on ill-gotten McNuggets, and ended up catching the last bus of the night, leaving me stranded downtown with a good hour long walk ahead of me. At least I wasn't walking straight home from work: that's a good hour and a half, crossing the busiest streets in town, and at night when the drunks are driving (I've heard NYC cabbies complain about the driving in this town).

About halfway home, there's this little stone fence jutting out from an abandoned brick building, about seven feet tall, maybe ten feet long that just ends in the middle of nowhere... I've walked past it a hundred times, and every time I get this paranoid feeling like something's going to jump out from behind it and pull me back into the shadows just as I walk by. It's not rational... and it's definitely not the same thing as that feeling that tells me when something inhuman is around... but last night, it was real bad, so I took the extra five minutes to cross the street and walk down that side. Which is around when Mr. Asshole decided to pop in literally out of nowhere...

and now my second hour's up... expect the rest as soon as I can get to the internet cafe downtown.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 5:57 pm
by Bearshaman
The Bastard has hit Reno. He/It/Shithead new my name, not the one I go by on here, but my name I use amongst the normal crowds. I was sitting in my office at work, when I heard someone call my name. I didn't recognize the voice or who it was so, I headed outside to see what he wanted. From the descriptions, I have seen, thought I recognized it as Ron, and first thought was...Is it real or is it Memorex?

Thats when I made my first mistake and almost my last. "Ron" shouted, Behind you! I turned and damn if it wasn't that rotting piece of crap that has been pretending to be me around here. Full on hybrid form, but the smell coming from him was really reeking of rotting meat. I figured it was the "Real Ron", so took a chance that noone from work was looking out a window, shifted (Damn...I really liked that shirt too.) and got ready to take my doppleganger down a few notches. Thats when I smelled the metal and gunpowder. Ron had drawn a .38. He said stand aside, so I did. I heard the cocking of the gun, then realized that my duplicate was grinning. That couldn't be good. Got a silver shot threw the left shoulder, and then "Cujo" slashed my face, then gave me a kick in the chest, felt several ribs go right then. They just left me there bleeding...alive but hurting.

Asshole, as we are now calling him, looked down at me and told me to give the rest of you a message. He said..."I could have killed you this time, but I didn't. You are my message. Stop resisting! DO AS YOU ARE TOLD!"

They both took off around a corner while I was trying to get back on my feet, they were both gone, and the scent ended at a window.

Regenerated most of the damage, the silver is still burning, but went clean through. Maybe a flack jacket would be a good idea, I have been getting a bit cocky.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:15 pm
by KonThaak
Damn, guys... This couldn't've happened two, three weeks ago, could it have? If I'd've gone through with the Solstice ritual I'd been planning, we might not be having these problems, now... Instead? Naw, that Arawn guy was dead, it was a fairly simple (if lengthy) ritual to seal up that last stupid gate in Maine, and things were all wrapped up nice and neat like.

Dammit, dammit, dammit... I'm sorry, guys. I could've probably prevented all this.

But there's no time for feeling sorry for myself, or regretting stupid stuff I should've done.

Here's what we know as of right now... We know this guy is damned good at reading minds. We know he can be halfway across the country in the blink of an eye. We know he has an undead bear-monster working with him.

And this stupid virus that's been brought up in the aftermath of the Maine incident.

I'd say it's time to bring out the big guns...but I have no idea what "big guns" we have for this situation.

It's time to consult with spirits and do a lot of thinking. I'll be back on from time to time, and if anyone thinks of anything, drop me a line ASAP.

At least your name's cleared, Bearshaman.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:27 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Okay, until further notice I am staying put. Unless you read it here that I am coming o your area and you see me shoot to kill, okay, 'cause it ain't me. Even if it is me, I won't take it personally.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 11:53 pm
by AdamaGeist
I know you guys won't be happy about this, but...

I was able to use what I got from that orb to start putting together a few things I needed... A repair and upgrade to my mask, and the start to make a few things.

I bring this up for a reason. With that finished, I could go on the hunt for Ron's copy. As KT can attest, if I find it... It won't be around for much longer.

Thoughts on this?

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:00 am
by Ron Caliburn
Anything that gets us closer to getting rid of this thing is soemthing worthy of being happy about.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 12:36 am
by BraveSirRobin
I never even saw him coming... all I got was a split second of that cold feeling in my gut, the "bad vibes" that tell me something that <i>should not be</i> is close, and then I was on the ground with one hell of a headache. He planted his foot on my back, taking a moment to gloat, saying something smug about not getting the chance to bravely run away. Somewhere between the throbbing in my skull and my own sheer rage, I lost the exact words.

Still, he's monologuing, and that's an opportunity to slam a beer bottle into his face--in town of drunken rednecks like this, the gutter is filled with them. It doesn't do much... mostly it just startled him. But that's enough for me to knock the bastard back a little and try to regain my feet. Not enough time though, as his kick quickly sent me rolling down the sidewalk, over the glass I'd just shattered, and almost into the street. At least I had my coat on...

I didn't bother trying to get up, or taking stock of just what hurt and how bad: instead I scrambled to pull out my Zippo, and he quickly found himself missing a few layers of his face. Only fitting, given his Freddy Kreuger M.O. My second fireball slammed into his chest, knocking him back... but he was gone before I could throw a third.

I got up, dusted myself off, and, Zippo in hand the whole way, headed for home, thinking I'd be all better with just a nice hot bath, a couple band-aids, and a new coat... oh, and about half a bottle of tylenol... ow.

I should've known he'd try to finish the job after I fell asleep.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 2:37 am
by KonThaak
Dammit, man... How much peril WERE you in?

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 3:09 am
by BraveSirRobin
KonThaak wrote:Dammit, man... How much peril WERE you in?
Sorry, sorry... got a bit distracted by an IM from that girl I was talking about, so I ended up taking much longer than anticipated posting the last bit... then stopped to eat the first bit of food I've had today.

And now this place seems to be closing on me... :oops:

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 4:17 am
by Shang Li
I will have some friends come to this country and "observe" those of us for whom i have faces to go with names. if you were at Mr. Fate's little get together you know that i am not doing so to harm any of you. if you see dark shapes moving in shadows - try to identify it as "not human" before you start blasting - the people i am calling to help look for this thing (as well as find the source of another problem) are VERY adept at becoming one with the shadow.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 10:35 am
by Ron Caliburn
Damn Tim. I'm glad you managed to get out okay.

He decided to keep me busy last night too.

It was a short dream, but it had a clear message. The other me was in Kelly's room, watching her sleep . . . petting her hair.

I awoke drenched and sweat, grabbed my gear and dove in my car. I did the usual 2 hour run up the beltway in about 30 minutes (no speed traps at 3 AM thankfully) and screeched to a stop in Ted's driveway. I used the spare key he lent me in case of emergencies and let myself in and headed upstairs for Kelly's room.

When I got to the top of the stairs, Ted was standing there with an axe, looking into Kelly's room.

"I'm glad you came back. I don't know if I can do this on my own." He said.


"You're right, she's definitely not herself. I think it;s a lingerign effect from the vampire's bite. Taking her head off should do it, right."

What the heck was going on? "Ted, no you don't have to do that."

"I'm the one who should Ron, I'm her father. It should be me that puts her out of her misery and slays whatever it is pretending to be her." He turned and opened the door to Kelly's room. She was lying peacefully on her bed.

Putting 2 and 2 together and coming up Nightmare Me I pulled my gun. "Ted stop. There's something not right here."

"No, we have to do it now, before she wakes up. Before whatever-it-is is aware we're here." He stepped into the room and started to raise the axe.

"Ted, you're being fooled. Put down the axe. Kelly is okay. It's been years since she was bittena nd she hasn't shown any signs of any problems."

Ted turned, confused. "What, but you said."

"No, listen to me, there's another me out there. It is trying to mess with us. It wants you to kill your daughter."

"How do I know you aren't the imposter? How do I know you aren't trying to protect the monster lving in my daughter? You've got your gun out. Were you planning to shoot me?" He looked back towards his daughter.

Kelly sighed and moaned and her eyes fluttered open. "Daddy? What are you doing here?" Her eyes moved to the axe "Daddy, why do you have an axe?" Her eyes suddenly grew wide. "Daddy?! What are you doing?"

She looked at me "Mordecai, help me, he's going to kill me!!" she was screaming.

I almost fell for it. I almost put a round into Ted right then.

But it had used my real name.

I shifted my aim to Not Kelly "Nice try, but you just gave yourself away. Let's get him Ted."

"Get who. Why are you pointing a gun at Kelly, what's goign on Ron?"

"Daddy, help me, he's going to kill me!!" Not Kelly screamed.

Ted stepped between me and Kelly and shifted his grip on the axe. "Put down the gun Ron, or whoever you are. I'm not going to let you hurt my daughter."

"Ted, that's not Kelly. It's an imposter. It wants us to kill each other."

"If you don't put down that un, I am going to kill you. Nobody comes into my house and threatens my daughter. I thought I knew you."

The Not Kelly was making faces at me from behind Ted. It was pointing and laughing at me.

"Ted, liisten to me. . . "

"Put down the gun now Ron. This is the last time I'm going to say this."

"Ted . . "

The axe came up.

I squeezed the trigger.

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 11:04 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Holy shit! so what happened next!?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:03 am
by Ron Caliburn
I generally don't make it a practice to discharge a firearm in the direction of another living being unless I have the intention to kill. When I do shoot, I prefer to make high probability centre mass hits instead of missing while trying for some funky arm or head shot.

But this was a friend of mine, and the range was real close.

Ted howled and collapsed from the leg wound, giving me a clear shot at Not Kelly. Feathers erupted from the duvet as my first round struck home.

Not Kelly - or rather Not Me clutched its middle and returned to it's normal form. "Clever Mordecai, see you around."

Before I could squeeze off my next shot, Not Me was gone.

Ted, clutching his leg stared up at me. "Ron? What are you doing here? who shot me?"

"Ted, that's a long story. Where's Kelly?"

"She and Miriam are at my mother's tonight, why?"

I bandaged Ted as fast as I could while he called Miriam on his cellphone. Everyone was okay there so I bundled Ted into my car and explained it all on the way to the hospital. He was horrified at what had almost happened.

"Miriam says I sometimes sleep walk, but this is well beyond anything I've ever done."

"This thing, some of my contacts call it a Living Nightmare, it preys upon us in our dreams. I guess, if you're a sleepwalker, it can make you act out your dream. Fortunately I managed to wake you up."

"Okay, well I'm glad you did. But next time, toss a glass of water in my face."

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:27 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
I had a feeling it had turned out that way (though I didn't think ahead to the sleep walking part.)

Ok guys, we need to figure out a way to draw this thing out and destroy it. Is there anything that, if threatened, it would be obligated to defend?

Ron was forced to the trap with Ted and Kelly (or their reasonable facimile) because he had to go and defend them. KT is bound to his family. Most if not all of us have something that if threatened we are forced to protect.

So what the Foxtrot can we use against Mr. Asshole?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:46 am
by Shang Li
not sure. never fought one in our world before, only in dreams. if physical distruction causes it to return to the dream world and the dreamer made aware it is a dream ALL the advantages belong to the dreamer (the limits to what the dreamer can do are limited ony by his imagination there) if the thing is still more of the dream worl than ours then things made to fight "PSI's" and entities should prove usefull.

wish i was more help on this, but ask any of the hunters here how big the difference is to hunt a demon in the wild or in the city is.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 7:44 am
by KonThaak
Note that I'm not suggesting we actually do this... I'm simply answering the question. So please don't kill me, Ron.

But it seems to me that if Ron's cult were in danger of being destroyed, Mr. Asshole would very likely show up. The way I see it, he's got Ron's dad's mentality, right? It probably means a good deal of Rhonda's views of their dad are in Mr. Asshole's head...which probably means that if there's a place it wants to call home, it's there on that compound.

This is purely hypothesis...but Ron, if your father came into contact with this thing and managed to just start talking to it, before either side became hostile, would he side with it and take advantage, or would he see it for the monster it is and attempt to do us all a favor and destroy it?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:36 am
by Ron Caliburn
If it's on the compound and wearing my face - it's dead.

If it's on the compound and people realize what it actually is - it's dead.


Shang Li. There are reasons I don't go into the wild after monsters unless I'm sure that monster is coming from the wild into human settlements to prey upon us.

But how do we get, in force, into a realm where nightmares walk free and have all the advantages? How many of us will get back out?

I also don't think the damage caused it to go back. It stayed a few moments after I shot it, instead it disappeared when imminent destruction was upon it. So perhaps it can be killed in the material world - but getting it to stay long enough for that to happen is really difficult.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:49 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Is there any way tog et us all into the same dream and then lure the thing there?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:58 am
by Ron Caliburn
I don't think there's room enough for y'all in my head. The rocks take up a lot of space.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 12:27 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Actually I was thinking KT would host, since he's proven he can fight the thing in his own dreams.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 12:43 pm
by Ron Caliburn
But would I, or something based on me, be stupid enough to go back in there knowing that?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 12:56 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Like I said to someone during the whole mess in Maine, "Building the trap is easy; baiting it is hard."