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Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:57 am
by Shadowstalker
Its a Theory we shall find out as things progress but I have to wonder what would Debunker have to say about all of this.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:00 am
by Shadowstalker
Holister chill what's happened.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:05 am
by Holister
After that bastard my niece I drove home from the station. The house was broken into and ton up. I searched for Molly and she was gone. I found a note written blood on the livingroom wallthat told me " Stop interfearing, or she dies! "

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:08 am
by Shadowstalker
Alright My people are still in the area they will help deal with the situation, they will meet you at the station.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:36 am
by Crosshair MT
Okay this jerk has crossed the wrong line with the niece kidnapping. You want a darkness to play with pal? Come to town and we'll play. I have no fear of you or any thing you may send my way, I whole heartedly agree with Ron's sig. And you will not like my game.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:39 am
by fate
The Unnamable? Sounds like a child’s come to play with the grownups. You think you are evil my friend? Evil is a man, a man with ambition and power. I have stared long into the abyss my friend and let the abyss devourer me. I make no claim to be a good man. You have nothing to hold over my head.

You strike out at those who stand against you from the shadows, through lackeys, because you know they have the power to destroy you. You are out of your league. Return the niece and I may let you keep your impudent tongue.

Anything I can do to help, you have but to ask. My people can handle the leg work of my own current investigation.


Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:17 am
by Razor
Sorry I was out of commission over the weekend, especially with a now dislocated knee. Son of a bitch popped out in three directions. As for this new retard showing up... If he wants to pick on people he should go back to the sandbox to pick on his own kindergarden classmates. Right now he's playing with fire.

Holister, hang in there bud.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:40 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
You talk too much Jack. You talk and talk and talk and reveal little. You talk about us but reveal nothing; you don't know us only the small parts of our identity that we reveal here.

Victor Lazlo was a man of science and learning and understanding. Would he want monsters in his organization? I say yes. Either you refer to us Hunters as monsters for slaughtering monsters or to those like Celeste. If its the former then I say he understood better than any what was required to safeguard humanity. If its the latter than I say yes because as a man of learning and science he would understand that not everything of a kind is necessarily evil and while I may not consider some to be "Good" exactly those I keep company with are not evil.

I would go so far to say that as far as the human element goes around here, I am the most evil of all, but I do not walk in darkness. You know how the saying goes, "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

Meet rough man #1 Jack.

Angry bad man

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:49 am
by Eric Eland
I think you are a not nice, mean evil man. Saying mean things and hurting people, going to have to stop, they will try and stop you, I will help. I go now, head to help Holister, be there soon, help find stolen good person, and nasty bad man.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:04 am
by Greydawn
To the Unnamable I have but on thing to say. I know what you are and have delt with your evil in the past and survived to continue fighting and now you have garnered my attintion again prepare yourself for I will find you and we will do battle and I will prevail over you so while you hunt the members of the Society I will be hunting you.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:33 am
by fate
I can be at your location in 48hrs Holister. Unfortunately I can’t spare any of my men, I need all of them to root out the rouges in my group.

Anyone who will be in the area to help Holister let me know. I would like to meet and compare notes.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:50 am
by Holister
I follwed its tracks.....lead out into the forest (coughs up some blood). I was jumped by two large ape lookin things taht had 4 arms
each. Two of my deputies are dead,
I barely survived. Some tact team sent by Shades helped. Wasn't for them I'ld be a smear in the snow right now. They killed the things off and dragged me back to their truck. It doesn't end there though.

I was barely conscious (cough a bit more blood up), I saw a wierd dark light appear about 10 yards off, and somethng that looked like blob of tentacles and eyes stared at me.
Thats when everything went dark. I woke up in the snow this morning. The truck was still there, but no one else. I managed to stagger into town, it was deserted....there was a message for me written in the
snow, " They are mine now. Come get them if you dare. "

I collapsed again and woke in the clinic. I don't know who saved me or patched me up, but Im grateful.

What the Hell am I up against. The bastard took my niece, but she's alive still, I know it. If anyone out there can hear me, come to the station house on Main. Ill be there
waiting. One day is all Im givin you though, then Im going after that ugly SOB.


Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 11:57 am
by Razor
THe 4 armed ape thing you described would be a Dimensional Ghoul.. I think. Not good.

(Other possibility is it would be something related to a Gorillon, but if so, I thought those things were only a myth... or existed in the minds of D&D gamers everywhere... personally I'm betting on the D-Ghoul).

Anybody care to educate Ben on one, or should I?

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:00 pm
by fate
I’ll be there in 8hrs. What kind of weapons do we need? Never mind I’ll bring my old favorites. It will feel good to stretch my legs again.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:02 pm
by Holister
They kind of looked like a shaved ape, no neck, two large arms, a pair of smaller arm neath those.
Bastard, one tore Riley's head clean off before could even get a shot. The one hit me an sent me damn near over ten feet.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:21 pm
by The Unnamable
Ah....stll with us sheriff Good, I would hate for you to be taken from the game too early. I see
that you now know the extent of of my power now.

And you brought friends, I would have guessed they leave you to die. I suppose the merrits of humanity still burn bright in the dark places afterall.

I must congratulate Mr. Calburn
for his powers of deduction. In the days when our kind kept you evolved apes huddled in your caves, huts, and hovels. Men learned to fearthe dark, for I was there waiting. fought back. The courage of men began to grow with each beast slain, with every demon put to the blade. Your faith and your conviction strengthened like iron. So I withdrew, and waited, and watched.

Man evolved, again, and again. With each step foward, your kind however got further and further from the truth. Soon religion replaced myth, science replaced religion, and now your tarnished armor of science and technology has all but blinded you. We watched, and soon man kinds own ignorance and denial became our greatest weapon. Though a few of you stand against the tide of dakness that now crashes upon your shores, can a mere handful of you attempt to stop us. We are the demons, the devils, the undead, and the lycans, we are evil in its purest form.

...and none who embraced my touch is immune to my power.
Evil is an elemental force, I am everywhere, in everything. You should have heed your own words of caution however. Soon I will unlock the nine ancient gates,
and death and destruction will flood into your world yet again.
All I need is time, and the blood of a seven pure souls to do it. Your niece is one of those seven Ben Holister.

As for the rest of you, you to visit family more often. Stop by to see if the home fires are still burning. You may be interested to know, that the good sheriff is not the only whose family reunion will have fewer in attendance this year.

You wanted a war gentlemen. You are about to have your wishes granted.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:28 pm
by fate
I say this to you Unnamable. “Cry havoc and let lose the dogs of war.” I’m coming to answer your challenge.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:37 pm
by Ron Caliburn
My family knows of your ilk Unnamable and they are prepared to fight long and hard against them. If oyu attempt to harm them . . . well you deserve what you will get for your stupidity.


Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:47 pm
by Razor
Yeh, its a D-Ghoul. Big, strong... mean. I don't have my case files on me right now, so I can't tell you how to beat them, but I know they have limited psycho-portation or teleportation abilities, as well as super strength as you've well witnessed now.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:55 pm
by Holister
I can't let him hurt Molly, but I can't jeopardize you and your families. Protect you own families, I don't want anyone to suffer like I have. If he wants me to come so bad, hes pissed off the wrong guy.

At 11:30 EST Im heading after you Arawn, and prey to whatever gods ya hold dear that I don't find you.

You called . . . I am here

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:56 pm
by Celeste Darken
All right, “Unnamable” . . . or “Arawn.” You called for a war . . . I am here. Gentleman? I am no such thing. Mortal? I am not that, either. You spend your time cowering in the shadows, hissing threats like a cowardly toad. Harm the girl, and die. Return the girl, and you will still die. You have drawn yourself into a corner like a foolish amateur. You claim to be within the dark? I am the dark. You want a war, then a war you shall have.

Prepare to die.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:11 pm
by Crosshair MT
If you need me Holister just say so and I can be there with enough firepower to level the field, as long as you can ignore some of the less than legal items I will bring. I can be there in 24 hours if needed or can ship some toys to you if you prefer. I have delt with two Dybbuks already and will do so again with glee.

Unnamable you may want to leave the girl out of this, there are ways to make even you suffer long and slow if needed.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:42 pm
by The Unnamable
So more mice scamper from their holes. I am deeply moved by your outcries, but so many foolharted beings in one place. Very well, the more the merrier.

Ah, Ms. Celeste has come out of hiding. All finished draining the blood from another innocent victim perhaps. Oh, no, not you, you preech the righteous like you still have a soul in that corpse you call a body. You are a fool Raven Celeste, to believe
that a parasite who has embraced the darkness can claim to serve The are no Arwyn Britania. You are a beast! How long can you control your urges, and deny your true nature. You know you crave it, the deisre to sink your fangs into the throat of some poor innocent fool. You crave the blood, the tatse, and that of the innocent is so much sweeter. I knew your sire, and his sire before that, and his before that. I am with you in your dreams my dear Celeste. That makes you my deciple no matter what yo claim.

Can not you feel my presence, I shall even share with you but a taste of my unbriddled power, but I warn you, though your immortal mind may survive the seeing the truth, you may not want to know it. (expect a PM soon).

As for the rest of you mortal fools, very well. Come and get me then. Though finding me may not be so easy. I have given you all you need to deduce my where
abouts, all you need do is search yourselves for the answer.

My master has not been this amused in some time. So I have been granted this own reward if you are able to succeed. If am to be defeated.....then the secret to recover Victor Lazlo from the void shall be yours.

It is your decison. The sun now rises uopn another day, and I grow weary of this this. Until then my mice, scamper away. We will meet face to face soon enough.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:48 pm
by fate
I know where to find you. My mind shall be the battle ground. I trust you wont keep me waiting.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:51 pm
by Greydawn
You would be a fool to taunt Miss Darken for those of her progeny and resolve will be your down fall as it has been in the past. Lest you forget the master have always fallen to their slaves once the seed of freedom has been planted amongst them.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 1:55 pm
by The Unnamable
Congatulations Mr. Fate, I see the monkey has learned a new trick. But can your companions follow you as well. Alone you will perish, certainly you know this. As it I am a fair man, if you wish I can show you a taste of what is t come....if you dare. But be warned, no mortal mind could survive the ordeal.
Even the great Johnathan Layton could not stand to face the truth. If you desire it though, you may walk away a stronger man for it. Then again, I would so like to see you squirm in agony
as your soul is rendered by all those who seek retribution against you.

Tick Tock Mr. Fate, I am waiting.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:00 pm
by The Unnamable
Another voice speaks...and who might you be Greydawn. What sins may have you committed to be ranked amongst murderes and monsters claiming to be the unsung saviors of humanity.
Run now while you can...or be crushed by the dark tide when it breaks.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:04 pm
by fate
Now all of you will see that you can trust me.

I'm coming for you Unnameable!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:09 pm
by Greydawn
It would be obvious that you have not read the discussions between myself and Mr. Fate or you would know that i have faced my inner demons, evil, or whatever other name you would give them. As for who I am, I am older than anyone here with maybe exception of you and have been fighting your kind for many life times and will continue to fight long after this herre have past on from battle. So be warned again you have garnered my attention and you will die.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:16 pm
by fate
Mr. Greydawn it is good to know you are hunting as well. I have shown you all the way to him, now all you must do is follow the path...and be strong.