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Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 12:55 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
The Unnamable wrote:You have not been over looked Mr. Giest, it is my own personal preference that I choose the vampire. Your power would be useless to us, unless......

But I digress, the coldest killer amongst you.....I see I correct in my assumptions of the true inent of The Society. And I am called a monster.

I do not fear any of you, your calous rage, hatred, anger, and bloodlust makes you all what you are. I that is what I am counting on. Mortals are so very predicatable.

I can't speak for the others but I don't act out of any of those things. I operate by Logic and Necessity. And guess who's topping my hit list now Bucko.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 7:45 am
by Crosshair MT
As far as cold blooded killer, I have been that back home. Was it anger, hatred, or sheer blood lust that made me do it? It was anger and outrage at a society where the evil were freed while the innocent were punished over the smallest things. Much like the world here, the true criminals have the money or connections to walk free. I did my deeds to save the greater good, corny as that my sound. I have not had to do anything like that here, other than to the one mage for sure and possibly a second. Every thing else I have taken down was a thing not deserving life. You Unnamable fit into that catagory to a T. Will I ever fall back to the old ways? Very possible but it would take one hellava crime to do it. Will I continue to take out trash like Unnamable? HELL YES! As long as I am able to, old age or a lucky beast may get me eventually, but I will know I did every thing I could to stop it.

And Unnamable, as for fear of you or a death because of you I don't have that worry because you will go down. And if I fall so be it, there will always be some one to carry on in my stead. If you don't belive me look at the number of new members this site now has. And look at the hornet's nest you kicked, think on that in the short itme you have left on this world.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:02 pm
by Willie Long
The Unnamable wrote:...your calous rage, hatred, anger, and bloodlust makes you all what you are.

Except for those of us, like Shang Li and myself, that have other motivations.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:45 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Celeste is the only one around here that I know of with bloodlust and she's a vampire. :lol:


Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 9:38 am
by Razor
Self-defense, is not murder. Defending those weaker than I, or the innocent is not murder. Personally, I am not fueled by anger, hate, or rage, or any sort of depravity. I am fueled by duty. I am fueled by compassion (for humanity, as much as they do annoy me). I am fueled by the power of life itself.

Many of us have quite a hard edge, but that is only because we have been put to the anvil and hammer of the SoulForge. We are hot, passionate, and driven because we were placed within the fires of the SoulForge, giving us that spark, that burning inner drive. Over time, and through our experiences we have each been forged for our purposes. Some are weapons, and some are shields... others are the pieces that make transportation possible. Not all of us can fight and protect those weaker, but we can help out in our own way.

Just because the members of this society are passionate about rending the evil you represent and pushing back the darkness does not make them what you say. The power of the human spirit is an amazing thing, and when it is so focused, given driving purpose, such as opposing you, it will fight back with all of its might, cunning, and to its last breath. This power is something we are all born with. It is too bad that in this modern day, the average Joe has forgotten this, and rarely makes use of it. But many, are just waiting for something to wake them up to the great potential that we all have. When things such as Unbelievable knock on their door, it wakes them up. Given a fighting chance they will take up the arms and defend themselves and their loved ones with a ferocity that has made demons balk at the prospect. This supreme force of will is something all humans are born with. It's something you should be aware of, and something that should tell you this: You have already lost before you even started.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:31 pm
by Willie Long
Word. Can I get an "Amen"?