Devils Night Meyhem

Accounts of personal experiences, especially from those who hunt the supernatural. We offer this space in hopes that our members can hear about, and learn from, the exploits of others.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

At this point I had got up off the it was a little harder than it should have been didn' t realize just how bad I was at that point but kept going. Hammer and Seraph were peppering the vamp with holywater rounds but it was having a far reduced effect than we had seen sofar with the other vamps, Bert was fireing at it also but with even less effect other than per haps annoy it. Bert explains the situation and his plan to me, I say to him "Good plan but I think we can do better." I explain that Seraph is a FireWalker and that each of us had a few rocksalt loaded shotshells on us, His response was "Oh that should work! :twisted:" I loan him my paintball gun because it would at least do something to help keep the Vamp off Balance. I start reloading my shotgun with the salt shells and inform my team of the plan I get the OK from both of them and we start ,I lead off by nailing Mr. Tux twice with the rocksalt with surpringly good results, Seraph tagged him with a hefty blast of flame and Hammer was still loading his own salt shells when Celeste showed stating "The Strigoi Is mine!" At the time noone was going to argue with her.
To find the darkness you have walk in the shadows.
Willie Long
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Post by Willie Long »

KonThaak wrote:It was a simple plan on his part....

I see. The "little force" was referring to the team guarding your house.
Celeste Darken
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Caliburn, you did it again

Post by Celeste Darken »

I detected the bull and the bear immediately. I remembered enough of my brothers playing D&D to guess that they were probably the druids in “combat” form. I decided I best let Konthaak take care of it. Shadowstalker, AdamaGiest, and Bert and their team were doing well against the Strigoi, their paint guns . . . not shooting paintballs, but fireballs. And seeing that, I decided I ought to help them.

Again, my temper got the better of me. But in my defense, I have only ever lost it against vampires.

They were more than willing to let me handle it. But the creature known thus far as Frankenfugly could prove a determent. In other words, it was in the way. Bert was edging toward the kitchen for better leverage; he was stuck between the golem and me. And though it was slow and cumbersome, the golem was heading directly for him, ready to cut him off from the kitchen. Bert spun and flinched as a meaty hand grabbed for his head. He tried to cut the hand before it retreated, but a backswing sent his strange knife spinning. I slithered through the other combatants the same way a hawk goes for a meal: I leaped over them and dived on the monster.

The golem, though made of stitched flesh, was like a pillar of stone. It stumbled to its knees when I slammed into its back, but little else. Throwing a half-nelson across its neck, I yanked it to the floor, met eyes with Bert for a moment, and nodded. He nodded back, wringing his wrist in search of injury. Finding nothing more than a deep bruise, he quickly shifted inside the kitchen.

Then the golem decided to fight back. With a body stitched up, it had a lot more limberness than I gave it credit for. Its free arm swung behind its back impossibly far, slamming into my face and driving me backward. I wasn’t quite stunned, though sparks were bleeding heavily from my cheek and temple. I leaped between its legs and grabbed its ankles, jerking it against the floor and driving my knees into the small of its back. Ripping it upwards into a backward sitting position, I didn’t stop when I felt the spine snap, pounding its head against the floor again and again until the floorboards began splintering.

A crowd of ghouls gathered about me, but not before I saw the Strigoi taking on the others.

I rolled away to grab the golem’s ankles again, hefting to my feet quickly and swinging Frankenfugly around like a bat. Half the ghouls flew aside. I spun to scatter the other half; I could see the vampire between their groping bodies, the vampire was directly in my swinging range . . . .

The flaming paintballs were roaring in. Then I saw a chance, one of the paintballs missing. I brought “Frankenfugly in its path. The golem lit up like a roman candle. I could see the Strigoi’s back to my left, AdamaGiest and Shadowstaker’s team closing in on him with the flaming balls.

“NO!” I roared in fury. “The Strigoi is MINE!” Wielding the flaming golem, I charged the tuxedo-wearing villain. The others scattered like leaves before a hurricane. Strigoi turned just in time to receive the full force of the brightly lit golem in his face.

The other figures quickly gave room to the flying vampire. The wall bent and creaked under the pressure of the Strigoi smashing into it. I ran straight for him, bringing the golem crashing down on his head before he could teleport.

But then he did. Reappearing behind me, he kicked my knees out from under me, with the golem on top. I shoved it aside and jumped to my feet, just in time to receive a roundhouse punch right between the eyes. He teleported into my path before I slammed into the corner and ricocheted my flight with another punch. This time I struck the wall, leaving a sizeable indentation before falling to the floor. I grasped the floor to get my bearings and found a handhold. Growling savagely, the Strigoi grabbed my hair and lifted me to my knees. With his free hand, he pointed to my heart, the strange tube extending once more.

“I should have killed you when I had the chance,” he growled. “This time I’ll suck you dry, you little b—!” I twisted out of the way, the sharpened end cut deeply into my underarm. Then I brought my hand up, slicing his wrist with Bert’s dagger.

“Ron was right, you know,” I acceded to his previous statement, letting my anger settle into my limbs.

Strigoi, angry and in pain at the severing of the tube, didn’t reply. I leaped into his chest and knocked him to the floor, straddling him quickly. I raised the dagger overhead with both hands, and then plunged it to the bone hilt into his heart.

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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

“Ron was right, you know,” I acceded to his previous statement, letting my anger settle into my limbs.

Strigoi, angry and in pain at the severing of the tube, didn’t reply. I leaped into his chest and knocked him to the floor, straddling him quickly. I raised the dagger overhead with both hands, and then plunged it to the bone hilt into his heart.


Best. Passage. Ever.
Dym, Ваша боль будет вечна
Ron Caliburn
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Re: Caliburn, you did it again

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Celeste Darken wrote:"AIN’T NUTHIN’ THAT CAN’T DIE!”

I heartily endorse this product or service.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

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Post by KonThaak »

Man, it's almost 5 in the evening, and I'm just now taking my lunchbreak...

Drove by this house, today. The police tape's still up. But that's getting ahead of myself...


The fight was hard to follow for me at the time, for reasons I've already mentionned. I do know that in the end, the superior strength of the bull overcame that of the bear... I was on top of him, pounding into his chest with my hooves, and he was kick-slashing my exposed (to him) gut and chest with his legs. We were both wearing down each others' armors, and doing it fast.

Finally, we managed to crash through the floor; the hard landing on the living room floor did both of our armors in, and we both felt and heard bones snapping in each others' bodies.

We both transformed back, lying in pain on the ground, and we both quickly started casting healing spells on ourselves...and we were both momentarily stunned by the intense pain of feeling our bones grind back into place and start mending.

I recovered first, and in two moments, Claw was in hand and at his throat.

It was about this time that we both noticed the rest of the room; my side were victorious, and the rest of the room was singed, and had pieces of zombie, flesh golem, and vampires strewn about.

Elliot (the dark druid) bolted, diving out the window, and I was right behind him. He had his crimson blade ready again by the time I caught up to him, and we started fighting again... He was a damned good fighter. If it weren't for Claw, he would've had me beat...

(I'll post the exciting conclusion tonight when I get home. Lunch break's over. Maybe someday my wife and I'll have enough money to where I can start eating on my lunch breaks again...)
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Post by KonThaak »

Celeste Darken wrote:I remembered enough of my brothers playing D&D to guess that they were probably the druids in “combat” form.

Heh, close, but not quite. It's been quite a few years since I played D&D, but as I recall, they were fanatical (and sometimes very dangerous) protectors of the wilderness, they were at a great disadvantage in towns, and they had practically no limitations on their animal shapeshifting.

But like I said, I haven't played in a while, so I could be wrong. I'd love to get back into some kind of rp group again...


Hell, I'd settle for online gaming.



So the two of us were fighting, and inside, I guess Shadow's team was cleaning the place, while Bert, Celeste, and Adama (?) had come out to watch my back, so to speak.

Claw saw an opportunity, and made a move, slashing through the guy's sword-arm, cutting it off about halfway down his forearm. He didn't scream; he barely winced and gritted his teeth.

He grabbed Claw's blade in his remaining hand and brought it to his throat. "I told you one of us would be dying today," he said, smiling grimly, as he plunged the blade into his own neck.

I stared, in shock, as he twitched, choked, and jerked at the end of my blade as he died... We all heard the sound of a motorcycle firing up, and saw a single headlight flare from the half-open garage door. Those of us who were capable felt the vampiric presence as he peeled rubber... The vamp shot through the garage door, and as he reached for Elliot's corpse, time seemed to slow to a standstill, and I heard--hell, maybe everyone heard--a voice in my head...

Hold no grudges. I'm simply doing what I'm being paid to do... His secret is still active in the basement.

His gloved hand closed around Elliot's neck, and with the ceremony, grace, and caring of a rabid dog, jerked him from my blade, and sped down the road, doing a good 50 or 60 by the time he hit the end of the driveway.

Celeste made to follow him, but I stopped her... "Basement. I may still need your help..." She looked as pleased with that as could be expected.

The lot of us piled down into the basement, where we found 6 dogs, still caged, growling and snapping at a number of ghouls who were feasting on the remains of quite a few other dogs... They'd all had ID's; those of which had addresses revealed that they'd been dogs from the area.

In the middle of the room was a gateway; it looked like someone had taken reality and ripped a hole in it, and the ghouls were getting in through that hole...

The room had more runes and scribblings on it, apparently keeping the gate closed, and with Elliot now dead, the ghouls had no reason to be hostile, anymore. They became their usual cowardly selves, and started fleeing; some of them fled right back through the gateway.

We destroyed the symbols and circles, and closed the gate. After I studied the remains of the ritual upstairs, I realized that it had been designed to channel and focus energy down here, to power the gate, and open it wider and wider. If we'd left it all unchecked, by Samhuin/Halloween eve, I doubt we could've gotten it closed as easily as we did.

Happy Samhuin, world. Happy Halloween, Chicagoland.

Afterwards, we got back in the van and went back to my place...

EDIT: Forgot to mention; the place was north of Crystal Lake, out in the sticks, and the nearest neighbor was some half a mile or so away, so the gunshots had most likely gone completely unnoticed this whole, after Shadow's team had cleaned off our fingerprints and as much evidence as they could, we called the cops.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

I still wish you'd have let me Demo the place.

So, are we forgetting to mention anything? Mr. Tux, Dark Druid, Frankenfugly, Ghouls, Dogs, I don't think we forgot to retell anything.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Only if you want to list off the injurys suffered as a result of the nights fun, I don't think any one got away scott free on this with the excption of the members of my team who were on guard duty at KT's house ,thou I for one am not complaining, because the only reson they should have had to deal with anything was if we screwed up or just plain failed luckily that didn't happen.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

Well, lessee...

I ended up with a some nasty cuts and scrapes. Ended up with a hairline fracture of my wrist. KT patched me up. I was concerned after taking a header into the wall but I guess my helmet took the brunt of it.
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Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

I'm in agreement with Bert. A place like that I'd tend to leave as smoking rubble.
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Delta Sierra
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Post by KonThaak »

Call it the stronger of two paranoias speaking in my head. Gunshots wouldn't've been noticed by the neighbor at that time of night, but blowing the house up would've been, and--count on it--someone would've seen us, reported us, and there would've been trouble.

Not to mention that now the cops will know that Elliot Windner was into some "freaky shit", and they won't know he's dead for a while. By the time they find the corpse (if ever), it'll be far too late for a coroner's autopsy to give them any valuable information about his killers--namely, me.

The entire idea behind this was to get me and my family out of trouble, at all costs. Which was done.

To everyone involved, I thank you deeply. To everyone who offered but couldn't help out, I thank you guys just as much. And to those who nearly died, I'm sorry, again, and thank you ten times more...


EDIT: Also, as for everyone's injuries...between my initial armor spells and my healing magics later that night, we came out of the ordeal pretty unscathed.


We got back to my place. I invited most everyone in, and, after mentally conferring with Cubrious and Claw, invited Celeste in as well.

It was nearly 2AM by that point, so Adama had to get going soon for work, but the rest of us hung out, listenned to music, watched some anime, and talked about pretty much anything except what we'd just gone through.

In the morning, I downed enough caffeine to kill a horse, and left for work. Bert and Shadow's team left for home, and Celeste just left. She got to meet the baby she helped save, and my wife as well...

With the baby in the house, I still haven't caught up from the lack of sleep.

But at least the baby's in the house.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

I'd volunteer to babysit except: I'm back in NJ and the closest home I have out there is a bunker filled with weapons and ammunition and it'd take me a few years to baby proof it.
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Post by Shadowstalker »

My team and I have set up operations in the area and will be sticking around for a little longer, I have a hinky feeling things my not be done yet but wouldn't mind being proved wrong thou.
To find the darkness you have walk in the shadows.
Willie Long
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Post by Willie Long »

Celeste Darken wrote:"AIN'T NUTHIN' THAT CAN'T DIE!"

Damn straight.

KonThaak wrote:"I told you one of us would be dying today," he said, smiling grimly, as he plunged the blade into his own neck.


KT, you fought the dude, you're more familiar with his belief system: why would he off himself when he had Evil Knievel waiting in the wings to pull his ass out of the fire?

...Not to mention that now the cops will know that Elliot Windner was into some "freaky shit", and they won't know he's dead for a while.

Since a telepathic dead guy stole the body, the Society won't know he's dead for a while, either.
Lazlo Field Agent
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Post by KonThaak »

Willie Long wrote:
Celeste Darken wrote:WTF?

KT, you fought the dude, you're more familiar with his belief system: why would he off himself when he had Evil Knievel waiting in the wings to pull his ass out of the fire?

Honestly...I don't know. A lot of druids believe in reincarnation, but a reincarnation that involves something called Otherworld... Basically, when you die here, you're born there. There are a few things that could stop that process, but no matter what, when you're dead, you're dead.

Of course, being a dark druid dealing as deeply in necromancy as he was, maybe he had something set up to bring him back... There was the Demon Fist, too. Seemed like they had a lot of necromancers lying in the to speak.

But honestly, it had nothing to do with our belief system. I swear. So don't worry, I'm not gonna turn all suicidal maniac on anyone...

Since a telepathic dead guy stole the body, the Society won't know he's dead for a while, either.

You have a good point, due to things I mentioned just now.
I am not A bitch...I am THE bitch. And to you, I'm MS Bitch.
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Post by Bert_the_Turtle »

I think it can be broken down pretty simply.

He knew one of you were going to die.

He knew it could be him.

He had a contingency plan.

We have no idea whether he's dead or alive or if he is dead whether he'll be staying dead or what. But something tells me to expect hsi return.
Dym, Ваша боль будет вечна
Ron Caliburn
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Given his cavorting with powers that bend the rules of death, I think if anyone can be back, it's him.

Heck I've been clinically dead once, didn't do me any lasting harm.

By the way, I wasn't suggesting explosives. A nice fire just cleans away so much trash though.
Ain't nuthin' that can't die.

Delta Sierra
Celeste Darken
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What's the harm in being dead?

Post by Celeste Darken »

Ron Caliburn wrote:Heck I've been clinically dead once, didn't do me any lasting harm.

Do tell. I'm clinically dead, too. But I should give my final view on the matter of "Devils Night Mayhem." Or at least, I wish it was the end. Now only time will tell . . .

I knew the Strigoi wasn’t dead yet; but I was fine with it being in a coma for now. That flaming golem would do nicely. Now where . . .

The heat of its flaming body was suddenly too near. In the euphoria of the moment of beating the Strigoi, I hadn’t been paying attention to the temperature of my surroundings. I twisted just in time to see the pillar of flesh towering over me, its arms upraised in a position to slam me through the floor. I was weak and injured from both torture and battle; there was no room to maneuver. I leaped to get free of the Strigoi, but I was still directly in the path of the creature’s swing . . . .

Then it went tumbling to the side, a wave of gusting wind smashing into its flank. I looked over to the source of the magic; Adama Geist stood near, his hands fuming with the last sparkles of magic needed to release the spell. His eyes were dark and vicious in the heat of battle. He poised himself for the fight as the golem came on, its attention distracted from me.

But with that distraction, I jumped free and jump kicked it in its sutured ribs. But the strike was a weak one, and it merely jerked away. I stalked nearer to AdamaGeist; he was just as eager to beat the thing as I was.

“Don’t remove the flames,” I warned him. “I’ll need it to consume the vampire.” He nodded when I gestured to the immobile Strigoi, though with a strange look in his eyes.

The scenery was starting to swim for my own. The heat was coming and going as though a malicious child was opening and shutting a sealed furnace oven. When I batted the side of my temple lightly and shook my head, everything came into focus.

There had been no fire. The heat was real, courtesy of Adama’s spell. And the golem, his torso weaving unsteadily because of the broken back, was untouched by fire. I looked at the blood-red weal of holy symbols across my wrists and blamed them for my delusion. But a vampire’s defenses are strong, physically, mentally, and magically. The marks were starting to fade, and with so were the strange sense hallucinations. I saw the opportunity to strike come while the stitched beast was lumbering nearer. With a motion to Adama that conveyed a near-psionic communication, I dove between the flesh giant’s legs, dodging his ponderous movement easily and getting to my feet behind him.

I skidded by a large man’s side—Hammer, I think it was—and asked for his gun; I could smell the rocksalt from the barrel. He handed it over willingly, the ghouls themselves nearly done.

“Let there be fire,” I said to myself as Adama went through a quick ritual.

He finished his spell right as the golem had grasped his shoulders. It looked like a plume of flame and lightning combined, razing across his glowing hands and striking the creature straight in the chest. It sailed backward, but I was there to slam its momentum in the reverse direction. Adama stepped to the side, pulling at a large, leather bag and coming out with a handful of salt. He raised his palm to his lips and blew, and the cloud danced over the stitched corpse. The flames exploded into motion, licking at the creature with more intensity than gasoline. I knew I wasn’t seeing things, because everyone else stopped to look, too.

I shoved the golem near the comatose Strigoi and braced the barrel of Hammer’s shotgun against the bloodsucker’s cheek and emptied the gun. With the dagger keeping him docile, the wounds inflicted by the rocksalt and my tripping the burning golem on top of him, I seriously doubt this Strigoi was going to survive. And just to make sure, I pinned the golem down on top of the vampire and let them burn each other to ashes. I was able to toss Hammer’s gun aside before any fire touched it.

But I must apologize to Bert for losing a very unique dagger.

The ghouls were all but beat. The Strigoi and the golem were no more; I thought we had won.

But then the ceiling came crashing down, the druids still in full-sized bull and bear form. Injuries scored their bodies like freckles on a redhead. I paused in my efforts to discern the identities of the animals. And then I decided to be a spectator.

This was Konthaak’s fight. The transformation back into men was swift and painful looking. Konthaak recovered first, the ornamental sword in his hands, at the dark druid’s throat. But the dark druid was swift; with a twist that barely left a line of red on his neck, he rolled to his feet and fled through the window. Konthaak was right at his heels, and I swear Claw was glowing, eager for this charlatan’s death. It was the druids’ fight, I reminded myself.

But then I thought, to blazes with the druid fight! I was going to be there to witness Konthaak’s victory or avenge his death. Bert and Adama followed me out the window to view the climax.

We were all stunned when the druid committed seppuku. But no one was more surprised than me when the vampire showed. He issued his message mentally . . . and an added challenge for me to boot. This was a vampire that was no mere pawn. I would have followed, but Konthaak reminded me of more important matters. Besides, I was injured and weak, and this other vampire was not.

But he and I have a score to settle.

But in the meantime, I was invited graciously into Konthaak’s home; his wife treated me courteously, and I even “mingled” with the others, as best as I was able. I was shown the baby, though I would not pick him up even if they had urged me to.

So now, I train . . . because somewhere out there is a vampire with more cunning than anything I had come across. I don’t know the extent of his powers, I was too surprised to direct my psionic attention that way. But his power isn’t the point; guided by genius, he will be a threat no matter what. To think he is a mere pawn is foolishness. Is he paid? That doesn’t mean he answers to a master. And if he says he answers to a master . . . that master better watch his back.
Death isn’t a state of nothingness. It’s a journey. What path are you forging?
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Post by Bloodbane »

Feh... It took the admin enough bloody time to get this damned account activated.

All I can say, Celeste, is you give me far too much and too little credit...and I do apologize for my exact wording to you on that night. I had believed you to be one of the vampires that fool had "hired". For myself, I will say this: I am not a vampire. What I am is not important.

I'm willing to make a trade... Information for help. I'm certain some of you must have wondered why Elliot went after KonThaak. I see some of you are wise enough to realize that this isn't the end of him. I trust that many of you will want to know what he's planning for the future.

Myself, I don't give a damn. I was helping him for one thing only...information. Money may make the world go round, but information is the proverbial sun, the sky, the stars, everything important. Now I have this information, and my debts to Mr. Windner are complete.

Now I want help. If I get this help, I will give you the information I'm sure you all will want. As to what kind of help... There's a demon who uses vampires as playthings, not very much unlike the late Mr. Windner. I want him dead, for wrongs done against me and my family, and to stop him from making more people like me.

Understand two things... First, I don't care what you think of me. Second, I would give you this information freely if I didn't need the help, and if I thought for a moment that I could get that help without this trade.

I am not a vampire. I am also not an innocent.
Willie Long
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Post by Willie Long »

Bloodbane wrote:There's a demon who uses vampires as playthings, not very much unlike the late Mr. Windner.

. . . this cat meat or spirit, Jack?
Lazlo Field Agent
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Post by Bloodbane »

As many of the more powerful demons, he is both physical and spiritual. Due to the nature of this particular beast, his physical body must exist to damage his spiritual, and his spiritual self must be destroyed to destroy him fully.

I spent three years hunting and killing him, time and time again.

And then there was a man who told me he knew of a way to destroy the beast...

A stake of silver, hollowed out, but filled with a few ingredients... Pure water, blessed by a pure soul... At least three drops of blood from a holy man... Dust from the bones of a corpse, buried in sanctified soil.

I need help gathering these things, and I need help stabbing this concoction into the heart of the beast. He has known in the past that I could not destroy him, and I doubt very much I have seen anything close to the extent of his abilities, and even then, he was a formidable opponent.
Willie Long
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Post by Willie Long »

Bloodbane wrote:A stake of silver, hollowed out, but filled with a few ingredients... Pure water, blessed by a pure soul... At least three drops of blood from a holy man... Dust from the bones of a corpse, buried in sanctified soil.

That's cake. I know a gunsmith that could whip up that cocktail for you. What can this thing do? Sucka gotta name?
Lazlo Field Agent
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Post by Shadowstalker »

A name on this Big bad would be nice and maybe a little more info as well.
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Post by Bloodbane »

The sun is rising. I'll have to fill in more details tomorrow night. Just thought I'd check again before heading home.
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Post by KonThaak »


So why wouldn't we help you...? If you can locate someone like that, why wouldn't we go after him, too?

...That's an interesting set of ingredients. "Pure water blessed by a pure soul"? Are you talking about a child? And how are we supposed to obtain said bones? That would involve desecrating a grave... Are you sure Elliot didn't lie to you just to get your help?
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Post by fate »

I could provide the more mundane materials you need within 24hrs if you’d like. As well as the drops of blood from a holy man, don’t worry he was perfectly willing to give, we had a blood drive in the Vatican last year.
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Location: Right behind you.

Post by fate »

I would also like to help you kill this beast. When you decide to move you have but to give word and I myself shall stand by your side. Perhaps then my loyalty shall be proved.
aut vincere aut mori=Either to conquer or to die
Celeste Darken
Posts: 373
Joined: Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:23 am
Location: Inside the Darkness

Apologies and thoughts

Post by Celeste Darken »

Bloodbane wrote:All I can say, Celeste, is you give me far too much and too little credit...and I do apologize for my exact wording to you on that night. I had believed you to be one of the vampires that fool had "hired". For myself, I will say this: I am not a vampire. What I am is not important.

Apology accepted. I would have answered this thread sooner, but . . . I have had much to think on. So, you are not a vampire, yet you smell like one. I will not dwell on the matter. As you said, what you are is not important. And I will add, it's not who you are that matters, but what you do. And like Fate, I will reserve judgment until a later date. In the meantime, good luck in your endeavors.
Death isn’t a state of nothingness. It’s a journey. What path are you forging?
Posts: 20
Joined: Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:19 am

Post by Bloodbane »

elliot i know youre reading this. the attempt on my existence was made by you or your lackeys. i will see you personally pay for it.

my arm comes at a steeper price and i intend to see it paid.

to everyone else, i apologize for disappearing suddenly. it was made inevitable. three people who could almost be called my friends who act primarily as my meal tickets were taken hostage. they were almost killed and i was nearly destroyed. i got us all out of the situation but it cost me my left arm.

our enemies will soon learn that i dont take kindly to being treated as the mouse in these kinds of games.

as for the demon...he goes by the name nebuchadnezzar. he doesnt associate with other demons and he consorts with master vampires. he feeds on physical pain like vampires feed on blood. he needs it periodically to survive. in return for vampires causing as much pain to their victims as possible he gives them power. i dont know how much power because they still have the same vulnerabilities and i dont tend to let them live long enough to find out.

i may not be on for very long. i have to keep moving. my human associates cannot be put into harms way again.
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