The Gospel of Judas

A place where members can debate rumors and claims of conspiracies, cover-ups and secret government activities.
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Post by KonThaak »

Y'know what? I've been thinking, and while my last post has a bit to do with conspiracies of the church, I think there's better things to be arguing about on here. I've already resorted to attacking Gothic personally several times, and despite however justified I may have felt in doing so, this is neither the time nor the place...

Gothic, though my arguments in general still stand, I apologize for my attacks on you and your religion, whatever it may be.

This is the Lazlo Society, and we all need to get our priorities straight... We're not going to solve this particular conspiracy, and there's a lot of controversy in this subject. I imagine every single one of us has differing opinions on the Gospel of Judas, on Protestantism and Catholicism (and Christianity in general), and the ideals of religion as a whole.

For my part, to everyone else, I apologize for getting involved in this, which is fairly petty in comparison to some of the things we've all dealt with before.

I especially apologize for this to the Society board's moderators, who I'm sure are busy enough dealing with the catastrophes of our benefactor's plight...

One of the tenets of druidry is peace. In my anger at Gothic's arguments, I forgot myself. Again, I apologize...and Gothic, if you truly wish to continue this, I suggest we take it to private messages or e-mail.
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Post by Gothicfox »

I accept the apology. I have no hard feelings about this.

For me, this isnot about religion because I do not believe in religion. We both can agree on that.

But when you attack the church, no matter what you may say, you do attack the people who believe in a loving good who sent his first and only son to die for everyone's sins. This, is not a matter of religion, its a matter of life. We do not celebrate death because Christ defeated both death and the grave.

And I'm all for continuing this in pm or email.
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so whats so wrong

Post by Aaron »

about a bunch of power hungery folks cementing there position by a little document destruction/burning?
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Post by KonThaak »

Aaron, with all due respect, and while I pretty much agree with what you said, this topic is finito. We're not all Christians, here, but some of us are, and above the topic of religion, we are members of the Lazlo Society. That means that differences notwithstanding, we have to be ready to stand beside each other if the times call for it, not find fault with each other for following what we perceive to be a faulty faith.

This goes both ways... I know a good many Christians who believe that I'm going to Hell because I'm a pagan, and if I expect them to respect my beliefs, and not treat me as such, I have to be ready to respect their beliefs.

The same goes for everyone here...

I would be interested in exploring peoples' thoughts on what's being hidden in the Vatican Vaults. I do believe that's a valid conspiracy theory to explore here, IF we can keep from degenerating into what has already happened on this thread, or worse...
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

Well, apparently the Pope is not going to go to a Holocoust memorial that points out that one of his predecessors remained neutral in WW2 and did not sign a declration decring the Holocoust.

The memorial's curators say they would like to set the record straight, but as of yet, the archives relating to that particular pope have yet to be opened.
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Post by Hannah »

Hi Pa,

You forgot to say why. Because the Pope is the Anti-christ sent here to distract and divert the faithful. So he doesn't want anybody ta know his secrets.


PS: What was the Holocaust?
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Post by Shadowstalker »

Oh boy that is a major history lesson, and a major downer to boot.
The Pope is many things, not all of them good, but he is not the Anti-Christ.
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Post by Ron Caliburn »

More than a few of them fit the label.

The pope in question did an amazing job of Realpolitik - but I doubt he reached that level of evil.

In any case, I think I'm going to have to explain some things when it's safe for Hannah to be with me again.
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Post by Shang Li »

Reasearch WW2 and germany on the internet Miss Hannah. Be warned though some of those events are far worse than what happened to my people at the end of that war.
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Post by KonThaak »

The Pope isn't the anti-Christ. Most Popes at least try to do right by the church, if nothing else...and in those days, one had to tread very, very carefully. Hitler was a force to be reckoned with, and was one of the most intelligent military strategists of his day. (Thank all that's holy that he was also one of the most superstitious, and allowed his superstitions to get in the way of his genius.)

Also, keep in mind that we didn't have the communications technologies we have today... People didn't know how bad the Holocaust was until it was far, far too late. The Nazis had a concentration camp that they used as their "model camp", where they rounded up Jews, kept them healthy (if downtrodden), and sent out pictures to the rest of the world to convince them that they weren't doing anything wrong.

We didn't have satellite images to tell us otherwise. We didn't even have spy planes that could fly in, take photos, and fly out before they could fire missiles at them. We had TV and radio that was so basic even I could put one together, given the right parts and a basic diagram. And that was pretty much it. If someone like the Pope of those days failed to decry it, I, for one, can't see that any of us have much to say about it...especially given the number of people in Germany that knew the Holocaust was happening, knew something of the scale of what was going on, knew it was wrong, and still did nothing.

To quote Christ as much as I can, "Criticize not the splinter of another when you have a log in your own eye," or something to that effect...
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Post by Kolya »

There are those on each side of the controversy, unlikely to be swayed.

Then there is the third way, my way.
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Post by Deathblaster »

Kolya wrote:There are those on each side of the controversy, unlikely to be swayed.

Then there is the third way, my way.

and the forth way. MY way. Image
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Why is that?

Post by Rowan »

Why was Gospel of Judas a “secret” while the other gospels were written for the world?
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Re: The Gospel of Judas

Post by Ron Caliburn »

Persecuted people and people who fear they may be persecuted tend to make their teachings secret, even from themselves.
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Was Judas a martyr, too?

Post by Rowan »

Just seems strange to me that, if this really was a Gospel of Judas, with his testimony centered on Christ as the others are supposed to be, that he would “hide” it—no matter what was said.

Christ had some pretty revolutionary thinking going on—his apostles followed His line of thinking, died for it.

Though perhaps Judas did, too. :?
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Re: The Gospel of Judas

Post by PeterSchnauss »

The thing I always found most interesting and obvious about Christianity is how far it's strayed from it's original intent that even irony doesn't do it justice.

Who started Christianity as we know it via Roman Catholic Church?

A yup...The Romans , who already had a very old, structured and politicized state religion. The ever absorbant Romans did what they always did, they took what they liked from whatever cool new idea, Christianity in this case, mulled it over, chewed it up and processed it into easilly digestable bites for their populace. A populace who always seemed up for the latest, cool new and improved thing. There were many other absorbed dieties before Jehovah, Isis, El Gabal and Cybele amongst them, hell their whole 'original' pantheon was imported from the Greeks.

There's more Rome in the Roman Catholic Church than that Catholic stuff.

Christianity was just another kooky cult before the Roman's grew bored with their stale, souless, crusty and very buerocratic state religion and took up the cross. Jesus was the Tupac of the day. Both were ghetto messiahs who kept putting out stuff long after their deaths.

I always found this kinda stuff very interesting...I wish more folks did. Especially the folks who espouse and preach it.
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Re: The Gospel of Judas

Post by Tms3 »

one thing I will always rember there was this bar my dad use to hang out at. be hind the bar was a cartoon. in which there was a man with his knee on anther mans chest Cramping a cross down the poor guys throat the caption said " this is not the way"

also I saw one in the paper where you have a Christian crusader pointing his sword at the throat of a musslam. the moslem as his hands up and said "so tell me more about your god"
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