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Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:13 pm
by Tms3
and unlike my many times great grand mother I he cant stay in these realm for the rest of your life my my many time great grand mother did. But if you need any help with Goodfellow I think I can. I know abet about the laws of the Fae courts, and might be able to get my grand mothers aid. but any way. I don't think your grand father had a right to bargen with you as you are a free person. had that porblem with a pact witch once barged her soul and her first born child, was looking for a way out and I found that loop hole that the baby could not agree to the bargan so as long as the demon got two souls.... well her husband was not vary happy but give up his soul in the babys place

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:14 pm
by Hannah
I thought you'd see it that way Matt and quite frankly I agree.

It's almost time for him to return to the world.


Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:19 pm
by Cybermancer
Tms3 wrote:and unlike my many times great grand mother I he cant stay in these realm for the rest of your life my my many time great grand mother did. But if you need any help with Goodfellow I think I can. I know abet about the laws of the Fae courts, and might be able to get my grand mothers aid. but any way. I don't think your grand father had a right to bargen with you as you are a free person. had that porblem with a pact witch once barged her soul and her first born child, was looking for a way out and I found that loop hole that the baby could not agree to the bargan so as long as the demon got two souls.... well her husband was not vary happy but give up his soul in the babys place

Any scenerios where no one loses their soul?

I've always been a fan of the "third option".


And in any case, Hannah arranged an exchange not so long ago. That doesn't mean all parties are happy with the new arrangement.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:31 pm
by Hannah
Also, I don't think he wants my soul.

He wants me and my *ahem* reproductive capabilities.


PS: Whole different spin on a virgin sacrifice, huh?

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:33 pm
by Grace
A solution suggests itself.

I'm just saying.

Ron is going to kill me now.


Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:36 pm
by Hannah



PS: Though I'm sure I know a volunteer for that duty. ;)

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:40 pm
by Grace
I doubt there would be a shortage of volunteers. And that's all I'll say on that.



Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:59 pm
by Tms3
Back to my point there are some vary old agreements that the Sdhee have to fallow and one of them is that you hanna have to agree to the bargen your grandfather made. which at the time you could not be asked and now its plane you dont. if you need a druid to remind goodfellow of this little fact. considering he is one of them that agreed to it on behalf of the Sellie. they really hate those of us that rember these nasty facts but he cant do any thing dreictly for reminding him

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:01 pm
by Hannah
He's been told many times, but he keeps coming back to try and get an agreement.


Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:10 pm
by Tms3
hummm how to get him to stop. I wonder if he would take a willing replacement...

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:12 pm
by Grace
Are you volunteering, Tms3?

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 9:19 pm
by Tms3
sorry I dont have the right parts for what he wants *chuckles* but then I know some one. you rember my word? His mother. she might be able the heal with his help well and truly heal. and it might be a way for her to atone with her son for what she did to him and tried to do

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:08 pm
by Cybermancer
Perhaps someone's mother would not quite pass the 'purity' test?

In any case, I'm uncomfortable discussing anyone being offered up, willing or otherwise. People are not chattel. The goal is to make the creature respect Hannah's choice's, whatever those may be.

Trading one persons freedom for another seems like a poor compromise.

Edit: Perhaps a new thread should be created so that this one is not hijacked further?

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:52 pm
by Serpens Walker
Thanks for the try their Cybermancer, but it's quite alright. This is something that concerns them, and we all have our concerns. One of the universe's great mysteries where I'm concerned is that I'm terrible with people, and yet they start to talk around me all the time. At the end of the day, whether I'm kicking in doors with my retooled Thompson blazing lead into the hordes of hell, snooping around a medical lab to find evidence of a company trying to develop a supernatural plague, or just getting friends who don't see eye to eye to talk to each other, I lead conflicts to resolution.

That's my job. I investigate, I get answers. Sometimes I'm the one who solves the whole thing. Most of the time, I'm a random element of noise that forces the equation to be rebalanced, and y'know what? I'm fine with that.

It beats the hell out of tracking down a Manos, and then having to deal with the sudden realization that thing is a screaming beast that needs to be put out of it's misery as opposed to something you can try reasoning with.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:59 pm
by Cybermancer
If you're fine with it, Serpens Walker, then I guess there's no harm. But this is your thread, feel free to comment on the content.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:08 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I for one would prefer if neither this thread or any other threads discussed my daughter's reproductive abilities.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:17 pm
by Cybermancer
Yeah... I'm totally going to throw Darcy under the bus for that one.

Bad Darcy, bad!

Seriously though, I was merely suggesting that serious discussion about resolving the issue could take place and I didn't want the new guy to think we were hijacking their hello thread to do it.

And for the record, I don't consider Darcy's earlier comments about "a solution suggests itself" to be serious discussion on workable solutions.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:18 pm
by Serpens Walker
It's a forum, and forums are for talking. People wanna' talk, let 'em talk. If they feel they wanna' take it to another thread, let 'em. Might be for the best for them of course.

Letting people talk is another very important part of this job, y'know. 8)

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:29 pm
by Grace
The trick is sometimes not saying too much.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:53 pm
by Serpens Walker
Isn't it though...

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:25 am
by Tms3
I see your point cyber but the person I speak of has no freedom any way. if she is ever deemed sane. she faces some rather nasty charges. I would not be surprised if she where convicted and got 20 or more years.

and ron at lest there trying to be clean about it. I mean your daughter is human? and female and 19? odds are when she's ready to settle down she will porbly do so and give you grand children.... think the gods I still have about 13 years before I even have to worry about the possibility of grand children.

I would like to find a way that would do the most good out of this bad situation would my foster's mother better atone for what she has done to hem by going to prison or by saving hanna form this mess with goodfellow, and perhaps healing at the same time. keep in mind this is some one that I use to call friend she was nearly a sister and I really should have watchied what was going on more closely after her husbands death

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:40 am
by Cybermancer
If your friend cannot be declared sane, she is by definition, unable to give informed consent to any of this. That is in no way acceptable.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:50 am
by Tms3
A thought though it might be less grey if I stand next to Hanna and bet hem off with a Rowen staff

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 1:53 am
by Tms3
A thought though it might be less grey if I stand next to Hanna and bet hem off with a Rowen staff. and you could be right.. I would just really rather that not go to trial. it is just the kind of case that the Christin right would love.. You know the ones that cant tell the deference form me (a druid), a Luciferaen , and a Satanist, or the wiccian that lives down the street

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:26 am
by Hannah
I have no intentions of letting someone else substitute for me, unless they did so totally voluntarily and knowing exactly whats in store for them. Even then I'd probably say no.


Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:25 pm
by Cybermancer
Tms3 wrote:A thought though it might be less grey if I stand next to Hanna and bet hem off with a Rowen staff. and you could be right.. I would just really rather that not go to trial. it is just the kind of case that the Christin right would love.. You know the ones that cant tell the deference form me (a druid), a Luciferaen , and a Satanist, or the wiccian that lives down the street

To be honest I don't see it as gray at all, but that's just my opinion.

In any case when the time comes, I'm sure Hannah will let you know if she wants you beating anyone off with your wooden staff and how close she wants to be to you while this is going on. Just bear in mind that it may not be the solution she chooses for herself.

Just a thought, a shot in the dark if you will. What does your Druidic lore tell you that a mighty fey might be willing to accept in lieu of a person? Is there some charm, artefact or task(s?) that would suffice? How would you go about parlaying with such a creature?

If you must research, than do so. But be swift, the days are slipping away.

As for your friend, I have little to say. I think perhaps some better solution can be found then offering her up to a horned god. It just seems a tad extreme.

You'll excuse me if I refrain from discussing politics or religion on this forum.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:46 pm
by Serpens Walker
Although it doesn't always work in these situations, I usually start asking what Odysseus would do. That can be promising.

In OTHER news, if anyone was going to hire my services in the near future, I am presently without my car. Several tons of undead beef did a number on my Subaru. Initial estimates from my insurance company show they want to total her out... Seems the frame was damaged. And I've been told I can expect a call from a local detective about the bullet holes, so I'll be dealing with THAT for the next several days no doubt. But of course they don't know what they want to do yet, so I can't just get on with ordering parts and getting a new vehicle.

The Chinese have it right. Bureaucracy is hell.

I say again... who the hell reanimates COWS...

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:33 pm
by Tms3
I can think of some loop holes we can use. also if we get him to agree that he and his will live Hanna and her line in peace. he will honer it. You may get him to agree to accept a guis, to the wild. what that meas is she will have to take an active part in porticting the wild lands. the beast and the plants. this is not a option I would recommended. But Hanna or her champion could challenge him to a duel. it may or may not be to the death. and if it goes that way use ether Iron or or steal weapons. If it is not Forbidden, given the arragents that the sidhee are known for.

Weaknesses you can exploit
His Vanity
his arrogance
he will be vary smart and knows it. he will tend to not fallow the KISS principle in his planes

I am going to have to look up more about goodfellow him self.. he may agree to the leaving of sacrifices. but I have to find out.. what it could be any thing form the heart of a bull(in his case it might be the heart of a stag), to ale, to milk or honey or grain.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:57 pm
by Ron Caliburn
I wouldn't mind the chance to face off with this so-called Lord of Greenwood.

Re: Seriously Paranormal Investigations

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:05 pm
by Tms3
Ron that would be Extramly dangers. He is vary old. old beyond imaging. and vary powerful. Ron you might be able to win but I doubt you can kill him. No office Ron. At least we are dealing with the lord of the greenwood and not say Awan lord of death and pain.

I will continue to do what I can to help.