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Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:45 am
by Cybermancer
More great news. I've just been informed that Darcy escaped last night. She was last seen in Buffalo and can be presumed to be armed and dangerous.

Curiously, she escaped while I was busy with the nightmare entity, which calls into question how or if he's controlling her.

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:10 pm
by Ron Caliburn
This just keeps getting worse, as usual when dealing with Not Me.

It's controlled her in the past. It's also done a good number on me too, so I don't exactly hold that against Nemesis.

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:34 pm
by Hannah
Okay, now that my head is a bit clearer I have to say Matt, how can you even think like that?

I admit this thing is my responsibility. I accept fault for what it did to you, Darcy and Mel and everyone else along the line who has had the misfortune of it's attention. I can understand why it attacking you and people you cared about would make you upset.

But this thing is not me. No way would I ever, ever want to do the things it has been doing. Yeah, I got mad at you and Darcy over something silly. I blew off a bit of steam hear, heard your explanations and got over it. At no point did I ever give any serious thought to hurting you, let alone killing you.

This thing was created several years ago, it has changed and evolved on its own since then. It may have been contained within me periodically, but it is it's own entity. Treating it like it was me makes me wonder what you really think of me as a person? What you think I am capable of?

This thing killed my mother Matt. It killed my mother with it's bare hands. it tortured her, mutilated her, and then killed her. If you say this thing is me, then this is what you are saying I am.

Then, after you equate this murderous thing with me you have the nerve to lecture it and me on dealing with problems in an adult manner?

Well in an adult manner I'm going to tell you that yes, I need your help. Despite this you remain the smartest person I know and you managed to hold it off on your own, which makes you extra useful. Also, if Darcy is coming for you I want to be where you are. I want the chance to help her.

In an adult manner you and I are going to have a long talk about this too. I promise even to listen to you explain why you think this way about this thing without screaming at you for saying such horrible things until you're done speaking. If your reasoning is good enough I may even forgive you for what you said, eventually.

In the meantime though, we need to worry about stopping it before someone else ends up like my mother did.


Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:49 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Hannah, there's some sense in what the man says, even if you don't like it. I can't say that I've never wished harm on someone who angered me, even if only for a moment and you definitely have your father's temper.

Cybermancer, I think this is a topic that best be tabled until after we stop this thing, unless there is something that you know or suspect that can shut it down quickly before someone else gets hurt.

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:51 pm
by Hannah
Dad, I already said I'd hear him out, don't worry.

Matt, he is right though, how is this going to deal with the situation right now? It sounds like to me your thinking of a plan for after the nightmare is contained.


Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:07 pm
by Cybermancer
Hannah did listen. It's something we'll be looking at later, except where it might gain us a tactical advantage in the near future.

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 5:44 pm
by Gotham Witch
Just an update folks, I'm out of the damned hospital.

From what I understand about last night, I got close to never walking out of here ever again. A certain dream-ghoul tried to pay me a visit last night. Clearly I'm still here; Lucid dreaming is a good thing.

I might post a bit more after I finish getting my head back in order.

Re: Great Expectations

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 5:47 pm
by Chalice
Cybermancer wrote:As for being careful, when have you ever known or heard of me being reckless?
Don't know about that. I never knew you, so I can't say. But does your sig have any bearing on this?

Just a thought.

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 5:53 pm
by Cybermancer
My signature is a point of seperation between myself and someone else who used to use this account.

So no, it has no bearing on this.

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 6:02 pm
by Rowan
Hannah wrote:If anybody else out there has had any really strange dreams in the past month or notices other Society members acting weird all of a sudden, please let us know.

Ever since the Gingerbread House, my dreams have been nothing but strange—anything in particular we should watch for?—if your word of caution is for all of us, that is.

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:24 pm
by Hannah
Hi Rowan,

Probably the biggest tip off is that a dream that is familiar suddenly changes into something else. Something bizarre, something terrifying. It also frequently manifests in a dream of a memory that suddenly changes to something else.

This would only be in the last month or two. So anything new to that is possible.

Though to be honest, as I don't directly know you or know anyone that knows you, I think you're probably safe.


Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:56 pm
by Grace
I know where I am.

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:12 am
by Ron Caliburn
Was wondering when you'd surface.

Darcy, you're probably not going to listen because knowing you you probably think you're on some kind of special mission.

The Nightmare is back and it's messed everything up on you.

Until we get it under control or can get someone who can undo the damage, its best if you lay low. We discussed a place a while back that might fit the bill.

You know nobody can sneak up on you there. When the time is come I'll come get you personally flashing the signal we worked out. Anybody else comes, well we both know it's going to be a bad day for them.

Biggest thing is to stay away for now. Some very nervous people around here.

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:19 am
by Grace
Okay Ron,

What you're saying makes perfect sense. I wouldn't trust me right now either. I'll go there and wait for you to bring me out.

I'm sorry everyone but especially to Mel and Matt. If I was stronger, I wouldn't have let you all down.

Please don't keep me waiting long.

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:24 am
by Ron Caliburn
It boxed my subconscious pretty good too. So no worries there.

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:33 am
by Grace
Thank you, Ron. That helps. A little.

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:44 pm
by Tms3
Hanna do you know how many things come to me in dreams? ansesctes fey and even gods. they they have been a bet quit of late

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:50 pm
by Grace
Lucky you.

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:44 pm
by Hannah
Darcy, glad you're alive. Check your PM.

TMS3, this would be something new and only in the last month or so. If it's in it's natural form it would loo a lot like my father, who I understand you've met. You'e also met Mel, so while I don't know you, you do have two potential points of contact with it, so be careful.


Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:10 am
by Hannah

Last night my dad took it upon himself to take care of Darcy. I don't have details, but the latest information indicates they are probably both safe.

We are looking for them as well as working on sorting out all the other stuff.


PS: Right now we're taking this as good news. I hope we're right.

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:09 am
by Professor Ali
Wow, I have been catching up on my reading of this board. You people certainly know how to live the interesting life. I pleased you are all still on this world with me.

Fortunately, I never dream.

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:45 am
by Gotham Witch
Professor Ali wrote:Wow, I have been catching up on my reading of this board. You people certainly know how to live the interesting life. I pleased you are all still on this world with me.

Fortunately, I never dream.

I'd have said not dreaming is a boring life, but lately? I'm not so sure

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:33 pm
by GhostSpider
I'd give almost anything not to have the dreams that I do.

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 2:20 pm
by Hannah
Speaking of dreams, we're going to see if we can trap it tonight. We've kept Mel hidden in my dream pool when she sleeps for the last few nights so we figure that when it gets the chance it's going to go for her tonight.

That's when we'll grab it.


Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 3:50 pm
by GhostSpider
Good luck kid.

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 4:09 pm
by Cybermancer
Dans les champs de l'observation le hasard ne favorise que les esprits préparés.

-Louis Pasteur

(In the field of observation, chance favors the prepared mind.)

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 12:11 pm
by Cybermancer
For those who are wondering, we have all made it through the night. This part of the plan was a success and we'll soon be moving on to the next stages.

We'll have more to follow later.

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:16 pm
by Ron Caliburn
And they also came along and pulled Darcy and me out from where I'd hidden us. Which I'm grateful for, we were down to the last couple of days of MREs and the chemical toilets were overflowing.

For the record, I decided Darcy and I were too easily manipulated by the Nightmare and took us out of the game for a while.

Turns out I was right. Both Darcy and I tried to kill Matt and Melissa at the earliest opportunity. We still can't be around them. They are working on the plan for the deprogramming, in the meantime they have set us up with a comfortable enough accommodation. Unfortunately they haven't' sedated us or even restrained us and they put us together so if we have any secret instruction to work together on an escape or an attack we can co-ordinate.

Oh well, hopefully they have enough other precautions in place. At least they've had the good sense to have Clarity bring us our food. I don't think anybody could ever intentionally do that girl harm.

Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:22 pm
by Hannah
Well Dad,

Clarity is a special kind of awesome all her own. Oh, you still owe her an apology for getting mad at her about talking to Peter.


Re: Anybody know where Nemesis is?

Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:23 pm
Ron and Darcy, you my friends have had a rough month. I know times are bad when I find myself wishing that I was drugged or restrained. Then there is the matter of that particularly bad blind date earlier this week -- but I will not kiss and tell. Anyway, your March will be better. I will have a told with the Fates. In the meantime, I know some people who know some people who have done deprogramming on cult-recruits with generally good success. Just let me know if I should put you and Darcy in touch.