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Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 6:00 pm
by Elijah Sight
I have only recently learned of the Lazlo Society, and was very pleased when I discovered what a superior resource it is. My name is Elijah Sight. No, I will not state whether or not it is my real name, for obvious reasons. I have a wide variety of contacts and informants, chief among whom is me dear friend and colleague, Dr. Alastor Purple. Just so you know, my web of contacts is extensive, my business is information. While I do find it occasionally necessary to dispatch a phenomena personally, my role is usually regulated to helping others do so. If you wish to know more about the Welsh Pantheon, call me. If you need to know whether or not to bring a cross on a banshee-hunting expedition, I'm your man.

I have accumulated/inherited an immense collection of artifacts from across the globe. These, in particular, are the reason I have made my prescience known to the Lazlo Society. I require the assistance of others as often as I render assistance. I have come across several objects of dubious origin, and more dubious purpose. I may soon begin to describe these in greater detail, but that remains to be seen. I sincerely hope that I can put my faith in this organization.

If any of you wish to know just about anything, please contact me. I can almost certainly dig up something of interest.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 7:03 pm
by Jake E.B.
High, I'm Jake E.B. I felt compelled to post here at lazlo society for it was predicted by she how will not be named will be for this site ever existed. She predicted almost every event that happened to me since she spoke to me. When she confronted me at my place of work we proceeded to play predicted the future. She won by far. I tried to predict triumphant things like who would win at the Olympics and she stuck with predicting the major events like the tsunami in Asia and hurricane Katrina. It's not an easy thing to have people messing with your head. Especially when you like to talk about your experiences like I do. I can name names but that wouldn't be sporting besides you already know who the Ba'als agents are anyway. Their powers are great and should not be underestimated. The only weapon a have is my word for as to seer im a pacifist and I'm not good at fighting thow I have been trained tae kwon do. I'm sorry that some of my stuff is elusive but I fear for my life though I stand up for it.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 7:16 pm
by mr. e
"she who will not be named" huh? let me guess, she lives in the lands with no name and guards that which man was not meant to know?

my name is Edward Davion, although most people call me Mr. E. i run a bookstore/coffee shop in Pheonix arizona. i also work as a consulting parapsychologist. by consulting, i mean people come to me when their investigations have hit a snag or they're just plain stumped. i've helped out a lot of groups this way.

my degree comes from The University of Chicago Center for the Study of the Arcane, down on Last street, and through my old classmates and my local contacts i have something of an impressive network of freinds for gathering information.

feel free to visit my store, "the sitting room", and browse my shelves. i always have the latest editions from Lazlo agency members. i also have a small supply of..."unique" books i've "liberated" from "ill meaning societies", and have locked away. they might make for interesting reading, but their too dangerous to even consider it. better to be stored in sealed steel boxes and never see the light of day.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 8:29 pm
by Jake E.B.
she lives in the lands with no name and guards that which man was not meant to know?
Ones agen she was right abwet you saying that Mr.e. Its all so paculer

So glad I found this forum.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 7:45 pm
by Sean Ryan
My name is Sean Ryan, and in the beginning, like my Irish forebears originally I went into law enforcement. The only weird thing about me was that I had majored in religious/occult studies for my masters degree and was recruited by the FBI to investigate strange occult type crimes (specifically murders related to such) and was an advisor to many law enforcement agencies around the world (Interpol and such) over the years. However, I was definitely not a true believer until I was bitten the first time by an actual Vampire while I was in Europe (the worst infestations I have seen to date are in Europe) fortunately for me he was unable to transform me into one of his minions, thanks to a group of independant hunters. Since then I have left field work for the Bureau and merely supervise and advise other agents. I have just recently started a new series of cases (cold cases that have been passed to me due to possible occult involvement or lack of evidence) and I plan on asking for the advice of those I am finding here and possibly referring the other agents here as well. Anyone who would like to know what your American government is doing about this or would like some cooperation from Law Enforcement, feel free to ask and I will do whatever I can.

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:41 pm
by Ammendment2
My name is not important. My collegues and I watch those who watch the shadows. We are there to help as needed, and hinder as nessicary. I have looked into the Abyss, and when it looked back at me...I shot it between the eyes...

I balance the horrors I've seen with the Ideal that I stand between the Darkness and the Light. I protect those who would do good, and work against those that would do ill. I also know that many of the evils of mankind are the result of mankind, but something else influences mankind on occasion. I stand against evil, in all its forms....

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 6:00 pm
by Cybermancer
Well, I suppose this is the place for one to introduce themselves.

The nom de garre I chose to operate here with is Cybermancer. Don't take this to mean that I practice any form of magic or occultism. Only that what I can do might be called magic by the ignorant.

Occupation is a bit tricky. I used to work for the government where I was a trouble shooter and problem solver. I can't/won't say much more about it than that. My term of service now over, I've decided to make my own way in the world. I'm currently supporting myself on royalties from some successful patents while I work on some real money makers.

This frees up a lot of time for me to do some independent research. My interest in the occult stems from a desire to understand it. It is my fervent belief that anything can eventually be explained by science. Although I'm not nearly as cynical as the individual known as Debunker. My government days insured that.

I don't know how active I'll be on these forums, but I do look forward to maybe helping people here with what advice and technical expertise as I can provide.

Good day.

Just stopping by to introduce myself

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:29 am
by Bowie
Hi all the names Bowie. It's an alias but it seems that's nothing new here. I've been at this kind of thing for forteen years and this is the first time it's occured to me to get online and look for other people effected by this kind of thing.
I do this because it's kind of the family business. My biological parents were killed under strange circumstances when I was about a year old. My aunt and uncle adopted me and raised me. Don't get me wrong they couldn't have loved me more if I was there own. But there was always something slightly off about my family. Maybe it was the odd hours my father would appear to keep or that my mom never seemed to mind. Or maybe it was the fact that my "uncle" (a retired mercenary) was always close by. But something always seemed off.
It was during the fall of 1992 that things started to come in to focus. I was coming home from a basketball game when I heard voices coming from the living room. That was nothing new my mother was a piano teacher and her favorite student had a big recital coming up so they were getting in some extra practice. That's why I was coming in the back door. But the voice I heard wasn't my mother or her student it was a man and a none too friendly either. What happened next is better posted in the war stories section and I'll do so at another time sufice it to say I came face to fang with a vampire and found out that mom passed on a few genetic gifts.
I also found out that my father and uncle hunted these things. They started my education and in time I started to hunt them too. I'm available to travel almost anywhere with a little notice and I'd be willing to help in any way I can. Nice to meet you all in advance and I wish us all luck because in this field we'll need it!

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:57 pm
by Celeste Darken
Those who have read my first post know that I am a vampire and also know that I am a foe of evil, both supernatural and otherwise. But that was not the case several months ago. The man that persuaded me to take him as my first client fooled me. He desired nothing more than to swell the ranks of vampires. For a while I was his slave. I had no will of my own, entrapped under the supernatural laws that govern the power the “Master Vampire” has over the underlings that are created. Under these shackles, I was forced to do many terrible things. Mostly, I was his enforcer.
Fortunately, I believe he came across a successful vampire hunter. The mental link that bound me to him was strained while I was on a mission of his that sent me across the city. I felt the need to return to him immediately, I sensed that he was in danger.
But I didn’t arrive on time. When my hand was on the door to the abandoned church that served as his hideout, I felt the power that shackled my will shatter irreversibly.
I was free. And I knew that I was in danger, for the vampire hunter was close. But I hid from the hunter’s presence. I know not who this hunter was, for with the death of my sire, I was weakened in all my faculties, including my night vision. My savior left, an unknown shadow to blurred vision. Man or woman, wizard or warrior, I know not. But I do know that I will praise whoever accomplished the death of my master and offer my services in repayment of the noble service.
Unfortunately, with my newfound freedom, I have found new shackles. I have had to relearn my powers. My memory has yet to return in its fullness. But I have garnered enough, and more will come in time. And what is time to a vampire? It is nothing but a few minutes to an immortal.
With that said, I now have a promise and several goals, their order of importance will be as the chances of accomplishing them come about.
My promise is this: I shall not ever create more of my kind and I shall destroy those that try. My goals are as follows: First: though my memory of the matter is still hazy, I know that my family was murdered, and I know that the dead Master Vampire that created me was responsible, though not the one to deal the blows. I sense it was a vampire. I will track him down and will slay him as well.
Second: once remembered, I will repair, to the best of my abilities, any evil I have done.
Third: find my savior and offer my services, minute for minute of my bound undead state, for freeing me. I had been a slave six months, so I shall offer six months of my complete aid.
Fourth: to aid any who desire help in destroying supernatural evil.
I am Celeste Darken.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 5:42 am
by Dante Andel
I geuss this is where we introduce ourselves.

Anyway my spiritual name is Dante Andel and I’m a Demonologist, at the present moment I am attempting to find out who they, the demons, truly are. Unfortunately a lot of the information has been destroyed in the past and the majority of it that is out there has been corrupted or twisted. This of course has its own dangers be it from slightly crazy people who dislike me looking at something out of the norm, to the more uhh lets say exotic things...........

cough psychotic angels cough.

Of course Demons aren’t the only beings that I study, I know enough about a few variations of Vampires and Were’s, as well as some creatures that I am not entirely sure of the names for. Hopefully I can pick up some more information from the people here and maybe If I’m lucky I might be able to help some of you lot out aswell

A little bit of background

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 11:30 am
by Zander Hill
My name is Zander Hill. It's far to late for code names for me I wish I had been smarter at the get go. I was Born and rasied in Xanderhills PA. Many generations of my family called it home including my great great great (not sure how many greats I need) grandfather who I and the town was named after. I grew up with a great sence of duty to the town I ran for office and was mayor. Now I have NO powers what so ever which is why I came here for help.
During my term as mayor I uncovered a cache of files hidden in a sub basement of our town Library. I latter learned they may be what some of you refered to as D.R or darkroom files. Now Xanderhills is a strange town we have a bloody civil war history. what makes that strange is the rest of the USA has no record of such battle. Infact the town has no stratigic value and the battle took place days after the call for the end of the civil war. I hoped these files might shed some light on those events (some of the files pre-date civil war era.
So Last year I came here looking for those who might help. I started trying to send those files to a few lazlo agents for study. But that never happened... I guess I should have listened to the warnings. I don't know what happened one day I was on the way to the office the next I woke up in an assylum. I guess my meds wore of cause I came to and saw myself on a live news broadcast.
I managed to escape the mental hospital (I won't give details as I did have help) and now I am on the run labeled a lunatic. currently some one is impersanating me as mayor of the town. I think there trying to track where those files went. Well good news is I still have them stashed. bad news I am still in a lot of trouble and need help.
That's me up to date.

Introductions and hellos

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 3:04 pm
by Fiera
My name is Fiera, that is not a code name just plain and simply my name. I willl however omit my last name for safety reasons.

I hunt supernatural like most of the posters on this site. I have monetary backing and inside support but names must also be ommited.

I'm currently working on a hunt and capture mission in which my employer wants the target bought back in one piece.

I was adopted from an orphanage in India, how I came to be there I have no idea as I am not Indian in any way, in fact with my firy red hair, blazing eyes and hot temper I am told I look more irish than anything. As I was saying my parents adopted me as an infant and I've grown up in Xander Hills ever since. I am 20 years old as of next month. My parents died in a mysterious house fire when I was 14, I raised myself after that.
I have an undignosed medical condition that causes me to black out and lose time, sometimes waking up days later in a strange place. thankfully this is happening less and less often

I look forward to sharing ideas and information with all of you.

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 10:25 pm
by DHunter
Im Jack. I have not killed a Demon or Monster...Yet.
I recently went to a new town overrun with demons and am here to stop them.
You will probably see me here often and any information I may need to know about Monster/Demons/Supernatural(whatever you want to call them) please let me know.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:24 pm
by NCS
N.C.S (National Clipping service) I am one of dozens of researchers around North America browising internet sites and newspaper articles to attempt to offer information to the lazlo Society.

This information will come in the form of links to weapons and armor vendors across northamerica. Links to stories that may be of supernatural activities which will be directed to those agents in close proximity. and of course other information society members may find usefull.

The NCS is a not profit organization doing our part in the fight against the supernatural simply by distributing as much information as posible to those who need it most.

Please feel free to Private message and specific query's.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:34 am
by DevilNuts
wanna know the coolest thing about clearing out a zombie outbreak? nobody looks down on you for looting if you manage to survive.

DevilNuts--US Marine, "retired." only family, friends and employers know my real name.

in the Corps my MOS was "Tactical Data Network Specialist," but you know what they say, "every Marine is a rilfeman." I built networks in the field. I also stood in as a radio operator as needed. Ive seen action from the Middle East to the Far East, and everywhere inbetween. I can get by in Arabic, and my Japanese is passable. I can rattle off the currency conversion rate of a dozen countries by memory.

...And I can also fight. 4 time Rifle Expert, brown-belt Martial Arts Instructor, Pistol Sharpshooter and graduate of Jungle Warfare school. Did a tour "over there" as a M249 SAW gunner. Unlike some of my peers, I took my training very seriously, even though I was a POG (person other than a grunt). And its a good thing I did.

I like to find work as a network engineer. I prefer the pay, air conditioning, and reasonable hours. However, the market is flooded with network engineers and oftentimes I am forced to find other means of employment. Sometimes I work as private security at cocktail parties, sometimes I am hired as an entry-man in small-time robberies (Somewhere during my time in the Marines I learned how to pick locks).

But my last job I would have to say has been the most interesting one Ive taken since leaving the service. One day I dont believe in zombies, and the next thing I know Im spending three months reclaiming a city from them. Still not sure if it really happened, or if I just woke up from some horrible nightmare. But I do know one thing: I now have something else to put on my resume. for some reason, I seem to have a natural talent for dealing with a zombie infestation. I have all sorts of tricks for survival ,defense and reoccupation of zombie-held territory, and I will gladly share my expertise- for a price.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 12:16 am
by KonThaak
Yo. Call me KT, short for the screen-name you see here... Kon-Thaak was the name of my first and most influential spirit guide, or at least the name he went by. I am a modern-day druid, and a self-employed paranormal investigator. I earn my income as a driver for UPS, and I'm married to a skeptic who'd like to believe.

The number of times and places I use this alias, you might be able to track me down, but I doubt it... I rarely leave enough of a paper trail (or whatever it's called on the Net) to follow.

As for being a druid, no, I'm not talking about the D&D variety, nor am I talking about the tree-hugging "Nature is all wunnerful an' stuff" variety. I'm just a philosopher, who happens to practice a number of paranormal things on the side, and who follows some of the old ways. Of course, living in the Chicago area, I don't get to practice as many as I'd like, but living here has given me a lot of new insights on what, exactly, "Nature" is. Not that that's what most of you are here for... For more information, visit

If I come off as being pretentious, I apologize. It's just the way I write. I swear I'm not this way IRL, or in personal chats... I just tend to write more...professionally in this kind of setting, that's all.

Really briefly (Yeah, I know, this has already gone on for a while), I just wanted to say that most of the spooks I deal with are astral in nature, as opposed to physical...though I've dealt with a number of those, too. I've little experience with guns, but I'm a fair hand with a bladed weapon, and the old addage about monsters and cold iron or steel is as true today as it was when the knights of yore hunted them.

Anyway, I hope that I can be of service to you all...

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:00 am
by librarian
You may call me Brother marches, I am a brother in the order of the Light I am one of the resident scholar and researchers. My order has been around since the dawn of enlightenment. We study and observe the worlds and planes of this reality.

I have helped the organizations of the paranormal on many occassions with packages delivered to certain people with key or vital information to there search And as my order has now issued the approval to many of us scholars to help rid the world of evil through none violent practices and ways I find my self here. So feel free to send questions or messages my way if info is what you seek. my orders has been deemed usable to the heroes of light to vanquish the evil that stalks the night.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 7:43 pm
by Willie Long
KonThaak in the Chicago area...

Damn, you're right down the road from me.

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 9:01 pm
by KonThaak
Willie Long wrote:Damn, you're right down the road from me.

Heh, good to know I have another ally close by...

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 2:00 pm
by AdamaGeist
Which is actualy my cue to step up and speak, I suppose.

Call me Adama. It's the only name I share online anyway.

I specialise in Astral combat and defence, tracking a close third, with an intense focus on information gathering. Historical Information, that is. Folklore and Legends offer as much help these days as a loaded gun, with less hazard of shooting one's self. Most of my abilities are not things I learned, however. I inherated them, and a great deal of information from a previous incarnation of myself. It's rather hard for me to explain all the details, so please forgive me if I do not. Quite a bit of what I've grown to understand about myself came at serious personal prices, and I'm not exactly ready to share my story with strangers.

I, like KT, live in the Chicagoland area, the Northwestern Suburbs to be more precice. I met him through his spirit guide, who I knew well in the afore-mentioned previous existance. Kon-Thaak lead his student to me to seek assistance on a few incidences, and our KT led his aid to help my recovery from a few long-standing wounds. Other than that, the human KT and I work on different paths and theories, so we do not gather together casualy. Though I did give him my nickname for his teacher when he decided to use Kon-Thaak's name on the net.

That's about all I will share for now about myself, but if I can be of some help otherwise...

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:26 pm
by The Watcher In Shadows
The name I will take here is The Watcher In Shadows.

I work for an organization that none of you has ever heard of or would probably believe in. I cannot tell you more than that for your safety and, of course, my own.
Although I have spent many, many years fightin the supernatural with almost as many different kinds of weapons, including my hands, I am now not permitted to actively engage in hunting or other activities that would involve making my existence known. It is imperitive to my job that my existence is unknown to the world at large.
I speciallize in information retrieval, mostly from the internet. I am not one to search the web for suspicious stories, no. With the technology and skills I have I am a specialist in retrieveing shall we say "High level info." The kind that Joe Schmoe would disappear for knowing, even in America.
I also have several powerful contacts who may be willing to offer their assistance through such things as items, weapons and spells.
Although I cannot interfere directly I will do all I can to help you of the Lazlo Society.
If it were up to me I would be out there hunting with you.

I apologize for the length of this introduction. I will end it as I always do:

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:52 pm
by The Seeker
I just joined, so I guess this is as good a place to introduce myself as any.

My code name is The Seeker. I am an Arcane Archaeologist. I have spent 4 years in collage and have just begun my own business. I seek artifacts of varying cultures and make connections to the supernatural. I also seek knowladge of magic, but as yet, have not found anyone to teach me and I only have a few occult books.

I may be new, but if I can be of service, please let me know.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 12:04 am
by KonThaak
Well, Seeker, if you're anywhere around the Chicagoland area, drop by, and I can probably help you out...both in helping you learn magic, and in showing you some interesting doodads. Hope you don't mind nature magic...

Welcome to the group.

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 3:37 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
I've been reading for awhile and though I'd finally register.

You can call me Bert, or Turtle, or Bert_the_Turtle, however my name is comprised of Neither Bert, nor Turtle, nor a "the." My handle here is a reference to both Burt the Turtle from the "Duck and Cover" training film from the Cold War and a reference to Burt Gummer from the movie "Tremors" but more on that later.

I'm ex-military, got out on a Section 8 after my squad was eliminated, one by one, by something. Our orders were to slow down an advancing platoon, we laid out all sorts of nasty traps, landmines, swinging trees, I even found an old mine shaft that I concealed and turned into one really deep pit trap. That night as we were preparing to leave, one of the sentries went silent. Then the two guys who investigated went silent. At which point something broke into our camp. it didn't appear on Infared, Nightvision, or Heat sensing equipment. Even visually it only appeared as a distortion in the air. One after another we emptied all our ammunition into it and it kept coming. I was the last one left and I lead that bastard through every one of the traps we set up. The explosives slowed it down some and the swinging trees staggered it, eventually I led it back to the mineshaft. Once I got it near I crashed into the thing and sent it falling a few hundred feet straight down. My shoulder and arm that connected with it went numb for a few hours but that didn't stop me from watching it impact. In the light of my flashlight I saw it hit bottom and turn into thousands of mosquitos which subsequently vanished.

My Superiors didn't believe my story and there wasn't any evidence to support it. I filled out a form and they offered me an out on a Psycho Discharge. I wasn't gonna stick around. My first thought was that a UFO, an alien, had for some reason eliminated my squad. I hid out in the desert in a bunker, gathered all kinds of weapons and ammunition and supplies and gathered "Intelligence" on these extra-terrestrial enemies only to have someone in the know come upon my story and inform me that it was not an extra-terrestrial being but Supernatural. Now that *Really* worried me. Shortly after that I was invited to join a Paranormal Investigations Detective Agency; I agreed for two reasons, first I can't fight what I don't know and I figured these guys would be able to give me all the Intelligence I needed to keep myself safe. Secondly, it gave me a chance to free my altruistic nature that's been buried by years of paranoia.

Oh, and getting back to my handle, first I'm still a Paranoid, Survivalist, Gun "Enthusiast" and second my bunker would have been about as effective as Ducking and Covering during a Nuclear Attack if almost any of the things I know about now came knocking on my door.

Welcome Bert, and to anyone else

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 7:52 pm
by Celeste Darken
Welcome then, to the Lazlo Society . . . Bert. It is good to see our numbers increasing. Or at least being replaced; I will not lie: there have been deaths. May you find satisfaction in your work, and may you live to tell about it. Do not hesitate to post your thoughts, ideas, observances, or worries. We are here to help, and most of us don't bite.

Celeste Darken

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 11:44 pm
by White_Bishop
You can call me White Bishop.
My job I can not tell you or I would have to kill you.
The only Thing I can tell you is that I work for the good guys and I go in the dark places that no one wants to go.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:09 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Heyas White_Bishop. Your job description would raise eyebrows anywhere else. Interesting collection of quotations in your signature, I've always favored "Though I walk in the shadow of the Valley of Death I am not afraid, 'cause I'm the toughest ******-****** in the Valley!"-General George Patton.

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:17 pm
by Kalliope
Hello, everyone. I've been...well, lurking sounds so sinister, but I guess that's really the best word for it. For several months, I've been lurking...reading the various threads on this society's boards, and feeling a profound wave of relief. A jolt of recognition.

My father would kill me if he knew I was here.

Before I left home for college, he was convinced that I just had emotional problems...that I just hated being left at home alone, and trashed the house as a cry for attention. Nothing ever, ever happened when he was home. Whatever it was, it followed me to school, and let's just say I went through enough roommates in a semester that the dean strongly suggested I commute from home.

He made me start seeing a therapist, which of course made me feel like a nutjob, but this guy wasn't like the stereotypical "How do you feel about your mother's death?" fruitcake...he's the one who told me about this site.

I'm glad he did...I was starting to feel like I was stuck in a bad movie of the's actually a relief to see that there are others who have been coping with...things.

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 3:48 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Welcome to the boards. You might want to go ahead and start a thread about your own Paranormal experience(s) and let the community know exactly what you've been up against. Go into greater detail about what's been happening. Things tend to be pretty slow around here, as you've undoubtedly noticed having lurked about for a few months, so don't take it personally if replies are slow in coming.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 6:19 pm
by Birkle
Hi all, my name is Birkle, though not my real name (but then who does use their real name in this business?).
I was born in Africa, though i didn't stay there long. Shortly after my birth my entire family (save for me and my mother) was killed, brutally murdered.
My mother was quick to move us away after the incident, and i spent my days growing up in Brazil. I grew up without knowledge of what happened back in Africa, though i developed a natural fascination with the Paranormal. Particularly spirits, Entities and the such.
When i was 11 years old, i (along with a few friends) broke into an old, abandoned house (supposedly haunted). As soon as i climbed through the window i was hit by a horrible feeling, a deep sickness in the pit of my stomach; something was deadly wrong. The last thing i remember in the house was a terrifying, semi-transparent being rushing towards me. At that point i must have blacked out and woke up outside.
This led me to conclude that i had some kind of Psionic ability, which i then began to develop. I am very sorry to say that in my earlier years i abused these abilities, conning people in order to get money for me and my mother.
I was sure my mother never knew how i got the money, but it was not long after that she fell ill. On her deathbed she revealed to me that she knew (though she still loved me anyway) and also the truth behind what happened to my family in Africa.
Since then i have never used my abilities for conning, but i decided to track down whatever it was that killed my family.
I am currently in England, tracking the being that i am positive is responsible for my families deaths.
The being i believe responsible is a possessing Entity, though it is hard to follow, it displays a number of traits that are always the same wherever it strikes.
OH, i apologise but i have to look into a new lead i've just been given. Thankyou, though, for listening.