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Re: Friend left a warning?

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:34 am
by Lord Shakar
That likely means that it is either needed by them to do something or they wish to keep that which might harm them out of others hands.

And its always good advice to not trust the authorities.

Re: Friend left a warning?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 4:41 pm
by Joe Smith
Lord Shakar wrote:That likely means that it is either needed by them to do something or they wish to keep that which might harm them out of others hands.

And its always good advice to not trust the authorities.

I don't trust the local yokels. My dad is a mountie, so I know cops...and these local guys are just not good cops.

I haven't been online much recently, because I just finished building a 30x50 shop on the front of the property. I have been moving my business into it too. A lot less bills this way. Luckily the metal fab has been real busy recently - so I can pay for the new shop! Lots of wierd requests - but they all pay well. I am getting a lot of use out of the new forge!

The local druids want to use the grove for their stuff too. I don't know how safe that is, but I get a real positive vibe from them. They said that my friend let them use it whenever they needed to, before he passed away. They offered to bless the shop or something too.

The big ass knife that was left to me has strange markings all down its blade. You can only see them when the light strikes it just right. I have been keeping it locked up in the oak roll top desk in the den for the most part. Before I did that, I would fine it all over the place.

I think it moves on its own accord sometimes. I have been having some odd dreams too. Same guy in it all the time, trying to talk to me, but I always get woken up by something.

The two cats are a pair of spazzes still. Just ordinary cats. I think the new cat was my friends. I have found a pic or two of him with the furry little guy. I have named him Socrates.

Re: Friend left a warning?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:37 pm
by Lord Shakar

Re: Friend left a warning?

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 4:23 pm
by Joe Smith
Been busy, so I haven't been on here.

Work has been pretty busy. Been building some interesting things for people, but it takes a lot of time. At least with all the work I don't have to worry about paying the bills. If it keeps up like this I might end up paying off the house!

Everything has been pretty quiet, except for one thing. Socrates hunted down and killed this little looks like its carved out of old drift wood but its actually flesh. Its a humanoid creature about 12" tall, all hunched over with with an oversized head and arms, and little legs and body. Its light brown with deep crevaces all over it that are black. It has a really big nose and eyes, and one nasty looking mouth full of spiney looking teeth that goes from ear to ear.
It was actually wearing little shoes and a loincloth, and had a really small sword made out of a butterknife.

Anyways, I caught Socrates fighting the thing, and it was pretty evenly matched until I distracted it by coming around the corner. Then the cat managed to jump on it and kill the ugly little bugger, but it managed to get a few swipes in (12 stiches and a $440 vet bill for Socrates) . The thing sat there bleeding and snarling for a minute or so before it died and sort of melted into smoke and shadow.

Anyone have any idea what this thing was?

Re: Friend left a warning?

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:45 pm
by Joe Smith
I guess I should update.

Saw another one of those little things the other day. It was messing around on the lathe and ran off. It stole the chuck key! I had to make a new one.

I have cleared out all the garbage and junk that was laying just outside the grove, and I think those little nasty things were living in there. There was a lot of old washing machines, and stoves, and old appliances. I Filled my trailer and truck three times, and got 5 tonnes of scrap metal out of there. I have no idea how it all got there, and some of the stuff was pretty new looking, but was half buried, but looked like there was small tunnels all over the place from appliance to appliance.

I did find the chuck key in an old stove, with a bunch of other small hand tools that I thought I lost.

We went and planted a bunch of trees where all the junk was. They have taken well.

My gf went and put salt all around the shop and says it will keep the little buggers out. Anyone have any ideas what these are and how I can get rid of them?

They don’t sound familiar . . .

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:55 pm
by Clarity
_____They don’t sound familiar at all, Mr. Joe. But I’ll ask Ethan tonight and find out if he has. He’s been at this a lot longer than I have, and he has a lot of friends, too. One of them might know what that little person is, but I sure don’t. Sorry.
_____P.S. I’m starting to make friends, too.

Re: Friend left a warning?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:55 pm
by Joe Smith
Thanks, I do appreciate it.

Salt didn't stop the little buggers. I came back to the shop from lunch this morning and there was one futzing around on the electronics bench. It ran when I came in, but took a bunch of wire scraps from the trash.

Funny thing is, I had the oscilloscope running an em frequency sweep trace on a piece of equipment, and it picked up something odd when the little thing was around it. I think they might give off some sort of very high frequency EM signature. This thing got about 5 feet away from the scope and was picked up!

The scope is sensitive enough it can pickup the EM field that people give off if you are real close. The scope only picks up the cats if they are right on top of it and give off a similar, but weaker signature, as people.

This thing was a good 5 feet away and still was picked up and much higher frequency!

I think I have a way to detect the little buggers :idea:

Re: Friend left a warning?

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:28 pm
by Logan
A round of .45 or .410 phases em a bit better than salt, although they are a blasted nuisance to hold a bead on, if I got the right critters in mind. Oh, yea, don't bother with any super high tech gizmos on em, it won't come out like you hope, unless you are hoping for some form of truely spectacular failure.

What frequency was that on, if I may ask, the last time I dealt with gremlins, our radios whacked out at about 40M out.

Re: Friend left a warning?

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 12:19 pm
by Joe Smith
People seem to come around 225hz. The cat is about 250hz. This thing came in about 600hz.

Gremlin? Like the movie? These things seem facinated by tech, but don't seem to use it.

Is there definitive books or literature on these kinds of things? I keep hearing different things depending on who I talk to.

Re: Friend left a warning?

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:02 pm
by Logan
Like the movie? Not really, more like the reports from WW2 aircrews before servicemen were "discouraged" from talking about such. Not big tech users, but they LOVE to make it break in amusing (for them) and deadly (for others) ways.

Although 600hz does fit in about right for the earsets we were using, I'll pass a heads up to someone in R&D who's still with the agency.

Re: Friend left a warning?

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:52 pm
by Joe Smith
LIttle bugger is back and breaking stuff. The druid people who have been using the grove have made an offer to buy the property. Its a fair offer, and I am missing the city. The hour drive to get anything sucks.

I might be moving back to the city, and let someone else have fun with the problem. There is property I have had my eye on that might be coming up.

Re: Friend left a warning?

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:36 am
by Joe Smith
I am travelling in the US right now. Its nice that all the truck stops have wi-fi.

Its official - I will be moving back in town. I will be in the east end, just north of the Beaches. I am a little frazzled with all the weird stuff that goes on here, and I think I am more of a city boy at heart.

I got the down payment for the current property just before I left, and they just accepted my offer on the new properly. Interest rates are so low right now, I was able to get a real nice place on a little back street. Its 2 bedroom 2 baths, and a HUGE attached shop. Its even zoned correctly so I can bring all the tools in, and has tons of power.

I was having issues at the current shop because it was only on a 200amp circuit for both the shop and house - its all I could get out there.

So when I get back from texas, I guess I am going to be moving. At least I have a month or so before I have anything else big scheduled. For those that ordered ammo and the silver coat stuff. It will be done and shipped by the dates I told you. I should be able to do it even quicker in the city since I will have the power to run more than one machine at a time! I think I will see if my old shop assistant is still around...I could use the help.

So many questions . . .

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:48 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
So many questions . . . do you still own the shop left to you, Joe? Do you think it possible the strange “creatures” running amok are linked to the knife in some way? Can the druids identify any of the markings or the creatures?

Re: Friend left a warning?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:13 pm
by Joe Smith
I have never showed them the knife - I don't mind them using the grove with their dog's for their monthly stuff (they do make a racket though) but I don't generally show what I have to people that I don't really know.

There has been lots of weirdness continually going on up there. I am glad to be moving back to the city.

Closing on the new place is the end of the month, and I am out of the place I am at now for November 1st. I am trying to be out earlier though since they have a big thing going on for halloween. The house stuff is easy to move, but some of the shop stuff requires a forklift which I don't have.

I wasn’t advocating showing them the knife . . .

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:24 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Oh, I wasn’t advocating showing them the knife, Joe. But maybe you could trace the markings on paper or wood or some other texture. I’m not very well-versed with magic, but I would think this could be done, couldn’t it? Konthaak was knowledgeable about runes, and was a druid as well—I admit, of a rarer sect of druid, but a druid nevertheless, and a good man. Perhaps if you sent a pic to him he might be able to give you some advice.

Re: Friend left a warning?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:27 pm
by Joe Smith
I never thought of that...I might try it when I get back. I am in the texas desert all this week. I will be making my way back to Toronto on friday.

Good luck . . .

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:16 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Good luck, Joe. Please keep us updated on what you discover.

Re: Friend left a warning?

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 3:22 pm
by Joe Smith
Well...I am planning for the worst.

I get to work an additional week now that I am in the film as a towns person. We are shooting out of sequence so all of the stuff I made has now been shot.