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Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 7:39 pm
by Kolya
GhostSpider wrote:[color=#4000BF]You know, its nice to see you Russians grouping together and watching after your own, but lets not forget that Kalle left on her own whim. Also, I do believe it was she who started with the threats and insults. Yet you seem to be saying that we forced her away. Admittedly Razor and Thorne could have been more diplomatic, but everyone else remained calm and tried to explain the situation to her.
Except that's not how it went down.

Katja said you can't trust a vampire.

You said you were a vampire and wanted to be likened to a predator.

She asked if you can survive without feeding on humans.

You can't.

You're a proven to be and admit to be not human. For Katja, that sealed the deal.

Razor threatened to kill her. Others shouted her down.

She left instead of suffering further ridicule and death threats.

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 7:53 pm
by GhostSpider
wanted to be likened to a predator.

Yes, and I was also being facetious. :roll:

You're a proven to be and admit to be not human.

Since when has being truthful about what I am proven to be a bad thing. Isn't that what you all keep demanding of me?

Razor threatened to kill her. Others shouted her down.

As I said, he could've been more diplomatic, and others tried to speak to her rationally & calmly. They made no threats and made it quite clear I was being watched closely.

She left instead of suffering further ridicule and death threats.

No one ridiculed her. We simply tried to get her to expand her narrow view on vampires.

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:52 pm
by Shang Li
There are many forms of "Vampires" in the world you know. Some feed on blood, others on chi, still others feed on human misery and sorrow, a few are actually unfortunate enough to feed on joy and happiness (two emotions that appear to be in short supply in today's world). The vampires that feed on emotions and chi, like my friend Okikan (he is a kitsune) tend to be harmless as long as they do not begin to manipulate events to bring emotions up to a fevered pitch (or like Okikan, feed much better on "giggles and wonder").

Come to think of it, Okikan always makes me smile, always reminds me of the wonderous nature of the world. I guess that means he is manipulating me to get a more palateable meal than the dark thoughts that crowd my mind and burden my heart as I see the world around me. Well, I will wait for the hunter that specializes in dealing with spirits to come for my friend, and as he is an innocent, I will defend him to my last.

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:28 pm
by Kelly
How do you feel toward werewolves... :wink:

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:29 pm
by Holister
*face to plams* I don't think they need to know that Kell. :roll:

What about the diary....?

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:36 am
by Ron Caliburn
Honestly Kelly, I don't like them. Fortunately there are some people who I trust who put in a good word about a couple of our residents weres, so I'm not going to go polish my silverware with them in mind.

Now the ones that have been migrating into the city the last few years, picking of homeless folks and street walkers, open season.

The journal is . . .

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:02 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
The journal is . . . interesting, to say the least. How well did you know Doctor Coltraine, Ben?

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:21 pm
by Holister
Well enough I suppose. He's been the town doctor since before I can remember. After he retired he became the unofficial town ME and coroner.
He's always had a fascination with the supernatural, and kept a fare amount of history on it.

Too bad it all went up in flames.

He had a son he told me about a once. If he did I never saw him. Not even at "Doc's" funeral.

He did leave me an odd letter though and a package. I haven't openend it yet with all the confussion and stuff happening right now. The letter I did read....


" To Ben were like a son to me. More so than my own. That is why I make this last request of you who I know is standing vigil at my graveside....[YOU DON'T NEED THERAPY!!! You just need to work a couple of things out. Think about Molly and if I know you as well as I do...for God's sake man ask that girl to marry you, she loves you Ben, and any girl who would wait almost 12 years for a man is worth marrying. So get off your rump and live boy.

There was something else in the was addressed to you Wie? I didn't open that yet...just didn't seem propper. I will mail that out to you today.

Something addressed to me?

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:32 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
Holister wrote:There was something else in the was addressed to you Wie? I didn't open that yet...just didn't seem propper. I will mail that out to you today.

Thank you.

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 12:30 am
by Kelly

Its Benny.....he's been hurt. Real bad. That bitch got him....tore him up pretty bad.

Killed her pack....most of it. She got away though....

WieCee....I...I had no choice.

Everyone please forgive me.

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 1:21 am
by GhostSpider
Whoa, whoa, calm down Kelly.

What happened?

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 3:16 am
by Shadowstalker
Seriously what is going on?

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:21 am
by skeptic
I guess that last bit of business wasn't zipping up his luggage.
Sasha, next time, be more clear. I understand you have a sense of humor,
but it's not shared by all.

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2008 6:38 pm
by Ron Caliburn
A pack of what?

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:03 am
by Shang Li
Kelly, how is Mr. Hollister taking what happened?

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:11 am
by Shadowstalker
I would like to know what happened period. Is Holister ok, are you ok Kelly?

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:36 am
by Kelly
That BITCH came back thats what happened!

Do any of ya'll remember Benny's first thread here on the site. That one bout' them werewolves.

Well Marcia was the one who got away, and came back like a vulture when Benny Boy couldn't defend himself.

It was seven to one....SEVEN TO ONE!!! THAT BITCH!!!

Benny managed to kill save Molly. She's ok. I took out another two....but Marcia....that flea bitten whore got away!!!

But...but...not before almost killin' Ben. He was barely alive when I got to him. So much blood.....he was hurtin' bad...not even conscious.

I...I never thought I could do another person...more or less one of my own kind, but they were gonna kill Ben & Molly!!! I had no choice.

Please forgive me....he was gonna die...I....I couldn't let that happen.

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 1:01 am
by Shadowstalker
DAMN!!! Nothing to forgive Kelly you were protecting people that you care deeply for.
I can have some people up there shortly to offer any help possible.

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:05 am
by Kelly
There is no need..really. I think Ben will pull through...but I'm getting Benny and Molly to Wyoming the day after tomorrow. Once I get them situated I will come back to Maine to settle up things there.

The sooner I get them safe, the better. Maybe now they can get some peace and quiet out there. After what he just went through, they deserve it.

Things won't be over for me though until Marcia is dead. So if any of you are hankerin' to slay a big bad wolf....she still may be in the area.

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:37 pm
by skeptic
I've slayed a number of big bad wolves.
Right here in my office.

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 6:54 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Kelly, I hope you understand a bit of why I'm wary of your kind . . . even the nicest of you . . . well you yourself were shocked by the results.

So by my math there's still at least 3 out there, is that right?

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:42 am
by Kelly'll don't understand.

I did what I could to save him.....I had no choice.

I .....I bit him.

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 9:47 am
by skeptic
Heather Dawes wrote:Ho boy. :roll:
Yea, Heather.
Pretty much.

You people need to get your asses and your heads wired back together.
Get some psychological treatment ASAP.

You did what you thought was right, Kelly . . .

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:56 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
You did what you thought was right, Kelly.

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:57 pm
by skeptic
What's right is knocking off the child's play.
Then getting back in touch with reality.

Re: You did what you thought was right, Kelly . . .

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:58 pm
by Ethan Skinner
Eilonwy Solstice wrote:You did what you thought was right, Kelly.
Maybe so. But did she ask him what he wants?

I don’t understand, Sebastian . . .

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:01 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
skeptic wrote:No.
What's right is knocking off the child's play.
Then getting back in touch with reality.

I don’t understand, Sebastian. Child’s play? Do you mean you think Kelly just bit him for the sake of it? That he wasn’t horribly injured?

Re: I don’t understand, Sebastian . . .

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:06 pm
by skeptic
Eilonwy Solstice wrote:
skeptic wrote:No.
What's right is knocking off the child's play.
Then getting back in touch with reality.

I don’t understand, Sebastian. Child’s play? Do you mean you think Kelly just bit him for the sake of it? That he wasn’t horribly injured?
People running around the woods playing vampire and werewolf...
Maybe it got a bit out of control and somebody drew a bit of blood.
Pardon the puns.

I wish you were right, Sebastian . . .

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:16 pm
by Eilonwy Solstice
I wish you were right, Sebastian. But Ben has always been a magnet for trouble . . .

Re: Shadows of a Book . . .

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:51 pm
by Sir Typhis Black
Kelly wrote:Things won't be over for me though until Marcia is dead. So if any of you are hankerin' to slay a big bad wolf....she still may be in the area.

Once again I must appologize to the society for staying in regular contact. You see as I have no regular computer I must use what I can find to contact you along my sojourn.

I digress though.

So that is where that pack I was chasing went. Damn my incompetence.

I suspected the one I had slain was not the alpha, but I never suspected the alpha was a female.

It is my fault m'lady not yours. Apparently our mtutal shame bares the same name. Now I at least know the foul creature's true name. Useful infrmation to have against one's enemy.

I can be in Cypress Cove in about one day. Since I have stalked this particular pack from Canada, I may be best suited to deal with it. However I would be a fool to turn down any help.

Thank you and G'day to you all.