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Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:39 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Damnit Ben! Violence isn't solving this problem and that's all I'm good at! :P

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:40 pm
by KonThaak
Remind me to teach you to cook, Bert. It wouldn't solve this problem either, but then you'd at least be able to say you're good at something else.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:41 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Haha. Ok, I'm good at a few things other than violence, but not many.

So, we call Animal Control?

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:45 pm
by KonThaak
Animal control and cops, sounds good to me.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:54 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Bad news guys.

I tried the phone and the line is dead.

KT tried stopping me, he said he didn't want to call innocents out to deal with the problem especially since it was after dark.

Turned out to be a moot point.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:58 pm
by KonThaak
Yeah; he went to the phone, and I glanced outside at the dogs. I kept thinking, something's wrong, something's wrong... And then I looked at the sky. Black as night. Go fig.

And then it hit me, and I was like "Bert! Stop!" And he was like "Why?" And I said, "It's after dark. I don't think we should call more people onto the scene." That was when he let me in on the fact that the line was dead.

So now my suggestion is to load for bear, sit in the corners, and start shooting at the door if the knob so much as turns. 'Cuz it would seem the shit has started hitting the fan.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:01 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Alright. KT, go grab one of Ron's Shotguns. I think he should have a Spaz-15 on order for me. Grab some variety of shot too. Buck and Bird.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:02 am
by Shadowstalker
Could go premeptive strike and toss a few tear gas cannisters at the dogs?

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:03 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Tried it allready. Maybe some Fragmentation Grenades.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:10 am
by Holister
Damn it. Get a sniper upstairs with a clean range f fire from above. Then those downstairs...FULL AUTO stat!

If any get through, finish them off with a combination of small arms fire and hand to hand techniques!!

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:17 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
They've breached the fence! Mother fucking dogs! Where are these rats coming from! Take firing positions! Shit! vvvvvvvvcxxDccccccccc[/code]

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:24 am
by Holister
Damn it; Bert! Anyone! Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:39 am
by KonThaak
I...don't...under--understand... What...went wrong...? they...

the rats...oh gods, the dogs...the rats...and...the bugs...

And Ron went out there... Sasha's out there... is all wrong.

I saw him...inside the bugs...he was in here. But my

It...couldn't've been...but...

I saw him... I saw him... I saw him... I saw him... I saw him...

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:44 am
by Shadowstalker
SOMEBODY tell me what is happening.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:12 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
We made it to Ron's bolt hole 10 minutes ago. We were holding our own initially, largely thanks to the Pyrokinetic power of Shadow's Teammate and the few Tear Gas Grenades that were at hand. But then the Fire Suppression System (AKA Sprinklers) came on and snuffed out the fireworks and damped down the effects of the gas. After that we slowly gave ground before an onslaught of Rats and Dogs and Bugs. And then KT started wigging out, I don't know why, but we eventually had to pull back. Sasha wasn't with us when hell broke loose and Ron went to get him. I tried to go after him but I couldn't advance through the chaos.

So here we are, up in one of the few secure areas of the building. I'm posting from Ron's laptop. (Fortuneately I keep 90% of my data on thumb drives so i didn't lose much off mine.) We can hear the rats and dogs scratching at the reinforced steel and concrete walls and floors trying to get in. If they breach the room I'll have to put Ron's emergency contingency plan into effect and pray that by some miracle we'll be able to engineer an escape from here. If anyone is in the area, attempt recon outside but do not enter the building.

KT is passed out in the corner, and if I squint I can just barely make out a dragon form hovering over him. There's been no word from Sasha or Ron yet. And everyone here is bleeding and bloodied. I have rat intestines all over my shoes. Now, I did not run out of ammunition this time. I just plain had to run.

And you can bet when he wakes up I'm smacking KT upside the head for not letting us take out the dogs earlier. :wink:

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 4:35 am
by Shang Li
I will be there soon. Any special problems about non-material travel i should know about? Does KonThaak still carry the swords I gave him? (I could try to target his dragon's location, but I am on far more intimate terms with the Daisho)

If things get quiet inside, please look and see if I am on the grounds, I am still new to this type of travel.

I hope to arrive soon.

(May my ancestors watch over me and my endeavors)
May the Kami watch over and protect you all

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:13 am
by KonThaak
I'm sorry for losing it last night, guys... I saw something last night that set me off, according to Claw. I don't remember it anymore... >_<; Everyone else just says I freaked out, and have been all but gibbering in the corner, when I should've been healing and...well, doing *something*.

Everyone's healed, now... We're still up in Ron's saferoom, or whatever they call it.

The noises outside have...stopped. We're all thinking it could be a trap, but with the time, maybe the sun's come up, and all the dogs, rats, and bugs are gone...

The bugs were almost worse than anything else. I couldn't even see to retreat... I don't know what/who I saw in the midst of it all, but...who/whatever it was, it set me off bad.

I'm thinking we wait another...half hour or so, make sure the sun's good and up, and then we crack open that door and see what's going on...

I don't think any of us slept last night, but I'm not feeling too bad, despite it. Bert said something about "that cat" yowling all night long... Mr. Fluffers has calmed down at this point.

We'll see what happens...

...gods, I'm gonna have fun explaining this one to my bosses. They're gonna be all kinds of thrilled about this.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:14 am
by KonThaak
And Li-sensei, those blades were meant for my son, not me. I'm letting them lie dormant for now, and will start really introducing them to him (and vice versa) soon...provided I get out of this...

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 8:40 am
by Holister
Greetins' Good Buddies

The cavalry is on the way!

I am en route now, and I should be there by this afternoon. Have a small arsenal, complete with bombs for Bert (that little gift he left me in Maine after the Arawn encounter, saved it for just such an occasion)

Got a shit load of Thorazine Gas Grenades. A few gallons of The real good bug juice (Ron may have to sleep elsewhere for a week after i bomb the place though).

Plus an assload of guns, ammo, flashbangs, .50 SupNat death hahahaha.....:twisted:

Hold out just a we bit longer, guys, ol Holister is on the way!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:16 am
by Holister
Tearin' down I-95 still, stoppin' for gas. Im in Jersey now. Be there ASASP. Don't you die on me guys. Ill be pissed.

Dogs, rats, and bugs. I've seen scarier shit in my toliet after "All You Eat Chili Night" at The Brick.

If ya'll get taken out by some exterminator's wish list, Im gonna kick your sorry asses,
even if ya'll are dead anyway.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:51 am
by Shadowstalker
Hello this is Rose I am useing Shadow's account here. We are all ok I don't know where Ron and Sasha Vanished to, poor Mr.Fluffers was yowling most of the night, most of use are a little battered and bruised, but fine otherwise. Does anyone know where Shadow went?

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:03 pm
by Sasha
Here is the recount of what transpired with me and Ron during the night... we are now with the others.

I was staying in Ron's RV down in the garage. Lonely place, but the RV is sweet.

I could not sleep for some reason though, which was strange. I was restless. I opened the garage door and went out for a smoke and a quick perimeter check. The dogs had been poking at the fence relentlessly. It was as I strolled back towards the garage when it happened.

I say it because I am not exactly sure what happened. Rushing up behind me was a pack of dogs and a river of rats. "Sure could use a flame thrower" went through my head at that moment. Or perhaps a lawn mower. My good mood would not much longer though.

The dogs were faster, and a bigger threat than the rats - in my mind, although rabies is rabies whether from a dog or a rat, right. I raised my 9a-91 assault rifle and started capping them, with only the clacking of the action being heard because of the silencer. With a bit of distance between me and the other dogs (outrunning rats is easy), I fell back towards the RV - what I figured to be my only opportunity to survive the attack. I also thought it would be easy. I am a fast - as in I should have been an Olympic competitor fast - but the dogs surprised me. And, frankly, so did the rats. I popped a few more mutts before the rats caught up to me. They were simply impossible to manage.

And then I noticed that the dogs and rats were flanking me. I absolutely had to get to the RV. A few quick shots, not sure if I actually hit anything, I spun and sprinted for the garage. I hit the button but by the time it came down pretty much all the creatures had managed to enter the garage. So now I was in real trouble with a hoarde of critters between me and the RV entrance. Some of the rats were already crawling up my leg. I was able to brush them and get to a large coal-type shovel in the garage. I scooped out a path of rats, went Barry Bonds on a dog's head and then brought it up over my head smashing another's head - finishing it off with the sharp edge of the shovel partially severing the dog's head from its body. More rats, more scooping.

Then it started raining from the sprinkler system installed in the garage. It made the floor somewhat slippery. But with all the rats around, traction was already difficult - as I stepped on them their guts lubricated the floor quite nicely. A few times I fell on my back, hearing rats go splat, their little skeletons crushing under my weight. Some got in my shirt, so I ripped that off just in time to whip a dog on the beak with it, and then blow its head off with my 9a-91 with a one-handed shot.

I finally made it to the RV and got the door closed. The rats could not jump up to the first step, but the dogs obviously could. As I closed the door, the RV was rocked as a few dogs hurled themselves at me, slamming into the door. Briefly I thought about trying to get on the roof until I heard the pitter-patter of doggie paws pacing around and scratching around on top. And then I saw the first rat come out from the front. They had found a way in through a vent or something of that sort.

The closest I have ever been to an RV before was an old Bill Murray movie, and the last couple of nights. I do not know anything about these vehicles or where rats might get in at. I grabbed a pillow and shoved it under the pedals as tightly as I could and closed all the air vents I could find. If I could just slow their roll, I could just squash them one by one as they came in.

In the meantime, the garage went dark, but the emergency lighting system switched on very soon thereafter. The dogs were relentless: barking, throwing themselves at the doors, scratching at the top of the RV, scratching at the doors. Rats were getting in from somewhere else. I spent more time stepping on them than I could spend searching for where they were getting in - also put a fresh magazine in my 9a-91. At the time it did not seem like a long time, but this shit went on for a few hours.

The rats had found a nice big entrance, I can only suppose, because they were starting to swarm the inside. The end for me was near, I just knew it.

I shoved my hand in my pocket and fished for my mobile phone. As I was taking it out from my pocket one of the dogs managed to shatter the reinforced glass at the front of the RV. I dropped the mobile phone, spun, and popped the first two that came through. But a third managed to elude me and I saw a flash of teeth as the dog jumped on me. I stumbled backwards, and I was holding my rifle sideways as it went to take a bit out of my face. More dogs would be behind it... "This is it, killed by a fucking..." and then there was a sudden and loud boom and flash of light. Then there was nothing but a loud, constant painful ringing in my ears.

I blinked a couple of times, shook my head. "I'm dead," I thought. A few more blinks and I saw Ron standing over me, pushing the dog off of his short sword with his foot. He reached down for me and said something, but I do not know what it was. He pulled me up and was obviously shouting but I heard nothing but a high pitched ring in my ears. My vision was blurry but I could see well enough. He grabbed me by the shoulder and led me out of the RV.

I am not sure what happened next. I was working on instinct and training. I saw Ron's boat that he sails along the rivers and canals of the Blight when on the job. I slid in the passenger side and could only imagine the roar of the engine as he put the gas pedal through the floor and we slammed through the garage door, wood splinters flying, and the sound of the dogs stranded outside when I closed the garage door bouncing off the massive bumpers of the car as we drove through them.

Rubbing my eyes I could not get the fog out as we drove, which was getting thick, real thick. Then I realised that it was not my eyes at all. We were in a very thick fog and then I saw it. A vampire. I grabbed Ron by the shoulder and shook it. He turned to me and I saw him say "What!?"

"Vampire!" I shouted as loud as I could and pointed out the front of the window. Physics took over as Ron jammed the brakes and I put my arms out to prevent me from eating the dash. We poured out of the car and into the strange fog. Visibility was poor, real poor, perhaps a bit more than 1 meter. I could hardly see Ron on the other side of the car through the fog. I could see him looking around - but in that nightvision sort of way: if you look at something in the dark directly it quickly fades, but if you dart your eyes around the periphery of the object, you can usually see it with better detail. I jumped on top of the car to make it to Ron as quickly as possible when the damned monster attacked just as I saw Ron react, but he saw it too late. The monster tackled me and we tumbled off the car, nearly rolling Ron up in the tangle.

The vampire rolled off of me - perhaps getting a good whif of the garlic necklace I wear - and faded into the fog. I could see him through the fog though, as Kolya says I have special eyeballs, and I pointed him out by shooting with my 9a-91, but without the silvery bullets, there was little point. But hopefully the damned thing would decide we were not worth the trouble at that point in time. I saw a vague outline of Ron in the fog, but to vague to say precisely what he was doing. As I was reloading the monster came forward and I tried to tackle Ron to the side, but I was not fast enough. I received a good solid punch that sent me into a nearby wall and I fell to the ground. I slowly and painfully got up expecting some more action, but nothing happened.

For whatever reason the vampire left us alone. Perhaps Ron was able to really make it sick. In the fog I could see neither Ron nor the vampire. "Ron!?" I shouted several times. I could not hear myself through the ringing in my ears, that had not changed from its contant, piercing high pitch since Ron detonated a flashbang in the RV with me inside, but hopefully he could use it to find me in the fog. I saw Ron emerge from the fog, looking worse for the wear.

I lit up a cigarette as I slid into the car, and for the first time I felt the pain and understood the extent of my injuries. The dogs, the rats, and vampire had all had good shots at me. Blood was everywhere - some of it mine, some of it the critters' that were attacking me. I had a headache, to the say the very least, and the ringing in my ears just would not relent. I laid back in my huge seat and recalled something Kolya had told me about Ron, and I, for a nano-second relaxed. Kolya had said that when Ron is around, one gets the sense that everything is going to be alright, no matter what. Whether the power of suggestion or not, I gave myself up to it and let the pain fade into the background. I needed to gather myself up, because certainly all the shit was not out of the fan just yet.

We arrived back at Ron's place, went up top, and armed ourselves to the teeth. We went to work. Finally the ringing was progressively becoming more dull and less annoying, but very slowly. However, I could hear faint sounds other than the ringing, which I welcomed quite happily. The ringing was driving me nuts.

The morning sun rose and Ron and we just now came across the others, safe and sound. Time to heal up and hopefully get a healer to nuke any rabies that I may have contracted from all the bites last night.

Johnny Cash, the man in black, comes to mind; specifically, a burning ring of fire, and I am not referring to Holister's bunghole after all you care to eat chili night at The Brick.

And I can almost hear again. And my sense of humour seems to have returned.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:28 pm
by Ron Caliburn
It's all over here but the clean up . . . the mess they made was incredible. Everything that wasn't sealed in a vault or made of metal has been torn to its. There's nothing left in the pantries or the fridge. My furniture is totally ruined.

The smell of feeces and urine is never going to come out of these carpets.

What bothers me the most is Hannah's room. I did my best to make it special, to make it for her and now . . .

The uninvited guests showed up. They ended up lost in the fog lastnight, it seems they were trying to come and help out. They are here now . . . probably thinking i'm a jerk for bing so stand offish, but their help is appreciated.

They seem rather releaved that Bloodbane's urn is safe.

Last night was not an anttempt to kill us . . . though I'm sure that would have been a side benefit. This was about leaving a message.

The others read the note before I got to, but the synopsis of it was pretty clear.
Back off or I destroy you . . . best wishes, Khavik.

I still don't know how Sasha spotted him when we were out in the fog, I couldn't see the hood ornament on the car.

He didn't want to stay and play with me . . which is good because I had other matters to attend to inside.

Celeste . . . I cna't beleive I'm asking anything of you, but we need to know anything you know about Khavik and we need to know it real fast. He's got a kid.

In the mean time, any ideas from anyone on what happened to Shadow and Shang? I see their posts. KT decorated my building sometime back with stuff suposed to keep the incorpreal out, so perhaps that deflected them some how.

Ben, if you are able to read this, I suggest you don't make any sudden moves approaching the building. You did threaten to kill me a month or so back. Last night you said they should sedate me and rip all my private thoughts out to have a look. You've also been responsible for a government surviellence team staking me out. I'm in a real bad mood already today and setting me off would not be good.

Insurance folks are here . . . how the heck do I explain this?

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:28 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Wow, damn, and I thought we had it bad.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:37 pm
by Sasha
Message received. That Khavik guy could have ripped my arms off and beat me to death with them.

Maybe this falls under "Act of god" in your insurance policy?

Although you may want him to come tomorrow, this place could be a rubble pile by then...

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:39 pm
by Holister sound like shit. Have a bad night? Anyway I can vouch that Master Li is en route as well, don't know bout Shades.

As for my arrival, Im in south Jerse now, dam this highway never frickin' ends.

You boys got blindsided big time. Ron, time for a reality check, we may not see eye to eye, but you need me, and your are a good man, so lets just deal with each other for now, and focus on that pansy ass, rat suckin', dog bangin', son of a whore Khavik.

Another thing, talk to Del Caine about that surveillance team, Im just a field man, not a "team" player.

PS: You got your ass handed to you something fierce. This I gotta see.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:39 pm
by Ron Caliburn
God had nothing to do with this.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:48 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Well pass the message on up to your boss, he put a surviellence team on me because you were planning a party.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:51 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Ron there's nothing that can't be fixed. We'll all giveya a hand with cleanup for sure.

And yeah, that Khavik fuck is gonna die, err again.

You don't hurt Children. The fuck had that kids limb bitten off.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:52 pm
by Ron Caliburn
Some good news . . . my vaults held, so I don't have to worry about more missing weapons.

Downside is my inventory is off anyway, which I have to report.

That could put me out of buisness.