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Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:00 am
by KonThaak
Sounds like it...

Hey, Shadow. I have a hunch... "Eyes are portals into the souls..." If you pick one up and look into the eyesockets...what do you see?

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:17 am
by Shadowstalker
UM hoh boy that was not fun. KT next time I think I may skip your suggestion. I think I just Got a dose of what Master Li and Adama were dealing with but I got more info than I think they did. Oh damn that hurts! The founding fathers are still alive. I need to get out of here Bert It is boom boom time Find me in the cemetary. Then we find these bastards I am going to give death a helping hand!

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:19 am
by KonThaak
Bert, belay that order, at least until I've finished working these rituals...

Actually, Bert, if you're out there tonight, see if you can calm Shadow down just a bit.

Sorry, guys, I think Adama's asleep, and I have no other way of doing this on my own. It's gonna be the buttcrack of dawn at the earliest before I can pull this off...

And Shadow, sorry for submitting you to that. Didn't realize that it would have that kind of effect. Though it does confirm the suspicion we had about the skulls...

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:21 am
by Shang Li
I wish I could help. But when I even think about that place it still comes back to "Let the searing light of Amaterasu's wrath cleanse this abomination" followed by a building heat I know all too well. If the place were deserted I still would not allow it for I know that the wrath does not stop with a single village.....

as for the skulls there mught be a better way than desecrating the remailns of the dead. If there is no way to free them other than the destruction of the skulls, please burn them seperately, that they may be interred properly as individuals. I would hate to see that many kami released and left as wrathfull as those spirits are now - think of how much it takes to distract death from her appointed rounds. (everytime she appears to one of us she falls a little farther behind on her normal appointments)

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:25 am
by KonThaak
It would take far too long, Li-sensei... Besides, even if we had a list of names for them to honor them by, there's no way of knowing which skull is whose, who is trapped in which skull, and so on and so forth...

As for releasing them as wrathful as they are now...that's why we're waiting until I can summon Death to claim the five founding fathers first. Once they're taken care of, the spirits should be appeased. Follow that with a quick release from their prison, and they should move on to find peace.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:34 am
by Shadowstalker
KT I just got 200 years of suffering Shoved through my mind! I got to see not only the origanal crime but also the pact they made, and the sacrafices they made to a Demon bitch called Caleigh! They have been doing this every year to refresh the pact they made! Their deaths are long overdue. The spirits seek only release the Reaper Is here for them and those that kept them here. Those men gave up their humanity a long time ago it is time to send them to HELL!!

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:37 am
by KonThaak
Even though I don't believe in eternal damnation, I agree it's well past time. But the Reaper asked me to summon him fully into our world, so he could do just that. Which means I need to prep the spell properly, so he can do his job.

Once that's dealt with, I need you to release the spirits. Not before. After, and immediately after, at that. I need you to not notify those guys that we're after them. Not yet.

Their time is at hand. Just let me finish these damned spells...

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:38 am
by Shang Li
You will do what needs done, I know that. When the existing problems are done let me know, I will build a small shrine to the unnamed dead. Perhaps it will serve as a reminder of what was sacrificed for them to get where they are now. As for the city elders, I cannot touch them. I would be unable to strike a blow against them without anger, which becomes wrath, which becomes rage, which becomes a prison for the mind.

I must go meditate now. Anyone got a map to a nice, remote mountaintop for me to visit for a week or two?

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 3:40 am
by KonThaak
I suggest Colorado Springs, CO. Go visit the Garden of the Gods. Wonderful place to meditate. I don't remember if you're allowed to stay there 24/7, but if the Native American spirits that reside there want you to be allowed to stay as long as you like, then no mortal soul will be able to see you to remove you.

It was sacred to the natives of that area, and when I visited there, many years ago, even before I had done more than study the basic tenets of mysticism, I could feel why it was sacred to them.

I think you'd agree, if you go there.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:13 am
by Shadowstalker
Master Li I know their names they do not seek vengence only peace. What I think you and I felt was their suffering and that led us to rage. I know the faces I know the names of all that they have Damned, and I also know the names and Faces of those that must PAY. KT I don't want to rush you here but I am haveing some issues.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:25 am
by KonThaak
Again, I apologize for putting you through that. I didn't realize that you would suffer that.

If what you say is true, and the spirits only want peace, then return to that room, tell everyone there that you are there to free them... Tell them that justice is going to be served, and served tonight. Tell them that a devout believer in justice is doing his best to help them... Then begin releasing them.

And pray that they find their way to peace.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:30 am
by Shang Li
Send them my way, they know me now. I am already burning Inscence for them, that they may know they are honored, that they may know the living want them to enjoy the peace they have missed out on for so long.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:37 am
by Shadowstalker
I can do that, I think I can even do it without explosives. They already know me they know why I am here they only wait for release. They thank you master Li.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:46 am
by AdamaGeist
Alright, I'm awake... Much needed sleep has helped...

Yeah, Shadow, I think you got a better contact then I did, I only had a spirit smack into the back of my head before everything went off.

I'll be heading to KT's now, going to help him along now that I'm up. Keep an eye out for Bert, make sure he know's what's going on, and an eye out for Gothic, make sure he doesn't screw this up... I wouldn't put it past him to interfere just to stop us.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 8:21 am
by Michael T
I am sorry to have vanished with out any word, I had to go to take care of a issue back home. KT do you need assistance with the ritual? I can be there in a matter of a few hours, need to break out the old broom any way, promised the daughter we'd go flying when this is over.

Ben, Gothic, Shadow, and Adama I do not know any of you well yet and do not want to seem like I am judgeing or dictating rules or law to any of you. The fighting in the thread is readable by anyone who finds the site, and does not reflect well on the Lazlo Society as a whole. it may cause those needing help to look elsewhere due to lack of faith in the skills and maturity of the members of this Society. Again not attacking any of you, just playing devil's advocate for a outside prospective on the board as a whole. Enough of my opinion, you are all intelligent and responsible individuals you can make your own choices in life I just want to point out how a outsider might see this.

KT I have a offer for you that may help with your current stress levels and may ease your family life's tensions, if you are interested please contact me via PM.

Michael T.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 8:51 am
by Gothicfox
Robin - Great to twist my words around, and yes, attacking what I believe so you can diminish it for whatever reason doesn't make feel better.

Li - Are a sensi of completely missing the point. When the hell did I say I wanted you dead?

Kon - Yeah, it does make you a bastard. One, your just taking everyone else's word what this thing wants. Your taking its word what it wants. You don't know.

And really, most of this society will believe anything as long as it goes with the point of view, to hell with anything from the outside getting in.

You guys united because I object to some of the question activities you were kicking around. I know bashing the person who questions such you guys only puts me on the bad list. So be it.

I know you want to believe the fairy tale of everyone getting along. Doesn't seem its going to happen. I don't me excuses for how I act; my passion is my life, it keeps me alive. But still, I'm made to be the coward, the incompetent, and the outsider.

Your choices, not mine and nothing new to me. Spout how you want, your just as hateful as anyone I've ever dealt with.

Since I got no choices now, but to sit back under Hollisters watchful gaze. I'll just see how you guys fuck this one up.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:38 am
by AdamaGeist
Gee, I'm so sorry Gothic. I have NO idea what could make us distrust and dislike you so...

Other than the fact that you passed judgement on us for having the temptations we were blatetly resisting, and working VERY hard not to act upon.

Or maybe it was for calling us monsters... Or for positing your faith was better then ours, justifing your moral outrage against us, before turning around and claiming yourself to be an emotional killer yourself.

Buit if I had to choose a specific reason, perhaps it's because we're working as a team, trying to deal with a situation that no one of us can handle. And you are trying to do this all on your own, (Failing at it, I might add) and claiming that you are the lead on the field, the most learned member, the most able person on the ground...

We're a Soceity, an Organisation. A loose alliance of people working with the supernatural, who turn to eachother for help and support. You're not the main character in this story.

But, at least I'm glad that you've stopped some of your claims in the face of Reality. Seriously, concidering all things, I'm rather glad you gave up your delusions of first in field.

Ah, I feel better to get this snarkyness out. Don't you?

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:28 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
Is there any way of releasing these spirits that is both respectful and expedient?

Anyhow, just let me know what, if anything, I can do to help. This is way outside of my area of usefulness.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:30 am
by KonThaak
Ritual's ready. Are the spirits released?

Michael T: Thanks for the offer. Unfortunately, it came after I had passed out from exhaustion last night. Adama came here, woke me up, and helped me set up the ritual.

Then I passed out for a couple hours more... The ritual has certain requirements that I'm needed for.

Gothic: The ritual is a controlled one. It is one of the older summoning spells, rather more refined in certain aspects than more modern ones. If I don't like what the reaper's doing, BAM, gone, in an instant.

And to hell with you and what you say. I knew when I agreed to this that any blood spilled as a result of this ritual was on my hands. It's something I'll have to live with. My friend Holister was shot because he was trying to help people. I'm sitting at home, because I have no power right now, because I'd be more in the way than a help, and because I, for the time being, am a liability.

But y'know what? To hell with you. Next time, I let you fend for yourself.

We didn't unite because of you. You give yourself too much credit. We united because Billy was murdered after he asked us for help, and we failed to help him. We united because we recognized there was a problem we failed to fix earlier, and now we're trying to solve it. We are united now because there are--or maybe by now, just were--some 300 spirits being tormented by a demon summoned by five people--who are apparently still alive, after 200 years, probably by a pact with that demon.

You're on our shit-list for acting all high and mighty, for being so damned arrogant as to try to go it alone, and now you're being so damned pretentious as to act like we're just picking on you, when we were trying to help you from the start. You ignored us, you called us cowards, you called us hypocrites.

Once this is over, I do not want to see your name on the boards again. You fail to uphold the ideals of Victor Lazlo, and you have proven to be more of a liability on the field than anything else.

You forgot your own tenets... Judge not lest ye be judged yourself.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:44 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
We're releasing them now. I'd let Shadow do it alone since he's had, uh, "contact" with them but I don't want them to suffer any longer than necessary. Even I'm starting to feel it just standing here.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:57 am
by Shadowstalker
It is done KonThaak. Now comes the Judgement.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:17 pm
by KonThaak
Creator forgive me, for it is not my place to judge... Gaia forgive me, for summoning a force such as this into your world...

Spirits, may you find the peace you have long strived for...


Get ready for the fireworks, guys.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:30 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
That's usually my line.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:34 pm
by AdamaGeist
Alright everyone... We've got the ritual done now...

KT would probably report this himself, but he's passed out on the floor right now, unconcious. With all that he's been going through, I'm going to let him rest this out.

Odd thing is, he's got some sort of red sword-thing in his hands now, even tho he's asleep. It sure as hell doesn't like me, so I'm just setting him up to take a rest and heading home. I'll keep a watch out on him to make sure he stays OK.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:39 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Didn't that evil necromantic druid wield a red sword of energy?

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 5:04 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Hey Adama, by any chance do you have anything up your sleeve that would let you speak with any of the spirits that hang out with KT?

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:12 pm
by A. Wesker
GothicFox, please calm. Focus on the solution to the problem at hand. Everything else is irrelevant.

I'm in town, at the motel you checked in at. Seeing as there are so many who are experienced with combatting the supernatural here in town, I didn't bring the entire team. But, I did inform the office of our location and what we're up to.

I have a suggestion. Instead of sacraficing these five souls to "Death", why not just set the souls that trapped free? If we break they're physical connection to our world, they will move on to the after life. Unless I've misread what's been said, they've been disturbed from the slumber and are now seeking revenge against the five people that had them murdered. They're manifesting this "Death" creature as the vehicle for the vegeance. But, the five orginal conspirators are dead, therefore they are directing their fury against the decendants for the crime that no one was punished for.

Peronally, I find that unexceptable. Without going into who is guilty and who is not, I propose we stop them. We enter into this chamber where their skulls are. We salt the entire down, then go over the area again by sprinkling holy water. Following that, we conduct a ceremony where we condust the last rites. Afterwards, we touch the entire chamber destroying the physical remains.

If this "Death" creature manifests, we will deal with it. Between Fox and I, I believe we are more the capable giving it a fight it wasn't expecting. That being said, anyone wants to come along, you are more then welcome. I suspect we may need the help. Just meet up with us at the hotel and then we will get started.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:15 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Uhh, we're past that point allready. Sorry.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:56 pm
by A. Wesker
I apologise, but how are we past that point? Would you care to explain please.

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:05 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
KT and Adama performed the ritual (as was mentioned above) and we dealt with releasing the spirits (as was also previously mentioned).