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Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 1:54 am
by KonThaak
Eric lead my wolf down to the Nexus Point... The energies of that place were so corrupted, it was hard to believe we could use it at first, but we only needed a little pure energy to work with. We were also going to have to be careful not to get pulled through whatever was there, or fall victim to anything there. Which was a close call, on both parts.

I instructed Eric in a simple means to purifying a Ley Line... Once a line has been located, plunge a stick, preferably straight off a tree, into the ground where the line of power is. That act alone will start draining out the negativity, and spreading untainted energy through the area.

"They" didn't like that, not one bit, as was evidenced by the loud roar and the mini-quake that followed the simple act of "staking" the line we found.

We moved into the space the Nexus occupied, being careful to avoid the corrupted vortex in its center; I was "there", channeling myself through my wolf. I spoke the incantation for the ritual, even as I saw creatures leaking out of the shadows...

"May my voice echo into the realms of the dead... My name is Joshua, a druid of the night; descended by blood of the Cherokee who survived the Trail of Tears; descended by blood of the Clan McRichie, sub-clan of the Clan Richie, sub-clan of the Clan McDonald, the most powerful and influential clan in old Scotland; descended by blood of the clan of the proud Viking warrior Eric the Red; descended by blood of German nobility; descended by meme of the druids of old... My ancestors, hear me now... People who are dear to me, and people who are dear to those who are dear to me, are in grave danger. We need your strength, your cunning, and your wisdom to help us... Please, answer my calling..."

The ritual was rushed, without any of the usual trappings... My only hope at that point was that it was going to work anyway, with the amount of energy both Eric and I were channeling into it from the Nexus Point. By the time I had finished speaking, there were at least 20 or so creatures surrounding us, ghouls, Dybbuk, and demonic entities... They sneered at us, and started closing in, as if to attack us.

One demon spoke... "Your ancestors were simply pitiful humans...and soon, you two shall understand what that entai--"

He was interrupted by a warcry. It was answered by a second, and then five more, and soon, the entire area was vibrating with the cacaphone of screams, shouts, the whoosh of heavy bladed weapons, the whish of arrows and javelins, and the astonished cries of the creatures assembled there.

German knights fought back-to-back with claymore-wielding Scottish warriors, Native Americans fired arrows and rushed the creatures with hatchets, and several robed figures planted themselves between us and the monsters, weaving protective fields around us, all while Viking warriors dashed between the other fighters, hacking, punching, stabbing, and slashing anything that was neither human nor spirit.

The words they spoke and screamed were in many different languages, but the meanings still carried across easily enough... "This..." " our world..." "...whether we've left it..." "...or not..."

"Leave this plane..." " peace or in pieces."

The monsters tried to fight back, and there are a few spirits that will not be returning to the realms of the dead...but by and large, the monsters were slaughtered where they stood.

After the fight, most of them had to return from whence they came... One of the druids remained behind to pick up protecting the station, as the angel had before. Three warriors, one Viking, one Scottish, and one German knight will be accompanying us--...will be accompanying you guys to whatever dimension you're going to.

Not bad, eh?

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 3:02 am
by Shadowstalker
It is a most welcome addition to the battle to come.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 8:12 am
by Crosshair MT
After my landing and the attack by the large number of Dybbuks at the grave yard I will volenteer to remain with Bert to hold this side. Between us we should be able to lay down enough firepower to hold off a small army of just about anything. If I am needed I will go in with you all, but with Celeste and Bloodbane I hope those going in have enough power to handle things.

Let me know were I can best serve.(And keep out of this Unnamable, any snide remarks you have are not worth the time to read.)

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:45 am
by The Unnamable
(Suddnly amidst the morning sun a rift appears and so does Arawn) " Greetings followers of Lazlo...(he starts to burn) pain is nothing compared to what awaits you at the gates my placae (he is engulfed in flames at this point) The war has begun, Gehenna lies just beoynd the gates..we are ready are you. Seek the northern will lead to to my palace. (ash remains as it blows away in the wind) the ninth gate is open and the sacrafices begin this night!
(nothing more)....

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 10:43 am
by Greydawn
I would like to go with you guys if I am not needed here. Have some experiance with deminsional travle.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:35 am
by AdamaGeist

Forced myself to spend the past night and a half in my own body, rather than still out there. As usual, I let my body suffer as I worked, forgetting about eating and drinking as I let it sit.

Guys, I'm going in with you when you go, but I need a bit more time to recover. I've still got to process some things I did out there... I won't go into some long tale about what I did over the past couple days, I'm just going to say that there were more than just physical threats wandering around out there, but they're gone now, well and perminently.

If you can give me till tonight, I'll be coming in with you. The only thing I'm worried about is the chance that I'll aspect physicaly there when we reach our destination.


Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:50 am
by Shadowstalker
That is fine Adama if Celeste or Bloodbane are comeing along we are not going anywhere till after dark. Greydawn you are welcome to come if you wish.


Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 1:35 pm
by Eric Eland
It was good to find some not bad ghosts, good that they helped, I don’t see many ghosts that want to help that much. Stick from tree, into ground, channel the pure energy, so much energy there, risky channeling that much power, makes your head spin, maybe that was because of all the scary things wanting to stop us, I don’t know, but the ritual worked anyway, so everything is fine, as fine as it has been.

Now what to do? Some are going in it seems, to the bad place, but the people may be there, need to find Molly, Holister, all the people. Maybe you need my help there, but the bad place, so much power and evil, hard for me to work there, magick harder to control, have to save the people though. I will wait to see who is going and who is staying, I will go where I am most needed, yes, just one of me, so I will go where its best.

Holding the Fort

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 3:31 pm
by Celeste Darken
I think I had better remain behind. I did not come all this way to see Cypress fall because nobody remained to keep the evil from reentering. Someone should remain behind to keep defenses strong.

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:11 pm
by KonThaak
Bert and Crosshair already volunteered to stay behind.

To those who are staying behind: If you're getting overrun, the station is a safe haven once again.

Need supplies

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 1:15 am
by Eric Eland
Bert, can I maybe have some of the stuff you showed me earlier. I need a little for something. Let me know where you will be, even if you don’t have any extra I think I need to talk to you, about stuff, not that stuff I need, but other stuff.

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 2:09 am
(A lone figure stands at the end of the street, his hands drip with demon blood and lets out a roar that can be heard by everyone) " ARAWN! I come for you lap dog of Darkon. Where are your legions now! Face me so that I may feast upon your black heart, or must I first slay these humans you have sent to stop me. Do not forget Arawn what tortures you and your masters have bestowed upon me, I have come to repay that debt! "

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 1:32 pm
by The Unnamable
So....the blashpemer has arisen amongst the mice. How nice to see you again SLAVE! Have you forgotten who your masters are, what your purpose is. But if you insist that you have a conscious beyond that which we have given you beast, then by all means, destroy me. You know where to find me pit scum, or maybe you new found will lacks the bite of its former self.

Just because Azoth gave you free will GRIM, it does not mean you are not still my lap dog.......and perhaps this dog must me reprimanded........(PM you).

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 4:39 pm
by KonThaak
Has anyone else noticed that this seems to be the fifth entity to use the "unnamable" account? And none of them seem to have proper spelling, either. Tisk, tisk, tisk. All that time on this world, you'd think all nine of them would have learned something like that.

Ah, well.

My money's still on that they're all demons... "Arawn" is probably a name for nine separate servants of the nine ancients they serve.

Am I right, Arawn? I'm not even there, and I'm already getting tired of this. Prolong this out all y'all want; you can't change the ending.

So which nine ancients are we dealing with? The ones under Xy, the ones under Mantorok, the ones under Molech (or, according to more recent texts, "Moloch"), or perhaps ones worshiped by the Mayans? The Aztecs? Whatever it is, I've grown irritable with it all. I've seen NOTHING here in Chicagoland. No extra Dybbuks, aside from the ones that tried to invade my home the day you appeared, no demons, no ghouls, no zombies, no necromancers, not one damned thing.

Xy, according to references, is disposed of, one way or another. Those who turned against Xy, lacking his power, were dealt with, one after another. Molech/Moloch and his followers were banished to a place worse than Gehenna. Mantorok was betrayed by his fellows and is cursed to a slow and painful death. Those who betrayed Mantorok summarily destroyed (or will destroy; the texts are a little vague on times) each other with their bickering before they could conquer anything. The Mayan and Aztec gods proved incompetent against the power of guns and armor.

So to which failed excuse for alien entities did you moronically allow yourself to be enslaved, fool? Because I guarantee if they weren't fuck-ups, they'd have done something about two and a half centuries ago or so, or during World War II, or at some point in history where human civilization was completely messed up.

I await your inane response with baited breath...even though I know you're just going to puss out on us, and answer with some stupid comment about how even the names of those you follow would drive us into insanity, or some other BS like that. All 'cuz you know I'm right, and that your "masters" are incompetent buffoons...and we all know what that makes you, you who willingly follow them.

Guys, let's just get this over with already.

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 7:56 pm
by Willie Long
KonThaak wrote:I've seen NOTHING here in Chicagoland. No extra Dybbuks, aside from the ones that tried to invade my home the day you appeared, no demons, no ghouls, no zombies, no necromancers, not one damned thing.

I know it. I mean you're all alone, exhausted from using your magic, with a newborn baby in the house ripe for human sacrifice, and this cat's nowhere to be found.

What a punk-ass sissy.

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 8:02 pm
by AdamaGeist
Well, Willie, he's not completely alone... Until we stage the invasion, I'm in the area with KT as well... I still need to recover a bit more before I feel I'll remain sane throughout the entire attack, so I won't be where you guys are till I'm completely ready.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 12:15 am
by The Traveler King
Well, well. I go away for a few months and some upstart from out of town comes in and starts stirring up trouble in the neighborhood. I saw that little jibe about "a man with no powers" a few pages back. Speaking as one of the "powerless", I can say with some authority that we've figured out ways to keep ugly critters like you in check, Mr. Unnameable. I've got my hands full with another big mouth just like you, but I have no doubt my friends here can finish the crap you started. Oh, and you're NOT eternal by any means, but I figure that you will learn that soon enough.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 12:23 pm
by The Unnamable
ENOUGH OF THIS....(flas)...Back to the pit with you beast.Now that this menance has been disposed off..the rest of will folow (Unnatural darkness settles).....I have waited long enough...come and get me if you dare...the north portal is now open.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 12:35 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Can we get a headcount of who's going and has upposable thumbs and is in a good state of mind?

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 4:19 pm
by KonThaak
My wolf is not going, does not have opposable thumbs, but *is* in a good state of mind.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 4:20 pm
by Bloodbane
I'll be going.


Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 5:20 pm
by Eric Eland
Can go, has thumbs, mind is fine.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 6:30 pm
by Crosshair MT
Asw stated earlier I will remain with Bert, but if really needed I will go in as well.

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 8:10 pm
by Bert_the_Turtle
Has anyone else noticed that Shadow hasn't been around for awhile?

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 12:02 am
by Ron Caliburn
Don't forget fingers. I cna think of one in partcular you might want to use on this guy.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 12:23 am
by fate
NO ONE GO IN!!!! I’ve already crossed over by myself to do some recon and help from the shadows. It’s like Hell on the other side. There are thousands of demons all climbing on top of each other reaching for the ninth gate. The area if full of negative energy so those of you who use powers will have there energy restored with negative energy, corrupting you souls. I know his plans with all the town folk as well. He’s going to use the thousand plus town’s people as a shield when he crosses over and will kill them if we get to close.

Next, has anyone found a sword? It’s one of the things will need to close the gate. We already have the orb Holister sent through to us. Now this is the difficult part to say. The gate need’s an angel’s death to seal it…but since azoth died to protect us, it leaves it to us to close it. It requires three willing pure mortal souls to sacrifice them selves and thus seal the gate. I am willing to give all of myself, who else will come with me?

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 12:33 am
by Bert_the_Turtle
I doubt I'd count as "Pure". Maybe 20 years ago when I was stil a little guy.

So, the place is full of negative energy.

We might need KT and Willie to deal with that problem.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:06 am
by Willie Long
Bert_the_Turtle wrote:So, the place is full of negative energy.

We might need KT and Willie to deal with that problem.

Debunker doesn't have powers, either. I oughta call him up, show him about Arawn's post. "It's clearly a cry for help, written by a disturbed individual." :D

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:13 am
by Shang Li
if you are looking to flush the negative chi from the region i can help. as i dont own a vehicle i would be reliant on another for transport. just stop by Shang's in nashville and ask for "old man li". i will have my altar, joss, and other materiel ready in case of need.

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 7:02 am
by Crosshair MT
I can have a plane and car there for you Shang if you wish at 7 AM central.